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Most famous ever Quebecer worldwide?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
For an American...Most Famous WOrldWide = Most Famous in USA.

If we are talking the most famous, not the most talented or most influential...

Hello Man77777,

Not true. Don't mistake any groupie with an enormous compulsive man-crush obsession for Shatner who walks through hotels naked as a normal American. :D

...homosexual men in the U.S. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I'm happy for you.

But it shows you have no clue. Nearly every time I hear someone mention Celine in the U.S. it's been a young woman or girl under 25 years old, the same group that always gets gaga over cheesy love lyrics. YUK! But no doubt Celine's music has much less appeal to guys, just as Shatner has long been a "has-been" to most women generally.

However, you're right on about the relative talent deficiency of Shatner. His notoriety is that of a geriatric Charlie Sheen with badly waning talent resorting to inviting notoriety as a comical shadow of themselves, jesters well past their prime.

Shatner is now a famous clown...

Yeah, it's hard to believe some people have poured their heart out in loving defense time after time for a guy whose lasting fame is as a clownish parody of himself. Thirty pages of this crap...holy mutha. :confused: :help:

My pick is Cloudsurf. He's got to have banged enough women by now to be ahead in FAME against Bill or Celine worldwide. :nod: :thumb:



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Last time the world except North America (= only 5% of the world population) saw Shatner was in a Star Trek movie, long time ago. Thx god you can't see the clown version of old Shatner anywhere else in the world...

You can hear Celine Dion everywhere (c'est bien le probleme) in the world and Titanic has been an incredible worldwide success...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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On the other hand, DVDs of American movies and TV shows along with cable, TV and movie theaters (all dubbed into the local languages) are extremely popular. And like him or not, Shatner is far more more visible in these formats. I believe that Shatner will get another booster shot of fame when the next or following Star Trek movie comes out while Celine continues to sing in Vegas to aging North American matrons who idolize Titanic and wonder why their lives suck.

100% true. Shatner's popularity is also such that he now has the power to name new moons:

Too many people are posting in this thread who have no real concept of the worldwide popularity of the individuals under discussion. If we were talking about Quebec only I would agree on Celine. But we aren't. I think that the actual title of the thread is being ignored.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Last time the world except North America (= only 5% of the world population) saw Shatner was in a Star Trek movie, long time ago. Thx god you can't see the clown version of old Shatner anywhere else in the world...
Perhaps there hasn't been a new Shatner-starring movie in many years, Bonok, but the show itself is actually STILL being broadcast all over the world many times a week. They have conventions and tv marathons on a regular basis. Hence, Shatner is STILL being seen all over the world and gaining new fans, despite your lack of respect for him...And they have Star Trek conventions worldwide every year, in Germany to name ONE country. And when I was in Asia, they played the show on television and I could buy DVD sets there if I wished...

You can hear Celine Dion everywhere (c'est bien le probleme) in the world and Titanic has been an incredible worldwide success...
Are we still going through this same argument? Dion has not, repeat, NOT come out with a pop album in over a decade, let alone a hit single. In the music business, that is an eternity. No new pop hits to increase her fan base, she may as well be the new Barbra Streisand. Still well known to whoever knows her and her works, but the kids worldwide today certainly don't know EVERGREEN, THE WAY WE WERE, and WOMAN IN LOVE...
You can hear Celine everywhere? well, I don't have my car radio tuned to easy listening channels (most likely the same can be said to everybody under 30) and thus have not heard a Celine song in years now...

However, I do catch the odd Star Trek episode now and then...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Too many people...who have no real concept of...


His royal ego always says he's the one with the "real concept". If there was some nutty discussion on the best make of toilet bowls his line would be the same...and he'd take it seriously. :rolleyes:

100% true. Shatner's popularity is also such that he now has the power to name new moons:

It must be an award for his victory over the rubber Gorn with super powers who could hardly move, and his Oscar-level acting opposite thousands of furry hacky sacks in serious need of an emergency trimming. :lol:

...I will poll every hot girl I see 25...

If you are truly that in need of something to do. WOW!!!

The only way I know is seeing them choose the song and hearing them play Celine. I am not a fan though I appreciate the talent. Still, cheesy queesy love lyrics are not my style.

However, I do catch the odd Star Trek episode now and then...

I haven't seen the original Star Trek series scheduled on the over 200 channel options in my cable package for a few years. But surely a Priceline character dumping his daughter in a Tibetan monastery for 20 years is a boost to anyone's image. :eek:

But anyway, she won't know what to do in Alien's return so she is a nobody, heh EB?;)

She can definitely take the Gorn. Just slap his pin-hole ears and this super strength lizard bi-ped will fold like an old dish rag. Right EB. ;)



BTW - Has kaydee1968 ever posted any but the original post is this thread. I get the feeling everyone's been suckered in for huge laughs. I'm definitely nominating this thread for dumbest prolonged exercise in futility EVVVAAAAAH!

Anyone second the motion?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I guess no one bothered to watch the Academy Awards this past weekend where William Shatner was an integral part of the beginning of the show. Only 40.3 MILLION Americans watched the show plus millions more in Canada and many millions more in the rest of the world. A shame that they started the show with someone that none of the viewers recognized.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Lol Techman, we know, and that's why we are all talking about Shatner's decline... Btw, you perfectly illustrate what I was saying : 45millions North Americans doesnt mean Worldwide, hard to understand for a lot of guys here and reason why we have this unreal discussion about Shatner.

Shiyak, I'm a big Stark Trek fan (that's why I'm so sad to see Captain Kirk's pathetic decline, and that's also why I know how much Shatner's name is totally unknown in Europe), so please tell me where I can watch it again on tv (I spend my time between Canada, US, France and Italy) ? Oh, and I really hate Celine Dion, could you please tell me where I could go in the world to be sure not to hear her horrible voice ? Thx mate...

Joe Pistone

New Member
Feb 3, 2011
It is all down to the walking down the street test. Who is more recognizable? Celine or Shatner? I would say Shatner


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

"Who is more recognizable?"

For a laugh yesterday I posed the question. During a lunch break at work some young employees happened to be there talking about the Academy Awards, how they suck by choosing Argo as best picture, and wondering why their favorites didn't win or get nominated. Yeah, just a few kids, but what the hell. Any like the last Star Trek? Sure. Ever heard of William Shatner? Just confused looks. What about Captain Kirk? Chris Pine, he's hot. Okay, lol. BTW - anyone listen to Celine? Who? The singer. More confused looks.

Sure, just the tiniest sample, but I had to laugh. The funniest part is the idea that this whole thread is/has been an exercise of the memories of an older generation out of touch with a younger one that can't relate to their experiences. What age group goes to Star Trek conventions anyway? Some young people know Celine if their favorite radio station plays that type of music or somehow they got introduced to it beyond their mainstream of listening. And maybe they've caught the old Trek on TV-land or gotten a chuckle out of Priceline because of some character who is an anonymous funny entity to young people.

But hey, we middle-aged and older folk who came to this board looking for hot chicks can have fun (being way too serious in some cases) arguing who is the "Most Famous Ever Quebecer Worldwide" while the young mostly have only rare interest and/or knowledge of who Shatner or Celine are...if they care at all, 99% NOT!

Who is more recognizable? Celine or Shatner? Who knows who they are if they see them anywhere???

I hope the rest of you have gotten some laughs from this thread. I have. ;)




New Member
Jul 26, 2005
10 Most Famous Canadians According to MIT Research

1. Avril Lavigne
2. Jim Carrey
3. Justin Bieber
4. Celine Dion
5. Pamela Anderson
6. Leonard Cohen
7. Michael J. Fox
8. Bryan Adams
9. Frank Gehry
10. Nelly Furtado

Quebec: Celine at 4, Cohen at 6, the Shat nowhere.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Quebec: Celine at 4, Cohen at 6, the Shat nowhere.

Most people think Shatner is American. Funny, but true. This goes back to his days as Captain Kirk. By his own acting and carefully crafted image, he has evoked a character so socially interwined with institutions perceived to be American that nobody thinks or believes he is Canadian. A victim of his own talents as an actor, hence the results of this particular poll. But just because people do not perceive him to be Canadian does not mean he is not Canadian and not a famous Canadian.

Indeed, Shatner is more Canadian and more Montrealer than anyone in that poll. Did McGill start a room for any of the others?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Indeed, Shatner is more Canadian and more Montrealer than anyone in that poll.

"More Canadian"? Where do you get this stuff? They were all born in Canada and almost all of them LEFT Canada.

"More Montrealer?" Well, most of them are NOT from Montreal...but Cohen, for example, has done a lot more for the city (through his novels and poems for starters) than the Shat ever has.

So McGill named a building after him - big deal. They named buildings after lots of people, starting with Stephen Leacock. And the freakin' CITY named an avenue after JFK - that doesn't make HIM a Canadian or a Montrealer.


Jan 8, 2012
Plus populaire? C'est une question d'époque...Plus talentueux ou brillants ?? Je dirais Leonard Cohen. Céline n'est qu'une interprète moyenne à la voix nasillarde, qui ne compose et ne crée rien, à peu de choses près.
Si on sort des Arts, je dirais Maurice Richard et René Levesque...

Riopelle a été un grand peintre


Céline n'est qu'une interprète moyenne à la voix nasillarde, qui ne compose et ne crée rien, à peu de choses près.

Tellement d'accord. Céline Dion est une interprète. Sans rien vouloir lui enlever, elle n'a jamais rien inventé contrairement à Elvis ou Michael.


Nov 12, 2007
I think we can all agree. The most famous and popular Quebecer of all would have to be James. End of story.

Hell if it came down to James vs Chuck Norris in any contest, Chuck would be worried.

BTW I heard that Jame's yard has a boys in it even when he is not making a milkshake. His milkshakes are just that much better than yours or mine that they are willing to camp out and wait for it. Thats right its better than ours. He would teach us on this point but everyone knows it. However if someone didn't he would not charge because he is just that giving.


Je ne suis fan de personne et je n'ai aucun héro dans ma vie. Être fan ou avoir un héro signifie être conditionné, manipulé. Je préfère toujours le doute. C'est ainsi que je sais que je suis libre.
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