I am on vacation... so I shouldn't even be reading this!!

That's why I deleted my post.
Mod8, Bitchelor,
I know it's annoying that we are many here always trying to point out a shill or point out a multiple handle user but I have to say this : Many people I have met, discussed with, pm, email, believe this too without ever mentioning it. How often do I hear : "you know that poster *** do you think like me that it's XYZ?". What triggers that? like Possum Trot said, wierd stories, writing style.
There are Trolls on these boards and I don't think denying or putting our head in sand it is the best way to fight that from happening. There are some breaches in these message boards and it is possible (for someone who knows the system a little bit) to create new handles without even needing to be approved by one of the administrators of the site. I think as long as these breaches will exist, it will be difficult to ever get rid of some of these Trolls.
Furthermore, the two infamous posters that have been mentioned in this thread have the habit of leaving and coming back. None of these two posters has ever respected their bans or their leave. Now blame the community for always bringning them back! .... (Oliver is gone on his own will! How many times did he do it exactly? It's like the kid who cried Wolf..... )
I do trust that you do not use the IP addresses when you are assuming that it cannot be one or the other because it's so easy to just find a different ISP, an internet cafe, traveling out of town or to another country etc. to avoid the IP match... But how can you be sure withou a doubt that it isn't them.
OH WELL, I guess we should just stop pointing the possibilities out, not respond to those threads, let other people be mislead by those posters and use that as an entertaiment value... too bad for those who might be mislead.
Possum Trot said:
Both of the aforementioned former members had distinct styles and personnality traits which are recognizable by most long time members. When another poster emulates that style their names are ressurected to be used almost as adjectives which most people immediately grasp. So that was the purpose.