Montreal Escorts

Merc Advertiser Boycott Starts December 1

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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
merc : Most users ever online was 591, 01-19-2011 at 12:43 AM.
MERB : Most users ever online was 2,901, 01-08-2011 at 11:01 PM.

MERB has 5 times more activity, so for the best return on advertising money, there should not any hesitation, MERB is #1.

- Why do the smurfs laugh when they frolic through the forest? Because the grass tickles thier balls!
Them little guys are so funny...
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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Very well said, Doc

People make a mistake when they're comparing the two. ... considering the amount of references made to this board from the various active posters of that particular board, it's not that surprising to see people compare the two boards...

It's my personal feeling that Mer(c) will never be taken seriously as long as this is the case. Any mention of its big brother (Merb) will always bring about comparisons, which is the last thing Mer(c) should want. It actually makes Merb much bigger than it actually is. And for Merb's operator, it's a great bonus since it brings up the value of his board.

.. A lot of the stuff is either already available elsewhere or totally made up or grossly exaggerated. Gossiping has basically taken over the board & it can no longer be used for reference purposes. ... I suppose advertisers have their own reasons to advertise on it. Personally, considering the amount of hits it gets (as compared to other sites) & its low membership, i also cannot fathom why. However, it's not my money & the advertisers can do what they want with their hard-earned dollars.
I had not gone over to read MERC since Mid-December. I went the other day and now more than ever, the bulk of posts are attacks on members here, trials without judge or jury and gross insults. Moderation=none.

I still wonder how Tom can allow this to go on: apart from the die-hards, anyone who goes over there and hits "Today's Post" is bound to go "what a nuthouse" and leave for a real escort review board.

Happy Hara Kiri, Blueland!
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Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
Always viewed the Blue board as the Mad TV version of Merb!
Seriously, the difference betw the 2 boards is the quality of the Mods. Mods do their job right, you got a well run community. If the Mods are hanging out at the doughnut shop - you get a site like the Blue Board! :)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Compared to other places, MERB has at least 10x the click through for posting in the advertiser section. We have not seen any other site coming close.

We would be curious to know the traffic comparison for ads on MERB and MERC, but not curious enough to try.

There's probably as much traffic going on at Big Doggie (Mtl section) & at that other site (name escapes me....Escort something) as there is on Mer(c).


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Compared to other places, MERB has at least 10x the click through for posting in the advertiser section. We have not seen any other site coming close.

We would be curious to know the traffic comparison for ads on MERB and MERC, but not curious enough to try.

Hello OA,

On the blueboard you've got one self-adoring conspiracy hunter (Dissection Tool), another who is pure misogynist and crap disturber (2Legit), one sick obsessed slander mongering stalker (Dee), and a board owner who shills under another name while encouraging all the ugly behavior (Tom/Wickerman). Many of the rest just follow these leads. It was headed to be a great board, until the owner decided to go in the opposite direction his own board committee suggested. I was one of that committee.

Too bad really. The board has a lot of nice features. If it wasn't for the current leading occupants, who publicly say they will chase any who don't agree with them away, it would have been real competition for Merb. But as one of it's last respected member said (Robin), it's a "boys locker room" lead by several Merb banned exiles who refused to behave themselves here and now are in full control in blueland of slinging filth resulting in the poor standing of the board. Robin also called it a "cesspool". He's right.

too bad,

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
It's been well over a month since I've taken a peek over there, but as of my last look I'd have to say that their gibberish has stopped bothering me. As they ramped up their assaults, they also ramped down any possibility that anyone over the age of 6 would take them seriously. I'm surprised Ziggy the Clown hasn't changed his handle to McMurphy and Dee his to Billy Bibbitt. There's not so much as a semblance of a life between them and I've certainly better things to do in mine than bath in their swill.

While I don't know what kind of effect our boycott has had overall as they only update their advertiser lists monthly. I did see an independent woman somewhat recently who told me that the boycott was her reason for deciding against advertising there. I'd share her name with you here but that would only bring down the wrath of merc's inmates.

From the daily "who's on" postings things do seem mighty mighty slow in Montreal. I saw a girl a few weeks back who'd been posted as available every night for weeks in a row. When we were done playing, I asked her about that, wondering if she wasn't exhausted. She shared with me that most days she wasn't getting calls. I extrapolate from that that the girls whose names you see on the schedule 10,12,14 days in a row are spending most of those nights sitting around at home or in a car. And from that, I can only assume that things are even slower at the boycotted agencies. Hopefully, the advertising over there will do some drying up.
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
I had not gone over to read MERC since Mid-December. I went the other day and now more than ever, the bulk of posts are attacks on members here, trials without judge or jury and gross insults. Moderation=none.

I still wonder how Tom can allow this to go on: apart from the die-hards, anyone who goes over there and hits "Today's Post" is bound to go "what a nuthouse" and leave for a real escort review board.

Happy Hara Kiri, Blueland!

So I'm wondering why posters continue to post about blueland and perpetuate this thread if it's so insignificant. I mean I could write an "expose" (re-incarnate) on all this shit. Time seems to repeat itself, repeat itself, repeat itself..............ah Celine lives, if just by another Sinful name......and guys will continue to love strippers, even if in another way.........the speadsheet becomes a list.......Emma's fantasy is another's playground...............the cell phones get exchanged among the (p__ps), I mean agencies.......the debate on GFE continues, after all, "What is the definition of "is"? I could go on, but it gets tiring........

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I predict that the ( merb.elite.Rejected.Critics ) will be shut down very shortly..?
How I don't know..? It all came to me in a dream ...


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Now more than ever

I wish I didn`t have to do this...

We tried other ways. We tried contacting Tom. We contacted his ISP. We contacted the vBulletin people. We contacted the sick poster`s shrinks, nothing will help.

In the meantime, we have kept the peace. We decided to see if time would heal the wounds. Unfortunately, the MERC people decided otherwise and kept it up.

Some things have become obvious: it is not an issue of a boy`s war between posters, as some would have it. Any sane board administrator would have deleted countless offending posts from that "forum" before things heated up to this level, and banned members. As is done here, must I repeat?

Another thing is obvious: anyone announcing there must know what they are associating with: a cesspool. Any sane advertiser would cut and run.

Most if not all other Internet forums have privacy policies and means to isolate member handles from their private lives. This is PARAMOUNT when it comes to sex work. That rule was flagrantly violated on MERC. Be aware that if it was done once, it will be done again. Not only that, it was done by a mentally unstable individual who will think nothing of doing it again, and probably to someone who thought they were "a friend". He has no friends...

I would personally, and I am sure other people would, reward agencies and indies who stop advertising on MERC with renewed attention.

I am bumping the boycott thread because what is going on over there has escalated to intolerable levels. Other action will be taken, including going the legal route. Reputations are being ruined, reparations will be sought, penalties will be imposed.

Knowing how relational databases work, Tom can easily "cascade delete" just a few handles and their posts to get MERC back to a normal board if he so wishes, and avoid attention which he does not need. Time is running out.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
I’m gonna try to be as clear as possible.


The first time you approched me with the problem between you and merc it’s when there where some story about the corner of your street mentionned. I friendly told you to not bother, it would die by itselves or otherwise it would get as big as a mountain. And here we are ! A personal manner that is now a public boycott ! Oh, excuse me ! A second public boycott ! Anyway …

You then try to tell me that cause we where advertising over there, Montreal Sex City & Satin Dreamz, we would be associated to it. Excuse me, but since when are we responsible for your problems ? Did you came and save my ass when I got a problem with the Alissa thread ? Nope. The rest of this one, it’s another chapter !

Then, you told me that I didn’t understand anything. Thank you very much ! Then you asked about what was Peter’s opinion on this, and told you the same because yes, I do infor him about the boards. But it was not enough ! You accused me of misinforming Peter of it, turned around and gaved him a call ! For what different results ? None. Your final excuse : He doesn’t understand anything neither. Thanks Mister !

I’ve then waiste my time again, couldn’t think of it any better after all, to explained to you that clients could come from there or anywhere, being participants, lurkers or just passing by, see our banners or advertisements and give us a call. Bottom line, we where the one at the end of the phones screening the clients and God knows how we’re strict when we don’t like what’s at the end of it.

What kind of personage are you to decide what we understand or not ? How much of experience do you have in this business after all ? As a booker ? Driver ? Have you owned an agency as well ? Tell us ! To be disrespectful to a point you have to try to by-pass me after telling me I don’t understand anything, to then realise that you have to use this excuse towards Peter again cause you where not gaining any points in your processus ? Excuse against a man that is in this business for 25 years now ? And you think what of me ? That I keep the man blind on all of this ? Wow wow wow ! Could you reach a higther lever of disrespect ? Really ? oh boy oh boy, and we where not nearly done yet !

No we where not ! But for now, I am ! Cause see, I have responsibilities to assume as an agency owner, and I could just care less about how bossy you are trying to be with our business with this boycott ! You and your friend rumple. Oh, but wait, maybe I’m not totally done tonite after all !

Nope ! While we are here, rumple : Yes I have told you I was closing the agency by the end of April. I knew how you would be all excited by the idea fallowing your boycott and you guys would remain quiet to see if it was going to happen and jump on your chair to enjoy your victory ! Just the time I needed to have a peaceful environement to take care of both agencies while Peter was going on vacation ! Cheers ! Ain’t that why you ask me few days ago then, what happened ? You tought you won !!! Wow ! Disgusting ! And please don’t tell me I deserve to be banned for disclosing this information.

I was told "the end of the month" (April).

And you still here, so I guess what is good for one, is good for the other. Unless there is some that gets their back more scratched then others on merb !

Perhaps, haven’t you book a girl with us lately ? Yupe ! How more far will you lure the merbites and the people that just passes by to pick up a little informations, with the boycott when you can’t even stand up for it ? Non mais quel hypocrite ! Tabar .. k !

For both of you, and who ever else is standing for this, what after ? Are we going to see everybody surfing the entire internet looking to chase the wicked boards you want to controle cause someone said something on you ?

I can’t wait to see what answers will this post bring up ! Oh wait ! True, I have other things to do !

Goodnite everyone !


Nov 4, 2009
haven’t you book a girl with us lately ? Yupe ! How more far will you lure the merbites and the people that just passes by to pick up a little informations, with the boycott when you can’t even stand up for it ? Non mais quel hypocrite ! Tabar .. k !

Are you telling us that Rumples booked a girl from your agency DURING the boycott? Rumples is this true?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I can’t wait to see what answers will this post bring up ! Oh wait ! True, I have other things to do !

Well, sorry for being a bit blunt here, Jessy, but I find your post deceiving. No need to express an opinion with words. As they say: just do it! And you have just made it. If some guys have issues with you, they encounter the risk of having you come out on SP forums and tell the whole world about private conversations you had with them. No need to express an opinion, Jessy, your attitude just speaks by itself.

It gives me a bitter taste, but let’s put it on the account of emotions.

I’m not going to tell you how to run an agency. I am not going to dispute your experience and competence in the field. But that is no argument, Jessy. You know damn well the issues are deeper than the pale portrait you made of it. Diffamation, my dear; open accusations of alleged criminal activities committed by people here on Merb and there on EQ; public disclosure of private e-mails; divulgation of identities; echoing publicly private conversations.

Since you are not mentally disabled, nor plain stupid, I would not believe you if you pretended not seeing it. Be honest with yourself: you would never allow this type of manoeuvre if you owned a forum. Of course, you are not responsible for it. No one says you are. But you are feeding the guy, Tom, who bares the legal responsibility.

Your reputation is great in this business. And most guys participating in the boycott will never tell you, nor write it here, because it tears them apart to be hurting you, just like it tears me apart having stopped seeing a Merc advertiser for whom I have the warmest consideration and feelings. But you owe things to this community, Jessy, from an honor point of view. It has supported you pretty strongly in the past and it is part, however small, of your success.

We have come to a point, this last week, where Tom has become liable of prosecution. Before it blows out, may we simply ask you to intercede — no one will ever blame you if you do not succeed. He has to get rid of his loose canon. You’re in a better position than any of us to have him hear the voice of reason. Please do it for your friend. Please do it for this community.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Are you telling us that Rumples booked a girl from your agency DURING the boycott? Rumples is this true?
A couple of months back, with things seemingly calmed down, we decided to simply let the issue slide. The inmates at merc had done a good enough job of discrediting themselves with their silly rants, exposing themselves as the fools they are, that we though we could let go. If their namecalling and sliming had any credibility when the boycott was first started, they took care of it themselves with their own headbanging and ranting. We decided to simply ignore them. So I booked a date with one of Jessy's girls.

That was a mistake as has now become apparent what with Ziggy once again going off his meds and his taking his hissy shit to a new and more personal level by seeking out and publishing personal information. While once it was simply name calling, now he's interfering in the personal lives of people. Now it's really serious.

It's now obvious that more pressure be put on Tom to corral his house looney and the only way to do that is to apply economic pressure.

As far as Jessy's PM to me, telling me that "you won," Jessy shows again that she's totally missing the point and that she doesn't understand the issue. We have no interest in shutting Jessy down. We won't win until Tom cleans up his shithole.
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New Member
Apr 24, 2011
A couple of months back, with things seemingly calmed down, we decided to simply let the issue slide. The inmates at merc had done a good enough job of discrediting themselves with their silly rants, exposing themselves as the fools they are, that we though we could let go. If their namecalling and sliming had any credibility when the boycott was first started, they took care of it themselves with their own headbanging and ranting. We decided to simply ignore them. So I booked a date with one of Jessy's girls.

That was a mistake as has now become apparent what with Ziggy once again going off his meds and his taking his hissy shit to a new and more personal level by seeking out and publishing personal information. While once it was simply name calling, now he's interfering in the personal lives of people. Now it's really serious.

It's now obvious that more pressure be put on Tom to corral his house looney and the only way to do that is to apply economic pressure.

As far as Jessy's PM to me, telling me that "you won," Jessy shows again that she's totally missing the point and that she doesn't understand the issue. We have no interest in shutting Jessy down. We won't win until Tom cleans up his shithole.

i'm curious to know who was the first to publicly reveal this private information of you seeing a girl from jessy ?


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
I’m gonna try to be as clear as possible.


The first time you approched me with the problem between you and merc it’s when there where some story about the corner of your street mentionned. I friendly told you to not bother, it would die by itselves or otherwise it would get as big as a mountain. And here we are ! A personal manner that is now a public boycott ! Oh, excuse me ! A second public boycott ! Anyway …

You then try to tell me that cause we where advertising over there, Montreal Sex City & Satin Dreamz, we would be associated to it. Excuse me, but since when are we responsible for your problems ? Did you came and save my ass when I got a problem with the Alissa thread ? Nope. The rest of this one, it’s another chapter !

Then, you told me that I didn’t understand anything. Thank you very much ! Then you asked about what was Peter’s opinion on this, and told you the same because yes, I do infor him about the boards. But it was not enough ! You accused me of misinforming Peter of it, turned around and gaved him a call ! For what different results ? None. Your final excuse : He doesn’t understand anything neither. Thanks Mister !

I’ve then waiste my time again, couldn’t think of it any better after all, to explained to you that clients could come from there or anywhere, being participants, lurkers or just passing by, see our banners or advertisements and give us a call. Bottom line, we where the one at the end of the phones screening the clients and God knows how we’re strict when we don’t like what’s at the end of it.

What kind of personage are you to decide what we understand or not ? How much of experience do you have in this business after all ? As a booker ? Driver ? Have you owned an agency as well ? Tell us ! To be disrespectful to a point you have to try to by-pass me after telling me I don’t understand anything, to then realise that you have to use this excuse towards Peter again cause you where not gaining any points in your processus ? Excuse against a man that is in this business for 25 years now ? And you think what of me ? That I keep the man blind on all of this ? Wow wow wow ! Could you reach a higther lever of disrespect ? Really ? oh boy oh boy, and we where not nearly done yet !

No we where not ! But for now, I am ! Cause see, I have responsibilities to assume as an agency owner, and I could just care less about how bossy you are trying to be with our business with this boycott ! You and your friend rumple. Oh, but wait, maybe I’m not totally done tonite after all !

Nope ! While we are here, rumple : Yes I have told you I was closing the agency by the end of April. I knew how you would be all excited by the idea fallowing your boycott and you guys would remain quiet to see if it was going to happen and jump on your chair to enjoy your victory ! Just the time I needed to have a peaceful environement to take care of both agencies while Peter was going on vacation ! Cheers ! Ain’t that why you ask me few days ago then, what happened ? You tought you won !!! Wow ! Disgusting ! And please don’t tell me I deserve to be banned for disclosing this information.

And you still here, so I guess what is good for one, is good for the other. Unless there is some that gets their back more scratched then others on merb !

Perhaps, haven’t you book a girl with us lately ? Yupe ! How more far will you lure the merbites and the people that just passes by to pick up a little informations, with the boycott when you can’t even stand up for it ? Non mais quel hypocrite ! Tabar .. k !

For both of you, and who ever else is standing for this, what after ? Are we going to see everybody surfing the entire internet looking to chase the wicked boards you want to controle cause someone said something on you ?

I can’t wait to see what answers will this post bring up ! Oh wait ! True, I have other things to do !

Goodnite everyone !

well let me understand something here because i'm not sure that i understand your post.

did you just admit that you played a mind game, which could have resulted in risking your very business in the hopes of making a point?

if this is the case and was your motivation then you may want to consider if being a business owner is what you're cut out for.
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