I just wanted to say thank you to all those who attended, maybe there was not quantity but there was definitely quality. A big thank you to Sophia it was a treat to see you again, however like Stipperlover I would have loved to have been in the booth with you and the girls you had dance for you. It was a pleasure to have met The_Gentleman, and share stories.
To Salmacis it was a lot of fun to have spoken with you, very knowledgeable merbite that I learnt a lot from and a cool cat. To the lurker who if I saw correctly has taken the plunge of registering, FunnyClown (that was the name that you said you were going to take right?). Look forward to reading your reviews.
Bruce 34 the man with the big smile and a lot of fun to hang out with, and my fellow bottled water drinker (at $4 a pop it sure was not cheap). To the man who can whip out a palm pilot and have a spreadsheet with all the numbers at the ready before you can say Satin Dreamz. Next time ElfGoneBad we must be better prepared for the after party.
To Ned Nobody it was a pleasure to have met you and I look forward to seeing you at the next get together and trading even more stories. To the man whom everyone knew the minute you came to the table, StipperLover. You are a lot of fun, and I still think you work for the Montreal Tourist committee..lol. I hope you decide to take charge and get the ball rolling on the next reunion in a month or two (maybe?).
To Annick it was very nice to meet you, but you are not allowed to wear that again. I hope I am not offending you, but it was very difficult to keep eye contact while talking to you
. It was nice to meet you Claudia, I did not get the chance to speak to you much. Something I will remedy next time (and I hope that all you girls do come again). Thank you very much Mariane for putting up with all of my pesky questions. It was a very nice to have met you and I look forward to seeing you again (redheads are killers, especially the good looking ones).
To Bigboyeddie, wish I could have had more of a chance to speak to you but I had to cut out around 1:00, so hopefuly next time buddy. And a huge THANK YOU to the group of lesbians who made the evening even more memorable by going up on stage with the stippers and giving us all a very nice show.
Once again Thanks I had a good time.
ps. All those who say they would like to come to the next one, please show up. Especially Bob Crane...you were in great demand that evening.
To Salmacis it was a lot of fun to have spoken with you, very knowledgeable merbite that I learnt a lot from and a cool cat. To the lurker who if I saw correctly has taken the plunge of registering, FunnyClown (that was the name that you said you were going to take right?). Look forward to reading your reviews.
Bruce 34 the man with the big smile and a lot of fun to hang out with, and my fellow bottled water drinker (at $4 a pop it sure was not cheap). To the man who can whip out a palm pilot and have a spreadsheet with all the numbers at the ready before you can say Satin Dreamz. Next time ElfGoneBad we must be better prepared for the after party.
To Ned Nobody it was a pleasure to have met you and I look forward to seeing you at the next get together and trading even more stories. To the man whom everyone knew the minute you came to the table, StipperLover. You are a lot of fun, and I still think you work for the Montreal Tourist committee..lol. I hope you decide to take charge and get the ball rolling on the next reunion in a month or two (maybe?).
To Annick it was very nice to meet you, but you are not allowed to wear that again. I hope I am not offending you, but it was very difficult to keep eye contact while talking to you
To Bigboyeddie, wish I could have had more of a chance to speak to you but I had to cut out around 1:00, so hopefuly next time buddy. And a huge THANK YOU to the group of lesbians who made the evening even more memorable by going up on stage with the stippers and giving us all a very nice show.
Once again Thanks I had a good time.
ps. All those who say they would like to come to the next one, please show up. Especially Bob Crane...you were in great demand that evening.
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