Montreal Escorts

Merc Advertiser Boycott Starts December 1

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
i'm curious to know who was the first to publicly reveal this private information of you seeing a girl from jessy ?
Jessy, herself, in her post above.


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
i'm curious to know who was the first to publicly reveal this private information of you seeing a girl from jessy ?

Jessy, herself, in her post above.

Nope ! While we are here, rumple : Yes I have told you I was closing the agency by the end of April. I knew how you would be all excited by the idea fallowing your boycott and you guys would remain quiet to see if it was going to happen and jump on your chair to enjoy your victory ! Just the time I needed to have a peaceful environement to take care of both agencies while Peter was going on vacation ! Cheers ! Ain’t that why you ask me few days ago then, what happened ? You tought you won !!! Wow ! Disgusting ! And please don’t tell me I deserve to be banned for disclosing this information.

And you still here, so I guess what is good for one, is good for the other. Unless there is some that gets their back more scratched then others on merb !

Perhaps, haven’t you book a girl with us lately ? Yupe ! How more far will you lure the merbites and the people that just passes by to pick up a little informations, with the boycott when you can’t even stand up for it ? Non mais quel hypocrite ! Tabar .. k !

For both of you, and who ever else is standing for this, what after ? Are we going to see everybody surfing the entire internet looking to chase the wicked boards you want to controle cause someone said something on you ?

I can’t wait to see what answers will this post bring up ! Oh wait ! True, I have other things to do !

Goodnite everyone !

jessy i don't know about such things as a ban, but it seems to me with this public revelation that you have seriously violated the confidentiality of this client and i venture to say that all past and future clients must question their privacy and trust with you.


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
If you were tryin to boycott me, thats the least I would to get business back

jessy i don't know about such things as a ban, but it seems to me with this public revelation that you have seriously violated the confidentiality of this client and i venture to say that all past and future clients must question their privacy and trust with you.


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
If you were tryin to boycott me, thats the least I would to get business back

are you just accepting what people are posting that out there as being factual?

i presume that you believe (based on your post) that the boycott is directed at sd/msc whereas this is clearly not the case, as its aimed at all agencies and independents who advertise on merc.

you business acumen leaves something to be desired because what jessy has done is open up the very issue that us hobbyists care the most about, our privacy with regards to who we've seen.

may be many out there who are now saying to themselves, no way will i call sd/msc because if they are stupid enough let their emotions loose in this way, then how can i trust that they are smart enough to protect my communication info (tel #'s/email addy ) or worse my home address.

in conclusion, you are accepting that jessy's business is down due to some boycott by 2 individuals. not likely that many out there are following this or any other duo but rather the downturn in her business falls directly at the feet of jessy/peter themselves for their choices of women who they work with.


New Member
Aug 29, 2004
Rive-Sud de Montréal
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jessy i don't know about such things as a ban, but it seems to me with this public revelation that you have seriously violated the confidentiality of this client and i venture to say that all past and future clients must question their privacy and trust with you.

Hey teh, he drew first blood, Jessy did good to expose his caracter.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Thank you Gugu

...It gives me a bitter taste, but let’s put it on the account of emotions....
Gugu, a lot of things you said in your post, I could not have said better.

I will still reply in detail to Jessy's post, since she so kindly opened the door. There is one difference: My post will not be disingenuous :cool:. If there is one thing I have learned since engaging in forums, it's the propensity of posters to partly quote a post, conversation or action out of context to put their "opponent" in a bad light. It is a loathsome practice that eventually comes back to bite you, and I will not engage in it.

Back soon!

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Hey teh, he drew first blood, Jessy did good to expose his caracter.

Be careful what you wish for Jff...any and I repeat any breach of privacy by an "agency owner" is a reprehensible, inexcusable offense!!!


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
I see nothing unsual in an agency thanking or NOT thanking a clients use of their services. Perhaps it was not done in a subtle way.

Be careful what you wish for Jff...any and I repeat any breach of privacy by an "agency owner" is a reprehensible, inexcusable offense!!!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Perhaps, haven’t you book a girl with us lately ? Yupe ! How more far will you lure the merbites and the people that just passes by to pick up a little informations, with the boycott when you can’t even stand up for it ? Non mais quel hypocrite ! Tabar .. k !

Goodnite everyone !

When I said at the very beginning of this that I would never boycott Jessy or Montreal Sex City while supporting the boycott I was called toothless and self-serving. Considering the above...OMG! Well, if I hadn't dropped out of the boycott yesterday...DAMN!

in conclusion, you are accepting that jessy's business is down due to some boycott by 2 individuals. not likely that many out there are following this or any other duo but rather the downturn in her business falls directly at the feet of jessy/peter themselves for their choices of women who they work with.

As I said elsewhere, I seriously doubt this boycott has had real any real effectiveness or a significant impact affecting agency income, especially in view of the revelation in the first quote.




Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Deconstructing Jessy

Montreal Sex City said:
The first time you approched me with the problem between you and merc it’s when there where some story about the corner of your street mentionned. I friendly told you to not bother, it would die by itselves or otherwise it would get as big as a mountain. And here we are!
Ok, so between the end of January and the third week of April, we tried that approach, as we had privately discussed. And here we are indeed…

Montreal Sex City said:
A personal manner that is now a public boycott
I did not create any personal “matter” as you say: Tony in his sick mind got a hate-on for me for reasons best left out here (girl’s security) and chose to accuse me of BBFS and publicly divulge my residence area to within a few blocks. The administration of the so-called MERC “forum” took no action to remove the post or discipline the poster.

Montreal Sex City said:
Did you came and save my ass when I got a problem with the Alissa thread ?
A) As a known and good client of yours at the time (and a friend of Alissa as well), I was not in the best position to play white knight there, and you know it. Anything coming from me over there on the subject would have fueled their flames. B) These clowns change targets all the time: back then you got slammed for enforcing an all-GFE crew, recently they dug up the past and slammed Alissa as an agency rule-breaker. The height of hypocrisy…

Montreal Sex City said:
Then, you told me that I didn’t understand anything.
Yes, I remember this. I was frustrated by your attitude, what can I say? You are a promoter of ethics within this community, you yourself freely admit there are large problems on MERC, yet you continue to support them financially.

Montreal Sex City said:
You accused me of misinforming Peter of it, turned around and gaved him a call !
I seem to remember differently: you said that Peter cared not an iota about all this forum stuff, that it was your purview. I retorted that his public image was at stake and he needed to be informed. In the end I decided that since I knew him I might as well call him and that is what I did.

Montreal Sex City said:
He doesn’t understand anything neither
Well, I spoke to Peter and it was clear he is not “up” on these forums to say the least. It also seems Tom did a fine whitewash job of it when they met.

Montreal Sex City said:
I’ve then waiste my time again, couldn’t think of it any better after all, to explained to you that clients could come from there or anywhere, being participants, lurkers or just passing by, see our banners or advertisements and give us a call.
Several problems here: MERC is a known cesspool. MERC (the board) has low traffic. Wouldn’t it be better to leave there and gain credibility here as the group of agencies that said “Enough!”?

Montreal Sex City said:
How much of experience do you have in this business after all ? As a booker ? Driver ? Have you owned an agency as well ? Tell us !
By my reckoning, I met my first outcall escort in 1985, during the newspaper ad age. From 1991 to 1995 I was active regularly, went to the tabloid paper every week to pay for a “friend’s” ad, sat at home with her while she answered the phone and drove her to some calls. From 2006 to now, I have met a LOT of ladies, many of them on a long repeat basis. I have formed many friendships and received countless confidences. I acted as booker for a major agency and an independent girl, and designed her website.

Montreal Sex City said:
To be disrespectful to a point you have to try to by-pass me after telling me I don’t understand anything,
As I understood the structure, SD is Peter’s and MSC is yours. I phoned Peter in regards to SD only, therefore not passing you by. Or is there something in the hierarchy of your organization that eludes me?

Montreal Sex City said:
Could you reach a higther lever of disrespect ? Really ?
This post you made after Naomie departed SD certainly was the height of disrespect. It seems you have had the good sense to delete it…

Montreal Sex City said:
…rumple : Yes I have told you I was closing the agency by the end of April… You tought you won !!! Wow ! Disgusting…
Well, I am not the one here to open the can of worms about disclosing the contents of a PM on the open board, so I will disambiguate the content: The title of your PM to Rumples was “You won”… So don’t go rubbing his nose in it now.

Montreal Sex City said:
Perhaps, haven’t you book a girl with us lately ? Yupe ! How more far will you lure the merbites and the people that just passes by to pick up a little informations, with the boycott when you can’t even stand up for it ? Non mais quel hypocrite ! Tabar .. k !
As you well know but conveniently omit to say here, you and I had a conversation about the boycott and it’s effectiveness sometimes around early February. I told you I thought things had calmed down and proposed posting that the boycott was effectively over. YOU were the one to suggest not posting at all. We started to tell our friends back-channel that it was over, and yes, Rumples booked someone from your group. It is hypocritical for you to use this against Rumples in this context.

Montreal Sex City said:
Are we going to see everybody surfing the entire internet looking to chase the wicked boards you want to controle cause someone said something on you ?
I don’t want to control any boards. I want a board that is totally out of control, doing unconscionable damage to people’s reputation while the board owners are fully conscious and seemingly encouraging it, reined in. If you can’t understand this then yes, you understand very little.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
2 mods, 2 opinions guys.

Personally, I think those who feels like thew were wronged and think it's worth paying attention to those attacks should do it like adults should do it, not like school children in a dark alley: take legal actions against MERC. This will be the only possible action that, in my opinion, will have any effective results. Talking about it here won't change anything or if would have already have a positive effect. As it stands, it's certainly not getting better.

These stupidities (And I agree with you guys, you have every right to be upset!) did not happen on MERB and MERB should not be used to retaliate against MERC, this isn't our mandate.

** As far as I'm concerned, those wanting to discuss actions against MERC or share their adventures should do so in a MSN group, Facebook or similar. I would see no problem allowing ONE link to this discussion in such site but, it would be the ONLY mention of this feud here. **

Besides, these discussions are bringing negative energy to MERB and are dragging us down to the same level as those we despise. This is not where I want this board to go and this is not the type of energy I want to be stuck dealing with when moderating.


Quoted from an other thread for reasons explained below.

I respectfully disagree with your opinion, mod 11. First of all, the discussion here did not drag us down to the level of those we despise. It was made in respect of the merb posting rules, including the tacit rule against trolling: two of them have been thrown out, that’s a positive result. I think Mod 8 has done a great job and, notwithstanding your different visions, I am sure you agree with me on this.

IMHO, you are right to point out the negative energy coming out of this. I don’t like it either. But, as you know, we need to defend some important values that make it possible for this community to exist. At times it brings negative energy, but those values are too important to be pushed under the carpet.

The present issue is about the most important shared specific value of this community: the protection of privacy. There is no need to elaborate since we all know that breaches of privacy in “hobbyland” can ruin peoples’ jobs and family life.

One highly respected member of this community, Sapman, has come under a privacy attack lately. The reason? For less then a year, he worked as a booker. Who’s business is that? How are we concerned here? He did not write any review while being a booker. That is his private life.

Had he done some shilling while being a booker — and I insist, he did not — it would not have been a ground to justify disclosing nominal information about him, which was done by his accuser, supported by the only troll remaining on this forum: Eastender. That is purely, simply, UNACCEPTABLE. The consequences of shilling are to have your HANDLE exposed to the world, banishment from the forum and control of IP to monitor further activity on the forum. No one has the right to expose nominal information, even of shills.

DT has committed the error, an irreparable error. Someone may change a handle, but he cannot rebuild his identity without tremendous cost. Erasing a thread does not repair the error.

This case deserves our attention as a community. The issue has nothing to do with old friends quarrels contrary to what the troll — Eastender — tries to put in peoples mind. The accused guy has had no previous relations to his accusors.

I, for myself, know none of these guys personally. DT has been after me for years, using all possible ways, including the use of sex workers and a merc moderator, to extract nominal informations on individuals that are part of this world. He has blackmailed me on numerous occasions getting the same result time after time: “repartir la queue entre les deux jambes”.

Tom is sheltering this activity on his forum: the collection of private, nominal informations on clients and sex workers.

I think this is a concern for this community as whole, including the members of MERC, the advertisers of MERC and all the people who do not have or take time to look thoroughly into these matters.

My personal opinion is that Tom should shut down MERC. Meanwhile, I see no reason to stop boycotting their advertisers, until DT is thrown out and that we are given the assurance that these activities have stopped.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
is the list of advertisers updated?
And why not leave 'vicky vix' out of, but of course that would be favouritism..
just another thought while im here.. Its no secret that most of the 'merbs.elite.rejected.critics' boards advertisers are made up of overweight ladies ( also affectionately known as bbw )
Their business must be tough enough as it is? they might not be able to survive a boycott if alot of people actually participated.
thats not fair to them i vote leaving out 'vicky vix', and the 'bbw' squad.

You also shouldnt boycott any advertiser that advertises on both boards.. Stick to those that advertise strictly on that board if you must.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
My personal opinion is that Tom should shut down MERC. Meanwhile, I see no reason to stop boycotting their advertisers, until DT is thrown out and that we are given the assurance that these activities have stopped.
Thanks for your thoughtful post, Gugu. I agree with everything you've said here, though the piece I've quoted should go one step further. All traces of DT should be thoroughly deleted from the MERC servers. Nothing that any Google spider could possibly index should remain.

There are a few things that baffle me, to wit:
1. Why does Tom let Ziggy run free? It's now common knowledge that Tom's antipathy towards merb dates to personal information that was linked to on merb by none other than Ziggy himself. This information was removed by the mods and Ziggy banned. The traffic Ziggy brings to merc is well more than offset by the trouble his actions cause Tom.

2. Why is Ziggy's waking life consumed with you, me and Sapman? Why the obsession? Me? I'm just an occasional hobbyist. I see a couple of girls a month, write a review or two, and post about a zillion posts in the baseball thread. Ziggy, when I'm not posting, does not enter my mind. I don't lose sleep over him as he clearly does over us. I don't wake in the night wondering what bullshit I can sling his way as he clearly does over us. I don't get emotionally wrought over the gibberish he posts. I don't spend 4-5-6 hours a day researching private information on him as he does on us. He is nothing to me, yet I am a prominent figure in his shell of an existence. In fact, before last week when Ziggy published Sapman's address and phone number, I hadn't even looked at merc in a couple of months.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
is the list of advertisers updated?
And why not leave 'vicky vix' out of, but of course that would be favouritism..
just another thought while im here.. Its no secret that most of the 'merbs.elite.rejected.critics' boards advertisers are made up of overweight ladies ( also affectionately known as bbw )
Their business must be tough enough as it is? they might not be able to survive a boycott if alot of people actually participated.
thats not fair to them i vote leaving out 'vicky vix', and the 'bbw' squad.
I'll take care of this in the next day or so. This time I'd like to highlight those that also advertise here and I think they should be our main focus. As for Vicky, why don't you speak with her about cancelling her advertising there? Not only is her advertising there a waste of money, given the shitty ROI, but the clientele she might get from merc is primarily composed of the type of lowlife she really doesn't want to see.

(BTW, I do share your fondness for Vicky, though I haven't seen her in 4-5 years.)
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello guys,

2 mods, 2 opinions guys.

Personally, I think those who feels like they were wronged and think it's worth paying attention to those attacks should do it like adults should do it, not like school children in a dark alley: take legal actions against MERC. This will be the only possible action that, in my opinion, will have any effective results. Talking about it here won't change anything or if would have already have a positive effect. As it stands, it's certainly not getting better.

These stupidities (And I agree with you guys, you have every right to be upset!) did not happen on MERB and MERB should not be used to retaliate against MERC, this isn't our mandate.

** As far as I'm concerned, those wanting to discuss actions against MERC or share their adventures should do so in a MSN group, Facebook or similar. I would see no problem allowing ONE link to this discussion in such site but, it would be the ONLY mention of this feud here. **

Besides, these discussions are bringing negative energy to MERB and are dragging us down to the same level as those we despise. This is not where I want this board to go and this is not the type of energy I want to be stuck dealing with when moderating.


Quoted from an other thread for reasons explained below.

I respectfully disagree with your opinion, mod 11. First of all, the discussion here did not drag us down to the level of those we despise. It was made in respect of the merb posting rules, including the tacit rule against trolling: two of them have been thrown out, that’s a positive result. I think Mod 8 has done a great job and, notwithstanding your different visions, I am sure you agree with me on this.

IMHO, you are right to point out the negative energy coming out of this. I don’t like it either. But, as you know, we need to defend some important values that make it possible for this community to exist. At times it brings negative energy, but those values are too important to be pushed under the carpet.

The present issue is about the most important shared specific value of this community: the protection of privacy. There is no need to elaborate since we all know that breaches of privacy in “hobbyland” can ruin peoples’ jobs and family life.

One highly respected member of this community, Sapman, has come under a privacy attack lately. The reason? For less then a year, he worked as a booker. Who’s business is that? How are we concerned here? He did not write any review while being a booker. That is his private life.

DT has committed the error, an irreparable error. Someone may change a handle, but he cannot rebuild his identity without tremendous cost. Erasing a thread does not repair the error.

I, for myself, know none of these guys personally. DT has been after me for years, using all possible ways, including the use of sex workers and a merc moderator to extract nominal informations on individuals that are part of this world. He has blackmailed me on numerous occasions getting the same result time after time: “repartir la queue entre les deux jambes”.

Tom is sheltering this activity on his forum: the collection of private, nominal informations on clients and sex workers.

I think this is a concern for this community as whole, including the members of MERC, the advertisers of MERC and all the people who do not have or take time to look thoroughly into these matters.

My personal opinion is that Tom should shut down MERC. Meanwhile, I see no reason to stop boycotting their advertisers, until DT is thrown out and that we are given the assurance that these activities have stopped.


There is a possibility that Mod9/Agentleman27 is a threat to pass out private information that only mods have access to.
He is not only in direct daily control of allowing all the personal threats and the posting of privacy invasions by others while banning dissent, he has made the same slanders as Ziggy and Dee toward Techman and myself, while attacking Gugu, Sapman, and the green mods under the A27 name, and he has also threatened to post photos of Merb members he has met. While I know he really has no photos, his allowances of gross abuses (by Ziggy, Dee, Tony), his own posting of abuses, and his willingness to threaten to publish private identities shows he has every attitude making him capable of passing out any private information he can access as a mod, as he continues to make gross innuendos.

Of course all of this is at the behest of Tom, but Mod9/A27 has stayed despite every abuse, thus displaying his willingness to participate and promote it all, while making his own ugly contributions adding to the offenses. He has consistently showed every aspect of full cooperation, so passing out private information would be consistent with his actions thus far.

Back to the main point:

Gugu, no one can deny every justification is there to fight back and defend ourselves. As you have seen, I have been there with you, and I like you have the instinct and compulsion to fight back. But despite the fact that your rationale is perfectly sound to keep fighting back, Mod11 is perfectly right. We can fight back and justify it all, but we will always be spinning our wheels by using this board to go after them. We have become adult children bickering back and forth, until, except for the gross legally actionable offense they have made, it is clear that bystanders reading these boards who have nothing invested here can hardly see the difference in the bickering sides any more.

The trouble with trying to clean up trash that never ends is eventually you stink just as bad...and that is the goal the blueboys are after. Despite our right to self-defense we are just immersing ourselves deeper into the whole stinking mess. And in doing so tensions heighten, emotions boil, and there is the grave risk that out of sheer frustration someone will post something just as ruthless about individual privacy as we are fighting against. That's the trap, and that is the opportunity the blue trolls are hoping for. This is not what Merb is for and the best way is legal action.

Why is Ziggy's waking life consumed with you, me and Sapman? Why the obsession? Me?

It's pretty hard to believe that a guy like Ziggy who could choose to do so much else in his life with all of his options has degenerated to inflicting slander and pursuing private lives to satisfy his addiction to attention...on a sex board.


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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
You cant blame the ladies placing their advertisements according to what they feel is the most travelled avenues on the web..

'Montreal escort' on google = the 3rd result is*
The 16th is merb

And on a search of 'montreal escort reviews'
'Merbs.elite.rejected.critics' is first..*
Merb is second.

Of course this is off of iphones google.. Results may vary on desktop google.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You cant blame the ladies placing their advertisements according to what they feel is the most travelled avenues on the web..

'Montreal escort' on google = the 3rd result is*
The 16th is merb

And on a search of 'montreal escort reviews'
'Merbs.elite.rejected.critics' is first..*
Merb is second.

Of course this is off of iphones google.. Results may vary on desktop google.
However, if you look at the traffic counts, the results are quite different. Someone posted them in one of these threads not long ago; merb gets way more traffic, 2 or 3 to 1. And look at the scum that posts on reject central.


Nov 4, 2009
Ok, so between the end of January and the third week of April, we tried that approach, as we had privately discussed. And here we are indeed…ect. It seems you have had the good sense to delete it…

Sapman this was a fine rebuttal, i was hoping you would slip somewhere so I could knock you over the head, but you were on point dude. You will be a legend one day. Great work! Rumple owes you.

>>> EDITED BY MOD 11: What's the point of quoting a post that is 1 page long? It's only cluttering the board. Quote shortened. <<<
Last edited by a moderator:


Nov 4, 2009
A couple of months back, with things seemingly calmed down, we decided to simply let the issue slide. The inmates at merc had done a good enough job of discrediting themselves with their silly rants, exposing themselves as the fools they are, that we though we could let go. If their namecalling and sliming had any credibility when the boycott was first started, they took care of it themselves with their own headbanging and ranting. We decided to simply ignore them. So I booked a date with one of Jessy's girls.

I want a Yes or No answer. Was the boycott in place when you booked one of Jessy's girls. Yes or No answer, please don't tell me about some calming wave that suddenly overwhelmed you, only 2 months into the boycott, and shot your libido so out of the roof that it left you with no choice but to get your dick sucked by one of Jessy's girls. I got your back, just be honest! Go Rumple!


Nov 4, 2009
just another thought while im here.. Its no secret that most of the 'merbs.elite.rejected.critics' boards advertisers are made up of overweight ladies ( also affectionately known as bbw )
Their business must be tough enough as it is?

haha fucking hilarious bro!
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