Montreal Escorts

Indy rates, your opinion

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
There has to be some sense of adjustment to the local market with Indy rates with some of these SP’s that come from out of town. If you are SP of the year or in the running and have pages beyond pages of stellar reviews, then there is justification. I can think of one provider from another city who literally has a handful of reviews which are mediocre @ best and charges a premium that rivals well established girls who have a 2-3 month waiting list in that city?? I can think of another provider who comes in from another city to MTL, and again handful of reviews, and is charging out of town prices that don’t reflect the MTL market? Maybe she’s under the radar or something, who knows? I think if your from out of town there needs to be price adjustment to the market. It’s one thing if you started in MTL established an amazing rep, left and came back and are charging a premium(and even these girls adjust to MTL rates) but otherwise go with the current market value

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
My rules on rates, indy or agency should be the same.

Good thing you don’t make the rules! That’s like saying taxi drivers shouldn’t cost more than the gas you put in your own car for the same ride length.... Or saying that a Airbnb shouldn’t cost more than your rent’s daily pro-rata, completely ignoring the costs of maintaining a Airbnb in decent condition for guests. Or like hiring an independent cleaning lady for your home and telling her "10$ total will do, that’s what I tip when the hotel’s cleaning lady cleans my room." ignoring the cost of travel, buying her own cleaning supplies, etc


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Julia I think what Stevegbs mean is that for him the fact that the girl is indy or agency girl is not a factor, only price asked is.

At least that is how I understood his sentence. I am exactly like him so made sense to me.



New Member
Dec 7, 2014

Salomon is right. It is up to Indy or Agency to figure their costs or at least minimize it but for the customer point of view, only the end price count.

Again, this is my rules to share. It is up to agency or indy to fix their own prices and the custumer to decide what they want to pay.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Do the people that bitch about prices do the same at grocery stores or car lots? You try to buy a GTR for the price of a Corolla?
If you do not like the price move on and find something that suits you.

mod: with this please stay on the subject of the thread: Indy rates your opinion


Jun 27, 2017
As a client we need to stop seeing girls that charge over $300 for service you get the same by seeing agency girls for $220 and its safer. Also there are indy girls that are charging less that $200 and some that are charging less than $250 so lets start supporting them if we don't see agency girls instead.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
As a client you should mind your own wallet and let other clients decide what they do with theirs. I will never understand why some men feel so entitled to tell other men how to spend. Do you also think that as clients, everyone should eat at McDonalds and the Keg should close it’s doors? There are more expensive and less expensive options in every business field yet this one is the only business where clients have that weird mindset that everyone should charge the same and that they’re entitled to tell other clients how to spend their money.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
This thread is about giving your opinion on indy rates, not on what other clients spend. It’s a free country indeed so people should be free to spend their money however the fuck they want ;)

I don’t disagree about clients giving their opinion on pricing - I disagree with clients telling other clients how to spend their money. If you don’t like being told what to think or say, then why would anyone like being told how to manage their money?

Theres a difference between saying "I personally think this steak is too expensive for me, will buy somewhere else" and saying "Dumbass, this steak is too expensive, YOU should buy it somewhere else, as a client you shouldn’t give your money to that butcher, you’re an idiot and because of you butchers like him keep charging more than the other one I use"

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I can’t stand knitwits who come on escort forums and are like “whaaaattt!!! U spent €500/hour!!! Wtf is wrong with you” dude, reeeelax...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I couldn’t agree more.

Here is a thought, I spend way more than the average $220 on a session, one I book more than an hour, then I usually bring wine, pastries and a gift.
On top of that it is always with indys who are not at the high end but pricier than agency girls.

Is it worth it for me, every penny, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing it.
At the same time do I enjoy prices being raised by agencies and Indys, not in the least, nobody likes a price increase in anything.
I am sure SP don’t enjoy their rent being increased or the price of clothing, cosmetics and the list goes on.


Jun 27, 2017
some post way back said the girl has to charge move because of rent, pictures, travel. But don't the same apply to the girls that are charging under $200. I would never pay a girl that charges over $300 when you have agencys at $220 and nice indies under $250. And the funny thing is after the one hour encounter is done the goal of being satisfied is accomplished.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I couldn’t agree more one I book more than an hour, then I usually bring wine, pastries and a gift..

You got me with the pastries and wine, I am not GFE but look pretty hot in a frilly outfit. Ok, no sex at all but we can play Modern Warfare and smoke weed while drinking wine and eating pastries.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
some post way back said the girl has to charge move because of rent, pictures, travel. But don't the same apply to the girls that are charging under $200.

Doesn’t mean they advertise on the same sites, at the same frequency, doesn’t mean their incall rent is the same price... I’ve also rarely (maybe never?) seen a girl at 160 an hour with professional pics... And not every escort sees the same amount of clients in a week...

Also - I started out at 160 and can tell you that the clientele I got back then was less than desirable. That is another factor to consider. Lower rates attract the cheap clients, the violent ones, the rapists, boundary pushers, etc. Maybe, just maybe, a girl’s comfort and safety is more important than convenience for your boner. Just a thought!

Another thing is, not every client is looking only for sexual release. Sometimes, the chemistry alone is worth the extra money. Some of my regulars tell me they could book a girl at 140$, but they wouldn’t have the same chemistry and that this is why they come back to me instead despite the higher rates. When you develop a friendship with your partner it’s worth more than the blowjob itself IMHO.

again- feel free to pay whatever you want. I’m just explaining my side of things :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Pay what you want. I was just lambasted last year for just reporting the fees ladies were asking at FKK Sharks. Hobbyists use forums as an attempt to control prices.

The most I’ve paid for an Indy is 450$USD/hour and I did not regret it. The same lady now gets 600$/hour.

Here are my guidelines:

1. Know the going rate. Pay it. Do not bargain hunt unless there are special circumstances like at parties agency specials etc. when I bargain hunt is when I get burned.

2. I guess #1 is about it. Pay the going rate and pay a little more if there is an Indy you just have to see but all of my regretful experiences have been when I was younger and I tried to save money by going after a BP girl or choosing the add where the girl charged below the going rate...there were some good ones too but the solid performance is with the Montreal agencies that charge $220 now. Indies are a bit more.

3. You rarely get more when you pay more than the going rate. I see girls in Montreal on Twitter that are asking 900$/hour. I remember in the past twice meeting a girl at parties who was at the time the highest rated girl in Montreal on TER and she charged about 600-700$/hour. I met her twice and I would of taken any one of the GoodGirls over her regardless of price. Now a days, I noticed several older ladies that charge very high fees. More power to em. But just know that if it is a young beautiful girl you seek, those can be had for a lot less $$$. Just realize people can charge whatever they want.


Nov 28, 2019
New York City, New York
Great discussion. Far more sophisticated and enlightening than discussions of the same topics among hobbyists who frequent underdeveloped countries, like Thailand, the DR or Costa Rica.

But the platitudes about price being a function of supply and demand misses some some of the critical market dynamics.

Laws shape markets. The same "product" is worth a fraction, or multiples. once you cross a border.

Under Canada's legal regime, I would take a 90% salary cut were I to move from NYC to Canada to ply my trade as a lawyer representing victims of negligence.

If I go to Pattaya of Jaco, I can have women as beautiful as any in the world for US$200. But they don't speak English, the trip is exhausting, expensive, time consuming. Frankly, the experience is fleeting.

What it appears to me you have in Montreal (Disclosure: haven't gone hobbying yet in Montreal, but looking forward to visit in Feb!) is *very special*--bright, articulate, beautiful French- and English-speaking SPs with a strong service orientation, and a a robust market with *great* transparency (thanks to merb), for CAD$200-400. Plus, no crime, very little disease, all the modern first world comforts.

You have all this 1.5 hours and US$200 away from New York City.

NYC, where the going rate for the same "product", due to the different legal regime, is about $1,000 per hour, and where US$1,000/hour is not an unusual salary.

I can't believe any of you are complaining about the difference between CAD$220 and CAD $350!

See you in February!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I can't believe any of you are complaining about the difference between CAD$220 and CAD $350!

I am one of the ones that wasn’t complaining and never will as every SP is free to ask what ever they like and everybody can choose according to their likes and budget.
However when I read something like this I get a little flavour of why high prices irritate some people, and I am not saying you are not correct in what you are saying.

Very few people in Montreal can afford $1000 an hour for escorts, not everybody is a lawyer.
This perhaps is the basis of complaints that an Indy can charge $500-$700 an hour and see a few gentlemen visiting from the US who think this is still reasonable and still make a very good living.
This however will put these ladies in the unreachable category for most locals, this doesn’t bother me much because I have learned to live within my means and there are plenty of other wonderful companions.
Now comparing it to Thailand, again if the girls in Thailand all of a sudden raised their rates to $500-$700 there would probably be an uproar by the locals but I doubt there are enough American tourists for all these girls to make a living from.

I guess the other reason is people naturally like to complain about the high prices of everything, so why would escort prices be any different.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
To every girl that complain and feel they are not paid enough I would have to say it's completely unreasonable for a guy who make less then 100k a year to see escort. Which is only less then 5% or the working population in Quebec.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Well, sometimes its way more than that. The reality is we're in Montreal. Cost of living is low because average salaries are low so it makes sense for prices to be lower than other parts of the world. Do you realize that the median after-tax income in Montreal is about 30K CDN ?

To every girl that complain and feel they are not paid enough I would have to say it's completely unreasonable for a guy who make less then 100k a year to see escort. Which is only less then 5% or the working population in Quebec.

which is it? Sounds like salaries are pretty high according to Jali. Taxes can't be 70%.

I mean, its crazy how many girls have also jumped on the onlyfans and other cam site bandwagon.

^^^ I was going to start a thread about this. Do any Merbites sign up for a Fan's only Twitter account? I would never do it but maybe I'm missing something. Would anyone admit to siging up for one of those?
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