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MP's victims of arson.


Feb 6, 2004
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Great post Brittany. There is one point of confusion that I would like to clear up however. The MP that burnt down in Pierrefonds was Spa Victoria, not Spa Avalon. Spa Victoria was located in a strip mall on St. Charles blvd that is named Place Avalon.

This is a little confusing since the well known MP, Avalon Massage is located nearby on Pierrefonds Blvd. It did not burn down. However....
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Feb 6, 2004
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As mentioned in attached article, gunshots were fired at the second floor of a strip mall on Pierrefonds Blvd where a few businesses are located. Coincidentally, Avalon Massage is located in that mall.


Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
I forgot these one:
25 Octobre 2022: Atmosphere Spa Urbain, Granby
Avril 2013: Spa Finlandais, Rosemère
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Active Member
Feb 29, 2012
The real victims here are the girls that worked at the spa. They are out of work. Exotica may not reopen based on clients will be scared to return. If they remain closed more than 6 months then the City can pull their license. They may be granted an extension however those type licenses are Grandfathered, that's why Laval allowed them to stay in operation cause they are in that special Industrial zone, so if the license goes, the City may not allow another massage to go in that location. Same thing with strip clubs: club closes, license is pulled and the Zoning is changed. The landlord could also elect not to renew their business Lease considering they are apparently a target for criminal activity. The landlord has to protect the interests of the other businesses in that building, there are adjacent businesses.
Correction: Exotica is a total loss and they were legally outside of the city’s “red light zone”, they’ve been in court with Laval ever since. Nuru Laval is the only fully legal parlor in Laval.


Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
The real victims here are the girls that worked at the spa. They are out of work. Exotica may not reopen based on clients will be scared to return. If they remain closed more than 6 months then the City can pull their license. They may be granted an extension however those type licenses are Grandfathered, that's why Laval allowed them to stay in operation cause they are in that special Industrial zone, so if the license goes, the City may not allow another massage to go in that location. Same thing with strip clubs: club closes, license is pulled and the Zoning is changed. The landlord could also elect not to renew their business Lease considering they are apparently a target for criminal activity. The landlord has to protect the interests of the other businesses in that building, there are adjacent businesses.
With the amount of massage parlors there are, girls can easily find a job in another salon. If it's not in Laval, in Montreal there are a lot of them.


AKA exeSexe
Jul 25, 2012
In the last 10 years, all these massage parlors have burned down.
The interview with the two spa owners said that already in 2014, several places were threatened, ransacked or burned.
Indeed, as you can see, there are many that have been burned and that's not counting those that have been ransacked.
But three spas in two days is still quite incredible!

Laval: Salon l’Étoile Magique
24 Janvier 2023
Laval: Salon Exotica
24 Janvier 2023
Pierrefons: Avalon Spa
25 Janvier 2023
Juin 2021
Laval L’Élégance
Mai 2017

Juin 2016
Terrebone: Aroma-détente
Mars 2016
St-Jérôme: Salon L’Extase 2012

The interview with the owners of two spas in 2014
Great research, thx. Just check Jan 25. Place Avalon burned down, not Avalon massage. Spa Victoria burned down in Place Avalon on St-Charles. Avalon on Pierrefonds Blvd. was hit by gunshots 2 days ago.
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Abe Sapien

Jan 25, 2011
Low level thugs that make money under the table need a way to explain their income. Owning a salon can explain income to the gov.

FYI - a lot of thugs own Tims, Subway, and the new small corner store AW locations.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Hier j'ai lu un article dans La Presse qui disait que de plus en plus on a à faire face au "crime désorganisé". Avant, les Hells contrôlaient la vente de stupéfiants dans différentes sections de Montréal. Maintenant ce sont de petites gangs et même des individus qui vendent diverses cochonneries. Au lieu de fournir la cochonnerie, les Hells louent des permis de faire le trafic dans un secteur donné. Ils n'ont plus à fournir la dope, ils se contentent de percevoir une taxe sous menace de représailles. C'est le Far-West. C'est peut-être quelque chose de similaire qui se passe dans les bars et salons de massages. extorsion, protection, etc... La routine quoi... En tout cas, même à -24C, c'est trop chaud à Laval pour que j'aille là. J'imagine que de jour, quand il y a plus témoins, c'est moins risqué. Les attentats arrivent souvent la nuit lorsque les établissements sont fermés. Tant qu'il n'y a pas de perte de vie, chacun peut continuer sa petite affaire sans avoir des tas de policiers et d'enquêteurs sur le dos.
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Active Member
Apr 11, 2004
Ok so that means Massage Absolute is Also outside Laval's "Red zone" as they are just down the street from Exotica, this makes no sense to me


Active Member
Feb 3, 2017
My guess is most of the smaller locations like Etoile Magique and Victoria are just fronts where they funnel money in to clean some money.
it could be they got targeted due to other internal wars between groups


New Member
Oct 23, 2022
2 spas in Laval burned down: Exotica and l'Étoile Magique... Those seem arsons. They were closed when it happened.
"Quasi simultanément, c’est à 00h32 que le 911 a été prévenu qu’un deuxième feu de salon de massage faisait rage, cette fois sur l’avenue Francis-Hughes, à la clinique de massothérapie l’Étoile Magique."

This one, Spa Finlandais a legit Spa, in Rosemère near Laval, might be different, the cause of the fire is not yet known but an investigation will follow. It is the third one... 2013, 2018 and 2023...

Criminality in Laval is very high!

@monboy Which one on the South-Shore are you referring to?

I found that Motel Oscar (closed since a few weeks) also burned but was empty... occupied by squatters...
I stayed in the hotel owned by Spa Finlandais across the street in November. Parking was so limited on the hotel property that I ended up parking across the street on the spa property as I wasn't getting back to my room until late and the spa appeared closed. Seems very suspicious that the spa has had three fires. Good thing that there wasn't a fire when my car was parked there


Active Member
Apr 11, 2004
2 spas in Laval burned down: Exotica and l'Étoile Magique... Those seem arsons. They were closed when it happened.
"Quasi simultanément, c’est à 00h32 que le 911 a été prévenu qu’un deuxième feu de salon de massage faisait rage, cette fois sur l’avenue Francis-Hughes, à la clinique de massothérapie l’Étoile Magique."

This one, Spa Finlandais a legit Spa, in Rosemère near Laval, might be different, the cause of the fire is not yet known but an investigation will follow. It is the third one... 2013, 2018 and 2023...

Criminality in Laval is very high!

@monboy Which one on the South-Shore are you referring to?

I found that Motel Oscar (closed since a few weeks) also burned but was empty... occupied by squatters...
What ? Spa Finlandais burned down again in 2023 ???


Active Member
Feb 29, 2012

Seems like it is middle eastern organized crime targetting mostly business run by the middle eastern community. But targetting MPs would really fit into their 'business model'
Separate groups- the middle eastern thing is one group pressuring for protection money, the MPs is a different group pressuring for protection money (I have friends and family in both)
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Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
C'est quoi ça ?! Encore ?? Je viens de les découvrir ! Visiblement ça n'arrête pas !!!
What is that ?! Again ?? I just discovered them! Obviously it does not stop!!!

- 28 mars 2023: Rouge Massage

- 10 mai 2023: Hammam et spa «Source d’Orient»

- 7 juin 2023: O’Naturel à Rosemère et Ongles Alessandra à Westmount


Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
Il y a eu un incendie à l'étage au-dessus de YPG, qui aurait affecté le spa à cause de l'inondation pour éteindre le feu.
Par contre le populaire Bistro Le Passé Composé, qui se trouve séparé par un mur du spa, n’a pas été du tout atteint. Ce n’est pas en béton partout car les pièces à l’arrière du salon ne sont pas du tout insonorisées. La salle des filles est adjacente à celle de la plonge du restaurant, et ils partagent le même balcon arrière.
Je trouve aussi très surprenant que les condos au-dessus de l’incendie n’aient eu aucune séquelle, car la clientèle du Spa y est maintenant reçue, pour le temps de faire des rénovations.
J’ai fait des recherches et je ne retrouve nulle part d’articles qui concernent cet incendie, ni les causes.
Si quelqu’un a de l’information sur ce cas ainsi que la date exacte de l'incendie, merci de bien vouloir nous renseigner.

There was a fire on the floor above YPG which would have affected the spa due to flooding to extinguish the fire.
On the other hand, the popular Bistro Le Passé Composé, which is separated by a wall from the spa, was not affected at all. It's not concrete everywhere because the rooms at the back of the spa are not soundproof at all. The girls' room is adjacent to the restaurant's dishwashing room, and they share the same rear balcony.
I also find it very surprising that the condos above the fire had no sequelae, because the Spa clientele is now received there, for the time of renovations.
I did some research and I can't find any articles about this fire, nor the causes.
If anyone has information on this case and the exact date of the fire, please let us know.
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