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Is an 18 year old girl too young?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
I’m not really understanding the context or purpose of the question. It all needs to be looked at in a larger context.

Should an 18 year old be permitted to vote?
…..serve in the military?
….consume alcoholic beverages?

These rights presume some level of responsibility , coherence, intelligence and maturity. So if an 18 year old maintains those rights or privileges, WTH should 18 be too young to LEGALLY enter sex work?

So you should have the power to elect the next PM in Canada, but you’re too immature to decide to have consensual sex for something of value? That would make no fucking sense.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
I’m not really understanding the context or purpose of the question. It all needs to be looked at in a larger context.

Should an 18 year old be permitted to vote?
…..serve in the military?
….consume alcoholic beverages?

These rights presume some level of responsibility , coherence, intelligence and maturity. So if an 18 year old maintains those rights or privileges, WTH should 18 be too young to LEGALLY enter sex work?

So you should have the power to elect the next PM in Canada, but you’re too immature to decide to have consensual sex for something of value? That would make no fucking sense.
I think you're missing the point here. Op never mentioned the legality of it. It was more intended to express preferences, taste and, to some extend, the quality of services. One can also add how confortable they are, considering the big disparity that can occur, conversation wise, in mutual interests or the absence of any.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
.. Don't forget , the woman is at her sexual peak from the âge of 35 and more.
Don't forget, a man is no longer at his sexual peak in his 40s and beyond so he may enjoy spending time with a younger woman whose lower sex drive matches his. :D
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Feb 8, 2004
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I prefer… variety!

Sometimes, that means booking a GFE that makes you feel like you’re her long lost lover. Sometimes, that means going for an indecent, balls to the walls PSE experience. And, yeah, sometimes, that also means longing for an ultra sexy 18 year old that reminds you just what it was like to discover your sexuality with a young libertine. Variety is the spice of life, am I right?

Also, I don’t buy the whole « not mature enough » narrative. People take WILDLY different paths in life. Projecting your post-teen insecurities or lack of experience on everyone else is a very common bias. Besides, I only book from reputable agencies or established indies and I highly doubt anyone from that scene, however young they may be, is being coerced into sex work!
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Feb 8, 2004
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That is now part of the new left-wing thinking - someone is a child until age 25 or so...
That sentence comes from radical feminists. Do you know what radical feminism is? Read up on it, it is part of the left-wing model.
…Btw: Radical feminists (left-wing governments) represent the biggest threat to sex work.

Come on, now! That is a gross generalization! Not all left-leaning people are radical feminists. That‘s just as absurd as saying all right-leaning people are active members of the Proud Boys!!! And certainly no government in power right now would come even close to qualify as radically left-wing! Not by a long shot!!!

Also, reading that Wikipedia link you provided, radical feminists seem to have a very disingenuous and narrow-minded idea of what prostitution is like in 2022. According to that article, 92% of sex workers want to « escape prostitution immediately »! While I have no doubt that figure might sadly ring true for a segment of the SW coerced into prostitution, I very much doubt that applies to our situation here in Montreal… and it certainly DOES NOT apply to the XO/Euphoria/VOG/Indy Companion rosters!
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Sep 8, 2003
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You read too much trumpism bs who create a fear of the left. From what I know, it's a right wing government who promulgated the anti-prostitution law we have today. Look in the US right now, it's a right wing court who abolished the right to abortion.

Regardless of left and right political opinions, extremism always believe they know better and want to forcefully impose their views to their population.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

You read too much trumpism bs who create a fear of the left. From what I know, it's a right wing government who promulgated the anti-prostitution law we have today. Look in the US right now, it's a right wing court who abolished the right to abortion.

Regardless of left and right political opinions, extremism always believe they know better and want to forcefully impose their views to their population.
Trumpism is a term used by the far-left. I do not read or follow Trumpism. I read and follow Libertarianism. Both the left and right are against prostitution. FOSTA and SESTA was passed by both Democrats and Republicans, only two senators opposed it. And you know in the US prostitution laws are managed by the states, all states (Democrat and Republican states) but one has illegal prostitution. Only the Libertarians are for abolishing all victimless crimes like abortion, prostitution, to end the war on drugs, to have the right to bear arms, etc.. Lets put it this way, I am against Authoritarianism. I do not follow left or right, both are part of the same problem and I completely agree with yout last sentence.


Active Member
Feb 2, 2021
I must say that I am having certain moral reservations about seeing an sp who is young enough to be my grand-daughter.There is something to be said about seeing an sp who has a certain amount of experience in this field.I doubt that at 18 you have much experience in the intricacies of carnal delights.If I take for example Lina or Brittany from YPG.....both of which who are in their mid-life....their level of experience and knowledge of their chosen field is beyond reproach.I have never read a bad review of either one of them.Just my two cents....
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Im not going to name names but there are several guys in this thread saying 18 is too young who totally booked me when I was 18-19. And no one complained that I lacked experience, my place wasn't as high end as my current one but other than that... For what happened in the bedroom no one complained hahah

I think we shouldn't generalize. I'm aware most 18 y.o probably arent ready, but then we also have women who aren't ready to enter this business when they do at 27 y.o

My opinion is that if an 18 y.o is old enough to have adult bills and responsibilities, she's old enough to do sex work!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Im not going to name names but there are several guys in this thread saying 18 is too young who totally booked me when I was 18-19. And no one complained that I lacked experience, my place wasn't as high end as my current one but other than that... For what happened in the bedroom no one complained hahah

I think we shouldn't generalize. I'm aware most 18 y.o probably arent ready, but then we also have women who aren't ready to enter this business when they do at 27 y.o

My opinion is that if an 18 y.o is old enough to have adult bills and responsibilities, she's old enough to do sex work!
Very well said. Some women i’ve met in this business were as mature at 18-19 than some women i’ve met in their late 20’s or so. Situations are different from person to person.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Comedian Kaytlin Bailey was a 17-year old high school senior when she first started escorting. I have previously linked to her story about her short career as an escort. This thread reminded me that it is worth another read. While her story might not be the typical way that girls start to do escort work, I don't think her story is that unusual. She is refreshingly frank and unashamed about her short history as an escort and she does not make any claims to victim status.

This photo from her Twitter feed shows her at age 17. I can see how she probably wasn't worried about any client questioning her age.

Kaytlin at 17.jpeg

When I decided to get into sex work, I did my homework. For years, I read about famous courtesans, real and fictional whores, tragic victims, and heroic femme fatales. But when I decided I wanted to find out for myself what crossing that line was like, I started by googling "Escort Raleigh, NC." I found a few websites, studied the ads, reviews, and chat boards and was relieved to find a FAQ. I reverse engineered the information from the frequently asked questions directed at prospective clients.

I was motivated by a nagging curiosity, a voice in my head I couldn’t tune out. And of course, like all teenagers (and people) I was attracted to the forbidden. Even though I was young—just 17—I wasn’t in a hurry. I spent weeks online, studying...

...From the message boards, I learned how background and reference checks worked, and that a fair amount of scrutiny was expected from “reputable” escorts. I learned ID checks and condoms were universal. I learned giving a client a warm washcloth after sex was a professional courtesy. I felt empowered knowing what the rules and expectations were. I insisted on things, confident hundreds of other women were enforcing the same boundaries. No client ever suggested that I was being too careful or too uptight. They seemed relieved by my dogmatism. They knew they could trust me because I was consistent and uncompromising. I never felt this way when negotiating with men in the hookup culture...

Though Bailey was not traumatized by her time as an escort, six years after she quit she was shocked by the reaction of her fiancé when she confided in him about her experience. She wrote this column on escort blogger Maggie McNeill's site:

People tell me I’m brave. I try to remind them that I might be stupid.

I will never sleep with anyone ever again who doesn’t know. Not after he threw me up against a wall, or held me down on the sidewalk until I apologized for the things I had “done to him” five, six, seven years before we met. I was never afraid of a client, but I was terrified of a man I loved very much, who I thought I knew very well.

I started working as an independent escort when I was 17. There were other things going on in my life: I was the president of my high school debate team; I maintained an impressive GPA; I had a nice, age-appropriate boyfriend to whom I had dutifully lost my virginity months before; my parents gave me a generous allowance; I didn’t drink or smoke pot. I had never been raped, but I was sure that if I ever was I would report it and that my rapist would be punished. I had never been hit by a man. All of that came much later. For the first few months I couldn’t even legally rent my own hotel room; I remember one incident where after-school detention cost me over $1,000...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
Come on, now! That is a gross generalization! Not all left-leaning people are radical feminists. That‘s just as absurd as saying all right-leaning people are active members of the Proud Boys!!! And certainly no government in power right now would come even close to qualify as radically left-wing! Not by a long shot!!!

Also, reading that Wikipedia link you provided, radical feminists seem to have a very disingenuous and narrow-minded idea of what prostitution is like in 2022. According to that article, 92% of sex workers want to « escape prostitution immediately »! While I have no doubt that figure might sadly ring true for a segment of the SW coerced into prostitution, I very much doubt that applies to our situation here in Montreal… and it certainly DOES NOT apply to the XO/Euphoria/VOG/Indy Companion rosters!
Don't most feminists believe in more rights for sex workers? I'm pretty sure that's a big feminist thing. Fighting for sex worker rights is a big left thing now.

If anything, it's the right that is fucking up the hobby in the US. Religious conservatives are pushing to kill the hobby....
Im not going to name names but there are several guys in this thread saying 18 is too young who totally booked me when I was 18-19. And no one complained that I lacked experience, my place wasn't as high end as my current one but other than that... For what happened in the bedroom no one complained hahah

I think we shouldn't generalize. I'm aware most 18 y.o probably arent ready, but then we also have women who aren't ready to enter this business when they do at 27 y.o

My opinion is that if an 18 y.o is old enough to have adult bills and responsibilities, she's old enough to do sex work!
Ha! Nice, calling them out!

I'm so tired of this "older more experience" thing. I feel like old guys are just talking about themselves more than they are about the girls.

My favorite SPs I have ever been with were 20-25. This is Quebec, not prudish USA, lots of girls here have been sexually active since they were like 13. They have more than enough experience

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Don't most feminists believe in more rights for sex workers? I'm pretty sure that's a big feminist thing. Fighting for sex worker rights is a big left thing now.

Feminists, yes. Radfems are another breed of feminists though and they typically hate us. Nobody takes my humanity away from me as hard as a radical feminist does, I swear
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Don't most feminists believe in more rights for sex workers? I'm pretty sure that's a big feminist thing. Fighting for sex worker rights is a big left thing now.

If anything, it's the right that is fucking up the hobby in the US. Religious conservatives are pushing to kill the hobby....
You confuse feminists with radical feminists. Big difference! And yes radical feminism is associated with the far-left. Radical feminists want to dominate and castrate all men. They also view sex work as exploitation of women by men. The Nordic model is from Sweden the most feminist country and the model is spreading everywhere. Canada is also following the feminist Nordic model. In Spain the Socialist prime minister wants to ban prostitution and it plans to use the Nordic model (from the left).

Putting all the blame on the right does not make sense, as the days goes the right has less influence on the world. The left is getting more dominant and so is radical feminism. Julia Sky said it right.

As for the US, religions zealots are as much guilty as radical feminists are regarding illegal prostitution.
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