Get a new source
EagerBeaver said:
From what I heard, it is the first part of the JDM article which appeared Saturday that humiliates the provincial police, and features a bunch of quotes that makes them look like complete morons. This, according to my source, will spark a slew of busts in the coming weeks as the police seek to redeem their image. If I were you I would stay away from those FS clubs until September.
Get a new source.
Basically the Saturday article was one trip
down the old provincial route #112.The author
of the article Jean-Phillipe Pineault interviewed
a few owners(states which 2 did not return his
calls) who gave standard answers,workers who
gave minimalist answers,Stella employee Valerie
Boucher who generalized.The police response
seemed to be scripted - usual banalities designed
not to compromise on going investigations with a
touch of surprise aimed at getting the reporter to
tell more.The R des A(liquor board) spokesperson
decried the lack of inspectors - just over 10 for the
whole province with over 10 000 licensed
establishments,with 3 600 holding permits for shows
with or without nudity.(Failing to explain why 3 will show
up together to inspect a newly opened licensed Indian
The last three paragraphs(3-6 lines of a 4 column page)
touched briefly on the "sex tourist" and the internet
sites.Obviously with minimal depth.
The Sunday article was much smaller - maybe 1/3 of
the Saturday piece but dealt with the internet sites
and "sex tourists".Connecticut was mentionned within
the context of the internet site and not within the
context of someone who actually visited one of the
establishments described in the previous article.
Sex-analyst is the only handle mentionned and after
doing a quick search on Merb my lazy indicator got the
impression that the reporter did most of his research
via Merb as the handle does come up for various
South Shore clubs and the numbers used in the
story are similar.
Anti-american or anti-anglo sentiments were never
expressed nor were anti-rodent feelings vented(LOL).
(Response to a synopsis of your posts in various
threads on various sites)
You may get a few police raids as a PR gesture
as long as they do not hamper on going investigations.
So EB get a new source or a shorter chain that is harder
to yank.