Montreal Escorts

Indy rates, your opinion


Jun 27, 2017
When we try to compare pay between escorts and other professions I have to ask one Question. How much taxes does an escort pay?? I know the other professions are paying between 50 and 60% taxes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is a great question. In the states this is a problem. I remember telling this US based escort (she had been arrested before) to get a certificate in massage. Gets some real training and learn deep tissue. This could be your plan B. Anyway, you could launder your money and pay taxes on it so you could buy something of significance and get a mortgage or something. Watch breaking bad. He bought a car wash and still he had barrels of cash buried.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ I knew an escort that did very well financially, they must declare some income to get a good credit rating. Claim half your daily income and pocket the rest, good for the banks and great for the escort.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
This is a great question. In the states this is a problem. I remember telling this US based escort (she had been arrested before) to get a certificate in massage. Gets some real training and learn deep tissue. This could be your plan B. Anyway, you could launder your money and pay taxes on it so you could buy something of significance and get a mortgage or something. Watch breaking bad. He bought a car wash and still he had barrels of cash buried.

As far as I know in Canada what escort are doing is not illegal. Thus yes it could be very easy to "legitimized" and report their earning. I know of a very few who have done that. Mostly these were wise girl that wanted buy properties so they had no choice to build a personal credit score.

But 99.9% of the girl do not do that. As most are not in this for the long run anyhow.


Sep 4, 2006
Keep in mind even if it is legal, not all women want to mention being an escort on their tax return. Banks may require to look at them when requesting a mortgage. I knew an SP who kept her cash in safety deposit boxes and did not reporting the income. Others I know file taxes and claim to be self employed (e.g. freelance consultant). I have no idea how legal it is, but for some paying taxes in this way is essential to being eligible for a mortgage or other type of loan.

Cash is becoming less and less desirable among various businesses, and I have seen women on twitter asking around for landlords in Montreal who accept cash for rent payments.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
But 99.9% of the girl do not do that. As most are not in this for the long run anyhow.

Do not need a long run to make some good money. The one I knew finished with 2 houses and university paid for when she quit.
Need to be smart with your money.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
A few years ago, my psychological limit was at 200$/h. I had plenty of great encounters under that limit, with both indys and agencies. Some years later this barrier is gone because everything went up, but i barely see indys anymore, since a good amount of them are now flirting with 300$/h and +. Personally i just can't afford paying that amount and risking to have an "average" encounter, so i prefer to restrain. This is my hobbyst reality in Montreal in 2019 compare to 5-6 years ago. My actual income before taxes is 70 000$, paying a mortgage, a car, clearing some debts and living alone.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Interesting point TheBlob. It proves what I wrote before. A guy needs to make above 100k a year to be able to afford this hobby on a regular basis.

I myself have slowed down considerably over the last month. I want to reach a point where I do this only once a month. I would love to say I had enough and I grew tired of girls and sex. But I would be lying haha I love it!!! But for pure financial reason I will slowly get out of this hobby.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Patron I definitely agree with you. One steak a day becomes boring anyhow. At some point you starve for a simple cheap tomato sandwich with mayo and black pepper ;)

So for myself I will never entirely quit. Why would I do. 1 per month in agency. That will be my steak. And one little suburbs indy once in a while who will be my tomato sandwich haha

And hey... 25k a year is not enough. There is no way you can have 100 free a month if you make that less and need to pay for a home in Montreal... Make it 50k ;)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
But Patron this is because you are strong. You were able to do it without overdoing it... If you know what I mean.

That is why I say build yourself some kind of a career to improve your situation before thinking about paying someone over 200$ for just 1h of pleasure... On that front myself my 2 pleasure that bypass girl are Golf and Alpine skiing. These are 2 high price activities but that gives me full pleasure for many hours at a much cheaper price.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
But some of the Montreal girls I’ve seen advertise on Twitter???? There were two different Montreal girls advertising 900$/hour.

Ask yourself, how does a 900$/hour girl differentiate herself from a 400$ or 300$ Indy or a 220$ agency girl?

I think they’re just fishing for idiots. They are probably not serious or they work under another handle for a more reasonable fee. If someone calls - sure I’ll come out for 900$.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Lets take the soon to be released brand new mid engine Corvette ... very hard to discern from a very very high end Ferrari or Lambo now - style, looks, performance, fit and finish ... yet ... at what, $65k US ... it is roughly 1/4 the price of those high end Euro cars ... so, buy the Corvette and have money to spare and use elsewhere or go for the high end and be strapped for cash perhaps.

There is one lady in the Selfie Forum who's pictures are amazing and would LOVE to hobby with her for a couple hours - am sure it would be fun ... but the barrier to entry is almost double that what I can get and have found through agency on regular consistent basis ... to each their own right?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ But the Corvettes will be everywhere, just like Mustang's and Camaro. Get a NSX and let her rip.


Sep 4, 2006
Sometimes when you see someone with a very high rate for 1-2 hours, it can mean that they do not prioritize one or two hour appointments. Some women will offer very competitive rates for dinner dates and overnights, meaning that that is their preferred type of appointment. This could be a matter of comfort or taste, or because they are driving in from off-island. Some women may be the opposite, longer appointments mean they have to get someone to look after their children or pets, and so their first/second hour rates are competitive while longer dates are not. The women I travel with have among the cheapest weekly rates around but are pricey when it comes to 1-2 hours.


Nov 28, 2019
New York City, New York

Thanks for your response and insight.

Apologies in advance for the length of the post, but sitting here in court waiting all day with nothing to do.

My thoughts in response to you, neverbored, rollingstone:

My two favorites in NYC are $550 an hour and $600 an hour and provide specialized services just like the Montreal ladies who were previously affiliated with the Unicorn agency, and those ladies now charge $300-$400 Canadian an hour. There is at least one poster who is a customer of a northern New Jersey agency that he says provides a lot of Montreal-level quality at $300-$400 U.S., although they may have closed their customer list. Sure I can find a NYC provider on a twitter charging $1,000 an hour, but I can find plenty of Montreal independents At relatively higher price ranges than you quoted. There is also a well thought of Asian massage parlor in NYC favorably mentioned in the Other Cities section that is likely still in the $300-$400 an hour range. And NYC certainly has a large Seeking Arrangement scene with widely varying prices.
So if you are asserting that the standard escort rate per hour in NYC is $1,000 an hour for the same thing someone gets in Montreal that is simply way too high.

I spent about a year looking for a regular local NYC SP in the ~$600/hr range. It took several discrete efforts, each involving multiple encounters over a month or two each time. Every time I found a good thing, she ended up flaking out, exploding in drama, moving or quitting. My bad luck! It may be cheaper/easier in NJ, but I don't have a car.

For me, it came down to two choices in NYC: (1) engage in a time-intensive, expensive and sometimes anxiety-provoking process to find an SP in the ~$600 range or (2) spend ~$900-$1,000 per hour with no muss and fuss and get a discreet encounter with a beautiful lady who can speak English. Add in the heightened privacy risk of hobbying in one's hometown, the LE enforcement risk in NYC (which IMO is not trivial) and market opacity (there is no "NYC merb"), and for me the the only real choice is ~US$1,000/hour.

As a tourist in MTL, I face no privacy risk, the LE risk is lower, and (per merb) it seems one can almost effortlessly find discreet encounters with beautiful ladies who speak English for about US$225/hr (CAD$300/hr, including some "extras," or "going indy"). That's about 25% of the USD$1,000 rate I was talking about. MPs in Flushing Chinatown, no thanks. As for "Seeking Arrangements," IMO it is a shitshow. (Here's an article: Just as much scamming by the SPs as upon them. It's like "Tinder for scammers.")

Pattaya rates are much less expensive than Montreal. $200 is way too high if you are asserting that as a rate. But all but one out of several ladies I saw there spoke English, many quite fluently. Bangkok is an even better choice if you want English speakers.

I have had different experiences than you in Thailand. I found the spoken English among SPs very poor, especially in Pattaya, but also (although to a lesser degree) in Bangkok. To find someone I could actually converse with (besides just negotiating price and services), I had to go to an upscale soapy MP (Poseidon) and get a "model"-class SP. No doubt, there you will find absolutely drop-dead gorgeous women who speak English well with a strong service orientation for about TB7,000 incl. tip/45 minutes (~USD$225). But even then, bona-fide DFK or CIM are out of the question. Backdoor?...Fugeddaboudit! You can of course get any of that and more for US$100 on the Thai streets or in "oily" MPs, but a significant drop in quality. (A favorite after-breakfast stop in Bangkok was this blowjob bar, offering cimsw/cof for US$40, opens at 10:00 a.m. Best value anywhere!)

While thrilling at the moment, it is ultimately pretty alienating (or at least less satisfying) to share intimacy with such a huge gulf in language, cultural information, and standard of living between SP and service receiver. Interestingly, wealthy Japanese tourists, who share a bit more cultural affinity with with the Thai SPs and are far less demanding than North Americans and Europeans, seem to be up prices in Bangkok.

From reading merb it sounds like iin MTL there is a robust transparent market...reputable agencies creating a degree of accountability and safety...lots of repeat-customers, increasing professionalism and accountability..all of these conducing towards at least a modicum of respect and understanding of the "other side," on *both* sides, of each encounter. That is not the tone of the Asian or Latin American mongering scenes. If you read the counterpart boards to merb like pattaya-addicts or costaricaticas, 2/3 of the commentary is mean-spirited boasting about how cheap one got laid, how to outwit the "money grubbing" SPs, and nostalgia for the "good old days" when you could do everything depraved thing imaginable to an 18 year old for $20. Most of the other 1/3 of the commentary is retirees/hillbillies who have fallen in love with SPs, moved abroad and "gone local." Like night and day. Just take a look at this notice to customers from the blowjob Bangkok bar--lol!

Also a big contrast to NYC, where (to my native NYer eyes) there is a brusque edge of hustle, risk and unwanted drama to every pay-to-play transaction.

Tying back to the post topic, I would assume that the MTL Indy SPs (particularly those sans merb reviews) who charge more than CAD$400-$500/hr are just pulling numbers out of their asses, fishing for fools soon to part with money. I do not say the same thing about premium SPs in NYC who charge ~USD$1,000/hour because there are factors for hobbyists there (LE risk, privacy risk, scam risk, high turnover/flake factor, not to mention astronomical residential rents and other COL) that are baked into that price. They are charging more or less double what Patron with what I surmise is a fair amount of diligence and luck has been able to find in terms of basic service.

It strikes me that being an SP is one of those avocations where measurement of performance is so personalized and subjective that up to a 100% premium (if not more) over what what the market considers "basic" has got to be justifiable. Anything beyond that, I need publicly posted pics of a body and "face that can launch a thousand ships" AND lots of explicit details about services provided. (Which is pretty much what my clients get from me when I am charging them an hourly rate like that for legal services :fat:, lol ).

Lastly, since you seem interested in the law, things aren’t perfectly legal in Canada after c-36. You have nothing to worry about regarding actual enforcement of the law, just like you have nothing to worry about in the U.S. if you see a lady who screens. Actually even less to worry about in Canada, but you don’t want to have a Twitter messages and links to merb or escort agencies on your phone when you cross the border.

Thanks very much for this advice, which I will definitely heed! I do disagree with you that there is "nothing to worry about" regarding LE in the US for hobbyists. It is always better to be careful than to be sorry!

I for one am also not keen on radical price increases. But that just means I have the option to dig deeper to find my own gems, increase my revenues or be lazy and call an agency. Cause I'm pretty sure that girls would rather cam than drop to what the prices were 5 years ago. There are still plenty of options... you're just not going to find them as often on Merb anymore sadly.

It does seem that there is a lifecycle to every pay-for-play scene, it gets discovered, it becomes a magnet, it matures, the prices gradually increase. When I read that the base rate have gone from $160 to $220 over 15 years, that sounds pretty gradual to me!

Sometimes when you see someone with a very high rate for 1-2 hours, it can mean that they do not prioritize one or two hour appointments. Some women will offer very competitive rates for dinner dates and overnights, meaning that that is their preferred type of appointment. This could be a matter of comfort or taste, or because they are driving in from off-island. Some women may be the opposite, longer appointments mean they have to get someone to look after their children or pets, and so their first/second hour rates are competitive while longer dates are not. The women I travel with have among the cheapest weekly rates around but are pricey when it comes to 1-2 hours.

This is another great insight. From SP's view every encounter has its own baseline level of administrative hassle/transaction costs/safety/emotional risk. If an SP is making a living from a greater number of hourly sessions, better to offload all the risks onto a third party (agency or MP), if making a living from fewer longer sessions the rate should go down. Seems like most of the Indy's in the CAD$300-$500/hr range do discount significantly for three hours sessions, this strikes me as a sign that the rates are based on more than thin air.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Example is HM, he saves and spends his money wisely. If you stop the useless crap bought ( I am guilty of that ) you can save a ton of money.
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I put some thought into this especially after reading some reviews about guys looking to pay the smallest rate possible. And now as time passes. I start to look more and more for indy. With a little higher rate. Less guys can afford them. So there is probably lower volume. Service is probably the same as agency. But there is something significant about a girl not being a rotating door. My 2 cents

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
She said she made 530k in 3 years, Jalimon. Haha so regarding your statement "retire with 500k" Im not sure how you expect anyone to survive if they save 100% of their income.
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