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MERB Suspensions: Check here for why

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: XOescortsMONTREAL

Duration: 2 WEEKS

Reason: Disrespectful posting towards the moderators, members, hell - towards the entire MERB community. Ignoring moderator warnings, ignoring MERB rules, being a general shit disturber. Posting veiled threats towards members, making borderline racist posts... Do I need to continue?

NO, you are not `Above the law` as you tried to state, you are subject to the same rules as any other member of this community. If you break them you will be suspended.

This suspension is for 2 weeks due to the total disrespect you have shown for every member of this community. If you continue in the same style upon your return, your next suspension will be permanent.

Mod 8

EDIT: suspension extended to 3 weeks.
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Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: nottoolong duplicate of XOescortsMONTREAL (who didn`t accept his suspension yesterday..)

Duration: PERMANENT and as for the original account, his suspension has been extended to 3 weeks.

Reason: Spamming our community with nonsense. You seem to think you can slip one past us. This is your last chance, no warnings, no infractions, no pm`s. Next time its bye bye.


Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: erotq

Duration: 1 week

Reason:You come back from a short ban and pick right up where you left off? Hepofully you will get the message sooner this time because next time you are down the bridge for a month.

Mod 10

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: mcmario

Duration: Same as all the others handles you had - PERMANENT

Reason: Trolling, previously banned member. You are an idiot if you think I am not going to step on you every time you start up.

Mod 10

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Suspended: dmf

Duration: 3 weeks

Reason: Posting personal info, such as an article in a newspaper about and ex-sp with face`s picture of her.

If you are not seeing the lady because she isn`t working anymore and you cannot be civil by respecting her and her new carreer, get lost. Return with the same posting behaviors and I will help you out with that.

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
lgna69xxx and

Banned: lgna69xxx and daydreamer41

Duration: 2 weeks

Reason: Using the recent Good Girls private party to flame members in the Official Baseball thread which is to be kept free of insults and flame posts.

If I see this party being brought up in any other thread in similar circumstances, to gloat in the face of other members, the next ban will be for a considerably longer period of time - let`s say 6 months. Gloating on the board to other members who were not invited to this party is not going to endear anyone to the members of this community and it will not be particularly good for the reputation of the agency concerned either.

Smarten the fuck up.

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: EagerBeaver

Duration: 1 week

Reason: Disrespectful posting.

3) Courtesy

i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...

iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.

Consider yourself fortunate that this suspension is not longer. You have a very bad habit of going off on a rant when disagreeing with other posters. If you do not like a particular post, use the report post function to notify a moderator or send the mods a PM. Going off on an insulting rant against another member will not end in your favor.

Mod 8

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: escorts-express

Reason: Posting fake pics in the advertiser sections and ignoring instructions from moderators to mark these pictures with a "look-alike" label.

Duration; 2 weeks

I don`t even know what to say about this one.....


Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: EagerBeaver

Duration: 3 weeks

Reason: Disrespectful posting.

3) Courtesy

i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...

iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.

You were warned about continued flaming members not long ago. You come back from a short suspension and you choose to involve yourself in drama? Continue this pattern and you will have to find another community to join as you won`t be here any longer. I am not going to warn you again.

Mod 10

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: dilmassag

Reason: Posting unproven and unprovable rumors about a SP. Attempting to cause panic among members who might have seen this SP. This is a serious breech of MERB rules and if it happens again, the next time will lead to a permanent ban.

Duration: 1 month

If you actually have some proof to submit to back up your claim, which is highly doubtful, you can submit it to any moderator by email and we will check it out.

And read the rules! Guide yourself accordingly or you will be gone.

Mod 10
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Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: momento

Reason: Another one who is posting unproven and unprovable rumors about a SP. Attempting to cause panic among members who might have seen this SP. Inappropriate comments.

Duration: 1 month

Same thing apply as dilmassag: If you actually have some proof to submit to back up your claim, which is highly doubtful, you can submit it to any moderator by email and we will check it out.

And read the rules! Guide yourself accordingly or you will be gone.

I don`t know what is wrong with you lately, guys. Was it the snow yesterday that drove you both nuts?

Mod 10
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007


Duration: 1 week

Reason: Over posting advertising. The rule for advertisers as set down by Fred Zed is 4 posts per day. Yesterday you made 8 advertising posts, double the allowed number. This will not be permitted. So far today you have already made 4 advertising posts and the day has just begun. It is quite obvious that you will surpass the 4 post limit again if you were not suspended.

You are allowed to edit your posts as many times as you wish throughout the day. You are not able to delete previous posts and replace them with new ones to falsely maintain 4 posts visible on the board. If this behavior does not change after this suspension, each subsequent suspension will be double the previous one.

-You can now make a maximum of FOUR updates over a 24- hour period.
Advertisers that are found submitting more than FOUR updates
per day will be suspended for at least one week.

Please take this as fair warning. The rules will be enforced, thank you.

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007


Duration: 7 days

Reason: Some people just never seem to learn how it works around here, even after a lengthy email exchange the last time to make certain that our policies were very clear. As we had this exchange, there is absolutely no reason for you to plead ignorance of the rules once again.

We allow advertisers to make 4 advertising posts per day. You cannot delete earlier posts and make new ones. 4 posts total. If you delete posts, they are included in that total count.

Today, you have already made 6 advertising posts in 2 separate threads, deleting one post in each, and we are just at 6 PM. It is quite likely that by the end of the day your post count would have reached at least 8 posts or higher.

This is the last time you will receive a one week suspension for this offense. If there is another occurrence, the next suspension will be for TWO weeks.

Mod 8i

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: newbutsmart

Reason: You seem to be here for no other reason than to insult other members and to attempt to start wars. We have no need for members like you here and I am sure you can find yourself another place to post where you will be more at home.


Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: JTF2

Reason: Disrespectful posting.

3) Courtesy

i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...

iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members

Insulting other members as well as all of our neighbors to the South will not get you very far around here. If you do not change your attitude upon your return, the next time will be permanent.

Duration: 1 Month

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: Black_stallion

Duration: 2 months

Reason: Posting personal, private and confidential information about a provider on the board. How STUPID can someone be to post a providers real name on the board?

If you ever do the same thing again, it will be the last post you ever make on MERB.

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

BANNED: SamKlemmons formerly known as BensonNobalia

Reason: Being a hypocrite. When you were permitted to return to MERB I did not ask for much in return, other than for you to be a man and deal with MERB business on MERB and not run like a two faced coward to another board where the people you criticize cannot reply to you. For a good period of time you abided by this. Now it seems your true colors have revealed themselves with your recent posts criticizing MERB, our moderators and a number of our members.

Seeing as you do not have the balls to be a man and confront people where they can respond to you, preferring instead to do it from behind Ziggy's skirts, I see no reason for you to continue to be a member here.


Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: spacecadet

Reason: Disrespectful posting. Attempting to start a flame war. Insulting another member.

3) Courtesy

i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...

iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members

Duration: 2 weeks

I am still feeling the holiday glow or you would be gone for a month. Next time the suspension will be for much longer.

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: daydreamer41

Reason: Directly insulting two members who are donating their time and energy to this community by taking the time to make best of the year polls and to follow them through.

3) Courtesy

i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...

iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members

Duration: 1 month

Mod 8
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