Hungry, like I said in a french thread, I don't expect any (or much) sting for internet escorts. There is no practical purpose for it. Stings are either at street level, to address real problems in a neighbourhood, or to close down specific massage parlors/agencies when they are involved in crimes like underage, drugs or illegal immigrants. In real life, we don't have to deal with politicians. We deal with police who are much more pragmatic and don't have any incentive to change their MO.
Like you said, the goal of gov. is to get re-elected. All they need for that is a law that pleases their base on paper. The effect of the new law is similar to the old one. The ''win'' of Harper is to not be the one decriminalizing prostitution. On the other hand they don't have anything to gain by stirring more trouble by going on a real crusade. I don't expect much change in police activity.