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Merc Advertiser Boycott Starts December 1

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Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
The trouble with trying to clean up trash that never ends is eventually you stink just as bad...and that is the goal the blueboys are after. Despite our right to self-defense we are just immersing ourselves deeper into the whole stinking mess. And in doing so tensions heighten, emotions boil, and there is the grave risk that out of sheer frustration someone will post something just as ruthless about individual privacy as we are fighting against. That's the trap, and that is the opportunity the blue trolls are hoping for. This is not what Merb is for and the best way is legal action.

I must surrender in view of one of your argument, Merlot. Indeed, some people get quickly carried away by their emotions in these debates and it can lead to results that are damaging for some people. The worst-case scenario is when privacy attacks lead to counter privacy attacks. When we add in the psychotic factors, so easily detectable among a few belligerents, it can get pretty bad.

Here’s is my suggestion:

1 We ask mods to close all threads regarding past issues: the threats and insult thread, the M, M and MM thread, and the late sticky public response plus whatever other thread I forgot. There isn’t much to be added to these threads: points were made and most necessary responses given.

2 We leave the boycott thread open and accept a much tighter mod control over what is posted there, especially with regards to the dangers Merlot have exposed.

Of course not all members agree with the boycott. I think Rumple and Sap have made good arguments in favour of it. I also pitched in a few points along with them. Merlot and others have made good arguments against the boycott even if they share our opinion about the issue itself. Some others feel there is no problem with MERC (don’t ask me to try to explain the position of the last group.) Both side arguments are exposed in the boycott thread.

Of course, each member or reader is free to make his own decision. Some people don’t care. We won’t make them care. Most of them don’t even read this thread. The others have different levels of interest and understanding and they vote according to their own set of values. If our discussion helps a few to make their decision, the thread will have shown its utility.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I want a Yes or No answer. Was the boycott in place when you booked one of Jessy's girls. Yes or No answer, please don't tell me about some calming wave that suddenly overwhelmed you, only 2 months into the boycott, and shot your libido so out of the roof that it left you with no choice but to get your dick sucked by one of Jessy's girls. I got your back, just be honest! Go Rumple!
You praise Sapman on his rebuttal, but this question suggests that you might not have read all of which you quoted. Please go back and read the next to last paragraph above.

"As you well know but conveniently omit to say here, you and I had a conversation about the boycott and it’s effectiveness sometimes around early February. I told you I thought things had calmed down and proposed posting that the boycott was effectively over. YOU were the one to suggest not posting at all. We started to tell our friends back-channel that it was over, and yes, Rumples booked someone from your group. It is hypocritical for you to use this against Rumples in this context."
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New Member
Jul 11, 2006
I want a Yes or No answer. Was the boycott in place when you booked one of Jessy's girls. Yes or No answer, please don't tell me about some calming wave that suddenly overwhelmed you, only 2 months into the boycott, and shot your libido so out of the roof that it left you with no choice but to get your dick sucked by one of Jessy's girls. I got your back, just be honest! Go Rumple!

YES rumples was exposed by jessy. But she had no business doing that in his opinion so she will be boycotted by rumples forever now.
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Nov 4, 2009
You praise Sapman on his rebuttal, but this question suggests that you might not have read all of which you quoted. Please go back and read the next to last paragraph above.

I never read anything that Sapman writes, i blindly support everything he says. He is a future legend and has my utmost respect. I clearly asked you for a Yes or No answer. Was there a boycott in place when you booked one of Jessy's girls? Instead of answering with a simple Yes or No you directed me to Sapman. Dude you got your dick sucked by one of Jessy's girls, Sapman has nothing to do with this entire ordeal, you two may share the same opinions but hopefully not the same dick.

And if there was no longer a boycott, why didn't you inform the entire Merb Community about it. Rumple, I don't think you understand why this is a big deal for many of us. You were one of the main leaders of this boycott, and every Merb member in this community rallied behind you and showed you great support. The least you could have done was to inform the entire Merb community that the boycott was "officially" over, but instead you selfishly went to get your dick sucked by a girl from one of the boycotted agencies. This is weak leadership, not a good look Rumple. At least you informed your "clique" or "backchannel friends" that the boycott was over, but then you wonder why people question the true motives behind these boycotts, is it just two cliques fighting to settle personal scores? Ulterior motives? The leaders aren't giving us a reason to believe otherwise. Hopefully i'm wrong, i rarely am.


Nov 4, 2009
YES rumples was exposed by jessy. But she had no business doing that in his opinion so she will be boycotted by rumples forever now.

Nothing was made official when he booked the girl from Jessy's agency. Just because things calmed down in his mind doesn't mean that the boycott was officially over. I think he just got uncontrollably horny and couldn't wait for things to become official. This site is what makes decisions official. When decisons are posted on this site then they become official. Example, scroll up to the top of this page, see the title of the thread on the left side of the page " Merc Advertiser Boycott Starts December 1", this is making things official. Jessy has a point, the boycott was not officially over when Mr Rumple decided to bang bang. Maybe the mods can correct me and tell what the facts were, this may also help vindicate Rumple of any wrongdoing. I love Rumple no matter what. Bill Clinton sacrificed his presidency for a blowjob, big deal if Rumple sacrificed his loyalty to Merb for one. Long live Rumple!
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Lovemaker, as Sapman pointed out, he and Jessy discussed whether or not to make putting the boycott on hiatus public and they agreed to just let it fade away. It was our impression, right or wrong, that very few were observing the boycott and that, with things calming down, it was better to let it drift away rather than call more attention to it.

In retrospect, particularly from your comments which suggest that there might have been more support for the boycott than we observed, that decision was probably a mistake and, while I wasn't party to the conversation between Sapman and Jessy, for that I apologize.

Naturally, when Ziggy decided to go back into his bunker, it became necessary to take action again.
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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Lovemaker, as Sapman pointed out, he and Jessy discussed whether or not to make putting the boycott on hiatus public and they agreed to just let it fade away. It was our impression, right or wrong, that very few were observing the boycott and that, with things calming down, it was better to let it drift away rather than call more attention to it.

In retrospect, particularly from your comments which suggest that there might have been more support for the boycott than we observed, that decision was probably a mistake and, while I wasn't party to the conversation between Sapman and Jessy, for that I apologize.

Naturally, when Ziggy decided to go back into his bunker, it became necessary to take action again.

What about the part you erased about upon a bit of searching into this "ziggy" that you found out a few girls were afraid of him ?
Thats crucial info


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
What about the part you erased about upon a bit of searching into this "ziggy" that you found out a few girls were afraid of him ?
Thats crucial info
Ricky, I don't think that's germane to my answer to Lovemaker's question.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
The repository

I would like to publicly acknowledge that Ziggy has deleted the MERC thread where links were made between my board handles, web sites and personal location data. This initiative needs to be saluted. It is also worth noting that it could not have happened without the support of MERB here. Thank you.

However, many other issues regarding the protection of private life remain in the balance. The entire MERC databank needs an audited purge of all MERB related postings. And yes, I agree that we should limit the discussion to the one thread. I will be so happy the day I don’t need to spend any time on this…

gugu said:
Sapman, has come under a privacy attack lately. The reason? For less then a year, he worked as a booker. Who’s business is that? How are we concerned here? He did not write any review while being a booker. That is his private life
Indeed! Just for the record, I manned the telephones at XXXTase for a grand total of fifteen times, over a three-week period. What a tempest in a teapot…
gugu said:
The present issue is about the most important shared specific value of this community: the protection of privacy. There is no need to elaborate since we all know that breaches of privacy in “hobbyland” can ruin peoples’ jobs and family life.

Had he done some shilling while being a booker — and I insist, he did not — it would not have been a ground to justify disclosing nominal information about him, which was done by his accuser, supported by the only troll remaining on this forum: Eastender. That is purely, simply, UNACCEPTABLE. The consequences of shilling are to have your HANDLE exposed to the world, banishment from the forum and control of IP to monitor further activity on the forum. No one has the right to expose nominal information, even of shills.

DT has committed the error, an irreparable error. Someone may change a handle, but he cannot rebuild his identity without tremendous cost. Erasing a thread does not repair the error.

This case deserves our attention as a community. The issue has nothing to do with old friends quarrels contrary to what the troll — Eastender — tries to put in peoples mind. The accused guy has had no previous relations to his accusors.
Yes, and in fact the very next morning after two threads were deleted over at MERC (yes, a small sign things could move), Ziggy comes back to the charge: he paints a portrait of his “opponents”, while casually dropping in their geographical origins… He does it demonstrate we’re not locals, but it’s also a typical Ziggy move: the double message is: I know where you’re from. Triple message: I’m not done leaking yet, dude. The immaturity. Ziggy, for the pathetic Rolodex card you keep on each of us, here is a correction: I was actually born here. I am local, just came back after a long absence. In any case I’d never have pinned you for that kind of local yokel mentality. I suppose you’re not quite the citizen of the world I portrayed you to be. Oh well…

gugu said:
Tom is sheltering this activity on his forum: the collection of private, nominal informations on clients and sex workers. I think this is a concern for this community as whole, including the members of MERC, the advertisers of MERC and all the people who do not have or take time to look thoroughly into these matters.
Yes. All that so-called deleted information is still in the MERC databanks. Moderators and board administrators still have access to it all. The concerns expressed by Merlot on the matter are very valid IMHO.
Ricky bonds said:
'Montreal escort' on google = the 3rd result is*
The 16th is merb

And on a search of 'montreal escort reviews'
'Merbs.elite.rejected.critics' is first..*
Merb is second.
A very valid point. Also, it’s crucial to understand what each place is: MERB exists mainly for the agencies that want to evolve in a “review board” environment. There are advertising banners and the like, but to have success on MERB you need good reviews.

MERC is a component of an escort advertising portal. The agencies advertising on MERC are “seen” as being on a review board, where you’ll be hard pressed to find reviews of many of those obscure agencies.

There are tons of agencies, like Devilish/GOF/Prestige, Sexy Nadya, Angel Escorts, Montreal Lust, Montreal XXXTase, Chloe’s/Candy Shop, Eleganza, Our Affair, who do not advertise over “there”. My guess is they have found their niche here.

So you get a higher Google position on the other site, the tourist trade. But a hit must become a phone call, a booking and an actual date. How many hits for how many phone calls, for how many bookings etc.? Let’s just say one difference is this. MERC= casual users, MERB= more research, review oriented clients. Many of them either trust the agencies they are calling, or know exactly who they would like to meet. You may get less hits or phone calls, but yet more dates and repeat business.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
So you get a higher Google position on the other site, the tourist trade. But a hit must become a phone call, a booking and an actual date. How many hits for how many phone calls, for how many bookings etc.? Let’s just say one difference is this. MERC= casual users, MERB= more research, review oriented clients. Many of them either trust the agencies they are calling, or know exactly who they would like to meet. You may get less hits or phone calls, but yet more dates and repeat business.
Merc may have a higher position on searches for some terms on The Google, but they get many fewer visits, the average time on site is about one third of that here, and the bounce rate is more than double. In short, the ROI over there is questionable at best. Advertising on merc is a bad business decision for reasons that go way beyond any boycott of its advertisers.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
A proposal

A lot of the MERB "population" is tired of seeing the board's energy drained by this MERB-MERC conflict. I agree. Our focus must remain the review and discussion of the trade, not it's "characters".

I believe there is no sense here on MERB to have any more than this one thread remain open for discussion, and even then with conditions:

  • Any new post must contain new factual information germane to the situation at hand
  • No name calling, just the facts
All the opinion stuff we ever needed is all laid out, we know the issues at hand in depth. I am willing to limit my posting to updates of what is going on.

I am still of the opinion that if we can truly go back to ignoring each other while co-existing, I vote for that option. But for this to happen again, we both need to start by at least limiting the posting. One step at a time.

The mods can judge if a post stands by this test. One thread. New facts only.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Lovemaker, as Sapman pointed out, he and Jessy discussed whether or not to make putting the boycott on hiatus public and they agreed to just let it fade away. It was our impression, right or wrong, that very few were observing the boycott and that, with things calming down, it was better to let it drift away rather than call more attention to it.

Uh Huh,

Well, as I recall there were a lot of very firm things said about the seriousness and importance of this boycott and loyalty to it, as well as also greatly angering some ladies who would fall under it. You don't use a strategy like this that polarizes feelings and divides friends then "just let it fade away" and use boycotted agencies.

At least I made my exceptions public from the start...and still I didn't break anyone's version of the boycott. :thumb:

Merc Advertiser Boycott Starts December 1", this is making things official. Jessy has a point, the boycott was not officially over when Mr Rumple decided to bang bang. Maybe the mods can correct me and tell what the facts were, this may also help vindicate Rumple of any wrongdoing. I love Rumple no matter what. Bill Clinton sacrificed his presidency for a blowjob, big deal if Rumple sacrificed his loyalty to Merb for one. Long live Rumple!

I was never too crazy about this anyway, but when someone pushes so hard at others to make a choice, and supporters put time into posts for the cause, the leader can't just figure the heat is down then go bang bang without notifying all about the change in the status of this thing.

I'm not really too annoyed by all of this, I'm just saying it wasn't handled right.

I would like to publicly acknowledge that Ziggy has deleted the MERC thread where links were made between my board handles, web sites and personal location data. This initiative needs to be saluted.

How long had this been posted? I'm sure Ziggy da hero is also making sure no one, surely not his pals, has kept notes or files.

A lot of the MERB "population" is tired of seeing the board's energy drained by this MERB-MERC conflict. I agree. Our focus must remain the review and discussion of the trade, not it's "characters".

I believe there is no sense here on MERB to have any more than this one thread remain open for discussion, and even then with conditions:

  • Any new post must contain new factual information germane to the situation at hand
  • No name calling, just the facts
All the opinion stuff we ever needed is all laid out, we know the issues at hand in depth. I am willing to limit my posting to updates of what is going on.

I am still of the opinion that if we can truly go back to ignoring each other while co-existing, I vote for that option. But for this to happen again, we both need to start by at least limiting the posting. One step at a time.

The mods can judge if a post stands by this test. One thread. New facts only.

Generally I agree. In my original poll proposal I wanted to ban references to the blueboard and it's members, but giving the mods the flexibility to deal with any new issues Merb should deal with when necessary. I would now amend the idea about allowing only the mods to give notice and respond, to allowing members to also respond but only in a strictly controlled and fairly short time limit so that we stick to the pertinent facts, and make our piont without becoming redundant or excessive. Maybe something like 48 hours.


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Nov 4, 2009
In retrospect, particularly from your comments which suggest that there might have been more support for the boycott than we observed, that decision was probably a mistake and, while I wasn't party to the conversation between Sapman and Jessy, for that I apologize.

It's ok. Everything will be ok. You must stay strong.


Nov 4, 2009
I would like to publicly acknowledge that Ziggy has deleted the MERC thread where links were made between my board handles, web sites and personal location data. This initiative needs to be saluted. It is also worth noting that it could not have happened without the support of MERB here. Thank you.

DT leaks has failed. It was inevitable. In life you are either a winner or a loser, and in this world, rats never win. Today your word remains and his does not!
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Nov 4, 2009
I was never too crazy about this anyway, but when someone pushes so hard at others to make a choice, and supporters put time into posts for the cause, the leader can't just figure the heat is down then go bang bang without notifying all about the change in the status of this thing.

Bang bang is dangerous stuff. Some of the greatest leaders have been put to trial because of bang bang. lol


Out of Order
Jun 25, 2010
Man, still on with this? You guys are like elementary school girls and you bicker and bicker ... who cares about merc, it's time to grow up. Merc is a dying community, it is filled with old men who have nothing better to do than complain... oh wait, Merb has some of those too. But it's ok, old people tend to fall back into youth so we can't hold it against them for the childish bickering now can we? This thread should be closed down, and Merc should be completely ignored, because honestly, no one really gives a s***. Most of us are here to look at the ads, post a review or read a review, and sometimes maybe enter into some form of discussion on the forum. No one cares about what Merc does or the kind of jerks that go there.

I really hope none of you guys are still getting pumped up by Merc. Honestly, it's better to be Zen. Let it go, what's the point, all that negative energy is not good for business. Alright. You old gentlemen take care of yourself, hobby safetly ;)
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Man, still on with this? You guys are like elementary school girls and you bicker and bicker ...
So I take it from this that you'd be OK if your phone number and address showed up on merc and, shortly thereafter, the merc link was the first thing that showed up if you googled your phone number?


Nov 4, 2009
Man, still on with this? You guys are like elementary school girls and you bicker and bicker ... who cares about merc, it's time to grow up.

Your understanding of the situation is as deep as my understanding of Neptune. Read what Rumple wrote in reply to you, that is how dangerous things can get.
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