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Members and the lacks of reviews recently

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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Since a year or 2, damn the reviews are at there all time low. Some of the board biggest members do not review anymore. Manapart has become a booker(one hell of a good one too :thumb:) , and its been silence from some of the old time members like Iggy, Doc, EagerBeaver and others. Now if im mistaken, correct me there ;) I browsed trough Delta's profile and i see quite a few reviews, so thanks a lot man :thumb:

Maybe its that there is not as much new members as there was back in the days. But considering how many lurkers there is on merb... its a shame not much reviews are made. I know its safer now to book with the good agencies than it was 5 years ago, so its not as nessary as before, but still... i enjoyed reading those reviews. Also it seem there is mostly reviews from the same agencies all the time. Now i know why, those are great agencies lol, but i wish the people who book girls from the smaller agencies would review them more... those are the one i want to hear about. I mean some agencies i do not need reviews at all lol :lol: And yes if you did have a good time, don't fear to mention it, cause i want to know you had a good time, as much as if you had a bad one. If a girl is unreviewed, im in the ???? zone, i don't take it for a "yes" that she is good.

And finally... why the recent review board is broken...? Last post is from 2012... hum... whats up with that? Should it not show the latest reviews of the members, so thecnically 2014 lol

In any case, be sure HM will keep review the girls he see, sadly i don't call that often myself, so well... wish i would contribute more. Oh and last, please be descriptive... i don't need a fapping material review, but a review that simple say..

She is cute, sex was nice, had a good time...

Well thats better than nothing but cmon.... lol ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

I did just post one review a week ago lol, but I have been kinda "busy" lately so not many recently ;)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Ah ! Didn't saw your review, but i remember you mentioned to me you where not reviewing these days by choice.


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Jul 16, 2004
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For myself i have been quiet in the summer..the reason is simple in my case !!! I hate humidity ...realllyyyyy i hate it having sex on top of it ....not really my cup of tea ...but i gonna Come back in really soon ...but seems at least some told me the last Party.. Common panther we are missing your review yes i agree ...but that was my reason for me...i know the first girl i want is KATE...from Mtlgfe and for sure miss MEGAN from GG...damn been a longggg time Kate here i come ...soon lolll..


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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One of the problems is a lot of guys do not really know how to write reviews and do not respond well to criticism of their reviews from other hobbyists and the SPs themselves.

Reviews vary from the "too much info" Penthouse forum type exposes to pithy reviews with scant information. The more informative reviews that have too much detail tend to embarrass the girls, who while understanding the need for publicity also feel that some personal pact of privacy has been violated. This is really the age old adage against "kiss and tell." Reminds me of an SP I spoke to who was upset about a review that was extremely positive and the only thing I could find at fault was just too much info and she felt her privacy was violated by the hobbyist.

Many years ago an SP got upset with me for mentioning her ethnicity in a review. She was Asian but I mentioned the specific country in Asia and although it is not a small country, posting this info bothered her. She told me this in person and I edited my review.

I posted only one real review this summer and it was with Nadia Jolie. I struggled with the decision to post a review because she already had many reviews, I had nothing new to say and she did not need any help from me by a long shot as she is very popular and rightfully so. In the final analysis I posted the review only because I thought one aspect of her service (Russian) was the best I ever had. I struggled in deciding to post this info because I generally believe in discretion in providing details. In the end, I decided I did not think Nadia would be offended by a general summary of my experience.

My personal opinion is that due to the subjective nature of the business the best way to do a review is post all physical descriptions like hair color, breasts, body type, tattoos and piercings and language skills in French and English, go light on sexual details except an executive summary, and if anyone needs more info they can send you a PM and that way you don't embarrass a girl who gave a service to you that she doesn't give to everyone. One time a SP let me CIM and she told me only white guys got that service and blacks and Asians did not. Posting that in a review would have killed her. I just said "thank you God for making me a white boy" to myself. She was an ultra popular Indy too. But that was a very personal thing. It is what it is - you gotta respect the girls even on stuff like that. I personally don't have any racial restrictions but it is not the point. It is her personal decision as to her limits.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Oh i totally agree with you. I never expect or want too much infos. I do not need the reviews to be 'fap worthy" and goes into personal details of what she did. All i want to know is how hot was she physically (to the reviewer) , and yes tattoos, piercing and such are usefull to know. Then when it comes to the rest, i want to know mostly on her attitude, how she behaved during the session, was she very sympatic, or what she more quiet and following the motion, stuff like that. Some stuff that can appear to be minor makes a lot of a difference to me. Cell phone being one of them. When it comes to services i like to know if a member got CIM or not, its really usefull for the agency that don't list services. Sure yes we can't take the word for it and expect it 100% but its an indication that it may happen, when other girls are totally no-cim policies no matter who you are.

As for reviews and how SPs see them. Well again its different from one to another. Some of them like them(when positive of course), read them, like the fact it popularize them if i can say. Myself include when i see a review it put that girl in my head... And when there is some negative in it, some SPs will take it as constructive too. Other SPs just don't care, they don't even know whats merb or they answer "thats a review board or something right?" and finally yes some others may totally hate getting reviewed as they feel its personal stuff.

But personally reviews helped me a lot when i started, and i guess they do help a lot the new members as well, its a good and positive thing that need to keep existing...
May 28, 2012
One of the problems is a lot of guys do not really know how to write .............................................................................her personal decision as to her limits.


An outstanding post that pretty much covers the issue. Sorry to quote you, but I thought the post deserved special attention.


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I think C36 may be having an impact as well. It seems to be scaring people.

Do the police would really try to link our profiles to us and try to arrest us for reviews made on the internet? I mean i know they can track an internet name to an IP and our home, its easy stuff for them, but would they really do that? That would be weird... they won't get that over the top will they?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You miss the point which is that when people are scared they hobby less and post less. Has absolutely nothing to do with the Internet. Has to do with reduced hobbying leading to reduced reviews.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Ah ! Honestly this so not scare me... i mean unless you call a random 123 girl, what are the chances for problems? People take this too seriously... only thing it will change is the advertising of the agencies...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I would also note: how many threads are there on C36 posted this year? 10? 15? Including a few by Freddy himself. This all sends the message to MERB readers of fear, to spread fear and worry. It is not even deniable. The bill has been a dominant topic of conversation on MERB this year.

Whether it scares you is irrelevant. We are talking about the masses who read and post on MERB, not me and not you.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hum good point, i think its a good thing the hobby community is informed, but at the same time its a "storm in a bottle" kind of thing. Thats like seeing a big menacing shadow on the wall and realizing its just lights effect... thats actually a tiny cuty cat....

What i mean is this bill will only affect the low levels hobby. It will be more risky for johns to search the free ads as they could very well get sting by the police... Everything wich is not established may be dangerous to get caught. But calling the merb agencies... that won't change anything.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
For myself I did a couple of reviews of the 2 new girls I saw but I do not do repeat reviews and I mostly did repeats this summer.
As for C36, relax your reviews should not get you in trouble. People are getting scared too easily.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Again I do not think posters are worried about reviews getting them in trouble. They are worried about C36 and the new climate getting them in trouble. Fear means less hobbying and less hobbling means less reviews.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
HM, there are 4kind of reviewers :

The old members : There are 2 kind of old members : those who are (officialy or not) affiliated to an agency and those who need to keep good relationship with all the agencies. That the reason why they are not the more useful in term of reviews.

The independant serial fuckers and reviewers : They are very rare. Manapart and Delta123 are the best exemple. I remind a period when MA made more than 50% of all the reviews of this Board. But as we all know, MA is now with gg and Delta see a little less girls. You have here the main explanation of the decrease of reviews on this board.

The 20-30 sp/year reviewers : We are a lot in this category. This guys review almost every girls they see. But they see a few.

The lurkers : 99% of the board. And the new law won't convict them to review more !


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I still review. I enjoy it. When I see a girl that I like it inspires me. the words just flow.... It is a labor of love. I feel owe it to them. As explicit as my reviews are please note that I do ask for permission to write the review and when a girl asks that I do write about something I honor this request.

Negative reviews are a different story. I do not like writing abut bad experiences. I rarely TOFTT and with boards like MERB, TER, and ISG, ECCIE etc. you can reduce the probability of seeing a poor escort significantly. However, the escorts are human so occasionally I have a bad date. I think in the past two years there have been a couple of girls that were not worth the money I spent. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. But sometimes I cannot. This is when I have to write a negative review. These are not fun to write but it is my duty as a hobbyist to write these. I try to be fair.

It is funny how different girls in different hobby locals react to reviews. In Montreal I have never had a girl ask that I do not review our session. In FKK land for example, the ISG board is not to be mentioned. Girls are known to not lke the fact that they are being reviewed. In Montreal all the escorts know about MERB and no one I have seen seems to have a problem. I think they see a review as a good advertisement of their services. One the other hand, In the FKK a good advertisement is to have sex in the Keno with several people watching...this is my impression anyway.

This is a review board first and foremost. Please review the girls even if it is just a few lines.


Oct 30, 2003
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I still review. When I have time soon enough after an encounter that it's fresh in my memory. Or when I come across other reviews and I think I can contribute.
I don't agree with EB's criticism of how people review: for me, any review contains something useful.
Complaining that people's review are not to your taste will only lead to less reviews, which goes against the point of this board, doesn't it?
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