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Long term arrangements


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
A short term arrangment in Hong Kong Part II

When the day after tomorrow arrived I received a message from Bee at about 10 that morning. She said that she had no plans for the day and she would like to come over now rather than wait for the evening. I had no plans yet either so I said sure, come on over. She arrived within an hour with a small bag containing whatever she needed to spend the night. Seeing her with a more natural look made me appreciate her even more. Now she was dressed casually yet fashionably and wearing little makeup. She looked great and I was happy that she had reached out to me and offered to spend the day with me. Clients of escorts are always seeking the so-called "girlfriend experience" and all of a sudden I seemed to have acquired an escort as a girlfriend (at least a temporary one) without even really trying to. She didn't ask for extra money for the daytime hours that she would spend with me.

So my "girlfriend" Bee and I set out for a day of exploring the fascinating city of Hong Kong. I asked her what she would like to do and she seemed like she wasn't really that familiar with the sights of the city. I think she had spent most of her time working, shopping and hanging out with a few of her fellow bar girls. So I proposed that we start with a ride on the famous Star Ferry that runs between Hong Kong Island and the mainland part of the city, Kowloon. She asked me why bother with the ferry when we could just zip over to Kowloon on the MTR (metro). I told her, you'll see. So we walked to the Wan Chai ferry terminal, bought tickets ($2.50 HK or $.30 US) and boarded a ferry after a short wait.

Riding the Star Ferry is one of the best ways to view the city and appreciate its unique and beautiful setting. Lots of people still use the ferry as a practical means of crossing the bay but it is used as much by tourists because it is one of the best ways to appreciate the beauty of the city. As the ferry got underway and moved away from the impressive skyline of Hong Kong island and the mountain behind it, Bee slowly realized why I had insisted on taking the ferry. She smiled at me when I asked her if she thought this was a better view than the one offered by the MTR.

Once on the other side we visited the the big shopping center and some of the high-end shops located along Canton Rd. I bought Bee a small gift of some expensive Swiss-made facial cream in a cosmetics shop and after wandering around for a while we stopped for a light lunch. After lunch we rode the ferry back to Wan Chai and visited several shoe stores in search of a certain model of Nike shoes that her daughter had requested she buy . Eventually we found the right size and color in one of the many stores selling athletic shoes and clothing. Of course I wound up paying for them-it was the gentlemanly thing to do and the best way to compensate her for the extra time she was spending with me.

After stopping at a juice stand for some tropical fruit juice refreshment, we headed back to the hotel to relax. We were tired and but not too tired for a little late afternoon lovemaking. Once again, Bee proved to be an enthusiastic and accomplished sexual companion. She know how to please a man and making love with her satisfied me immensely. When we finished we both fell asleep for a while.

We woke up after about a 45-minute nap and lay on the bed and talked for a while. Soon it was time to think about dinner. Since we had eaten Asian food for lunch, I proposed that we visit a nearby genuine Italian (i.e. owned by an Italian) pizzeria, Motorino. I told Bee that it was a fairly casual place and there was no need for her to get dolled up for the evening. But she's the type of woman who likes to look good when she goes out so she took her time getting ready. It was worth it since she looked as fine as the night I met her. Wearing a silky, tight fitting, low-cut dress, she looked beautiful and sexy but not slutty. She would not have looked out of place dining at the Ritz Carlton or the Mandarin Oriental. It was fun to step out with such a great looking woman
The pizza, salad, wine and dessert were excellent. It was a nice end to a good day. We strolled back to the hotel and talked about plans for the next day. I guess we both assumed that we would be spending another full day and the following night together. But to make things official, I asked her if she would agree to the same financial deal and she happily did.

We were both tired from a long day so we went to bed early. Sleeping with Bee was a pleasure. I felt comfortable and relaxed with her next to me. She seemed happy to have latched on to me and I was glad to have found a companion with whom I could spend more than just a couple hours. In discussing escorts, guys always talk about the elusive "girlfriend experience" (GFE) in terms a specific acts that should occur during sex. I get that, but true GFE is more than that to me and sleeping peacefully next to Bee while dreaming of spending another day and night with her was more my idea of a true GFE.

We awoke reasonably early the next morning and after showering and dressing headed to the hotel's breakfast buffet. The dining room management took note of the fact that CaptRenault now had a guest for breakfast and added a charge for her breakfast to my bill. No problem.

I asked Bee what she would like to do during the day and she really didn't know. I asked her if she had ascended the famous Victoria Peak that rises above the skyline of Hong Kong island and of course she had not. So I proposed and she accepted an assault on Victoria peak by way of the famous "Peak Tram," a funicular railway.

After a stop in a shopping mall (this time I bought something for myself) we walked to the tram which was located about 20 minutes from the hotel. The peak tram is a steeply inclined funicular rail line that operates with a cable that pulls one car up while another counter-balancing car descends. Like the cable cars in San Francisco, it's a wonderful 19th Century technology that still works perfectly (thinks to frequent maintenance and upgrading of the system). The wait to board was not too long and soon we were on our way up the mountain. The rider feels a strange sensation sitting in the tram as it slowly moves up the mountain.The rider is leaning far back in his seat and the passing tall buildings near the bottom of the mountain appear to lean at a strange angle. Bee felt a little uncomfortable at first but she quickly realized she was safe and she flashed her bright smile at me to let me know that she was pleased with the adventure.

We reached the top and begin our exploration of the peak and its views of the city. Along with the view from the Star Ferry, Victoria peak offers the best view of the spectacular setting of the city of Hong Kong. We took in the views from a few vantage points, took some photos and then had coffee and a snack at Pacific Coffee, Hong Kong's version of Starbucks. We took the tram back down to the city.

I noticed on my map that there was a large park, Hong Kong Park, that was on the route back to the hotel. We decided to walk through the park and take advantage of the shade offered by its trees as we walked back towards the hotel. Once in the park we noticed a sign pointing to an aviary so we decided to have a look. It turned out to be a beautiful spot. It's a large outdoor enclosure containing hundreds of birds native to the tropical rain forests of Asia. You can see the birds up close because they partake of food left out for them in feeding stations close to the aviary's walkways. The birds are not shy and they are used to people standing close to them. So the visit to the aviary was another pleasant diversion.

Once back at the hotel we took showers to cool off and relax. Seeing Bee's lovely curves while she dried her naked body with a towel got my motor running again. She saw me gazing at her with lust in my eyes and she knew what I wanted. She was happy to oblige so we enjoyed another great late-afternoon love making session and then another nap.

For dinner, I thought Bee would enjoy another culinary adventure so I took her to the nearby La Creperie which turned out to be a good choice. It's a reasonably authentic Breton crepe restaurant offering many different crepes suitable for a meal as well as the traditional dessert crepes. We drank some wine and ate well and Bee seemed pleased to discover a new kind of food with which she was not previously familiar. On the way back to the hotel we stopped in a pub and had a night cap and then returned to my room.

I felt sad knowing that this was my last night with Bee. During the very short time that I had known her, I had grown quite fond of her. Her looks and sweet personality appealed to me a lot and we seemed to enjoy the same simple pleasures of wandering around a city, seeing a few sights and stopping to eat, and then make love and rest back at the hotel.

I knew that I would not have been able to enjoy her company over two days and nights without paying her, but that didn't bother me at all. She gave me the feeling that she enjoyed spending time with me and that feeling was all that mattered to me. She was the one who first sat down right next to me at Hong Kong Cafe. At the same time, I decided almost right away that I would choose her over any other girl in the bar. I didn't know right away that we would wind up spending not just a few hours together but two full days and nights. But after that first night, I had wanted to see again for sure and I had been happy that she said she wanted to see me.

I packed my things and we went to bed early. Before we fell asleep I held Bee close in my arms and told her that I was very glad to have met her and that she had been the highlight of my trip to Hong Kong. We awoke fairly early the next morning since I needed to be at the airport in plenty of time before my long flight to the U.S. We had a quick breakfast and took a taxi to the train station on Hong Kong Island.

Once inside the train station it was time for us to part ways. I gave her money so she could take a taxi back to the place where she had been staying. I had some extra HK dollars so I gave her some of those because she needed them more than I did. I hugged and kissed her goodbye, not knowing whether I would ever see her again. We promised to keep in touch but I knew that the likelihood of seeing her again anytime soon was very small. She hugged and kissed me with genuine warmth. I headed for the train and Bee walked out of the station and out of my life in the same sudden fashion that she had entered it just a few days before.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The above post by CptnRenault is something I would be intetested in, 3 to 6 days with a local would be a lot of fun and interesting.


Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
Nonetheless, I must conclude that regardless of nice communications or warmth of the in person experience, I mean nothing to all of them. Clients aren't to be cared about. That's the job. It's not profitable or feasible to do beyond that. Those that choose to demand payment because it's still just a job. Some may intermingle their life a little more than others,, but basic time management and human limitations dictate the seller cannot, and will not, have the time to truly get to know their clients. Those that do are doing it because the price is right. That sugaring in a nutshell. Sugars throw it all to the wall, but in the end they don't love their sugar daddy just for.who he is and.nkt what he's worth. They don't get married to the sugar daddy if he goes.broke.
I believe your different opinion is based on the fact you see it as a "job" for them. Granted, for escorts it's a "job", but for "sugar babies" it's not. Yes, there is a financial reward for them in doing this, but if the money stops coming, it's not automatically the end of the relation. I'm still in contact with women I no longer give any money to, and we still have lunch once in a while, just for the pleasure of staying in touch. But you are right to an extent: There is no more sex, and they don't get married to their SD!

Ironically, I do end up really liking and caring about those I've met. Once I see someone 3 times it's because I really like them, and even if I don't see them I won't soon forget about how exceptional they were. I.e. friendly even outside of those times, or at least not business style cold in intervening exchanges. # lovely personality and attitude, which often does seem like they do least a little about you as a human being. # That kinda stuff shines through to me, personally.
Same here! I totally agree with you. Some of these women are exceptional, and make you feel great long after they are gone. And while it seems as they do care for you as a human being, I think they really do... AT THAT MOMENT! But we get out of their lives, and both us and them, we have other things to care about too. It's just normal.

Nonetheless, it's not their job to care about me like a friend, wife, acquinatnace, or mother. They don't. I'm a stranger. To this end,the client may as well be a faceless random number with a few traits worth remembering. It doesn't matter because the industry dictates it doesn't. That's the nature of the business. Caring a little more or caring g a little less, it's the same detached caring that rules.
I agree with your point of view, as far as escorts are concerned. In a SB/SD relationship, it's different. As I said before, most of the time you are the only one (on an arrangement), and you may stay in touch way more than just the few times per week/months. For example, me and my current SB we wish each other a good morning almost every day, she sends me snapchats throughout the day, texting each other about different things regularly. It's ongoing, not at all like with an SP where you call/email her only when you want to meet for sexy fun. Obviously, this kind of ongoing communication is not for everyone, and also not happening with everyone, but it happens. Does she cares about my money? OF COURSE! But does she cares about me as a person? Yes, that too. Will we stay in touch if I stop paying? It all depends on the chemistry between us, but by experience I'd say yes, we will.

Bottom line, SP and SB/SD relationships just can't be compared IMHO.

You don't need to experience an exact thing to have a through understanding of it. This is why we have ability to observe, analyse, and report.
Congratulations. You make a statement in sentence one, then contradict yourself in sentence two. I agree with sentence two. Now please explain what you have observed and analyzed. Have you been peeking in CA's bedroom? In Curly's? In mine? What observations are you basing your judgements on?
Rumple, even though solidsnake may not have had the same experiences as some of us, his point of view is still valid and eloquently explained. Maybe you should just stop arguing with one another? You are both intelligent men, but you clearly have a different point of view. Why don't you agree to disagree and leave it at that? :) Just my 2 cents.

Yep. Got a text from her this morning. "Good morning! Than YOU for being such a a amazing sweetie :) Still glowing from our trip!" She's not alone. I am as well.
One word of caution (that I tell to myself too by the way). Be careful not to get too attached! Men have a tendency to wear pink glasses sometimes, and some more than others. Knowing that helps put things in perspective. Most of the times you will not end up living together, let alone get married, even though I know it happens (one of my closest friend is still living with the same women for 10 years now, and he met her as an SP).

I hugged and kissed her goodbye, not knowing whether I would ever see her again. We promised to keep in touch but I knew that the likelihood of seeing her again anytime soon was very small. She hugged and kissed me with genuine warmth. I headed for the train and Bee walked out of the station and out of my life in the same sudden fashion that she had entered it just a few days before.
I'd love to be able to go on trip like that, and meet someone like her to enhance the time I have there. But since I made other choices, it won't happen. It was very nice to read your story. Thanks Capt! I'd love to see some pics! ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Obviously, this kind of ongoing communication is not for everyone, and also not happening with everyone, but it happens. Does she cares about my money? OF COURSE! But does she cares about me as a person? Yes, that too. Will we stay in touch if I stop paying? It all depends on the chemistry between us, but by experience I'd say yes, we will.

Ditto here. I'm still in touch with my previous girl from three years ago. She always calls whenever she's in town for a coffee/drink and some gossips catch up time! No sex, but just like any good old friend. I guess it all depends on how the relationship ended. However that tells me that I was and still am more to her than just a Bank Machine.

Be careful not to get too attached! Men have a tendency to wear pink glasses sometimes, and some more than others.

The reverse is also true if she gets too attached, wich is the risk I'm managing right now. No want these stories to slide into jalousie plots or other like dramas.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have no problem stating publicly that love her and I assure you that I have no desire to either possess her or live with her. She certainly feels the same. .

I have no toolbar to highlight the " She certainly feels the same " but has she said those words to you? Just courious.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I have no toolbar to highlight the " She certainly feels the same " but has she said those words to you? Just courious.

Saying is bullshit. Actions speaks louder then words. As CaptainRenault said that I sound like a broken record but that is my response to posters with the same broken record statements of there being more. When a women stops accepting money from you that is when you know there is more. So long as money is being payed there is nothing more then that. Her actions will prove how she feels. Folks love is always unconditional and this applies it any kind of relationship. If it is on condition then it is not love.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Lily of Montreal you are so full of... good sense ;)

Did not read this whole thread but just a few sentences from you makes me think, jesus this girls is wise.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Unlike some around here, Lily know not to claim knowledge of that which is beyond her range of experience. Note how she says, "The only unconditional love I can think of for a child." Well, she happens to be wrong, but only because she doesn't have a grandchild. ;) Someday if you're lucky, Lily, you'll know that the love for a grandchild is possibly even greater than the love for a child.

Rumple comon, I think it's obvious that the love a grandchild is like the love a child.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Rumple comon, I think it's obvious that the love a grandchild is like the love a child.


Not really. I was having a conversation with a Grandpa the other day and what he told me was that being a Grandpa was better - because you can love the kid and not have to tough love them- it's the parent's problem dealing with excessive cellphone usage, curfew enforcement, house rules etc. The Grandpa I spoke to was very happy not to have to deal with that fucking nonsense and just be able to love the kids and be a grandparent without having to also be a parent.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Sometimes we do agree.
But it is still rediculous, tell it to a cat lover.

It's not at all ridiculous if you studied history and anthropology. Humans and dogs evolved together, not apart. It is historical and anthropological fact that all domesticated dogs descended from the grey wolf. The grey wolf evolved because more intelligent, curious and docile species of the wolf befriended man and helped him hunt animals. The humans had the superior hunting technique but the dogs had superior smell and hearing and were able to track the prey so that the humans could kill it. Dog and man benefitted each other in this way throughout history, achieving hunting success, to the point where we have completely domesticated animals that now depend on humans for their food. Their behaviors were learned through evolution WITH man.

There is no such similar evolutionary history with cats. They are basically scavengers and did not support human endeavors and achievement like dogs did. They did not help us evolve like dogs did.


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
Unlike some around here, Lily knows not to claim knowledge of that which is beyond her range of experience. Note how she says, "The only unconditional love I can think of for a child." Well, she happens to be wrong, but only because she doesn't have a grandchild. ;) Someday if you're lucky, Lily, you'll know that the love for a grandchild is possibly even greater than the love for a child.

Someone once wrote , why do grandparents and grandchildren get along so well ? They share the same enemy, the parents.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The fields of evolutionary biology and psychology can help us understand how the relationship between an SD and an SB is perfectly rational and natural.

October 1 2015
Men want beauty, women want money: what we want from the opposite sex
Sydney Morning Herald

Men want beautiful women. Women want men with money. And these stereotypes hold true for rich and poor, young and old, high school dropouts and university graduates, and even those who think they're hot and those who think they're not, according to new research published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Personality and Individual Differences.

The study of more than 27,600 heterosexual people in the US – published by a team of health, social and behavioural scientists at UCLA, Chapman University, Indiana University and Rutgers University – asked respondents to rate the importance of different characteristics in a long-term partner. It found people's preferences were more consistent with gender than with age, income, education or satisfaction with their own appearance....

Brendan Zietsch, a researcher in evolutionary psychology at the University of Queensland, said the findings were "very unsurprising", with numerous studies demonstrating similar results.
When it comes to choosing a mate, both men and women try to "maximise their genetic contribution to future generations", Dr Zietsch said.

"Men can do this by partnering with women possessing cues of youth and fertility, and so have evolved to find such cues attractive and important, whereas women can do this by partnering with men with resources to maximise the survival and mating prospects of their children."

...While studies like this seem to confirm the most tired clichés of what men and women want, it's worth bearing in mind that what people say they want doesn't always match up with whom they choose.

"There is debate among scientists about whether stated preferences are meaningful, for example, whether they predict real partner choices," Dr Zietsch said.
And perhaps most importantly, although previous research suggests these overall gender differences may be universal, it also points to universal similarities.

For example, one of the most widely-cited studies of partner preferences – David Buss' 1989 survey of more than 10,000 men and women from 37 cultures – famously found that, in all cultures, women valued resources and men valued physical attractiveness.

However, Professor Buss – now a professor of psychology at the University of Texas – and his team also found that certain other traits were universally desired.

"Things like intelligence, kindness, dependability, emotional stability, good health; also mutual attraction and love," Professor Buss told ABC Radio National.
"These were the things that both men and women everywhere wanted


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have noticed a huge spike in new ladies on Seeking Arrangement in the last week, as college semesters are coming to an end and the search for summer jobs and summer money is on. Last day in particular I observed a huge spike in new ladies. My search criteria seeks new and young, so the control group has been constant the last two months and there is no mistaking the surge in recent new SB wannabes. If you are looking the supply of SBs at this moment is spiking, meaning it's a buyer's market right now. Get them new and young before they figure out their true value. Happy hunting!!!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Get them new and young before they figure out their true value. Happy hunting!!!
One thing my girl told me several months after we met was that, had we not met when we did, we probably never would have as she knows quite a few women who have had bad experiences at SA with scumbags who were looking, not for an arrangement, but for cheap sex. If you're looking to take advantage of someone, it's probably best to look elsewhere rather than tarnish the image of men using SA.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I certainly did not mean one should look for "cheap sex" but there are women on SA looking for a $5,000 a month allowance because someone else has given it to them and not because they are worth it. The newer ladies do not know where to start in a monetary negotiation and what I usually end up paying is the equivalent of normal HDH rates. That is by no means cheap sex.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I certainly did not mean one should look for "cheap sex" but there are women on SA looking for a $5,000 a month allowance because someone else has given it to them and not because they are worth it. The newer ladies do not know where to start in a monetary negotiation and what I usually end up paying is the equivalent of normal HDH rates. That is by no means cheap sex.
Interesting. Are you looking for an "arrangement" or a one-off? I've used the site for long-term and have received more than enough inquiries from obvious escorts, all of which I've ignored. Sounds like there are plenty of young ones out there looking for a summer job. There are, as I've said, quite a few out there looking for cheap sex. And the vast majority of the women are looking for considerably less than $5000 per month, at least in Montreal. Where are you looking, if I may ask?

My arrangement is now nearly a year old. She's not a student, so it is not time delimited by an academic year. For the record, she's an artist/cook in her early 30s and gets a weekly allowance from me of 400$. She is also wined and dined and I'm quite generous with gifts, though her taste is, like mine, quite moderate. We meet once or twice weekly, though the second meeting is only for brunch or a movie. Our "dates" typically last anywhere from 3-7 hours depending on what "other" activities we have planned. There was one date, however, that lasted 10 days and took in two European cities and another of 4 down to NYC. I figure, exclusive of meals and tickets, the arrangement is costing me about 25,000$ per year, before figuring the generous discount that I'm given by the exchange rate. It's a total win-win.

I have heard from other girls as well that there are unscrupulous guys out there looking to take advantage.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I use SA to find women who can be companions for dinner dates and sex. I have not really had any very long term arrangements. However I have never had sex on a first date or a "one off", either. So the answer to your question is neither. Most women 18-22 who are not pros and are just SB wannabes are not going to jump in bed with an older guy on the first date, but my success rate after 2, 3 and 4 dates is pretty high. I like to play the field so the chances of a long term arrangement are not very high, but if I meet someone who really inspires me I suppose it's possible. It has not happened yet. I had an arrangement with one girl which lasted the entire summer last year, but when summer was over she moved back to Florida, and that was that.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, my girl and I celebrated our one year anniversary last night. Started with an afternoon walk in the Botanical Garden, moved on to dinner at a nice resto and ended up back at my place. We've just booked a flight to Halifax in August, going to spend a few days there and a few hiking around the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island. This gets better almost every day.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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More than interesting this point of view, and we cannot deny there is truth in it.

I think Seeking Arrangement's concerns are purely legal and have to do with protecting themselves against US LE as suggested by Patron. I don't think Natalie fully understands the scope of the legal issues a website like SA faces. Especially with sexually repressed Republicans in power.

That being said, there has been many articles in the American media about how Seeking Arrangement is nothing more than a form of online prostitution and the Sugar Babies themselves are simply tech-savvy prostitutes passing themselves off as something else, in order to effectively legalize their behaviors. I think that such conclusions are far more simplistic than the reality. First, there are men and women who are in fact using SA for nonsexual forms of social companionship. Second, from my own personal experiences, many of the Sugar Babies will adamantly deny that they are prostitutes (without being asked), while performing the same companionship services provided by prostitutes. Whether there is a real distinction isn't particularly important except where LE may be concerned. The Sugar Babies who deny status of prostitute argue that they are paid for something more than a quick hookup, which is, in many or most cases, correct.

I have been a regular user of SA for around 3 years now and the vast majority of the women I met were college students and not really pros. In their minds they are being paid to be a dinner and social companion and if something more does happen it's due to consent between two adults. I note that SA enables a physical and verbal screening process whereby the woman sees your pics (you can invite them into your private album) and you can see hers. The lady I saw most recently saw my private pics and told me she thought I was good looking and that is why she agreed to see me. In most cases escorts do not know what the client looks like and vice versa if it's a first meeting. Not true on SA, she sees you and you see her and read each other's profiles. So Maria, if you spoke to this lady and said "hey! Your a prostitute just like me!" Her response would be, "Maria, I chose this guy after seeing his pics and messaging him. You don't really choose your clients because it's your occupation. I am just looking for one guy." And your retort would be, "did you suck his dick and get money to do it?" And on and on and we would be off to the races. I find these debates to be fun and amusing, but in the end there is no winner and no right answer.
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