Geez Techie, it would be interesting to know what type of site you posted this poll on? And how you presented the choices? Lets say for example, if it happened to be a poll on say hmmmmm i dont know, maybe a rock and roll board, if so, who would ever vote for Celine as the bias would be running wild against her and therefore not a true sense of who the members actually think is the more famous, or say if you presented it on a actors board, same thing would occur. Of course thats IF it is on either type of site. And how were the 2 choices presented? Did you propose nicer or normal words for Shattner and maybe not so nice of words for Celine in the original poll questions? Can we have honest answers to these 2 questions please? 
I clearly stated that this not a poll about who you like the best but who you think is the most famous.
PS: The score is now 6-0 Shatner.
Best comment so far: "Celine Dion voted for Shatner" :lol: