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Mojo mania a true phenomenon

Mike's Mansion

New Member
Mar 22, 2010
You know i gotta say i like what Mojo is doing. I like the style, concept and photography as well. Some of our competition's overall presentation really sucks so for a new crew i gotta say kudos. Keep up the good work. As with anything time will tell if they last. BUT please for the love of God no more "Mikes" as bookers or owners! There's way more than enough. Imma have to change my name from Michael to Leo soon lol

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Didn't Wild Time go through the same "Phenomenon" over a year ago.

I remember wld time offering killer rates back then, like super low, Jimmy was not making any money out of it to "start up" the agency. When they got a bit more popular they rose the rates but it always remained among the most affordable in MTL. They didn't charge any extra for a while as well, and have only started to charge extra for greek, wich is totally understandable, but CIM always was included. With the merb specials they have prices like 170-180, wich is much lower than any other agencies.

Plus Jimmy, Alex and the other guys on the phone have always opted for a super friendly attitude and great services. Not to mention Jimmy took the time to bring the girls to public GTs too, the only agency to do so. All and all, Jimmy worked for his reputation and put his agency on the map. Can't say it happened like magic...

As with anything time will tell if they last. BUT please for the love of God no more "Mikes" as bookers or owners! There's way more than enough. Imma have to change my name from Michael to Leo soon lol

Lol i agree, even myself i always find it weird to be call Mike, considering how many Mike bookers/owners there is. I don't see myself really as a Mike.. Should had name myself Friday13 Jason instead... :lol: Wel why there is no Jason as booker, seem like an aproprate name for that. Need ideas for booker name guys?


All names that are easy to pronouce by english customers, and in the vein of the short "booker names" in general.

I left out


Because we already have guys that use these names.

In any case, when it comes to Mojors working so well at the moment, it may soud silly but that Teddy Bear set-up helps a lot. Good pics joined to a good theme, the ladies must understand the agency is starting up and need a boost so they must give there 100% also. Plus some of our biggest members have used there service a lot, so no surprise it work. Im glad they got back from the controversy of the beginning.


Sep 19, 2005
With the recent criminalization of agency owners and clients, I guess that the new agency owners will be called Tony and Gino. Whenever there is something illegal and lucrative then the Mafia will put a hand on it. Bravo Bill C36!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
With the recent criminalization of agency owners and clients, I guess that the new agency owners will be called Tony and Gino. Whenever there is something illegal and lucrative then the Mafia will put a hand on it. Bravo Bill C36!

Hello HFE

The mafia had a hand in it in the 90's when the business was a money making machine in the early 2000 the bikers too~

Why not Jimmy and Guido ,anyways many of the bookers I know have the name big ....... something added to their nicknames.



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Never tried them and probably will in the future since they have incall. One thing that I do not agree with is their " always tip the SP " statement in their frequently asked questions.

9Tip! Always tip. I don't care if it's $20 or $200, tip your escort.. Tipping lets the girl know that you liked her and that you appreciate her time and effort. This is especially important if you want to see the girl again. If you went for a twofer, then tip extra well!

Meaning that if you do not tip your second meeting will not be good?

I know from previous threads that many do not tip, I usually do but not always, it depends on the service.


Mar 22, 2006
Iggy, does Vanessa is the indy Vanessa Love? You say you met her, but never called Mojo...

Did you ever confirm if it was Vanessa Love?, if is congrats to her ;-) Met her this summer, she had talked about working on a new agency, a great gorgeous gal with a head on her shoulder !


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Too bad... I'll have to take them off my list...

Polly is on my TDL since she was at MTG but I did not have time to see her yet...

Anyway, I hope it is not a trend...

Alexandre Le Grand

New Member
Dec 25, 2008
Gardons nous une petite gene cher Frère. La revue sur Summer n'est pas comment pourrais-je dire " stellar ". Mais il est certain qu'ils ont investi beaucoup d'agent. Moi je n'ai rien contre Eux car je fut bien servit par Tabatha. Mais tout de même patience mon Frère. Patience.

Patience and it's virtues. Je donnais a cette équipe un peu mal adroite 50 \ 50. And I was right. J'ai booker une fois et apres avoir attendu 40 minutes dans mon auto je suis parti. Je voulais revoir Sheryl. Toute une gaffe de sa part pareil.

Je ne peut que leur souhaité bonne chance en outcall
Ou il y a déjà de tres grandes pointures.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Patience and it's virtues. Je donnais a cette équipe un peu mal adroite 50 \ 50. And I was right. J'ai booker une fois et apres avoir attendu 40 minutes dans mon auto je suis parti. Je voulais revoir Sheryl. Toute une gaffe de sa part pareil.

Je ne peut que leur souhaité bonne chance en outcall
Ou il y a déjà de tres grandes pointures.

Salut ALG
Il y un principe d'affaire très important qui s'appelle profit ,il doit ce retrouver dans toutes les business il n'y a pas d'exception même les agences d'escortes y son assujettie .
Quand tu fait du outcall tu as beaucoup moins de frais fixe a couvrir ,le incall la ca essouffle financièrement ,les fin de mois ca vient vite !:lol:
Comme toi je souhaite bonne chance a tout les coureurs
L'hommes sage dit et cite de la version"Louis Segond Bible"
"Ne savez-vous pas que ceux qui courent dans le stade courent tous, mais qu'un seul remporte le prix? Courez de manière à le remporter."
1 Corinthiens 9:24

Salutation distinguée


Alexandre Le Grand

New Member
Dec 25, 2008
Mike m indique que Mojo maintient le Incall

C'est quoi cette façon de faire du business?
Ca marche pas vraiment comme ca.
Communiquer ses intentions par texto?
Envers des Membres raporteurs de faits?
Mike de Mojo met tes cullotes et explique
Nous les vrais choses! Tu opere en Incall ou tu opere pas?
Et surtout pour combien de temps?
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