... and how about a cigar 'apres diner' ?
I visited the upstairs 'cigar bar' of the London Pub again when I was in Montreal last weekend and, once again, I was impressed.
What first surprised me about this place was that I was really expecting something very mediocre because of the location. Being right on the corner of Crescent & Maissoneuve, it's 'tourist central'! But it's a nice place!
Because they cater mostly to tourists, the staff is basically 'Anglo' so you won't feel as uncomfortable as you might in someplace where you're the only one who's not speaking French.
Decent tap beer collection, good selection of scotches, & nice martini menu if you're into those, as well.
But the upstairs lounge is called "Stogies" because that's the prime feature -their cigars. They have a walk-in humidor where you can choose from a pretty good-sized selection of quality cigars ($10 to $15 range). It's not a "Nat Sherman's" or anything but for a small pub/lounge type of place you'll be surprised.
(As an aside to the story - sometimes fellow Americans can be a great source of embarassment to me. While sitting there sipping a brew and deciding what cigars to sample, a guy runs in & tells the bartender he needs to buy a box of 'Cubans' right away because he has a taxi outside waiting to take him to the airport. Obviously this guy knows nothing about cigars other than that 'Cubans' are what everybody wants. But everybody wants them because we're not allowed to have them in the US. If you don't like the way they taste, why waste your money?!? To impress people, that's why. So he spends God knows what on a box of cigars that he knows nothing about so he can rush off to catch a plane back home. And if he actually manages to get on the plane with his cigars, they'll only be conficscated once he gets to his American airport. Do yourself a favor; do us all a favor. Don't be a jackass.)
This time I took my cigars "to go", but if you want to kick back & relax they have a spacious lounge where it's OK to light up. Similar to laws in NYC - you can't smoke cigarettes anywhere but if you're in a cigar bar somehow the secondhand smoke is magically OK to breathe ... go figure
But anyway - nice atmosphere, good tunes playing upstairs (and downstairs they have an internet jukebox), and when the weather's nice the upstairs balcony is open so you can enjoy the view...and we all know how scenic the streeets of Montreal can be
And if you find some cigars you like, you can have them shipped home to you so you don't have to worry about the border crossing. The Federal gov't may still have a vendetta against the 'has-been in Havana' with the ratty, old beard. But FedEx couldn't care less as long as you pay them.
The manager Danielle is quite helpful when it comes to the cigar selection; the bartender Simon from the UK knows his stuff too - plus he'll talk your ear off; and the barmaids & waitresses are all great, too.
If you're there on a Saturday, check out Alex - she's downstairs for the day shift & upstairs at night. Very sweet girl & very friendly. Great personality. She loves her job & loves meeting all kinds of people from all over. Plus she has my own persoanl favorite combination of looks : a sweet innocent face, and a hot, not-so-innocent body ... she's "WOW"!