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MERB Suspensions: Check here for why

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Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: charest

Reason: Duplicate handle for banned member Coco-des-îles. Aka gougou, zebby, bovril, kequette, Queue-bec, aimelesfemmes, popol, couscous and so on.

Non mais, y a la tête dure le gars. :eek:

2) Forbidden Activities:

vi) Using multiple handles. Only one handle per member. Members using multiple handles and/or obvious shills WILL BE EXPOSED to the world.

vii) Posting bullshit on the board, making useless comments, and/or misleading people.


Mod 10
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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 weeks: Maxellis

Maxellis doesn`t seems to understand the difference between a masseuse who does extras and a real therapist. He previously complained of not getting extras at a place where no such things were hinted.

Next, he started to insult a woman he never even met, calling her names and implying things about her, simply because she missed an appointment with him.

When warned, he found nothing better than being a smart ass. He now have 2 weeks to think about his participation on MERB and was invited to read the rules upon his return, paying attention to a specific section written in red.

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: koyaanisqatsi

Reason: Continuous disrespect for the moderators and other members. Continually ignoring posted warnings. Generally being nothing but a shit disturber and troublemaker.

2) Forbidden Activities:

vii) Posting bullshit on the board, making useless comments, and/or misleading people.

Duration: 2 months

Coming back after a month suspension to stir up shit again wasn`t the greatest idea. Anybody can use an internet translator and ask precision for things that aren`t clear. MERB is bilingual and people can use French or English as they wish. Those who don`t feel the discussion is important enough to make the effort to use translation can skip posts done in a language they don`t understand.

If you aren`t happy with that; you are a big kid and know what you have to do..

Mod 10

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: Footman

Reason: Shilling. Actively promoting a provider on MERB with positive reviews in exchange for services.

Duration: 1 month

Any further posts on MERB regarding this particular provider will result in an immediate and permanent ban. If any member contacts a moderator with information that you are promoting this provider through PM, it will result in a permanent ban.

If you wish to promote this provider on MERB, you always have the option of becoming a paid advertiser.

Mod 8

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Louis le juste, francois1er & Charles Quint

Banned: Louis le juste

Reason: Duplicate handles for banned member Maxellis

4 days after a 2 weeks ban, you registered 3 handles to comes back and post. Was 2 weeks too long for you? Well, now you will have to wait 2 more months before your suspension of your Maxellis`s account is lifted. If your try to come back with different handles, you will be banned permanently along with all your duplicates.

Duration: 2 months (Maxellis)
...............PERMANENT (Louis le juste, Francois1er & Charles Quint)

Mod 10

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 weeks: Zlat

Reason: 2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 weeks suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 weeks: Rideon25

Reason: 2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 weeks suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 weeks: monboy

Why: Duplicate handles. He posted a question thread about an Ottawa area stripper in the "other cities" section under monboy and came back 8 minutes later, deleted that post, created a new handle to re-post the same question in the "Montreal Strip Club" section, likely to gain more visibility.
The original post was un-deleted, the new one under the duplicate handle was deleted and the new handle banned permanently.

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: stormshadow

Reason: Being disrespectful for the other members.

2) Forbidden Activities:

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...

iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.

Duration: 2 weeks

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Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: Jenny Brown

Duration: 2 weeks

Reason: I have warned you about posting in a review thread. You now did it for a 2nd and even a 3rd time. I guess you thought I was joking. If you want to advertise there is a right way to do so. This was the wrong way. Next time the ban will be permanent.

Beside, if you wish to advertise the right way, contact Fred Zed at [email protected] for information.

Mod 10
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: steveaustin0000

Reason: Disrespectful posting. Extreme language and insults.

3) Courtesy

i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.

ii) Having a difference of opinions is natural, healthy and can lead to positive conclusions. Exchanges of this nature are permitted and encouraged just as long as they are done so intelligently. Please conduct yourself accordingly.

: 3 weeks

While we allow a lot of latitude in political and sports threads, there is a limit as to how much we will permit when it comes to over the top language and insults. You have surpassed that limit by a large margin. While you may not agree with certain aspects of the political situation in Quebec, there are other ways to express your opinion without sinking to the level you have. I suggest you change your method of expressing yourself when your suspension has expired.

Mod 8

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: Kaila

Duration: permanent

Reason: I have had warned you about advertising, but you ignored my warning. You are now banned permanently or until you become a supporting member.

So if you want to post again on MERB, contact Fred Zed at [email protected] for information about becoming a supporting member.

Mod 10

Mod 12

New Member
Mar 17, 2012
Sol Tee Nutz

Banned: Sol Tee Nutz

Duration: 1 Month

Reason: I politely asked on behalf of MERB, for members to keep things respectful and on topic in a particular Lounge thread. You decided it was important to express your feelings about "resting your shaved testicles on another member`s chin". A pretty immature and childish reaction to my post I feel. Fair enough. There are also consequences to every action....This is yours.

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: elegancekiara & Seductress

Duration: permanent

Reason: Obvious shill or just plain advertising; hard to tell. You are now banned permanently or until you become a supporting member.

So if you want to post again on MERB, contact Fred Zed at [email protected] for information about becoming a supporting member.

Mod 10

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: Montreal angels

Reason: Posting a direct personal threat on the board.

2) Forbidden Activities:

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames fights, name-calling, etc...


A little note: Your girls are old enough to decide wherever they want to work; it isn`t a reason to threat other members as you did. You deleted it so this is why you didn`t get a longer suspension. You now have two weeks off to practice your customer service, because the way you are doing it is totally wrong and unacceptable.

Edit; After looking at the edition history, we decided to make their suspension permanent. Telling to our members "I KNOW EVERYTHING - SO NEXT CONTACT ILL KNOW , ILL ACT VERY FAST ..., HAVE A GOOD DAY GENTLEMEN AND TAKE NOTE OF THIS WARNING - ONE TEXT TO THE WRONG GIRL CAN CHANGE YOURE LIFE,TRUST ME ... " aren`t needed or wanted here. Montreal angels will have to take their brand of bullshit and find a new review board.

Mod 10
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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
HenryIV, aka Maxellis, Louis le juste, francois1er, Charles Quint

Suspendu en permanence: HenryIV aka Maxellis, Louis le juste, francois1er, Charles Quint

Pourquoi? : Pendant la suspension de Maxellis, il avait déjà recréé 3 nouveaux usagers qui avaient aussitôt étés bannis. Ca lui avait vallu de voir la suspension de Maxellis augmentée de 2 semaines à 2 mois. Ca finissait dans 2 semaines.
Il reviens maintenant avec HenryIV alors, nous n`avons d`autre choix que de considérer qu`il pense que les règles sont pour les autres. Il est maintenant banni de MERB en permanence, sous n`importe quel nom.
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