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Merc Advertiser Boycott Starts December 1

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New Member
Apr 25, 2010
Laval chomedey
Heu !!! J'ai pas déjà dit à quelque part que c'est une minorité qui écris et ce sur tout forum confondu, pour quoi je m'y annonce vous pensez. !!!!! par pour ceux qui écrivent mais pour tous les autres ........... Je suis ni pour le bleu ni pour le vert, soyons très claire........

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
So let me see if I understand this correctly?. A Girlcott has been declared by what authority on behalf of this board? the Management? the Moderators? or the Posters? ...
CS Martin, I can tell you MERB, Fred Zed or it's moderators have nothing to do with this boycott and, ourselves agreeing to it or not is irrelevant.

Some leeway was permitted while discussing MERC but, as long as no MERB or legal rules are broken, we simply can't censor the initiative of some members; we can only keep it within a certain frame of guidelines. If only a small number of members agree with the boycott, the boycott will be inefficient: nobody need to worry. If in fact, a large amount of people agree but did not vote (public poll), we might see a successful boycott and, all this will mean it the boycott was justified. In both situation, there's nothing MERB, as an entity, can do.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
CS Martin, I can tell you MERB, Fred Zed or it's moderators have nothing to do with this boycott and, ourselves agreeing to it or not is irrelevant.

Some leeway was permitted while discussing MERC but, as long as no MERB or legal rules are broken, we simply can't censor the initiative of some members; we can only keep it within a certain frame of guidelines. If only a small number of members agree with the boycott, the boycott will be inefficient: nobody need to worry. If in fact, a large amount of people agree but did not vote (public poll), we might see a successful boycott and, all this will mean it the boycott was justified. In both situation, there's nothing MERB, as an entity, can do.

Dear Mod 11,

Thank you very much for that very professional and clear explanation. I don't disagree with your position, as detailed, or member's rights to Girlcott.

Perhaps the following thought will be acceptable to everyone? When planning your next encounter please make it a point to use MERB advertisers first and tell the agency or SP where you saw the ad. Further, that you will only look on MERC in the event you don't find someone to your liking on MERB.

For out-of-towner's like myself, you can't always stick to one source. That being said, if we simply make clear where we stop first for information and verbalize it, then letting the market dictate the results.

Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
So let me see if I understand this correctly?. A Girlcott has been declared by what authority on behalf of this board? the Management? the Moderators? or the Posters?

M. Martin,

Where have you deterrmined that anyone other than some Merb board members themselves are supporting and promoting a boycott of Merc's advertisers ?

Other than the Merb Mods allowing it on Merb, I see no board Admin or ownership involvement.

"Girlcott" ? Why not use more Merc expressions that are in fact intentionally misleading ?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
M. Martin,

Where have you deterrmined that anyone other than some Merb board members themselves are supporting and promoting a boycott of Merc's advertisers ?

Other than the Merb Mods allowing it on Merb, I see no board Admin or ownership involvement.

"Girlcott" ? Why not use more Merc expressions that are in fact intentionally misleading ?

Hello MS,

I agree on all counts. The boycott is about individual member support, not Merb administrators or the Merb membership in general.

It is interesting that CS Martin chooses to use a term used specifically and only by the slanderers in blueland where CS aggressively attacked their attitudes and is banned for doing so. The likelihood is CS is just venting his anger against the leader of the boycott Rumples, who is on his ignore list and whom CS obviously has a huge grudge, by mischaracterizing the extent of Merb membership and administrative support to purposely create resentment of Rumples for cheap revenge.


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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Action is needed / On passe à l'action

Français en 2e partie / French portion of post lower down

I support the boycott as proposed in the opening post 100%. I want to let you know that it is not symbolic as far as I am concerned: I will have to give up dates with someone I like very, very much in the process. In life, sticking by your principles sometimes hurts in the short run, but one always feels better looking oneself in the mirror afterwards.

I hope everyone has a great day, and that reason will prevail very soon. After all, we want to come here to discuss fun issues. Let that part of our lives resume ASAP.

Français :cool:

Pat98: Je te connais comme un bon gars, tu devrais vraiment aller lire le flot de fiel anti-femmes, les informations personellis révélées, les allégations de STI, de drogue, de viol, etc. Et tout ça sous l’œil approbateur des ``modérateurs`` et du propriétaire de ce ``forum`` à la con. Des gens tentent de faire croire aux observateurs non impliqués qu`il s`agit d`une dispute de gars. Rien n`est plus faux: je te fais le pari de t`abonner à cette ``chose``, de suivre les débats un tant soit peu et d`exprimer une opinion contraire à ces psychopathes. Je te prédis un flot d`insulte et d`allégations, promptement suivi d`un bannissement en secret, tout ça pour ne pas briser ``l`harmonie`` qui règne dans cet asile.

Anna: En fait, à cause du boycott, je devrai arrêter de fréquenter une TDS qui a 35 ans :p. Elle travaille pour une agence qui annonce ici et sur MERC... Crois-moi que ça me fait mal, mais suivre ses préceptes souvent implique un certain niveau de sacrifice. Pour ce qui est d`Amélie, je l`ai mentionnée plusieurs fois ou fait allusion à elle dans les dernières semaines. Des fois c`était en anglais. Pour ce qui est de faire quelque chose pour les filles, ben c`est une action collective pour arrêter le ``bashing`` sans limite des gars ET des filles. Les motivations du boycott ne sont pas autant ``contre les posters``, c`est plutôt contre l`administration du forum qui refuse de faire sa job de garder ça respectueux et décent. TOUTES les insultes, les attitudes anti-femmes (``je vous souhaite un bon party, et une queue chacune dans votre bouche``), les informations fausses véhiculées, et l`intimidation ``en meute de loups`` sont permises. La seule chose qui est proscrite sur MERC est la dissension: on bannit silencieusement les opposants.

Pour ce qui est de YMMV, j`ai souvent fait appel à Assservissante, où il n`y a aucune garantie de service GFE. J`ai toujours été comblé. De toute façon, tu remarqueras qu`ici, si quelqu`un se plaint de ne pas avoir recû un tel service GFE, d`autres vont lui demander des comptes sur sa propreté, son respect, etc. Je connais les proprios d`agence et la plupart comprennent quand un client ne rencontre pas la norme ``BFE`` :cool:. Et arrête de parler de ton physique, je regarde ta photo et boy, RIEN pour m`arrêter là :eek:. En plus, une femme de tête est bien plus séduisante...

Bonne journée à toutes et tous, et espérons que la raison prévaudra bientôt. De retour au plaisir, et vivement!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
It is interesting that CS Martin chooses to use a term used specifically and only by the slanderers in blueland where CS aggressively attacked their attitudes and is banned for doing so. The likelihood is CS is just venting his anger against the leader of the boycott Rumples, who is on his ignore list and whom CS obviously has a huge grudge, by mischaracterizing the extent of Merb membership and administrative support to purposely create resentment of Rumples for cheap revenge.
1. Apparently, despite his boasts, CSMartin doesn't really know how to use the ignore function, despite its ease.
2. I wouldn't say that I'm the "leader" of the boycott. It's a group action.
3. Fully agree on all other points. He is pretty transparent.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
M. Martin,

Where have you deterrmined that anyone other than some Merb board members themselves are supporting and promoting a boycott of Merc's advertisers ?

Other than the Merb Mods allowing it on Merb, I see no board Admin or ownership involvement.?

Duh, that was my original premise. Duh, look at the title of this thread. English, learn it.

"Girlcott" ? Why not use more Merc expressions that are in fact intentionally misleading ?

I choose not to believe most of the BS they post.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007

In this case my BC information leads me to the same conclusion. Hint: Some call it advertising.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Well, i am not sure how i feel about this "boycott".... at first i was all in, but as time went on, i had and have mixed feelings. Some of the SP's , Agencies, and Indies are my friends, both online and in person, and not as a customer, but genuine friends/acquaintances, ladies i talk to about everyday life, not just about business, or that i make a point to have a drink or lunch when our schedules match up, and talk about life in general, good and bad.

I suppose if the crap was slung at me as it has been towards Rumples, Merlot, Doc, Techman, Sapman and others (sorry if i didnt list you) i might feel more strongly about it, but it is a tough situation for me at this time, as some of the names above are my friends as well....

I have 2 arms, one being pulled one way, the other being pulled the other (ouch!) Lets all get together at the HDLM (merc and merb) and party until everyone shakes hands, gives high 5's, fist pumps, hugs and kisses (ladies only on the kisses ty) haha!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I suppose if the crap was slung at me as it has been towards Rumples, Merlot, Doc, Techman, Sapman and others (sorry if i didnt list you) i might feel more strongly about it, but it is a tough situation for me at this time, as some of the names above are my friends as well....
Among the names you've left out, iggy, are Jasmine, Athana, and Scarlett.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
read my post, and as you made a point to put in bold face, "sorry if i didnt list you".....btw i rarely ever read merc until all this started a month or so ago on here. I think i had visited merc 2 times in the last 6 months, but find myself going there everyday lately, i didnt even realise they were putting some of the Ladies down until just a few days ago. So my heart goes out to Jasmine, Athana, and Scarlett as well.
Among the names you've left out, iggy, are Jasmine, Athana, and Scarlett.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
This whole thing is childish something out of a school yard. Besides that you are being played. They are having fun at your expense. If you become defensive you only validate the accusations being made and encourage them even more. If I were you I would just ignore it all and it will go away.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
btw i rarely ever read merc until all this started a month or so ago on here. I think i had visited merc 2 times in the last 6 months, but find myself going there everyday lately

When you said this, my first thought was how happy Tom would be to learn he's getting those additional hits. Kind of like a "Catch 22". We want to persuade the advertisers not to market there, but we increase his advertising value with every hit (or visit)....LOL


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
When you said this, my first thought was how happy Tom would be to learn he's getting those additional hits. Kind of like a "Catch 22". We want to persuade the advertisers not to market there, but we increase his advertising value with every hit (or visit)....LOL
What you say is true, but a) it's short term and b) if his advertisers were savvy enough to compare the cost per impression at merc and merb, they wouldn't be advertising there in the first place.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Here's a somewhat reverse idea that's not "fully formed", but would hit MERC's "advertisers**" exactly where it can do the most damage.

Many of MERC's advertisers seem to be "relatively unknown operations" that seem to pop-up and disappear quickly. While this can be the norm in the escort business, many times such operations have been known to be scams to hussle and extort $$$ from innocent clients. I'm sure LE would have a better handle on this than we.

To those that are truly committed to this "boycott", why not simply have a relatively unknown poster or client (at least on the street meaning in our community) attempt to use these "entities" and report back to us in the form of a honest review. Those agencies or indies that provide good quaility services will see their review only on MERB, while those entiites that are B & S will quickly be outed. Thus producing a greater & noticeable turn in advertisers...LOL

So my premise is quite simple to Boycotters: Call those newer unproven agencies advertising only on MERC, that appear to be "newer in the business". If they attempt to pull a B & S on you, you'll know it at the door (usually, if you're on your guard). If they don't produce the SP as advertised or represented, it's a B&S entity. If they do produce as represented and advertised, then you'll have a good time. Then review here. If they're B & S entities, the majority will be outed quite quickly. If you have a good time, maybe that entity's advertising can end up here. You might even have it cross referenced in a dedicated thread here in MERC. Call it "MERC ADVERTISERS ONLY". A trend might appear, who knows?

We keep track of SP's comings and goings from agency to agency. Why not keep track of "more unknown MERC Advertisers" in a thread?

Like I said, an unformed thought. Additionally, some of these unformed thoughts could be contrary to the rules of posting herein. To the extent that they are, I'll be happy to delete them at the pleasure of the Moderators. It is not my intention here to suggest a breaking or bending of the rules of posting here. Rather, to throw out ideas that may be high profile to accomplish some goals stated herein.


**yes, we'll call them that for now....
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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Right and wrong

Seriously, this is NOT the way to solve this problem! Boycotting advertisers on the blue board is NOT a solution. Most advertisers don't even read all the threads, just the reviews...

The fault is the OWNER of the board and LE is definately monitoring the posts and keeping track of everything.
You are correct about ignoring the board, and as of today I am not gracing it with even anonymous hits. I'm sure more mud will be slung at me and others, big doodoo.

Where you are incorrect is:

  • Advertisers have now been told about threads containing totally inappropriate content. If they didn't know about the crap then, they would be blind not to know now.
  • Advertisers are the ones who pay to keep all the content online, not just their ads and the reviews.
  • You have an internal forum which you keep clean of this kind of crap. Most of the MERC advertisers do not, but part of their ad money is for the forum AND for the moderation of the forum.
Lets all get together at the HDLM (merc and merb) and party until everyone shakes hands...
How many times do we need to say this is not a schoolyard conflict? We are being set on by a bunch of loonies, and the asylum director has let them loose. All you need to do is start posting there to be set on, spied on, etc. Puh-leeze give that "kiss and make up" thing a rest, it shows you need to spend sometimes in that "pond" in order to get the depth to which it has sunk.

Please don't take this the wrong way, a lot of people don't see it as well. Squabbles happen here too, but the moderators make sure it stays civilized. Over there, they are a large part of the problem...
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sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006
I just want to say to the people who tried to make the disput between Merc and Merb. Let Merc alone and care just your own business !


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I just want to say to the people who tried to make the disput between Merc and Merb. Let Merc alone and care just your own business !

How about telling them to leave MERB alone instead? We didn't start this, they did.

John, I hope you're right about the situation and if you are then wouldn't it be a smart idea for the advertisers to get their asses out of Dodge before the storm hits?

Iggy, you should tell your friends that they should read the board they advertise on. Maybe they should actually take a good hard look at the place they advertise on and ask themselves if those are the kind of clients they really want. And you can pretty much forget about a big get together anywhere between members of both boards. I think that GTs have reached their end because of all this crap and it's a shame really. We all had some great times over the years but you wouldn't be able to drag me to a GT with merc members there after this.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
We all had some great times over the years but you wouldn't be able to drag me to a GT with merc members there after this.

I totally agree with you. I'm also not interested in attending ANY GT anymore. I'll have my own GT's in my own room with a bunch of friends (merbites) watching the Leafs beat the Habs while drinking a few cold ones & eating some pizza. Or, we could do like the ol' days & have a small group dinner at Buena Notte.
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