I think that GTs have reached their end because of all this crap
Never been, never would go. Who said that first? As we begin the journey back to full circle......again. Funny, Tom was there last time too...
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I think that GTs have reached their end because of all this crap
Corrigez-moi si je me trompe, mais jamais aucune mesure concrète n'a été prise a ce jour ........... concernant une situation de bashing que vous dénoncez et dont vous vous servez pour le boycott. Ce que je trouve triste dans tout ceci, est de constaté que pour toutes les autres femmes nommées et qui ont été victime d'insulte, intimidations ect ect .... jamasis rien n'a été fait pour elles, mis à part en parler ici et là, et si il y en a une qui aurait mérité un tant soit peu de soutien si on regarde uniquement le sujet traité pour le boycott est certainement Amélie ..... Hors mis jasmines appartenant aux groupe d'âges, aux attribues plus qu'attreyant avec menu de service très élaboré et que ce groupe de femmes est très très soutenue par merb a réussit à éveiller votre colère.......... y a de quoi se poser de sérieuse question sur les véritables motivations de ce boycott .........
Et bien navré de vous décevoir, mais je considère que je suis déjà boycotté, et ce depuis un ti moment déjà ici sur le vert. J'ai plus de trente ans, pas mince mais balancé, mais insuffisant pour merb. et je refuse de garantir le GFE........ Je vais sens contraire du marché depuis plusieurs mois.... alors pour ce que sa change .... rien du tout en réalité pour moi...
Le jour ou je verrais le vert se soucier des femmes qui ne correspondent pas au standard véhiculé ici, on s'en reparlera... ( âge, physique et service inclue )
Not true; I believe the count is just 4. If they don't want to be boycotted, the answer is simple. Cancel their advertising accounts at merc, which, by all accounts, is a waste of money anyway.Is this boycott serious..? I just caught wind of this..
I'm a bit confused.? Most of those agencys are advertisers on merb as well ( as I'm sure someone else pointed out )
I mean.. I've had some great times at satin, and qos. They shouldn't suffer.
If you really want to make a dent..? Just hire a hacker.. And you know the rest...!
By letting the boycott take place on this site/server... MERB is DIRECTLY implicated in all this
Personal agendas and market share.....that's what all this amounts to.
Looks like you have the final piece of the puzzle.
Best regards to you DreamGT-R and Athana. ;-)
2Legit said:Dear John,
Anyways, please give Lucky a kiss on my behalf. I'll certainly miss her.
1)OK, if you say so..but I can't see any fault in that.
But according to you, you have just broadcasted personal information. ;-)
2)You gotta read up a bit.
And who are you ...seem to know quite a lot ?
nevermind ;-)
The posting of personal private information (as evidenced below) and it being permitted to remain on a board without punitive action taken against the original poster, is the issue at stake, nothing else
I will answer your questions to stay on topic.
Naaa, don't want your real name....not at all, just remind me of someone from the past.
Someone I got along well with..
Lonely, I guess...mebbe sometimes.. not now though.
I think he (2Legit) posted a message to John.Maybe he left his board and couldn't send a pm..I guess.
You don't like it,don't read it...or use the report function if you prefer.
M. Martin had no business reporting here on Merb of a private communication between himself and Tom or anyone. Then I look at Merc and see one hell of a hypocracy where BensonNobalia in a post berates M. Martin for posting of a private communication and on the last line of that post he written;
"Personal communications should be off limits."
Seems to me that BensonNobalia posted a private communication himself, quelle hypocrit .
I consider the fact that Tom asked a MERB member to remove posts from this board to be a very hypocritical thing to do considering that he refuses to remove any of the false accusations posted on his own board regarding MERB and our members. I myself am curious about which posts he wanted removed and have no objection if CS Martin wishes to show us what Tom found so objectionable.
Mod 8
Je n`ai jamais été d`accord avec DT concernant sa façon de faire du rentre dedans à puissance milles.