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Massage Parlor owner question !


I'm a rooster, I naturally dig chicks
Jul 30, 2011
Perhaps we can agree that in the long term, things will go back to normal. Some SPs will exit the business and some MPs will close, but new ones will take their place. After all, this is the oldest profession in human history and it has survived so many pandemics. Covid-19 is certainly not the last one either.

Short-term, the problem the majority of SPs face is what are their other options? Many don't have any marketable skills and can only take low-wage jobs. But even then, what jobs are available out there with millions being unemployed? Seems like the only jobs in demand right now are the ones in CHSLDs, where the risk of getting infected is much greater.

If I were an SP, I would apply for the federal CERB program and try to get $2,000/month for the next 4 months and see how the situation evolves. The only challenge is, how do I declare that I have been working under the table and not paying taxes all these years? I know some SPs actually do declare some income as a massage therapist or small business, those have a temporary way out. But not for the majority of them.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Its like your car ... oil needs to be changed regularly to keep the vital parts running smooth ... girls here to help us change our oil regularly and a 2 month disruption already causing critical parts to clash ... too much longer and ... well, dare I say changing our oil our selves quickly and efficiently may make the girls obsolete?? LOL ... nah ... but there are those working and hope the same will be too for massage parlors - as have never tried one in MTL and love a guide to the best one to go to and who to see there when all this is said and done.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Compare sperm to oil, that one made me laugh.

Then you, did you find a good mechanical girl to change your oil, or do you change it yourself? And what color is your oil?

Excuse me, I couldn't let this one pass.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

There is a big demand for workers at call centers, grocery stores, and Wal-Mart. The girls will probably take up jobs there.


I'm a rooster, I naturally dig chicks
Jul 30, 2011
You're right, Cloud 500, I certainly hope so and wish them all the best of luck to find ways to survive this difficult period.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011

There is a big demand for workers at call centers, grocery stores, and Wal-Mart. The girls will probably take up jobs there.

I bet they would find the paycheck from these places pretty hard to swallow.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Fear is illogical. The way the media is posting alarmist news and the government enforcing social distancr rules, the girls will be too scared to serve. Health over money will be their thinking.


Jan 25, 2020
lol , bj aisle six,oil change , this is true,lol, good one guys , I needed to laugh, have good one gentleman , happy hobbying after bs pandemic


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It is what I have been saying all along. All these social distance rules is about compliance to the government. It is all for show. For example they are promoting cloth masks but in reality they are pointless. The virus goes right through them. So why enforce to wear them? Answer is compliance. It is all bs if you ask me.
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marine man

New Member
Mar 22, 2007
It is what I have been saying all along. All these social distance rules is about compliance to the government. It is all for show. For example they are promoting cloth masks but in reality they are pointless. The virus goes right through them. So why enforce to wear them? Answer is compliance. It is all bs if you ask me.

Don't get me started on mask....but I do not think it's about compliance or somekind of conspiracy. I think people have no clue about what's good for them and any increase is safety is deamed mandatory. Just like work place safety. Oh you're working in a high place over water. Okay well let's force you to put a harness and be secured in....oh...and what the hell let's put 2 people in a boat to watch you, in case you fall off the plateform and the harness doesn't hold you back.....but heck you'll be falling off the Jacques Cartier bridge so you'll be dead on splashing but it looks good to have a safety boat. Yesterday I saw one person with mask and a visor at 2 weeks, when everyone will have given hope and wear the mask they'll be pushing for the visor as well. You can never be too cautious.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
It's a step in the right direction, but it will take still more steps before the erotic massage parlors reopen, but it is encouraging.

Hope creates patience.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Marine Man,

Open your eyes. It is exactly about compliance. Read the CDC website. Masks are not even recommended and they are promoting reusable cloth masks. They do nothing to protect against the virus so why ask ppl to wear them? It is about compliance. Trudeau has not stood up to China and the WHO is funded by the Chinese Communist Party. I personally think the masks are ridiculous close to paranoia. It is what they do in Communist China. Some safety measures is too much and it impedes on performance. It is all about balance. The way you talk you should stay home locked up for life because there are car accidents waiting to happen, maybe piece of ice will fall from a building, etc.. The media scared the shit out of ppl good with their fear mongering reporting.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Very much on point Cloud 500. I was talking to a friend just the other day about how wearing the masks is more like a security blanket to make people feel more safer while walking around in public. It's been so long since I've been to Montreal or a massage parlor that I'd be ok with the girls and I wearing masks as long as the flip something close to being what I am used to.

marine man

New Member
Mar 22, 2007
Marine Man,

Open your eyes. It is exactly about compliance. Read the CDC website. Masks are not even recommended and they are promoting reusable cloth masks. They do nothing to protect against the virus so why ask ppl to wear them? It is about compliance. Trudeau has not stood up to China and the WHO is funded by the Chinese Communist Party. I personally think the masks are ridiculous close to paranoia. It is what they do in Communist China. Some safety measures is too much and it impedes on performance. It is all about balance. The way you talk you should stay home locked up for life because there are car accidents waiting to happen, maybe piece of ice will fall from a building, etc.. The media scared the shit out of ppl good with their fear mongering reporting.
I must have not expressed myself correctly.....I am against mask. I'm just saying as a socitety we are now a bunch a WUSS afraid of everything. Personnally I will not wear a mask unless it is mandatory...I would rather spend my money on girls than on a fine. I'm just saying it might become mandatory and all other safety measur because the there will be a large enought part of the population who will want it. Without any proof that there is a benefit. Or even a significant increase in safety. That is why I was bringing safety at work, I fell in a stairs last time I was at work, there was a investigation about it and nothing was found except it was an accident. Signs were made to made aware the staircase was too steep. In the end it is less money spent on the important thing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Ahh sorry by bad. I get it now. You are right society wants it. It is more for show and their psychology.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2004
so if I go in and tell them I'm not wearing a mask inside the room, will they tell me to leave ? how desperate for business will the spas be ?
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