Looks like this concept is picking up steam, as we're getting a good-sized crowd when we plan a bit in advance, , or even on the spur of the moment (thanks to CK_NJ's efforts).
I think it's great that the agency owners are getting involved. I assume the evening can get long when you have to stand by the phone and coordinate. Candy was our first, followed by Sunny the owner of "the best agency in Montreal" (P.T. Barnum has NOTHING on Sunny!) , and Celine was there also last night.
We were actually discussing next week's dinner and i for one was drooling over the menu (next week I'll drool over the girls

i'm trying to space out the bigger chat evenings every two weeks or so to keep it fresh and something to look forward to. i'll probably hold the next one the monday after Celine's dinner so that the members who couldn't attend will have the chance to be informed on what happened (no, the last one didn't degenerate into orgies or barrooom fights

Ladies' participation is increasing as well, a very good sign. It keeps us from reverting to schoolkids discussing hockey cards too often (or sexual conquests if you get what i mean). Sunny, my open dare to you is still on to have one of your girls sub for you one evening anonymously,, although you're always entertaining in your own way

. I saw your agency ad today and i must admit you probably have the largest stable of all, you lucky guy!
Thanks again to everybody for your interest and always great participation. Until next time...