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Most famous ever Quebecer worldwide?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ok it's official.... i just conducted a phone survey to 50 random homes in the States, Canada, Australia, Korea, Japan, China, Costa Rica, Rio, and South Africa and when asked "when you hear the name celine, whom do you think of?" and the same for William..... 40 said "Dion" 5 repeated "Celine" :confused: and five sounded nothing like Dion but then again i dont understand Chinese or Japanese :lol: Of the 50 "William" polled, i got 3 "Shattners" and the rest said "who the F is this and why are you interrupting my dinner or my sleep, do you have any idea what time it is?" ooops :lol:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Don't worry about it. That poll was conducted using republican polling methods and we all know how well they work. :lol:

I think I'll start a poll about this on my guitar board, which is international, and see what the results are.


Nov 21, 2010
And everybody will say "Celine, without any doubt", but you will say "nahhh it doesn't count; they are the who poll is biaised"?;)

EVERYBODY know who Celine is...

Everybody on the block knows her including all your friends and relatives. That's a start.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Hmmm, she may be right Techman... tell you what, ask them as well if they say Celine for what is she famous for... (odds are very good all they will say is the Titanic song, and nothing else!! oh and probably having weird clone children:) )


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Right now the vote is at 5-0 in favour of Shatner. Here's a couple of choice comments so far...

"Captain Kirk is awesome, icon,....a hero.

Celine Dion is just annoying. We were actually going to strap her and Bieber to a rocket and send them back to you....."

"Has Celine ever punched out a Klingon or a Gorn? I rest my case."


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I clearly stated that this not a poll about who you like the best but who you think is the most famous. One person left a video message and said to listen to the lyrics around the 1:45 mark...guess what name is mentioned? Yup...Capt Kirk. In a GERMAN rock video from 1984...

PS: The score is now 6-0 Shatner.

Best comment so far: "Celine Dion voted for Shatner" :lol:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If you conduct the vote worldwide, Shatner wins easily and by a landslide. If you conduct it in Quebec Shatner probably does not win for reasons I already stated and which were seconded by Guido. Celine, within Quebec, is seen as a Quebecer whereas Shatner, although no less a Quebecker than she (and probably more of one since he is a McGill graduate), is not seen in the same fashion. It's a monumental disrespect to the most famous Quebec native in the world that he is more famous in the rest of the world than he is in his native Quebec, but that is the reality of it. We see some strong evidence of that irrational disrespect in this thread.

Another thing worth mentioning is that although one disrespecter in this thread claimed Shatner "comes from another generation", in the last 15 years since 1997, he has won two Emmy Awards and one Golden Globe, while making hundreds of millions of dollars working as an actor-pitchman at a time (over age 65) when many actors are retired or looking for work. Yet in that same 15 years, Celine Dion had produced no notable hits and has essentially lived off the popularity of one colossal hit in 1997. It's an absolute total no brainer on this, and those who do not see that are not seeing it for reasons that are totally apart from reality.
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Nov 12, 2007
I believe St. Catherine Street should be renamed rue Shatner.


Ottawa has a Bronson street and I don't think Charles Bronson has any connection to Ottawa. Major street, Carleton University is on it. Talk about a weird naming choice. Carleton Banks wasn't even the main character on the TV show "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" but there you have it. [If any of you think I am stupid for any of the above, find a brick wall and smash your head against it repeatedly. Obviously I don't think Carleton university is named after a fictional character from a show that newer than the univeristy, thus it would be fair to assume that I jest about there being an actual Charles Bronson street in Ottawa even though that would be legon.. wait for it, dary]

As for Celine Dion, sadly she is well known. However talent? When being ugly as fuck become a talent.
Neither history's second greatest monster [after Justin Beiber of course] nor the Shatner have much in the way of talent, but you got to love the way Willie took his Camp appeal and owned it. Read 2 books by the guy. Likeable fellow.

As far as who is better known, I don't know. I do know that I never had a clue he was from Quebec even though I watched the show in Quebec growing up and after. "Scotty" is also Canadian BTW.
More of a J T Kirk than Shatner
His first combat was the invasion of Normandy at Juno Beach on D-Day. Shooting two snipers, Doohan led his men to higher ground through a field of anti-tank mines, where they took defensive positions for the night. Crossing between command posts at 11:30 that night, Doohan was hit by six rounds fired from a Bren gun by a nervous Canadian sentry:[3] four in his leg, one in the chest, and one through his right middle finger. The bullet to his chest was stopped by a silver cigarette case. His right middle finger had to be amputated, something he would conceal during his career as an actor.

As for who is more epic, Shatner or Dion...

Shatner for the win.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Les Résultats d'une récherche Google:

"Celine Dion" 72.9M

"William Shatner" 8.7M

Céline gagne! Céline gagne! Vive Céline! Vive Céline!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Here are the descriptions of the two in their wiki bios:

Celine Dion: a popular Canadian singer

William Shatner: an Emmy award and Golden Globe award winning Canadian actor, musician, recording artist, author, and film director; gained worldwide fame and became a cultural icon for his portrayal of James T. Kirk, captain of the USS Enterprise, in the science fiction television series Star Trek from 1966 to 1969, Star Trek: The Animated Series from 1973 to 1974, and in seven of the subsequent Star Trek feature films from 1979 to 1994.
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
If you conduct the vote worldwide, Shatner wins easily and by a landslide. If you conduct it in Quebec Shatner probably does not win for reasons I already stated and which were seconded by Guido. Celine, within Quebec, is seen as a Quebecer whereas Shatner, although no less a Quebecker than she (and probably more of one since he is a McGill graduate), is not seen in the same fashion.

well, let's be fair, Beav', it's not like Shatner has even lived in Canada over the last 5 decades. I think he moved away to Ontario and then to California in the late 50's...

I don't think its a mark of disrespect by those who chose Celine over Bill, its just a question of a different point of view. Shatner is an actor that became famous on a science-fiction show, a genre that usually appeals more to men than women.

Celine, however, is a pop singer known mostly for sirupy & harmless ballads, that usually appeals more to older people and women. That she got to sing the theme to the billion$-earning Titanic movie, a movie whose storyline appealed to those demographics PLUS young people and couples gave her an unprecedented audience...

As I've said, the Titanic movie gave her quite an advantage to reach a broad audience over 15 years ago, but because of terrible managing she has squandered her legacy in favour of easy money.

No matter, in 50 years, Star Trek and William Shatner will still be airing on television out there in the world (or in someone's cerebral cortex, who knows:) ), but Celine will unfortunately be relegated to a footnote in music history...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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No matter, in 50 years, Star Trek and William Shatner will still be airing on television out there in the world (or in someone's cerebral cortex, who knows:) ), but Celine will unfortunately be relegated to a footnote in music history...

Bingo, that is why he is a cultural icon and she is not.

By the ways it looks like Shatner's shares in Priceline are moving up from $600 million:

Probably more like $900 million now, and he did not sell or else he would not be back doing commercials for them once their stock did a downturn last year after they killed off his PL Negotiator character, resurrected in this skit:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
By the time Celine reaches Shatner's age, she will have lived outside Canada for over 5 decades also. She may still have a home here, not sure though - didn't she just sell it? But her primary home is in Vegas and at this point she's more American than Canadian. I still remember her singing god Bless America during the benefit for 911 and hearing her sing "God bless America, My home sweet home" really rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. To me, she became American on that day.

Oh yeah...the vote is now 8-0 Shatner.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I still remember her singing god Bless America during the benefit for 911 and hearing her sing "God bless America, My home sweet home" really rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. To me, she became American on that day.

And while Celine Dion was singing God Bless America, Shatner recently shot a film in which he sings O Canada:

He starts singing at the 3:00 mark.

Techman, you have exposed that the knuckleheads in this thread do not know the difference between a traitor and a patriot. These knuckleheads still think she is somehow more Canadian than he, when the reverse is true.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Classic scene from Star Trek in which a young Shatner, then in his 30s, demands to know from James Doohan who threw the 1st punch in a fight between Enterprise crewmen and Klingons. This scene amply demonstrates the subtle humor that Shatner brought to the role of James T. Kirk, and to many other characters he played:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Le Grande Orange!!!!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Oh Boy,

Anglo-haters, jews-haters, ignoramus, IMHO this innocent thread is not the good place to spread stupid cliches about quebekers, Eager...

Why this allusion was even referred to in the lightest sense comes off like irresponsible baiting. It was totally unnecessary in what should have been a fun thread.

This thread is pointless as you have a bunch of people who have no clue of what they are talking about, know nothing about the scope It's bordering on comical. .

Lawyer's trick here. When so many disagree say they are the ones with no clue. :rolleyes:

In the meantime William Shatner, who is still very popular and well-known but pushing 80, is still performing. He may pass away in the next few years (he just turned 80), but his shows STILL keep being broadcast all over the world (I saw them on television while in eastern europe and Asia).

I know this is over the top but I hear the Elephant Man was known worldwide too, but where is the talent?

Here is a very extensive list of famous Quebecers in every positive and negative category of notoriety. I checked Shatner's filmogrpahy and he has been involved in nearly 1200 productions. EB may be perfectly right that Shatner is the most well known person from Quebec considering the cult-like Star Trek following and the campy Priceline character. Shatner also has 4-5 awards including two Emmys. It would have been nice though to keep the argument on facts, not ethnic-card baiting.

Still, it's a little hard to believe that the most popular Quebec has offered is a mostly mediocre-at-best actor best known for wrestling with furry puff-ball Tribbles or as a campy cut-rate hotel pitchman.

You hear other top female vocalists constantly praising her. I am quite sure she can sell out any stadium just about anywhere in the world. She chose to do a long stint in Vegas so she could have stability while raising a family.

However short her career may have been the impact seems to have been very large. I know plenty of kids who were not born at the time of her fame mention her as a favorite singer...and her name isn't being boosted constantly on current commercials.

Celine Dion is a good singer but she has not produced anything of note since 1997.

And yet despite a near total lack of boosting or current presence on the air waves her name keeps coming up against the immense disadvantage of not having constant publicity.

C'mon Beav, this coming from a guy who swears June is 5'5 when 99% of the guys who have met her tell you shes 5'2 :lol:

Give EB a break. It's because when you get locked out of your room in nothing but your underwear you feel so much smaller. Right EB. :lol:


Classic scene from Star Trek in which a young Shatner, then in his 30s, demands to know from James Doohan who threw the 1st punch in a fight between Enterprise crewmen and Klingons. This scene amply demonstrates the subtle humor that Shatner brought to the role of James T. Kirk, and to many other characters he played:

I give Shatner a lot of credit for having the balls to take seriously acting opposite hairy hackey sacs and RUBBER MAN-LIZARDS

I can't believe there was no Emmy for this one. :eyebrows:


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