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Long term arrangements


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
My Dad is an old white Republican and he is my best friend. He was President of the Young Republicans in college back in the 1950s, voted for Eisenhower and his “I Like Ike” button is a cherished personal possession.
Well, sure, but Ike would be a Democrat today. Like most intelligent Republicans (From, Will, Schmidt, Kristol, Gerson, Boot, Rubin, etc, etc.) he'd be horrified at what has become of his party.

Most SBs are NOT escorts however. I think escorts are about 5% of what’s on Seeking and with my filtered search I rarely come across other than regular civilian college girls who need cash badly.
Sure, but you're talking CT. Up here, that figure is much, much higher, I'd bet between 30-40%. When I was active on SA, I'd regularly get one and two word messages, obviously from working girls.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
..Seeking has greater risk from politically right-wing groups with the agenda of pleasing religious and/or law and order fanatics who perceive it as a threat to their supposed moral fiber.

It's not just conservative and religious zealots who would oppose sugar arrangements. I get tired of always having to point this out about any kind of paid sex. :rolleyes:

Eager ask the next feminist prosecutor you meet what she thinks of sugar daddies. Then ask her what she would think of you if, purely hypothetically of course, you told her that you are an enthusiastic client of sugar babies...not to mention escorts. Go ahead Eager! Ask and then let us know how that went. :lol:

...The amount of time needed to be invested in SBs is certainly more than for escorts but some people like the thrill of the hunt so to speak...There is no way around the preliminary dating process, and yes that’s time consuming...My married friends who use Seeking like the service but complain that they don’t have the time needed to perfect opportunities arising on Seeking and when they do they have to use hotels. It’s a game that is much easier to play if your single.

I agree with EB that using SA and making arrangements is much easier for single/divorced guys, esp. if you have a nice, comfortable, safe home where you can discreetly host a woman. Many women, esp. those in my preferred demographic of single moms, simply can't or won't host a sugar daddy in their homes.

Also, going to a hotel room, unless it's a really upscale hotel, makes the encounter feel more like an escort meeting a client. It also adds to the cost. Some sugar babies might do it and enjoy it if it's a luxury hotel, but hosting in my own home has worked best for me.

Its fun reading this thread. I`m fascinated by the amount of trouble and money some of you go thru when, if you do your homework well, you can book a gorgeous agency girl for a fraction of what you spend on an SA girl and be almost guaranteed of a GFE+ time..

The myth about arrangements costing lots more time and money than professional escorts comes up over and over again. I think some guys keep mentioning this because they either cannot or don't want to try an arrangement.

CS, let's say you live somewhere in the middle of nowhere USA and so Montreal, Germany and Asia are not easily reachable destinations except 2 or 3 times per year. So where you live, let's say for example, Indiana, you are faced with this choice when it comes to getting sex for money-which would you choose?

1. Escorts who cost $300/hour and up. Here's a representative sample of escorts for Indiana: Are you impressed? I didn't think so. :rolleyes:

2. An Indiana sugar baby. With a small investment of research, time and money, I guarantee that you could identify, meet and have sexual encounters with a number of women who are not only more attractive than those Indiana escorts but would also charge half the price of the pros.

I admit that some guys will still choose option 1. They simply prefer any kind of takeout pizza (to borrow Eager’s analogy) to a nice meal that takes a little time and effort to plan.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
CaptR I like my pizza all dressed and my women naked.
Glad I don`t live in Indiana. I had the Montreal scene in mind when I made my post.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...Glad I don`t live in Indiana. I had the Montreal scene in mind when I made my post.

I just looked at the women on SA who live within 50 miles of Indianapolis. There are lots of good possibilities.

Montreal has both a great escort scene and, based on what I have seen while browsing on SA, a great sugar scene. If I lived there, I would seek opportunities wherever I could find them.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I actually tested the Montreal sugar scene and got roughly twice as many positive responses as I did with the same amount of messaging in CT. Montreal is slightly more fertile Seeking ground (for what I like) than is NYC, and after those two venues, CT, Mass. and Florida gulf coast, in order, of the venues I have actually tested. I used the same filtered search in all of these venues.

It does help to be near cities which lots of college students.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Well, sure, but Ike would be a Democrat today. Like most intelligent Republicans (From, Will, Schmidt, Kristol, Gerson, Boot, Rubin, etc, etc.) he'd be horrified at what has become of his party.

Rumple, do you really know politics and history or do you just make stuff up that sounds good?

Ike was very vigilant against illegal immigration. He launched the largest mass deportation in our history.

Hell, I reckon that if Ike was President today we wouldn't just have a "wall", it would be built a hundred miles inside Mexican territory. I hate to think what would happen if Patton was also alive.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Not to mention what would JFK say if her were alive today about the Democratic-Socialist party? JFK put a man on the moon and Obama put a man in the women's bathroom.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I did some racial profiling on new Seeking registrants in my zone who came up on my filtered search in the last 4 days. The breakdown, by Seeking racial profiling classifications:

17 Caucasian/White 44.7%
8 Latina/Hispanic 21%
7 African American/Black 18.4%
4 Asian 10.5%
2 Mixed 5.2%


Now I tested that same filtered search in the Cosmopolitan mecca known as Montreal, in the past week (searching only Montreal proper and not surrounding area).

36 Caucasian/White 61%
7 Latina/Hispanic 11.8%
7 Mixed 11.8%
4 Black/African 6.7%
4 Other 6.7%
1 Middle Eastern 1.6%
0 Asian 0%


The stats show that in the CT zone, whites are a smaller percentage than they are in the Montreal proper zone, where they have a statistical majority. Really shocking was not a single Asian SB signed up in the last week in Montreal zone for my filtered search. Also 4 girls identifying as other in Montreal, none in CT.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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hungry101;1162181... I want to use a filter on the site so that I can more easily find the pros.[/QUOTE said:
Post an ugly picture (not necessarily of yourself) and write that you are a busy person over 50 who isn't interested in a lots of discussion and doesn't like to go out much. The ones who contact you will be pros.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There are easy ways to write your profile to attract pros while also not drawing the scrutiny of the Seeking Mods or LE that might be on the board. AV suggested one method, another is to check off the following in "What I Am Seeking":

Friends With Benefits

Those two more than the other Seeking tags label you as a P4P aficionado, although never use the term "pay for play" on SA. Some of the more savvy young college girls will use terms like "play" and "play time" or "private time" in messaging. Be real careful and avoid any detailed messages using such terms and save that for in person, or you will end up banned. Discretion is the better part of valor.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Eager ask the next feminist prosecutor you meet what she thinks of sugar daddies. Then ask her what she would think of you if, purely hypothetically of course, you told her that you are an enthusiastic client of sugar babies...not to mention escorts. Go ahead Eager! Ask and then let us know how that went. :lol:
Must admit that I almost laugh out loud every time I hear you railing about feminists. I've come to know somewhere just shy of 20 working girls in my time in Montreal and each and every one of them (including my SB of 2 1/2 years) considers herself a feminist and considers her work liberating.

I dare say that if you eliminate the feminists from the "hobby" the ranks would shrink drastically. You can thank feminism for the pleasure you gain from your forays to Montreal.

The myth about arrangements costing lots more time and money than professional escorts comes up over and over again. I think some guys keep mentioning this because they either cannot or don't want to try an arrangement.
My girl and I are together some 10 hours a week. Probably works out to some $50-60 per hour. Except when she spend the night. Then it's less. Except when we go on ten day trip to London or Berlin, then it's considerably less.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Not to mention what would JFK say if her were alive today about the Democratic-Socialist party? JFK put a man on the moon and Obama put a man in the women's bathroom.
You talking about the same socialist JFK who started us on the road to Medicare and Medicaid a job he would have finished had he lived, a job finished by the socialist LBJ, who also gave us the voting rights act and the civil rights bill and would be remembered as one of our greatest presidents were it not for Vietnam. I'm talking about the same Medicare and Medicaid that your libertarian heroes Ryan and Paul would like to eliminate in favor of bigger tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.

Ike was very vigilant against illegal immigration. He launched the largest mass deportation in our history.
No, I'm talking about the Ike who warned us against the corporate/military takeover of our government, a job now complete. BTW, did Ike deport more than Obama? I doubt it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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No, I'm talking about the Ike who warned us against the corporate/military takeover of our government, a job now complete. BTW, did Ike deport more than Obama? I doubt it.

I believe Ike referred to this as the "military industrial complex." What these posters do not understand is the perpetuation of the complex by the Republicans themselves, something my father in his Young Republicans career spoke out against. In particular, if you are a Republican who hopes for reelection in any of numerous states in the USA, you have to bring federal jobs and federal money into your jurisdiction, or you do not get re-elected. Period. The way that this gets accomplished by the devious Republican politician who rails against government spending is to lobby quietly for federal contracts to purchase weapons and weapons systems, bombs, attack helicopters, tanks, and other tools of war from the military industrial complex existing in his or her jurisdiction. Right in my own State of Connecticut, Sikorsky Aircraft makes the Black Hawk Helicopters, Electric Boat is making all kinds of shit for the Navy, and in Rhode Island Raytheon has a massive business and an army of engineers making weapons systems for a war that may or may not come. At this point, if it does come, we will all be dead anyway, because when you come right down to it there is no way to prevent every bad guy in the word from possessing WMD. But a lot of people work for these companies and any cut in federal spending is a cut in votes for the politicians who are viewed as Guardians of those jobs, including many Republicans.

The real question is whether the traditional military industrial complex's percentage of federal spending is warranted in today's world, in light of other methods of attack on the USA (IT, hacking) that other countries are now shifting to, notably Russia. Perhaps in the future spending goes to IT companies for security.

I think Ike hated the military industrial complex not for the severe pork barrel spending it bred, but because as a former general he resented the growing political influence of the corporate Geeks who made the toys of the US Army.

Anyway this is way off topic from the subject of arrangements. I personally do not believe Seeking is facing any threats because they have already been proactive in making protective changes, including most notably their own corporate name.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Must admit that I almost laugh out loud every time I hear you railing about feminists. I've come to know somewhere just shy of 20 working girls in my time in Montreal and each and every one of them (including my SB of 2 1/2 years) considers herself a feminist and considers her work liberating...

Of course they will "consider themselves feminists." They have been educated since birth to believe that feminism simply means "equal rights," "equal pay," "freedom of choice" etc. Those are values that all enlightened women and men believe in, including even me. :eek: :lol:

However, when I "rail about feminists" (and I do), I'm railing against contemporary feminism and not the feminism of my younger days. The feminism of today is sometimes characterized as "third wave" (and now "fourth wave" :rolleyes:). It is an extreme variation of feminism that has led to various, interrelated moral panics such as those surrounding the "campus rape epidemic," the excesses of the#MeToo movement, and the equating of prostitution with sex trafficking.

Most young women are simply unaware of how feminism has evolved into an extreme ideology that is much different from its original beliefs and practices. It's not surprising that most young women these days, including those who do sex work, will call themselves feminists. They just don't know or don't want to know what that word really means these days.

Here is a small selection of mainstream Canadian feminist websites that support the abolition of prostitution.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I'm trying to remember the Connecticut and Rhode Island Republican politicians that benefit from military spending in their districts. Perhaps you can refresh my memory.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Of course they will "consider themselves feminists." They have been educated since birth to believe that feminism simply means "equal rights," "equal pay," "freedom of choice" etc. Those are values that all enlightened women and men believe in, including even me. :eek: :lol:

However, when I "rail about feminists" (and I do), I'm railing against contemporary feminism and not the feminism of my younger days. The feminism of today is sometimes characterized as "third wave" (and now "fourth wave" :rolleyes:). It is an extreme variation of feminism that has led to various, interrelated moral panics such as those surrounding the "campus rape epidemic," the excesses of the#MeToo movement, and the equating of prostitution with sex trafficking.

Most young women are simply unaware of how feminism has evolved into an extreme ideology that is much different from its original beliefs and practices. It's not surprising that most young women these days, including those who do sex work, will call themselves feminists. They just don't know or don't want to know what that word really means these days.

Here is a small selection of mainstream Canadian feminist websites that support the abolition of prostitution.
Sorry, pal, that's just a load of horseshit. By what stretch of the imagination are these moralist sites "feminist." You want a feminist site? Here's one for you:

Feminism is about empowerment. Here's some more for your enlightenment:

Your notion of what feminism is is decidedly 19th century moralism. Here's a Tedtalk for you:

Here's a bit more:

These young women that I know are waaaaay more in touch with modern feminism than you could ever hope to be. Of course, thing are certainly quite different in the deep South. The fact that some old guy thinks he has a better handle on what feminism is than do these articulate, urbane young women is quite telling...and sad...and hilarious. I'm sure they'd be quite amused to have you educate them.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I'm trying to remember the Connecticut and Rhode Island Republican politicians that benefit from military spending in their districts. Perhaps you can refresh my memory.

A very prominent one was John Rowland, who was both a Congressmen from CT and later a long time Governor of Connecticut. He is in jail now. Joe Lierberman was a Democrat who ran as VP with Gore but later converted to Republicanism. He is rumored to be a candidate for US Ambassador to the UN. Over the years there have been various Republicans who could only get elected through pork barrel spending in their districts. Ted Stevens of Alaska probably the greatest historical example of pork barrel spending with his “Bridge to Nowhere.”


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Over the years there have been various Republicans who could only get elected through pork barrel spending in their districts. Ted Stevens of Alaska probably the greatest historical example of pork barrel spending with his “Bridge to Nowhere.”
I've been wondering for the last week what price Susan Collins was paid for her dignity. A new federal building in Portland perhaps? Maybe a new submarine contract for the shipyard at Bath?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Rumples I was in Portland Old Port District this summer. I loved it. I stayed at the Portland Harbor Hotel which is the hotel to stay at in Portland- location wise and it’s also an excellent hotel. I noticed that there are lot of brick buildings there, in fact pretty much all of them in that Old Port area. I ate lobster and fresh oysters and clams all week. Portland is now pretty much without question the premiere restaurant city per capita in New England (if not the USA) and the beer capital of New England.

If Collins gets something it might be her name on a lobster roll at Eventide Oyster House. Eventide is making the premier lobster roll in Portland and I dined on one of these delicious little things as well as their house Cole Slaw which is the best I ever had in my life. They might also name a drink after Collins, perhaps the Maine Martini which is blueberry vodka with Maine Blueberries can be mixed with Brett Kavanaugh beer for the “Susan Collins special.”

Maine lobster rolls differs from their Connecticut cousins. Maine features a little mayo dressing whereas Connecticut version is a lemon butter sauce. Maine Clam chowder differs from New England clam chowder - uses roughly half the milk and cream. Only us salt of the earth New Englanders know the subtle differences in cuisine within the region.

The lobster food truck now serving Southern Connecticut has on its menu both State’s lobster rolls:


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
....These young women that I know are waaaaay more in touch with modern feminism than you could ever hope to be. Of course, thing are certainly quite different in the deep South. The fact that some old guy thinks he has a better handle on what feminism is than do these articulate, urbane young women is quite telling...and sad...and hilarious. I'm sure they'd be quite amused to have you educate them.

Rumples to CR: "You're an old, privileged white male!" :rant::mad:

Your logical fallacy is ad hominen

ad hominem

You attacked your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.

Ad hominem attacks can take the form of overtly attacking somebody, or more subtly casting doubt on their character or personal attributes as a way to discredit their argument. The result of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone's case without actually having to engage with it.
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