Montreal Escorts

Indy rates, your opinion


New Member
Mar 10, 2016
It makes sense that an independant girl would charge more as she has more expenses (rent the hotel, book herself which must be hard, while driving herself, etc).

Also makes sense that the price get higher with time as like get more expensive. Who would wanna do escorting if it wouldn’t pay well? If you want something cheap, well go on the streets.. cheap, but low quality I would expect.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ More expenses? Agencies rent rooms, she eliminates the cost of the driver and booker so the money is hers. This is not about low quality street or indy it is indy cost.
I would be interested to see your etc.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
it's a luxe escorting ... so we are considering lucky and rich enough to afford the SP . Otherwise , I'll stay away from this hoppy...!


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
Last year someone on MERB posted an article about a New York escort who had worked as an Indy and for an agency at the same time. Same girl (different names) with no difference in the level or type of service, but she charged twice as much as an indy than what the agency charged. The only difference was in her description in the ads. The indy ad described her as exclusive, worldly experience, post graduate education , refined etc, while the agency ad was just the basic stats.

She said in the article that the indy ad attracted a wealthier client base who were paying for something they thought was exclusive and elite. Little did they realize they could have met her through the agency at half the price. But they were still happy paying for the thought of something exclusive.

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012

Also, a few pages earlier, that guy dismissing indies’ expenses like "just an excuse" and bringing up his mathemathkcs like he somehow knows how much every Indy spends on advertising, how many clients she sees, how much her (often multiple) rent is, how my her car and other bills cost, etc.... LOL Pathetic

Sorry to deceive you but i really do know

I dont know your personal numbers of course, but i have friends in agencys and as indys , talked with them over time and gave me a pretty good idea of what the costs are.
Also it doesnt take a math genius to figure out what amount of money you can make per week. Then figuring out the expenses is easy as well.

Using the expenses excuses to justify your high prices , THAT is pathetic

So like you've put it …. LOL

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
I saw a SP come back to XO for 230...the next Day at 250.
As an Indy She gets 350....economics?


Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Patron: Our expenses may be irrelevant to a guy’s decision making, but they’re certainly not irrelevant to how much we charge for our services. Just like ordering food costs more than eating it at the restaurant - because delivery incurs expenses (And no it’s not because you’re paying the delivery guy, that’s what your tip is used for, not the extra cost for delivery). The same applies to tattoo artists, for example. An artist working at someone else’s shop often won’t charge as much as an independent tattoo artist, because the shop provides the material versus having to buy it all yourself and rent your own studio. (I used to work in that industry FYI). We have to make a profit. You’re right that this isn’t a guy’s responsibility to make sure we make profit. It’s our responsibility, therefore we pick a price that allows for that. It’s really that simple. Not to mention independents work more behind the scene than agency girls do. When they’re at home not working they’re, well, at home not working. When an independent is at home "not working" she’s actually working. Answering messages. Updating schedules and websites. Planning tours. Managing their relationships with their regulars. You talk about lowering expenses like you think every escort should work from home or from the streets, stop posting ads, or whatever. You don’t know how much it costs being an escort. You talk about looks like you forget that it costs money to stay cute, too. Honestly... You can’t expect an independent to charge the same when our expenses are more than twice higher in cost and we actually work in between appointments instead of just waiting for the booker to send another dick. And since you mention "comparing service", when was the last time an agency girl took care of answering your texts? Discussing the details of your fantasies? Maintaining a friendship with you? How often do agencies forget to even mention outfit requests to the girl, etc? There’s more to an escort’s service than just how well she sucks your cock.

STN // Being an Indy doesn’t necessarily "eliminate driver cost". I still pay a driver or a cab when doing an outcall. Indies also rent rooms or incalls. The difference is there’s only one of us to pay the room/apartment. An agency has multiple girls giving them money to pay for it. Agencies have one website to host for many girls - the website costs the same as for an independent except an independent pays it all by herself. It also costs more to advertise on merb as an independent - if agencies were charged the same amount per girl, they’d pay thousands a month to advertise on merb. But nope! they only pay a small price for the number of girls they can advertise. Independents have to pay for their website and ads and they’re paying it alone and can’t even advertise a duo here unless the other girls pays too, or the girl advertising it pays double. Independents have to pay for laundry every day if they don’t have a washing machine inside their apartment or incall. Agency girls don’t do the laundry themselves. Oh and when was the last time agency girls paid for a photoshoot? Literally never. How many agency girls maintain mailing lists? How many of them have two phones to pay for? Ah, right - they don’t talk to the clients themselves. My bad. I forgot that they didn’t need to maintain mailing lists and relationships and two phone bills and two rents and a bunch of advertising.

TLDR : Independent escorts definitely have more expenses and offer a more specialized, tailored service. Yes, all of that *does* justify a higher rate.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Sorry to deceive you but i really do know

Ok! Tell me how many clients I see a week, how much I make a month, and how much my expenses are. When you’re done, tell me the same info about every single girl on this website. Go!

on another note, I have a hot take for you guys. You’re probably not ready to hear that but hear me out anyways: agencies don’t charge enough. I understand that, as clients, you’re always going to place the blame on higher priced escorts. But the price difference doesn’t necessarily mean "indies should charge less". It could very well be that "agencies should charge more". After all, Montreal is extremely cheap as it is. Fight me lol!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Lastly: At the end of the day. Even if you think it costs too much and isn’t justified.... You’re really only complaining because we’re escorts. Somehow, I’ve never seen a thread here complaining that Gucci sells a t-shirt for 800$ and that nothing justifies paying 800$ for a Cotton t-shirt when you can get one that looks better for 40$ at Walmart. Businesses everywhere in every field pick their prices according to their needs, wants, and market. If you can’t buy a Gucci shirt you just don’t buy it, you don’t go at the Gucci store to ask if the finger they used to sew is made of gold. You don’t go on a Gucci forum to complain that Walmart has great t-shirts for a fraction of the price. You don’t harass Gucci’s clientele trying to make them spend less and call them dumb. Why do you do it with escorts and their clients?

You wouldn’t go to a burger place like Twisted Burger in the south shore (yes this is a subtle recommendation by the way lol), and cry that "You can get burgers at McDonalds too, for cheaper, and the cashier is even more cute pffffft". No. You just go eat your McDonald’s, and let Twisted Burger be.


Sep 4, 2006
I loved Patron's post with the burger analogy.

Threads like this always come up every now and then and I struggle to figure out why. Do these higher priced indy's pull the average price up? In the 13 years I have been coming to Montreal the agency rates went from $160 to $220 (or $250 if you count high demand agency women). In terms of indy rates, I have not seen the same level of increase. Someone like Lilly Lombard used to be $700 for a 2 hour in 2008. Not only have indy rates not really gone up that much since then, there is plenty of indy selection below that rate. I personally think the amount of money these women can make in TO is far more effective in raising rates in Montreal. Already I have seen 3 greatly popular women in the past 3 years leave Montreal/Ottawa and move to TO full time.

If someone believes they are a more savvy consumer who gets the same or better experience as someone who pays more, more power to them. Consider that women have varying appetites for this type of work, and they are not all up for seeing 8-10 guys a week. Some are popular enough to charge more and work less.

I still see agency women every now and then. But when I am in town I mostly spend time with my ATF and the UTR women she introduces me to which have no websites and no reviews. In the earlier years when I only saw agency women it was a struggle to pre-book the popular girl and no matter how early in the day I called some women were never available to me. For example, Karina from Eleganza was always booked and I never got a chance to see her. Then she went indy and raised her rates and I was able to see her again and again before she left the scene (or went UTR, I don't know). And it was so easy to schedule and set it up.

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
Ok! Tell me how many clients I see a week, how much I make a month, and how much my expenses are. When you’re done, tell me the same info about every single girl on this website. Go!

What part of '' i dont know your personal numbers of course '' did you not understand ?????

If you want me to throw numbers in general , i will gladly do it , but i am not sure if its permitted here , and also i think it will put this thread in a complete other direction and will be the beginning of a never ending story

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
You can always send a PM with your numbers. You say this like every escort advertises on the same websites, or posts the same number of ads, or sees the same amount of clients... There’s literally no way for you to know how much one spends on advertising. You only know what your friends told you about their own expenses. Also... refer to my post 2 posts above yours lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2008
Julia,juste pour clarifier ton point sur la livraison de food's! Oui l'extra pour la livraison,c'est à 90% pour payer le bien sûr le pourboire aussi! Ça fait 22 ans chu gérant manager dans restaurent....i know what im talking about chérie....for the indy each is own! Mais une chose est sûr,c'est que je crois que le but premier d'une indy,est de pouvoir travailler moins d'heure et réussir à faire autant d'argent qu'une fille en agence..Perso,j'ai déjà essayé quelques indy par le passé,et je crois pas que le service est au delà de ce que on peut avoir avec une agence!! Rien de négatif,mais juste clarifier ton example ;-) bizou xx

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Okay, et "payer le livreur" c’est la job des clients ou du gérant? Je peux ramener le meme argument que Patron dans ce cas.... lol. Si notre tip sert à payer le livreur pourquoi vous chargez pour la livraison? Et dans ce cas, pourquoi une escorte ne pourrait pas charger pour ses dépenses, elle aussi? Après tout, on a des chauffeurs à payer, un peu comme tes livreurs que tu paies avec l’argent de tes clients ;)

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
You can always send a PM with your numbers.

Ok i will do that , you and me will have a fun conversation , i garantee that

Meanwhile i will ask you to please stop answering this thread , as i ask for merbist only because i didnt want to ear the SP’s excuses but wanted to know how merbist where seeing the matter



Feb 9, 2018
Well tbh even i am considering going indy . Doing outcalls and such at agencies is just time consuming and id rather have more time to look better for the clients than the usual no makeup agency do.

at the agency we dont have much time to get ready and because we dont make much we re not inclined to try and look good . I guess these girls are pampering themselves way more with their prices being higher and probably are happier to give a better service ! It becomes an issue when their service and look is on par with the agency girls tho .


New Member
Sep 1, 2019
To me it doenst matter if you think the indy’s rate are worth it or not. Its their business and their body and they totally have the right to charge what they want. You either book or you dont. Is paying over 300 to go see celine dion too much? Yes it is to me but arenas are full so for a lot of people it isnt. Theres a lot of great looking indy that id like to see but its out of my budget, i dont complain i just go see others thAt i can afford.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I welcome Julia and Amanda and Rosie participation.
If we don’t hear their side we are just blowing in the wind.

I know I have said this before but I am satisfied with the Indys I see, I don’t begrudge them that they are a bit more pricey than the agency,
I like the individual attention and being able to book 2 weeks ahead.
Everybody is free to see whoever they want and whoever they can afford and Indys can charge whatever they think clients will pay.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Meanwhile i will ask you to please stop answering this thread , as i ask for merbist only because i didnt want to ear the SP’s excuses but wanted to know how merbist where seeing the matter


Who are you to tell anyone to not participate on this thread ? Julia most of us love to read your witty and wise comments.


Sep 4, 2006
There is also an assumption on the part of some people of what an acceptable level of profit is. A lot of these women do not want to do this for very long, and have goals like home ownership and comfortable retirement. Others just want to make money while going to school. Many of these women bear hidden costs like not being able to be in a meaningful relationship while they are active as an SP (sure there are some exceptions where they have a bf or SO who is ok with what they do). For some who do it for years, they don't have friends outside the biz they can confide in. These are all non-tangible costs and no two people are going to evaluate them the same way.

Amanda hit the nail on the head for some of us who appreciate indy's. Its nice spending time with someone who takes their time to get ready and is dressed well. Are all indies like that? No, but I have never repeated with any indy that looks like she spent less time than me (1 hour) getting ready.
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