Montreal Escorts

"I've never been with a black girl"

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
To Sol Tee - Spoken like someone who has not been to Brazil. .

Nope, never been there and yes, they are hot. Heading to South America this fall for a month or so, will probably check out Brazil and a couple of other countries. Looking for a warm retirement place, a person I have known for decades insists I check out Columbia ( he has a house there and his wife is a native. )

Yes, the comments about Gabrielle are spot on, have met her at 2 or 3 GT's and once in private, very charming.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Again, does a bi-racial girl count as a black/ebony girl or is she white? I know one of the girls I coached father was white and mother was black and she explained to me "If you're half black you're black." Is it more accurate to put the girl in a 3rd category as a mulatto/bi-racial?

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
The girl you coached , Hungry101 , is right on.
It is the legacy of the "one drop " rule.
Lenny Kravitz , Obama , Curry or Alicia Keys for example , will never be seen as white people and we all know, they share a white parent.
Same for Halle.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
The sad fact is that due to rape while slaves, as well as comfort girl-type relationships such as Sally Hemings was for Thomas Jefferson (the slavemaster hand-picked the hottest house slave for mistress in exchange for preferential treatment and financial favors), many African Americans have Caucasian heritage. And even if someone looks dark skinned it doesn’t preclude some level of Caucasian heritage. My SB is a somewhat dark complexioned African American (similar to Kyla’s skin color) and I was very surprised when she told me that her mother is half Irish, and they celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by going out and ordering corned beef and cabbage at local Irish pubs. She showed me a picture of her and the mother is lighter skinned than she is. An Obama type complexion.

So I think that many persons who are considered black are in reality multiracial and in many cases it’s not readily apparent.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes, but I'm thinking the other way. When you mix the races you often smooth out some rather rough features. I was saying that mulattoes, and again I'll use Gabrielle as an example, can be so beautiful. I really like lighter skinned black girls. There's a girl named Nina in Fort Lauderdale I've seen a couple of times and the girls I seem to gravitate to in Brazil. I think in many ways, when you mix the races you make a super SP.


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Being black is a amazing, your skin colour may change during your life. I was born almost white and today I am more on the darker side but I know a few Dominicans who are darker than me.

All that to say, I wouldn't determine if someone is black or not based on their skin colour. If you have a black parent, to me you can identify as black.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
Glad to see this thread cleaned up. I personally love black girls, mainly due to their personalities. I connect easily with them due to cultural similarities. For example, they totally get it when I tell them that I don't like to kiss, not daty, CBJ only. They don't take offense and many of them actually agree with my reasons. I don't have the same level of understanding with white girls as they tend to feel awkward or insecure when i tell them the same thing. Also, as someone who likes women with more meat in the right places, black girls and Latinas, in general have great proportions.

Can't speak for everyone out there, just my personal experiences.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
B few Dominicans who are darker than me.

All that to say, I wouldn't determine if someone is black or not based on their skin colour. If you have a black parent, to me you can identify as black.

Yes, that is what this girl said. She has the best coffee color. I never looked at her sexually but I am thinking about how beautiful she is. I was like a father figure and I helped her get to where she is today. Now, I could allow myself to think of her a little differently.

I love Dominicans. I really love their color and their look. I try to rent them often.

In Brazil, where I go fishing, I was talking to a bunch of free lancers in Corumba at the restaurant where both fisherman and freelancers hang out, when this sexy 5'10" black girl walked up wearing 5" heels and wearing a super tight/super short gold dress. I literally ran to her and bought her a drink and later told her she was n=mine for the night. She had legs for days and I am remembering how golden brown they were. I asked her to keep her heels on. Man, did she make a thong look good and she didn't need a bra with her little perky B's. I think I ate her out for a good 20 minutes. She wasn't great for service but with those legs that went all the way up, all I wanted to do was eat pussy anyway...I am actually getting a chubby while writing this. Yeah, I love black girls but I prefer this golden brown kind.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
For example, they totally get it when I tell them that I don't like to kiss, not daty, CBJ only.

Because most clients need kissing and usually prefer BBBJ. Some like me wouldn't be interested at all in no kissing/no bbbj, altough i also don't partake in daty 95% of the time. But im surprise to read that SP are insecure or feel awkward to your demands. I know some girls don't like to suck on a rubber but i was sure most SPs prefered the "safe services" . Im sure its not "that unusual enough" so they don't carry at least a few "tasty condoms" in case...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Because most clients need kissing and usually prefer BBBJ. Some like me wouldn't be interested at all in no kissing/no bbbj, altough i also don't partake in daty 95% of the time.

I fall into this category also. I want DFK and BBBJ otherwise am not interested.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I'm with you Mike. I'm scratching my head, wondering why girls would be offended by not offering a service? I think they would prefer to just pick up an envelope a cash and proceed to the next customer. Without some of these services like DFK, BBBJ, and DATY, it's not a date. Alex would love some of the RLDs in Europe. It's like fucking a fembot. I'm equally puzzled why Alex was so bothered by the discussion going off topic?


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
I'm not easily offended. If a man can't get hard, can't finish I don't take it personal. I would certainly not feel bad if someone didn't want to kiss me or if they didn't want me to perform bbbj.

The only thing that bothers me is when a man walks in, doesn't really look at me, doesn't really say Hi either and tries to take my clothes off.

Im not asking you to read me your autobiography but at least be nice enough to treat me like a human being and not a doll.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Kyla you are absolutly right on this.....c'est un strict don't deserve clients avec un tel comportement.....vous méritez beaucoup savez bien le rendre en retour.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Without some of these services like DFK, BBBJ, and DATY, it's not a date. Alex would love some of the RLDs in Europe. It's like fucking a fembot. I'

Nope! Sorry but totally wrong. One of my favourite girl in Laval, Lucy, is only LFK, CBJ and no daty. Still it's fantastic sessions. I have been around in the last 4 years. Saw a lot of different provider offering a lot of different service.

For me the number 1 factor is the willingness of the girl to fuck with me. Her body has to attract me (and like alex even tho I do like spinners's body I do not mind at all a bit more meat... Firm and at the right place... GRRRRR) and she needs to smile. And be happy to fuck with me. That is all I ask ;)



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Nope! Sorry but totally wrong. One of my favourite girl in Laval, Lucy, is only LFK, CBJ and no daty

Nope, sorry..I think you are in the minority of people involved in the hobby that I have run across in my global travels.
Perhaps you would pay the girl money for this service, but I know for a fact that she would never survive in the real world of hobbying .

Best Regards


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What you define the real world of hobbying is what? Agencies, clubs, brothel, etc... ? If so you are correct. These places are not for girl that provide 100% safe service.

But that does not mean there is no place for such girl as there is. They are many already. And some do great. There are many clients for such girl and that is perfectly fine. And believe fucking with Lucy (or Zoé in Montreal to name 2 that I have done such 100% safe session lately) is nothing like fucking a fembot ;)

Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Mais jalimon, tu est un déviant lol, tu recherches une femme qui s’intéresse à être avec toé. C’est vraiment pas normal! Nous autres on cherche l’amour avec dfk, bbbj, et d’autres contacts intime et réel. Donc compte toi comme le outsider que tu est lol.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Ha non pas du tout Helirage.

C'est juste que je comprend à 100% que certaine fille sont 100% safe et que certain client recherche ca. C'est tout!

Laid_back_alex nous as fait découvrir Stacy! Fuck si je m'était arrêté au fait que lui ne veut que total safe je n'aurais pas été la voir. Et j'aurais manqué le plus incroyable deepthroat/fuckface j'ai jamais eux ;)



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The only thing that bothers me is when a man walks in, doesn't really look at me, doesn't really say Hi either and tries to take my clothes off.

Me too. I had one girl walk right by me and into the bathroom without saying hello. Worst service from an agency girl I ever had in Montreal. I think she was burnt out.

For your experience, I wonder if part of the reason the guy called you in the first place was that he had no social skills and could never get a girl friend, find a wife, or even get laid. I work with a few analytical minds that are like Shelton from Big Bang. They don't know how to relate to other people. We see escorts for many reasons and one is because it is the only way to get laid. How many guys fall into this category? They are extremely shy and clumsy around women and have no idea how to relate to finer sex? This sucks, yes but as a true professional, I think you are in a position to help them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
What you define the real world of hobbying is what? Agencies, clubs, brothel, etc... ? If so you are correct. These places are not for girl that provide 100% safe service.
Jali - you are defiantly in the minority. Your favorite doesn't allow DATY and only provides LFK and CBJ? I'm laughing my ass off. For me, I was thinking of my RLD experience a few years ago. Acting on a tip from the mysterious "S" I went to the Antwerp RLD and it was full of sexy girls but they were all like you favorite in Laval. I interviewed several and one finally said she provided DFK so I went with her. She was lying. 20 minute later and for a small fee I was on my way. OK to get the rocks off and definitely an OK experience but not something I would run back to like the FKK scene or Montreal or Brazil or even BA Argentina. I got what I paid for I guess.

BTW - this is why I believe somewhere buried in the body of a review you should include a description of 1. what was offered, and 2. what was requested, and 3. what was received. When people say run to this girl but gentleman don't kiss and tell and you show up and you get LFK and are not allowed DATY and are given a CBJ then I would possibly feel like I was manipulated by a pimp posing as a reviewer or a hobbyist trying to make brownie points with a girl. Do not take this example personal. Yes, you could go with the Laval girl and maybe after you sit around and talk and that makes you feel close...but not at the RLD. It is about seeing, cumming and then paying and gone. Next customer.
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