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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I have tons of respect for the job the Mods do day in day out, under at times difficuct circumstances; and I would be among the first to applaud them.
That said, I take exception to some of the subjective preaching that goes along with some of the bans.
Ban someone for breaking a rule...that`s well deserved.
Stating that the comments of one of the most senior and respected posters on this board are "childish" is over-the -top and completely uncalled for.
My 2 (Canadian) cents
PS I`m not talking about Dee
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello cloudsurf,

I assume that you are referring to Special K's suspension for his comment in the ipad thread. Other posters, rumpleforeskin, Techman and Dee were also banned for making off topic posts in that same thread which broke the posting rule set by Mod 11 in that thread in regards to off topic or flame posts. If you had read the post in question, you would have to agree that it was off topic, childish and inflammatory in nature. As other posters were previously suspended for breaking the rule in that thread, it was not possible to avoid suspending another member for breaking the same rule.

This is the quote for which he was suspended:
Why don't you just stick your cock in the USB port and fuck the shit out of your ipad
If that is not a childish comment, I do not know what is.

MERB rules apply to everyone equally, no matter their seniority on the board.

Mod 8


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
Stating that the comments of one of the most senior and respected posters on this board are "childish" is over-the -top and completely uncalled for....
I assume that you are referring to Special K`s suspension...
damn, i thought cloudsurf was defending me. oh well, i still luv ya, cloudy.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Come on Cloudsurf, I would not say it was childish if it wouldn't have been. When Special K is back, you can ask him what I wrote in his ban message. I was totally surprised of such post coming from him.

Rumple contacted me and gave me some background on the reason of the post: it was an inside joke between him and SK. I was not aware of this and other members were not either. Knowing this before I suspended him, I would have only deleted the post but, once the action was taken, it was too late. Something that pass well in person can be interpreted differently in writing, everybody need to understand that and post accordingly. When reading, we don't see the wink, the big smile or the teasing look.

His post was, as you see from Mod 8's quote, simply childish when taken outside the concept of an inside joke and, in a thread where the tempers are high already, it left me no choice to react and mentioned the nature of the post. I was very clear about what would happen to anybody posting garbage in that thread and, I did exactly what I said. Not saying why would have left me open to criticism. I guess I just can't win one way or another.

We can't allow such posts in threads, even as an inside joke. If we did, members outside the joke would think it's ok to flame people and would get upset at getting suspended while some other member wasn't, not knowing the member who was not suspended was making a joke. If someone want to make such joke on the board to one of his buddy, it need to be totally clear it's a joke so everybody can get it.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
LMAO !!!
I thought K`s comment was colourful, imaginative and very funny...not childish, and probably meant tongue in cheek.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
We don't see the wink, the big smile or the teasing look...

Come on Cloudsurf, I would not say it was childish if it wouldn't have been. When Special K is back, you can ask him what I wrote in his ban message. I was totally surprised of such post coming from him.

Rumple contacted me and gave me some background on the reason of the post: it was an inside joke between him and SK. I was not aware of this and other members were not either. Knowing this before I suspended him, I would have only deleted the post but, once the action was taken, it was too late. Something that pass well in person can be interpreted differently in writing, everybody need to understand that and post accordingly. When reading, we don't see the wink, the big smile or the teasing look.

We can't allow such posts in threads, even as an inside joke. If we did, members outside the joke would think it's ok to flame people and would get upset at getting suspended while some other member wasn't, not knowing the member who was not suspended was making a joke. If someone want to make such joke on the board to one of his buddy, it need to be totally clear it's a joke so everybody can get it.

Hi Mod 11,

Hmmm...IF we had real wink, real big smile or real teasing look we could see them...

Hi, hi...You knew I wouldn't let that get by me...LOL <insert big wink and laughing smileys here>

Have fun,


PS I think you and Mod8 have thankless jobs and do them well.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Mods 8 and 11 I do understand your reasoning and I`m glad that now we know the whole picture.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Why don't you just stick your cock in the USB port and fuck the shit out of your ipad

Come on Cloudsurf, I would not say it was childish if it wouldn't have been. When Special K is back, you can ask him what I wrote in his ban message. I was totally surprised of such post coming from him.

Rumple contacted me and gave me some background on the reason of the post: it was an inside joke between him and SK

Son of a BITCH. I wish i knew that before it tried it.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
I'm going to jump in on this thread in saying this enforcement is long overdue. And Mods, please excuse me, but I am going to kind of "make it about me". A few months ago, right after a serious accident involving my wrist, I posted a simple question in the lounge section requesting any information about Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking. I didn't specify why I posted the request (I didn't want to make it about me), but merely put it up as a technical question I needed some assistance on. The reason behind the request was simply I was discussing implementation with my insurance company to accomodate my injury. Well Special K immediately responded, "What's the matter, did you break your arm?....LOL". At that point, I really was in such shock over the entire injury and what it might do to my career, I didn't want to get into it. I was in pain and only able to "hen peck". So, as not be further ridiculed, I simply deleted the thread. So cloudsurf, as you can see your "most senior and respected poster" didn't deserve any respect in this instance. Again cloudsurf, you see things from your own limited and short cited perspective.

BTW, Techman as always your advice on these matters was valuable. Sorry, I had to delete your words along with the childish chirping of Special K
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
CSM why does it always have to be about you?
You are pathetic and boring.
Get back on your meds before you break something else

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
cloud, As usual you fail to see any point beyond your self-centered self. So you resort to name calling when you can't make your point logically. Typical. Hopefully, the Mods will ban you for your constant attacks on those on this board who are trying to make it civil and all inclusive. But you do show your lack of tolerance for anyone other than a small clique of posters, who do nothing but hold this board back.

P.S. Cloud, you'll remember that you once (a few months ago) threatened to discontinue posting on this board until I got kicked off. Talk about childish.....Now, you deleted that post immediately. Maybe you shouldn't have.....LOL.....
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
LMAO !!!
I thought K`s comment was colourful, imaginative and very funny...not childish, and probably meant tongue in cheek.
It was clearly childish and K would be the first to admit it.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
You're right Ariane but considering how flames are fueled easily in the MS vs Apple threads, it had to be considered as provocation. I agree such "wording" needed serious thinking! ;)

Jman, maybe you and other contributors would have more pull on Fred than we do? As of now, the "smiley affair" is going nowhere with the little power we Mods have. > insert BIG winking smiley here <

Now, let's not turn this thread into a place to settle other business.


P.S.: I just lifted SK's ban.
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Oct 16, 2004
6' under
I just lifted SK's ban.
faster than a speeding bulle... errr, pimp...
more horny than a locomotive...
able to leap tall sp's in a single bound...

he is
The Man of Steel
The Man of Tomorrow
The Last Son of Krypton...

no ban can keep him down...!

it's Super K!

< cue john williams music >
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Johnmbot, what's your point?

Hello again M11,

If you don't mind me saying...seems like your hammer is getting a little heavy.;)
You should lighten up a little brother...

Remember...have fun,

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