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Long term arrangements


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
While I think she should have gotten a refund, I don't think she appreciates the U.S. law enforcement issues that Seeking Arrangement faces and the U.S. federal government's ability to seize the assets of Seeking Arrangement if they assert that the site promotes prostitution

She signed up using her escort name, and she used her escort pictures.
That is not very subtle.
First rule for most guys is do an image search of any picture a woman posts.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I think Seeking Arrangement's concerns are purely legal and have to do with protecting themselves against US LE as suggested by Patron. I don't think Natalie fully understands the scope of the legal issues a website like SA faces. Especially with sexually repressed Republicans in power.

Yep the conservatives in full power enforcing traditional and biblical social behaviors.

That being said, there has been many articles in the American media about how Seeking Arrangement is nothing more than a form of online prostitution and the Sugar Babies themselves are simply tech-savvy prostitutes passing themselves off as something else, in order to effectively legalize their behaviors. I think that such conclusions are far more simplistic than the reality. First, there are men and women who are in fact using SA for nonsexual forms of social companionship. Second, from my own personal experiences, many of the Sugar Babies will adamantly deny that they are prostitutes (without being asked), while performing the same companionship services provided by prostitutes. Whether there is a real distinction isn't particularly important except where LE may be concerned. The Sugar Babies who deny status of prostitute argue that they are paid for something more than a quick hookup, which is, in many or most cases, correct.

I have been a regular user of SA for around 3 years now and the vast majority of the women I met were college students and not really pros. In their minds they are being paid to be a dinner and social companion and if something more does happen it's due to consent between two adults. I note that SA enables a physical and verbal screening process whereby the woman sees your pics (you can invite them into your private album) and you can see hers. The lady I saw most recently saw my private pics and told me she thought I was good looking and that is why she agreed to see me. In most cases escorts do not know what the client looks like and vice versa if it's a first meeting. Not true on SA, she sees you and you see her and read each other's profiles. So Maria, if you spoke to this lady and said "hey! Your a prostitute just like me!" Her response would be, "Maria, I chose this guy after seeing his pics and messaging him. You don't really choose your clients because it's your occupation. I am just looking for one guy." And your retort would be, "did you suck his dick and get money to do it?" And on and on and we would be off to the races. I find these debates to be fun and amusing, but in the end there is no winner and no right answer.

I agree with what you said. However I do not think Nathalie Lefebvre understands what SA is all about. SA is about a mutually beneficial relationship but girls like her who are trying to use the site to sell sexual services as an escort will give the site many legal problems and SA is not an escort advertising site. She does not understand and if she wants to sell her services she needs to use an escort advertising site. The guys are not going on SA to book an escort. The game is so different.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Men want beautiful women. Women want men with money. And these stereotypes hold true for rich and poor, young and old, high school dropouts and university graduates, and even those who think they're hot and those who think they're not, according to new research published in the peer-reviewed academic journal

Beauty is nice but if it is attached to a real bitch it is not worth it, personally I prefer a very nice GND type that is pleasant to be around over a beauty with attitude. Much easier to find and easier to keep happy.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Beauty is nice but if it is attached to a real bitch it is not worth it, personally I prefer a very nice GND type that is pleasant to be around over a beauty with attitude. Much easier to find and easier to keep happy.

Haha STN me and you are so much different yet so much alike ;) I so fucking much agree with that sentence.

Life experience told me that so many girl do not realize how beautiful they are because of their good positive attitude and happiness. And so many beautiful girl do not realize how a living hell they are! ;)



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Beauty is nice but if it is attached to a real bitch it is not worth it, personally I prefer a very nice GND type that is pleasant to be around over a beauty with attitude. Much easier to find and easier to keep happy.

I do not accept either... I want both beauty and personality or at least a good combination of both.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
That is perfectly fine to think so. But beauty is defined by you and nobody else.


Not necessarily. Beauty is what the majority consider as beautiful. For example Euphoria's girls almost all look identical... White, spinner or slim bodies. This is in their definition as beautiful and most of the reviewers have been pleased by their beauty. Euphoria will also hire what sells. Imagine they hired mostly chubby girls they would go out of business. Lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Not sure I agree with Nataly's view of Seeking Arrangement. For example, after a first date and agreed arrangement, I had a intimate time with one of the girls. She then started to blackmail me about the fact that what I did was illegal and if I didn't send her more money she would go to the police. And I am sure by the way she operated that this was a well honed technique and I must not have been the only victim.

Poor women taken advantaged of? yeah right..... guess who's the butt of the joke! In that case, SA provides a vehicle for such behaviors and these girls take advantage of the new legislation to blackmail and scam.

And Harper thought that all women in prostitution were victims..... What we need is fair rules and known parameters, for everyone.


New Member
Dec 28, 2016
Extorsion (R.S., c. C-34, s. 346.1), or blackmail, is a serious criminal offense! People shouldn't be worried about going to the police about this if they have solid evidence proving the blackmail. How you'd end up actually prosecuted for communication / procurement in the context of having sought out a long term committed relationship (the arrangement) would be beyond ridiculous (or all us married guys are going to jail for providing steady allowances to women for occasional sex).*

*Always retain appropriate legal counsel. I am not providing legal advice.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Not necessarily. Beauty is what the majority consider as beautiful. For example Euphoria's girls almost all look identical... White, spinner or slim bodies.

Body beauty is different from facial beauty. For body beauty I prefer someone like K.I.M if people remember her, spinners are fine but not a fan of A cups. Facial beauty, to each their own. Some people review a 10 and I see a 7.


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Sep 8, 2003
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r00t, you're probably right and this is how I put a stop to it. However, she was playing on the fact that I wouldn't want my name in the newspapers.... Law Enforcement would have probably been too happy to convict us both, one testifying about the other's infraction in a "if I sink you will sink too" kinda logic.... easy for them...

Anyhow, my point is that the new legislation around prostitution opens the door to that kind of threat. That being said, I was stupid enough to discuss in writing the terms of our agreement and it made it easy for her to get me. Lesson learned.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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CaptRenault, this is common. Some of these girls see you as a banking machine.... You just have to run away fast from these. Some professionals have the same behaviors unfortunately, get in get paid and get out as soon as possible.... At least in the case of SA, he could spot her before spending a dime.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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CaptRenault, this is common. Some of these girls see you as a banking machine.... You just have to run away fast from these. Some professionals have the same behaviors unfortunately, get in get paid and get out as soon as possible.... At least in the case of SA, he could spot her before spending a dime.

It's much more likely to happen with older women. As I already mentioned in this thread the younger women just joining SA, 18-22 yo, even the hotter ones, have no idea as to the value of their asses. If you go on SA looking for MILFs it's a losing proposition unless you are willing to eat $150-$200 on a first date to set up an arrangement for $300-$400 on subsequent dates which are intimate. Realistically if you see a girl in the 18-22 yo range on SA and you don't offer her something for a NSA date it's not gonna happen. This is why CR's friend was striking out, other guys were making offers to get their attention and he wasn't. End of story.

All of the above being said, I have a friend who is possibly the biggest cheap-ass I know, who is a late 50s attorney, has some money, is a not bad looking guy but a little overweight, and he does fairly well for himself on SA although he generally targets young black girls 18-22, and I think he does well in part because he has less competition for that particular demographic.Based on my own observations there is a higher % of black ladies on SA in my area than there is in the population at large, which I attribute to socioeconomic factors as most of these ladies live in less fortunate circumstances. In any event my friend is one of these "I want something for nothing" kind of guys when it comes to sex, and back in his younger days, he was well known for going to inner city strip clubs and recruiting girls to come to pool parties at his house where he would have a band of pervs waiting and willing to pay $50-$60 per blow job from ladies who were very low end strippers and probably part time SWs. But even he understands that $150-$200 NSA first date is usually necessary to get the attention of a non-pro. If you are not willing to bite some bullets in this fashion, SA is not where you should be.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Norm is $100-200 for a NSA first date then anywhere from $250-$500 for a date with intimacy in my experience in the USA. The older women want more money, generally, and are cagier negotiators. The younger women don't know the value of their asses and if you get lucky you find a newbie hottie, get her to agree to a first date of around $100 and then if she is comfortable with you, you could score for $300.

It's a Sugar Daddy website. Your friend's attitude that he could get a free date is totally unrealistic with any woman worth her salt. I am not saying there are no women who are on there who will agree to a freebie first date, maybe the low demand girls who are not lookers will do a freebie. There are thousands of women on there, and generally the hotties are not going to come cheaply. This is common sense and it's also the way it goes in real life. You just gotta catch them when they are new and don't have any offers and if you play the game you can score. I have met a few real hotties I scored with for $300, admittedly they were ethnic minorities and maybe not in high demand but they were clean, hot college girls and provided great sex. Timing is very important and you have to check the new registrants in your area. CR with due respect I think your friend used a poor strategy not designed for success, or else he wants something for nothing, which is not an attitude one can perpetuate on SA with any sustainable successful results. You have to be patient as well.


Sep 18, 2005
I never pay for a first meeting and had no problem to score. It might be because I am telling them that I am looking for a long term arrangement, and that chemistry is important. The first meeting is usually for a coffee or lunch to get to know each other and discuss expectations.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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How old are you? If I was under 40 I wouldn't pay for a first date either. I am targeting very very hot women that are getting multiple offers in all likelihood. Without knowing your age or the level of attractiveness of the women you are looking at it's hard to quantify your success, but I also tell women I am interested in long term arrangements and I have had a few. Women on SA generally (with some exceptions) are not interested in one time hook ups. As I said in my earlier post freebie first dates can be had, but for guys like CR's friend in his 50s it's not so easy. A lot of the younger girls don't want to even see guys over 50.


Sep 18, 2005
I am in my late 40's. I just look at their profile, without contacting them. They get a notice and usually send me an introduction message. If it's a short message (like Hi, how are you?), I do not reply. I only reply if the SB writes a nice introduction.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That's a solid strategy. It's also telling you interest level. Girls that say "hi how are ya?" usually aren't serious and for newbies there are a lot that come on SA that are more curious than serious and they can be time wasters.

I target DDG girls and although I am in the same age group as you, recognize that for DDG girls 18-22 yo my chances are improved to get their attention if I offer them $150 NSA. I also tell them I want an arrangement that includes intimacy as well as dinner dates. And therefore they know what I want and that I am for real. I strongly believe I got dates with a few hotties only because I offered them something for a NSA date. But if your approach is working keep it going man.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
My sense is that the ones who simply say "Hello" or similar are professionals looking for clients.

I've had three relationships through SA, each of them DDG to these eyes. The first, a 23 y/o French grad student, asked for a gift as a show of good faith. We met for dinner, I gave her an art book, which totally blew her away. We had dinner twice more, two more dates at my place before she put an end to it, clearly uncomfortable with the concept. She's only logged in once (at least as of the last time I looked, about 10 months ago, to remove her picture.

I also met the second, a 26 y/o Quebecoise massage therapist (not erotic) for dinner, consummating the relationship, which lasted three months, on the second date. She asked for nothing for the first meeting. Also a non-professional, she'd a prior three year SD/SB relationship which I ended shortly before we met. While she was gorgeous, we really had nothing in common. I've gotten more pleasure from most escorts I've met.

I also met the third, a 30 y/o artist, Anglo-Canadian, for dinner, for which she also asked for nothing. After dinner, we took bixis downtown to the Jazzfest, before walking back up to the Plateau to our respective homes. We met once more for dinner before consummating the relationship, which is now in its second year. I give her a weekly allowance and we have sex once a week, a date which can run anywhere from 4-8 hours depending on what else we have planned; she only occasionally spends the night. We often meet for a concert, brunch/dinner, or a movie on another day as well. We've been to New York, Berlin and Prague, and have two more trips planned in the next three months. If I'm gone for an extended period, I still give her the allowance, though if it's only for a week or so, we'll have two "paid" dates either immediately before or after my absence. The only time she doesn't get her subsidy is if she's out of town for a while. I dare say this is the most satisfying relationship I've ever had with a woman. We are extremely fond of each other and we are also extremely fond of our individual freedom.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I was doing a search on Seeking Arrangement and one of the SBs whose profile I was looking at listed her occupation as "RPW."

What is a RPW???
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