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Is it normal

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
thebitchelor said:
It wasnt only me:eek: First..tarek seemed to take your joke seriously..second: lilly posted something about it but the post was deleted..and finally: dont need a big sensitivity to find your joke not really funny:rolleyes:

Anyway...tarek, did you see this thread?

I dont know if it will help you but at least i tried;)

Well you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I didn`t see Lilly`s post. Now her comment is one I would probably value.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Mod 8 said:
Possum Trot,

For one thing, Oliver has emailed me in the past to request that mentions of his handle be removed from members' posts. I have not brought this up in the past as mentions of him have been few. I am well aware that certain past posters remain in people's memories, either fondly or not so much so. But bringing up former or banned members who are unable to respond on the board is unfair to them.

Sometimes it's better to simply allow these members to fade away into memory.


I guess I buy this as a valid point of view although depending on the context.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
I am on vacation... so I shouldn't even be reading this!! :eek: That's why I deleted my post.

Mod8, Bitchelor,

I know it's annoying that we are many here always trying to point out a shill or point out a multiple handle user but I have to say this : Many people I have met, discussed with, pm, email, believe this too without ever mentioning it. How often do I hear : "you know that poster *** do you think like me that it's XYZ?". What triggers that? like Possum Trot said, wierd stories, writing style.

There are Trolls on these boards and I don't think denying or putting our head in sand it is the best way to fight that from happening. There are some breaches in these message boards and it is possible (for someone who knows the system a little bit) to create new handles without even needing to be approved by one of the administrators of the site. I think as long as these breaches will exist, it will be difficult to ever get rid of some of these Trolls.

Furthermore, the two infamous posters that have been mentioned in this thread have the habit of leaving and coming back. None of these two posters has ever respected their bans or their leave. Now blame the community for always bringning them back! .... (Oliver is gone on his own will! How many times did he do it exactly? It's like the kid who cried Wolf..... ) :rolleyes:

I do trust that you do not use the IP addresses when you are assuming that it cannot be one or the other because it's so easy to just find a different ISP, an internet cafe, traveling out of town or to another country etc. to avoid the IP match... But how can you be sure withou a doubt that it isn't them.

OH WELL, I guess we should just stop pointing the possibilities out, not respond to those threads, let other people be mislead by those posters and use that as an entertaiment value... too bad for those who might be mislead.

Possum Trot said:
Both of the aforementioned former members had distinct styles and personnality traits which are recognizable by most long time members. When another poster emulates that style their names are ressurected to be used almost as adjectives which most people immediately grasp. So that was the purpose.
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New Member
Dec 8, 2006
I need to get in contact wiht amazing PSE SPs that would be much apreciated. And i dont tihnk i have a problem seeing i can control my self and it doesent do harm to others around me im not cheating on any one and i play it as safe as can be. And is there like a agency that specialize in PSE or thye have girls that have been seen in porn or something like that
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Lilly,

Moderators are here for a reason. If members have suspicions about a poster all they have to do is PM a mod and we will look into it and get back to you. Constantly accusing new posters, or any poster for that matter, of being a shill or a duplicate handle does nothing but scare away new members from posting.

Whatever methods we use to discover duplicate handles and shills will not be disclosed on the board. It is sufficient to say that our methods have served us well in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

There is nothing that I can post that will convince those of you who believe that there are posters that can breech our approval process or hack into the board. Some of you are willing to believe anything that certain people wish you to believe just so that they can sit back and laugh at you afterward. Nothing I can post here can change that belief other than to mention the fact that if it is so easy to do so, why has it not yet been done?

If there are posters who are willing to travel out of the city or the country to make their posts, then these people must have serious problems that go well beyond MERB and I wish them luck finding the help they need.

Let the moderators do their job.

Mod 8

Leopold Stotch

New Member
Aug 12, 2005
tarek69 said:
Were do i get the money ever since i was a kid i was smart with my money QUOTE]

I guess that has changed... getting 2-3 sps a week.:D
Just kidding. As for your situtation, I always say if your happy who gives a shit what other people think!!!


New Member
Dec 8, 2006
Make it Bacon said:
tarek69 said:
Were do i get the money ever since i was a kid i was smart with my money QUOTE]

I guess that has changed... getting 2-3 sps a week.:D
Just kidding. As for your situtation, I always say if your happy who gives a shit what other people think!!!

one time hommie
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