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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
clar·i·ty n.
1. Clearness of appearance: the clarity of the mountain air.
2. Clearness of thought or style; lucidity: writes with clarity and perception.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Now you've got it, just as the moderators have continually encouraged and cautioned:

Definitions of clarity on the Web:
• free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression
• clearness: the quality of clear water; "when she awoke the clarity was back in her eyes"
By Richard Nordquist, Guide
a speech or prose composition that communicates effectively with its intended audience. In general, the qualities of clearly written prose include a carefully defined purpose, logical organization, well-constructed sentences, and precise word choice. Verb: clarify. Contrast with gobbledygook.


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
1. Clearness of appearance: the clarity of the mountain air.
i am clean cut and smell like roses.

2. Clearness of thought or style; lucidity: writes with clarity and perception.
my style is clearly my own. my lucidity is ?'able.

a speech or prose composition that communicates effectively with its intended audience.
i'm speaking to my fellow brotherhood of perv's, so by default, there's gotta be a lot of implied leeway. heh heh.

Contrast with gobbledygook.
my gobbledygook is quite clear...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
This is the quote for which he was suspended: "Why don't you just stick your cock in the USB port and fuck the shit out of your ipad"
If that is not a childish comment, I do not know what is.

MERB rules apply to everyone equally, no matter their seniority on the board.

Mod 8

Hello Mods,

I think the comment is hilarious and satirically fitting; worthy of SNL...sure to remain a true Merb "classic" for a very long time.

It was clearly childish and K would be the first to admit it.

It even reminds me of Rumples own comments in many instances.

However, it was a bit too much considering what others got their bans for in the thread and the ban was about being consistent. Still, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...great one SK. <Huge appreciative smilie> ROFLMAO!

Many cheers,


PS Mods...

if anyone uses that in their signature will they get banned if they don't mention who it's about??? No, not kidding.
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Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
It's be even funnier if we could actually see a video of someone trying to fuck his iPad. :D

Now, THAT would be hillarious!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!

(Could it withstand the pounding?)

I totally agree!

So are you game for it, Doc? ;)


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Hello again M11,

If you don't mind me saying...seems like your hammer is getting a little heavy.;)
You should lighten up a little brother...

Yeah I have to agree. Time and time again I think it has come down to him being French guy whose English comprehension is very good, but not excellent, and he is missing nuance a lot of times.


Sep 19, 2005
Why don't you just stick your cock in the USB port and fuck the shit out of your ipad
Well, people spend many hours a day touching those devices and playing with their round and smooth curves. Any normal man will sooner or later start getting some dirty ideas after all the foreplay and that USB port looks so inviting.

Too bad that Apple is censoring erotica apps. We had the "Plug and Play" technology in the nineties and now we have the "Play and Plug" technology also known as "Touch and Cum".
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
First off, it's nice to be back. Lol.

Mod 11 & 8, I have nothing but respect for the job you guys do in keeping this board civil and for the most part free from asinine wars and exchanges that occur elsewhere. I will say however that my post toward Rumples was in fact extremely childish and over the top, but it was certainly meant as a humorous post made in jest because we all know that it could never really happen because the almighty Ipad does not even feature a USB port as Rumples had pointed out in a previous post. Anyways, my apologies for setting off this little firestorm.

I'm going to jump in on this thread in saying this enforcement is long overdue. And Mods, please excuse me, but I am going to kind of "make it about me".

Special K immediately responded, "What's the matter, did you break your arm?....LOL". At that point, I really was in such shock over the entire injury and what it might do to my career, I didn't want to get into it. I was in pain and only able to "hen peck". So, as not be further ridiculed, I simply deleted the thread.

CSM...First of all, as Cloudsurf alluded to previously, when do you not "make it about you?" If your previous ridiculous countdown in every one of your posts wasn't "making it about you" then what is? BTW, what ever happened with that little stunt you were angling at there? We're still waiting for the conclusion, you passed 410 or what ever number you set and nothing happened, no spontaneous self combustion for you, the board still lives, what was it other than making something all about you?

Secondly, are you really that sensitive and uptight that I made a joking comment about an injury occurring to you because you requested info on a software program? Did it get you THAT upset? Should I have been banned for asking "Did you break your arm, LOL?" If so, you should really consider seeking some type of professional help for this because you're on the brink of breakdown then. If it really broke you up so badly PLEASE accept my most sincerest apologies at upsetting you during what must have been the most traumatizing time in your privileged wittle life, I don't know what came over me <INSERT IMMENSELY SARCASTIC SMILEY HERE>!

Lastly, what doesn't surprise me is the cowardly way you come to "make it all about you" again, knowing full well that I won't be able to respond. That's the CSM we all know and love! Nice to see some things about you will never change. Funny thing though, unlike you, I actually have sincere, close friends that look out for me and have my back, on the other hand, if I were you I'd be paranoid to turn my back on anyone, no doubt not a person here would have it in a backing way.


PS...Bot, don't be a hater! LOL.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
First off, it's nice to be back. Lol.

Yes indeed. :D

Mod 11 & 8, I have nothing but respect for the job you guys do in keeping this board civil and for the most part free from asinine wars and exchanges that occur elsewhere.

Yes indeed. :D

I will say however that my post toward Rumples was in fact extremely childish and over the top, but it was certainly meant as a humorous post made in jest because we all know that it could never really happen because the almighty Ipad does not even feature a USB port as Rumples had pointed out in a previous post.

Yes indeed. :D

are you really that sensitive and uptight that I made a joking comment about an injury occurring to you because you requested info on a software program? Did it get you THAT upset? .

Yes indeed. :D

what doesn't surprise me is the cowardly way you come to "make it all about you" again, knowing full well that I won't be able to respond. That's the CSM we all know and love! Nice to see some things about you will never change.

Yes indeed. :D

Funny thing though, unlike you, I actually have sincere, close friends that look out for me and have my back.

Yes indeed. :D

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

Special K's suspension is over and I see no reason to leave this thread open and risk it degrading into a war.

Thread closed.

Mod 8
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