If you conduct the vote worldwide, Shatner wins easily and by a landslide. If you conduct it in Quebec Shatner probably does not win for reasons I already stated and which were seconded by Guido. Celine, within Quebec, is seen as a Quebecer whereas Shatner, although no less a Quebecker than she (and probably more of one since he is a McGill graduate), is not seen in the same fashion.
well, let's be fair, Beav', it's not like Shatner has even lived in Canada over the last 5 decades. I think he moved away to Ontario and then to California in the late 50's...
I don't think its a mark of disrespect by those who chose Celine over Bill, its just a question of a different point of view. Shatner is an actor that became famous on a science-fiction show, a genre that usually appeals more to men than women.
Celine, however, is a pop singer known mostly for sirupy & harmless ballads, that usually appeals more to older people and women. That she got to sing the theme to the billion$-earning Titanic movie, a movie whose storyline appealed to those demographics PLUS young people and couples gave her an unprecedented audience...
As I've said, the Titanic movie gave her quite an advantage to reach a broad audience over 15 years ago, but because of terrible managing she has squandered her legacy in favour of easy money.
No matter, in 50 years, Star Trek and William Shatner will still be airing on television out there in the world (or in someone's cerebral cortex, who knows

), but Celine will unfortunately be relegated to a footnote in music history...