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Indy rates, your opinion

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Who are you to tell anyone to not participate on this thread ? Julia most of us love to read your witty and wise comments.

Lol thank you! I’m sure the majority actually thinks I have too many opinions but I’m glad to know you like reading me.

As for his comment, I’m not going to stop talking just because someone tells me to, so don’t worry. As long as we’re not throwing insults and breaking the board’s rules, everyone has the right to express themselves. I always felt like someone who tries to silence an entire group before the debate even starts, is someone who, deep down, knows their arguments are flawed. ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Lol thank you! I’m sure the majority actually thinks I have too many opinions but I’m glad to know you like reading me.

There are many that like reading your opinions and comments, we may not always agree but it is good to know the view point of someone who gives an honest opinion.

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
Who are you to tell anyone to not participate on this thread ?

Who am i ?

Well i am the one who started the thread and asked specific questions,
in witch i asked the SP's not to barge in because they will not be objectives.Its normal were talking about them directly so they will be on the defensive garanteed as the sky is blue.

I have nothing against Julia in particular , my only issue is that she is an SP so by that she cant be objective like i said.

Now btw, Julia i think you are most frustrated and it shows buy the answers you replied , attacking me personally. ex.: deciding by yourself that i am complaining just because its escorts , so out of line there, has nothing to do with that at all.
Second example, saying that my argument is flawn from the start , that is a typical awnser of somebody who doesnt know what to say anymore and is trying to bring the other one down.

Now to all , i have nothing against SP's opinion , and i see that some of you appreciate it , like Julia's , good for you.

All i wanted was the opinion of customers , if the were for or against those prices, if it was justified in there pov.

I see that the opinions split down the middle, all those awnsers satisfied my curiosity.

I will stop replying to this thread as , ( like i feared ) is getting out of control and side tracked.

Peace and love


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Cloud I kind of agree with Spinner here. I truly do love when girl give their opinion here (especially Amanda!!!!!) but I think Spiiner had the rights and reason to ask not too... Now these girl being girl and being rebel at earth are not obliged to respect Spinner's wishes haha

I wrote earlier that this thread is a bogus one because this hobby is so fucking weird...

I mean fuck it's not normal for a girl to make 500$ an hour just for her pussy. Let's talk real here... So yes a girl can start to really think she's worth it and loose sight of reality. Like Chow's friend said "no pussy is worth that much". Haha fucking right. The thing is there is no problem as long as some are willing to pay... Still nothing wrong with people willing to pay as long as they get the service!

The shit hit's the fan the day one of these high end SP delivers a poor service.. (like I once had with fucking coldness cbj even tho I had spend nearly 1k on her!!!). For me that girl killed it for all other high end. There is no way I will go down that path again because I am sure it would one day happen again with another one. Loosing sight of reality when you make big buck is like loosing it when you start to take cocaine... It's easy and dangerous.

I prefer to stay on the safer side ;)



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I mean fuck it's not normal for a girl to make 500$ an hour just for her pussy. Let's talk real here... So yes a girl can start to really think she's worth it and loose sight of reality. Like Chow's friend said "no pussy is worth that much". Haha fucking right. ,

This is exactly where the disagreements start.
I will totally agree with you, I would never pay $500 an hour just for her pussy, and I would never see a girl a second time just for that either.

But when you add the fact that she is apart from being totally gorgeous, makes you feel like no girlfriend has ever done, someone that you can reach and see almost anytime you want to, someone who is more of a friend to you than some of your closest friends. Then all of a sudden paying more than the $220 agency hourly rate or perhaps the $180 leolist is not such a bargain and the $300-$500 becomes more attractive.

You think right now Carey Price is worth the millions, or perhaps C. Ronaldo will be in a year or two for Juventus, people disappoint you all the time, that is not a reason to prejudge someone you have never met or experienced.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Who am i ?

Well i am the one who started the thread and asked specific questions,
in witch i asked the SP's not to barge in because they will not be objectives.Its normal were talking about them directly so they will be on the defensive garanteed as the sky is blue.

Hm... I mean I could say the same. As a client you’re not objective, you’re going to find all kinds of excuses to justify wanting paying as low as possible. Do you not realize how weird you sound? "I want to talk about a group of people and I REFUSE to let that very group express themselves on the matter, even if they know more than I do about themselves"....

For the record, wanna what looks frustrated? Telling women to shut up because you don’t want them to disagree with you.

It’s literally not okay to silence people especially when you’re talking about them. You want to know if prices are justified but you don’t want to hear from the very people you’re judging why it’s justified. And this question is relative because realistically, how much would YOU ask for to take a dick up your ass for example? How much do you really value someone’s services at? Can you *really* put a definite value on someone’s sexuality and time? How much would you want your daughter to be paid if she fucked someone your own dad’s age? If she fucked your annoying coworker? Seeing an escort is not a right, it’s a luxury. Nobody is forcing you to see one and you will not die if you don’t see one. it makes no sense to complain that you think some of us charge too much. Gucci charges too much too. That’s why I buy my purses somewhere else, or I buy a fake one. I don’t complain. You should do the same: book somewhere else or book a subpar experience with someone using fake pictures. But don’t complain that some girls charge too much. Seriously why do some people need to cry that they can’t access everyone’s vagina and that they don’t like how other men handle their own money?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You think right now Carey Price is worth the millions, or perhaps C. Ronaldo will be in a year or two for Juventus, people disappoint you all the time, that is not a reason to prejudge someone you have never met or experienced.

I did not explained myself correctly. I have no problem with Cary Price making 10 millions a year or Ronaldo making 75. I have a problem when they start to under perform and still think they are worth that money. You see the difference? An SP or a soccer player is not doing open heart surgery. If they think they are that important, then I have a problem ;)



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
. If they think they are that important, then I have a problem ;),

This I totally agree with.
Completely outside the scope. Carey Price will be humble enough to keep a low profile when he is not good enough to be earning his millions, wouldn’t want to bet on Ronaldo, fabulous player, shit person.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I have seen spectacular indy’s that charge 400$ an hour(lea). Totally worth it! Seen agency girls worth double what they charge. Elly!
This is such a ridiculous topic. I feel like the guys complaining are only complaining because they wish they could see that particular sp at a better rate. Jalimon you are an example of this with a certain red head.
Pay the piper or play somewhere else


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I feel like the guys complaining are only complaining because they wish they could see that particular sp at a better rate.

Now this I totally agree with.

I don’t mind having a reasonable discussion on why the disparity of prices and especially when both sides can have a voice.
It is interesting and I am sure most clients wondered why and would like to have a better understanding.
At the end of the day you chose who you want and who you can afford, complaining accomplishes nothing.

Especially picking on someone like Julia ( I am definitely not talking about you Flyingby) who is moderately priced, is a total sweetheart in her professional life and goes out of her way to make you feel like someone special.
It is natural for her to comment and have strong opinions when her livelihood is being talked about.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
It is natural for her to comment and have strong opinions.

It really is, and that annoys a lot of people, fair enough but that won’t stop me from having opinions and not being afraid to voice them. Thankfully there are people, like you, who are able to disagree with other people on certain subjects without letting this define the entire person. ;) Me not agreeing on a certain topic doesn’t mean I hate every men and my job.... I keep saying that I’m much nicer in person because it’s true lol. Thanks Fradi.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
What agency does not allow enough time of the girls to get ready? Clearly if an SP is "on" from say 18h to say like 22h that they are good for what, maybe 3 visits if an hour each, is that a good assumption? So 1/2 hour in between in car and you typically take 10-15 min of your appt to 'shower' at end yes? So I cam confused ... 3 visits a night at what, $200 ... not bad coin for 3 hours in the hay right? Over simplified a bit perhaps, yes ... but at the grass roots ... isn't that it?

Well tbh even i am considering going indy . Doing outcalls and such at agencies is just time consuming and id rather have more time to look better for the clients than the usual no makeup agency do.

at the agency we dont have much time to get ready and because we dont make much we re not inclined to try and look good . I guess these girls are pampering themselves way more with their prices being higher and probably are happier to give a better service ! It becomes an issue when their service and look is on par with the agency girls tho .


Active Member
May 7, 2018
Price increases work if people are willing to pay for it.Imagine an old and unatractive escort asking for a 500$/h. It simply won't work, the market won't let her get away with that. If she asks for 100 bucks and hour, it might work men will just fuck anything at a given price. So, if some girls charge 450 an hour it's simply because they can get away with it, it's their prerogative to charge whatever they want. Why even complain or try to understand? A girl knows her attractiveness level by the number of men that are after her or desire her. The more they're desired, the more their confidence level increases. The problem is that with age the number decreases and so does the confidence if the girl/woman hasn't built her confidence on anything other than her beauty but that's another topic.


Sep 4, 2006
I have to admit I have not seen someone at $500 an hour - but I have seen people who charge that for multiple hours. The per hour price is not linear with most indies (unlike agencies which no longer offer multi-hour deals) and when she has a very high cost for just one hour it means it is not the type of meeting she enjoys but will provide it at a higher price.

I really don't know what the price has to do with desperation. I have annual budget I allocate to myself for "fun" from my disposable income and when I come to Montreal it boils down to a daily budget for my stay. Everyone has their own budget and their own value model for assessing their satisfaction. I really do not understand why there is a need to say that someone is doing it "wrong".


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I have seen spectacular indy’s that charge 400$ an hour(lea). Totally worth it! Seen agency girls worth double what they charge. Elly!
This is such a ridiculous topic. I feel like the guys complaining are only complaining because they wish they could see that particular sp at a better rate. Jalimon you are an example of this with a certain red head.
Pay the piper or play somewhere else

True Fly... That particular amazing red head did offer to see me at her legacy old time rate. And to never tell anyone about it ;)

But I never saw her again and wont see her anymore. I was happy and honored to being offered a legacy rate but it's not me.

And I am not complaining. Not one byte. I am so happy she's making it big :)


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I came a bit late to this thread (or its revival should i say) so i really breezed fast over it from page 5 to 10 but here is my take.

Personally i am very satisfied with some agencies services. If a booker is honest, knows you etc, he can recomand the type of girl you wanna see. He can let you know about services provided etc. Yes a ymmv situation CAN happen, but that could also happen even if an indy agree by mail/text to deliver said services. I even like more to deal with agencies unlike that person above who says he only do business with indies because i find it easier to deal with the same guy (or 2/3 guys) over "starting over" with every indies. You never know how they will react to the way you type or whatever. I know some clients have a "blockage" of the whole "pimp" thing, but i don't see agencies as "dealing with a pimp" personally. I see it the same as a dealing with a modeling agency representing a model or talent agency for a pornstar.

About expenses... I understand indies do have expenses, but agency girls actually pay a cut to the agency too. I mean, for having seen it first hand, if for instance an agency charge 220, there may be like 160 going to the girl. Usually 20 to the driver, 40 the agency. This may differ in some agencies etc but the point is the agency girl is fine with doing 160/h in her pocket. So i don't see why the indy shouldn't be fine with doing the whole 220 per hour. The remaining 60 going into her advertisement, transportation and other expenses. Ultimately maybe an indy will pay a bit more in expenses, but i don't think the difference is a valid argument to justify a 45% to 95% upcharge.

Now ultimately there is the old saying of "price and demand" and every provider can charge what she feels like it. Thats totally true. 400$ is the ultimate maximum i would pay, and i would do it ONLY if i REALLY want to see someone. We are talking like "face pics (or met in person in a party), extreme beauty like model type, some services i want allowed and included, and/or a "famous" status like pornstar. I didn't do it often, actually i think it happened only once that i paid 400$. I never regreted it. I had a blast and got what i wanted. But this was 2017 and the up price (compare to agency rate) is the sole reason why i have not booked that person again, otherwise i would have. But i totally respect her right to charge that price, just like other 400$ providers. If they find clients at that price range, why should they go lower? There is a lot of rich guys who don't even come on merb that are willing to pay that eyes close. But me and my budget, 220/240 is already a fair chunk of money. Its around a weekly pay for me... And considering the quality of agency girls we have in Montreal, its what i am drawn to. I mean i could go and pay 150$/h im sure on humpshies and other site like that, but those type of booking im not interested. I want a certain standard. Agencies provide that standard for still an affordable price.

To get back on indy prices, there is some providers i seen charge 400 who have raise their rates fast in the last 2 years, from 400 to 450 to 500 and more. But those girls are used to luxury stuff. I see them post a lot about handbags at 2000$ (something i can't comprehend how this exist lol) or shoes or other stuff. Often they post on twitter saying they would like something and its "only 600$" lol. And the funniest thing is that they often get their wishes filled. Now granted i know this could be a ruse and they could very well make that up to make other guys feel "cheap" or "undervalued". Kinda like some guys have "financial domination" fetish. They see others guys pay her stuff, they want to do it too and be her favorite. Those girls have crafted their skills at promotions and hustle... Its up to guys to be carefull. For disclaimer i have no proof or anything just an impression.

I saw an indy recently mention how the USA's rate was around 600$ or more and question why providers do not charge that in Toronto and Montreal. She may charge that herself now (i dunno) but she also travel a lot including the US and other countries. She is very established for years. I really doubt a new commer could start and charge 600$ while staying in Montreal and only working in Montreal. Even someone with a great reputation, i don't think at 600 she would have a lot of booking per weeks, even if really beautifull. But thats my take, i could be wrong.

I think right now the current agency pricing is alright. I know eventually it will raise again. When i started 180 was the regular price (with smaller agencies at 160) and top superstars at 200. Now 220 is the base price, and some superstars are up to 250. In 10 years its not "that bad" of a raise. But if agencies would raise the price to 300 base price, like most indies seem to charge now, first personally i would have to reconsider my hobbying ways, cause it would definately change how i can meet personally, but i think the market wouldn't be sustainable for some providers.

For all the well established agency ladies that can command a bigger price, there is a lot of ladies who still do not get fully booked at 220/h. Those would see even less jobs probably.

Anyway thats just my take on the subject, and everything i said may be took with a grain of salt. Ultimately offer and demand will always prevail. So as we say in every domains, vote with your wallet guys, sample as that. There is a list of around 6-7 providers currently working that i was at one point interested to meet but had to permanently cross off my list due to the price they ask now. As much as im sure i would have a good time with them, i can't shred an extra 200$ for same ammount of time while i can call one of my fav agency and have as much of a blast for half the price. If they still get the ammount of business they wish to get, hey props to them, they are just outside MY budget.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Does the fact that 99.9% of us here on Merb cannot score anymore bothers you? I mean think about it that same girl you see on a Friday night from 7 to 9pm cost you 600-700$ can go out clubbing... drinks a bit too much of Champagne... ends up sucking and fucking 2 guys for the rest of the night. I have been around, I perfectly know it happens ;) Or that sp who told me she sucked every doorman of her favorite club... haha We live only once sometimes it's perfectly ok to have such fun.

Do you guys think about this sometimes? Me often. First I ask and love when girl feed me with stories. It really aroused me. But then sometimes it makes me feel stupid to spend so much... But then I also look at myself in the mirror and blatantly realize I have no choice but to pay ;)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Its a valid point Patron to mention the US "illegality" aspect. I mean even if C-36 made it "illegal" here too, things have not changed at all exept a few logistic. Police don't care (and im happy about it). So maybe indeed the fact that its getting harder to book in the US and agencies are disapearing, help raise those prices. Americans are usually much strickier with laws. Its like weed, before it was legal here, getting caught with it would result in the police taking it from you, getting a warning and that was it most of the time. If you where unluckly and got a very zealous new recruit you may be arrested but i never saw any prison time be given for smoking weeds...

In the US, you could litteraly spend years in jail for that in the states where its illegal... crazy stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2008
Okay, et "payer le livreur" c’est la job des clients ou du gérant? Je peux ramener le meme argument que Patron dans ce cas.... lol. Si notre tip sert à payer le livreur pourquoi vous chargez pour la livraison? Et dans ce cas, pourquoi une escorte ne pourrait pas charger pour ses dépenses, elle aussi? Après tout, on a des chauffeurs à payer, un peu comme tes livreurs que tu paies avec l’argent de tes clients ;)

Pour le outcall ok.....mais pour le incall??? C'est vrai que quelques unes charge moins pour le incall....ou plutôt charge plus cher pour le outcall! pourquoi tu crois que tu paies plus cher ta livraison que dans le resto ou au pire take out? mais toute façon,on a le cest trop cher on va ailleur...comme n'importe quoi d'autre ;) Et en passant,le ''tip'' comme j'ai marqué,est en surplus ....comme une serveuse au resto.....le salaire du livreur est l'extra qu'il est chargé pour la commande! Est-ce que la bouffe est meilleur parce que tu paies plus cher?? non! Comme une indy,le service n'est pas meilleur(mais ni moins bon) qu'une bonne escorte d'agence!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Does the fact that 99.9% of us here on Merb cannot score anymore bothers you?

I really laughed when I read this.
There is scoring and then there is scoring. It is not like in football where a fantastic overhead kick from 30 yards counts the same as getting accidentally kicked in the head on a corner kick and the ball going over the goal line.

I could score all I want everyday of the week with women in my age bracket, I am the perfect candidate, financially secure and still breathing.
Like you say however if you want to score with a drop dead gorgeous woman in her mid 20 to 30 then you have to pay for it.
Such is life and some of us are lucky enough to be able to indulge in these wonderful fantasies.
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