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? Montreal Hotel Recommendations ? ( By Luvcanada )


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May 1, 2003
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Wyndam is a good choice - big lobby, alot of action, easy enough to get people in and out of without issue, plus very close to some of the action. A longer walk to Cresent street, a closer run to St Denis... not bad at all. $70 is a very decent rate.



Best Western Europa

Man About Town,

Your speculation is correct and refreshed my recollection that the complaint I heard from escorts about the BW Europa had something to do with getting hassled by the doorman as opposed to the quality of the hotel itself. There is no question that the location of the hotel is terrific, in fact it is probably the best located hotel in downtown Montreal, when you take everything into consideration.



The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Originally posted by fensterlein
Any opinion on Wyndham Montreal Hotel? Just got a deal of 70 US bucks/night with priceline.

IMO, this is one of the best hotels to be in if you're doing back to back appointments since with the attached mall, you can get all your supplies quickly without ever having to go outside. Also, its at the edge of downtown so its in close proximity to all the action along St Catherine while being far enough to avoid the crowd; also very nice if you don't want to bump into anyone from back home.

However, while fairly spacious, some of the rooms are slightly rundown and somewhat plain. There was also no minibar in the room when I was there, called the front desk and they told me that I had to pay CND 20/day for one.:mad: Couldn't find any internet cafes in the vicinity but if I remember correctly, for around CND 10/day, you can get high speed internet access on your television, not a bad deal if you spend a lot of time on the web plus you can leave your laptop at home. I would probably stay there again if I can get a good deal on Priceline or Hotwire.



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Mar 27, 2003
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Re: Best Western Europa

Originally posted by EagerBeaver
Man About Town,

Your speculation is correct and refreshed my recollection that the complaint I heard from escorts about the BW Europa had something to do with getting hassled by the doorman as opposed to the quality of the hotel itself. There is no question that the location of the hotel is terrific, in fact it is probably the best located hotel in downtown Montreal, when you take everything into consideration.


That's funny, I don't recall a doorman at the hotel. However, to access the elevators you must pass the front desk and the lobby is small. Its conceivable that some ladies have been stopped on their way past the desk, or that the hotel now has a doorman.


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May 1, 2003
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Maxxwell, you can replace "night manager" or "nosy clerk" with "doorman" or "security" in that place, considering the size of the lobby and the fact that everyone in or out goes through a restrained space.

It only takes one asshole on staff to make a hotel entirely non-service friendly.

Wyndham: last time I was there, minibars were VERY optional. Montreal doesn't have a ton of internet cafes (they are almost very passe already), but bring a laptop and a wireless card, and you are likely to find a connection in the strangest places...

The lounge on the top floor of the delta Universite street has wireless network, plus there are about a dozen other wireless networks that can be "seen" from there. There are literally hundreds of open networks in the downtown core. You shouldn't use them, it is against the law, okay? :D


E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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A lotta good stuff on this thread. One thing I can say is that the Best Western Europa is probably the best compromise for the buget constrained individual. It is not escort friendly in that after 10 or 11pm at night, guests need a key to operate the elevator. For guys considering entertaining ladies they do not want to meet downstairs, this is not a good option. The notion that staff extracts tariffs from late night visitors is hogwash. It doesn't happen. The prospect of disapproving looks comes only from Americans who are used of this tired bullshit from hotels in the US where this activity is totally illegal. The staff in all of these hotels know what's going on. For the staff at a Best Western to have some concern about the image of his hotel...well..maybe he had best be concerned with upgrading the hotel.

I have habitually stayed at the Vogue since 1999, and prior to that the Chateau Champlain Mariott and have received guests 24 hours around the clock without incident. If you're looking for late night company on the west side of town, and are buget constrained, consider the Marriott Courtyard/Residence Inn on Sherbrooke as a very good candidate. The night staff there is reported to be very accomodating to late night guests. As a Californian who went to school in upstate New York, I find the walk to and from the Chateau Champlain quite doable in the most extreme winter conditions. I have made it a habit to visit Montreal in the winter over my history of pooning in that city. Peel Street is extremely windy due to the tunneling effect of the wind tunneled through the skyscrapers that line th Peel Street Hill. Opening doors into the street can be quite a chore. The walk from Crescent to the Chateau Champlain at 3:00am in the morning is quite survivable.

Any of the 4 star American chains, Hilton, Sheraton, Marriott on the West end are very good headquarters for pooning activities. My headquarters prior to adopting the Vogue in 1999, was the Marriott Chateau Champlain. I spent a total of 48 nights there in 1998 while "researching" the Montreal scene. Request a North facing view on floors 15 to 20, as it is in my HO, the best view of downtown and Mount Royale to be had in any Montreal hotel. I would highly recommend the location for a first timer looking for a moderately priced accomodation with decent amenties, and the familiarity of an American hotel chain. There is an excellent bar downstairs as well. The lobby is 24 hours and the elevators are easily accessible which is something you look for as an accomodation for the ladies.

The Vogue has now switched to a keyed elevator system, largely as a result of the fact that indeed they are an upper end property in the midst of a section of town notorious for pooning activity. The staff at this hotel is very receptive to the ladies. In fact, the conceirge at my last note at the hotel had the numbers of several of the local agencies available in thier listings. One must consider the fact that celebrities do stay at these hotels and the Vogue has no isolated floors prior to the installation of the keyed elevator system. For that property to maintain their upscale status, they were forced into the installation of keyed elevators. The ninth floor of the hotel is considered VIP territory, and was just as accessible as any other floor of the hotel prior to the keyed access system. Of my stays in the Vogue, I've stayed twice on floors other than the ninth. My upcoming trip will be the 38th visit to the fair city since May of 1997. Knowing that I've recieved a number of escorts from various agencies in that hotel at all hours of the day prior to the institution of keying there, I have to say that the people have been very tolerant of the traffic. In fact, where is it in North America that one can walk out of his five star hotel and into a strip club literally across the street? If this were any other city, Wanda's would have been forced to move a long time ago..LOL.

Since the Vogue has instituted the keying policy, my best suggestion to patrons of the Vogue is the Le Germain for similar type accomodations on the west end. For those who are more acclimated to Montreal, I highly suggest Vieux Montreal accomodations. The St. Sulpice, Hotel Place de Armes, Auberge Old port, Hotel Nelligan, Hotel Gault and St. Paul Hotels will provide excellent accomodations in the heart of Old town. If you get a longing to hear English, a cab ride is only 5-7 bucks away. The French without accent makes this an OUTSTANDING location for the serious hobbyist looking to enjoy the best of the city. If I'm looking for Chinese restaurants, I can stay home and go next door.

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May 1, 2003
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EB, it isn't about extracting tarrifs, nessecarily, but can be as simple as dirty looks, hassles, and the run around (front desk not letting people in unless their know the guest's FULL registed name, as an example). All you need is one person on staff at key times being an asshole, and the word gets out.

The layout of the Europa makes it VERY easy for someone to be an effecient asshole, ya know?



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Mar 19, 2003
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Thanks for Your Replies

Hm...I never knew how small the BW Europa is or that they have key-operated elevators. Fortunately, my preference has always been to entertain the ladies early in the evenings, so the elevators should not pose a problem.

Please keep me updated on the situation if anyone happens to stay there during the summer.

I will also investigate other hotels.

E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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Originally posted by ManAboutTown
EB, it isn't about extracting tarrifs, nessecarily, but can be as simple as dirty looks, hassles, and the run around (front desk not letting people in unless their know the guest's FULL registed name, as an example). All you need is one person on staff at key times being an asshole, and the word gets out.

The layout of the Europa makes it VERY easy for someone to be an effecient asshole, ya know?



I certainly agree with you there. But not all of these guys are being nosy in the sense of giving the lady a hassle. If the lady is a novice in the business, she is going to be a bit unnerved about being challenged. If I think this will be a problem, I make sure my date or the agency knows that they may use my name and room number and even encourage the front desk to call me. The doormen at many of the hotels I stay at know who I am, as I tend to concentrate my business at their hotels. Spending a little time bullshitting with the doormen does wonders to grease the skids. This is what I call preparing the obstacle course..LOL. I think any escort in the business will tell you at one time or another that they have been challenged and even propositioned by guests in the elevator. Sometimes the doormen are looking for the girl to give them business cards, as they know that guests at one time or another have asked them for a girl, and awarded a handsome tip for the information. A bartender in Toronto told me he saw an escort using payphones across from the bar one night and tried to call her over to see if he could get a business card. She ran away from him like he had SARS..LOL. The barkeep knows that businessmen are there looking for action, and he wants to be Mr. Helpful to increase the size of his tip. I think all can agree from the comments on this thread that large 24 hour lobbies with easy elevator access are essential for an escort friendly hotel. When I first started staying at the Vogue, I too was concerned about the small lobby and the elevator access. I remember many a night sitting there and seeing the escort vans pull up. I got a sneak peak at quite a few ladies that way, as it was easy to recognize the vans and cars from different agencies. I was a bit reassured when I checked in and sat down with the concierge who displayed her book containing local businesses. When I looked down and saw Heartbreakers listed...I knew I had arrived..LOL. Too damn bad about the elevator keying there. They will loose a lot of poon customers, but the bulk of their occupancy in that hotel during the week is business and convention related. They won't lose that as those stays are prearranged. Corporate rates are usually just as bad as the rack rate. Most of the time you can beat the posted corporate rate on a discounting site or by calling the hotel directly and identifying yourself as a member of another elite hotel club plan..doesn't even have to be true btw..LOL.

Both Marriott and Hyatt in Vancouver where I had frequently stayed in past years now have keyed elevators. I moved down the street to Sutton Place..a very nice hotel with great rooms.

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Apr 11, 2003
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Wyndham hotel in downtown

I stayed there last oct, and paid US$50/nite (thru priceline) from sunday to tuesday. I had no problem with SPs coming to my room. It is conveniently located across the street from the museum of contemporary art (free admission and tour wednesday nite after 6pm), and also has a business center where you can use the Internet to update us on you pooning experience. :)


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Apr 3, 2003
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Wyndham Hotel

I stayed at the Wyndham during my last stay in Montreal and got a great rate on Expedia ( $55 US). I found the room to be servicable but it was located so far from the elevator it was a hike just to get in or out of the room. It was a little dumpy and there was no minibar (I didn't ask). The attached mall was very conveneant to pick up supplies (Wine, etc) and it was very close to Cleopatra's and some of my other favorite downtown clubs. I could have done without the valet parking (especially for those late night trips at 2 am) . I had six different sp over while I was there...4 singles and a pair ;-) and there was never any difficulty. I am lloking to visit again soon and will see what hotel is available ( see my other post about my upcoming trip)

Jim B

future canadian

has canada on speed dial
Mar 27, 2003
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The only time I did 'hobbying' (or as the brits call punting), I stay at the Clarion Suites (it was the Le Manior Moyne back then). I had no problems with escorts coming (I have one for each nite I was there). And I can get a $100 CDN rate at the moment. It's close to the Atwater metro and walkable distance to different clubs.

E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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Originally posted by rolo514
In vancouver you may also want to try out the new Opus hotel in Yaletown, very cool boutique hotel and have been there several times sine its opened.


Thanks for that suggestion. That hotel has been on my radar for a while. It is listed on a main travel hotel site that I have surfed and in fact found the Sutton Place on there. Having stayed at Sutton Place in fact that was the first hotel I stayed at anywhere in Canada, I was more familiar with that chain. I got a good deal on a junior suite at the Sutton and decided it was adequate for my purposes. The location there off of Robson I believe is nice, but the Sutton Place is right near the intersection wtih Robson and conveniently close to Casa de Habano and a sports bar where I do a lot of relaxation and debate Canadian and world politics..LOL. That hotel does look interesting and I may very well take a shot at it sometime in the future. Of course I had also looked at the Pan Pacific and just think its location is too isolated from the main part of town.

My hotels of choice are Park Hyatt in Toronto-Yorkville location is superior to any other in TO, any of the boutique hotels in MTL, with La Germain being a backup with the new rules at the Vogue, and the Sutton Place in Vancouver. Many people like the St. Sulpice and the Nelligan in MTL. I just stayed in a Junior suite at the ST. Paul and wasn't overly impressed with the hotel. The room service sucks, housekeeping is suspect, and it was the first room I ever booked with a Queen sized bed. The renovation of the buildings and the choices made in partitioning dictate the size of the rooms. The bedroom was just big enough to fit a queen bed. I need that two a day maid service to change the sweaty sheets, get clean towels and freshen the bathroom. With the traffic to the room, I could have been busted for running a brothel. The room was adequate size, but the hotel amenties were a notch below that of a luxury hotel. The night life on St. Laurent is far more interesting than the Crescent street area. If I long to hear English, a taxi is only a thumb away and the metro is always close.

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May 25, 2003
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My 2 cents on Montreal hotels,

I apologize if there is no new information, or it might have come up on other posts. I have been to five hotels in Montreal: the Queen E, the Sheraton across from the Bell center, the Omni, the Delta Centerville (the one with the revolving restaurant), and recently the Wyndham. Both the Queen E and Sheraton were more than a year ago, back when I didn't have any "visitors" so I cannot comment on whether these hotels were/are "sp friendly", but the elevators are a bit away from the front desk in both. The gym in the Queen E is a bit better and bigger than the Sheraton, but no sauna. I would recommend the Sheraton during the summer because of the outdoor deck adjacent to the pool and gym area. In the winter, maybe the Queen E as you don't have to set a foot outside to get to the underground city.

I have never had a problem at the Delta cv, the Omni or the Wyndham when I have a lady visitor, mind you this is always during the early evening hours and no later than midnight.

My reason for the Omni is kind of a strange one. I spent a summer term at McGill between my 3rd and 4th year when I was an undergrad. I had this tiny little sublet in the McGill ghetto. I remember seeing the Omni hotel with some expensive cars in front on my way walking to the Bronfman building and I thought to myself, maybe one day when I finish school and get a job in the real world, I could afford to stay in a hotel like that. That summer was how I "fell in love" with Montreal and all that it has to offer, not the least of which are her amazing and beautiful women ! :D


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May 31, 2003
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Ok, Windham ( read win 'dham) was OK. The room was noticebly smaller than Chateau Royal, and no kitchen. But, overall, it's much more SP friendly.

Nothing special about the place really worth me talking about it, except the lady worked in the book store on the food court level was REALLY REAALY HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! God! Please someone tell me she's really a SP, too!! :D
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Apr 5, 2003
Down South
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Holiday Inn select and Ritz Carlton

Had no trouble at either of these hotels. Used twice each.

Although the elevator is just across from reception at the Ritz, 2 SPs, 2 nights (after 11pm), no problems.

The Holiday Inn select is great. The recepiton is on the 2nd floor and the elevator is on the ground floor so anybody can go up to the rooms.

denis blassie

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Jul 7, 2003
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For people on a limiterd budget,i recommend the LORD BERRI HOTEL on rue berri...the TAJ MAHAL on st. hubert is not as nice as the BERRI,but the rooms are large..just ask for a room in the front because you get all the noise from the buses at the bus terminal...the best hotel is the DELTA CENTRE VILLE if you have the money..
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