Montreal Escorts

Newbie introduction with a few questions


New Member
Mar 28, 2017
Bonjour everyone,

I hope I am writing this in the right location. I first came across this site a few months ago while I was planning my move to this wonderful city. I was able to meet a lovely lady thanks to this site.
Now that I am here for the next few years, I think I will have fun reading all the amazing articles here in hopes of having many better experiences.

I have used online communities before, but never for the purpose I am here Today. I've made every effort to read through the many "stickies" , but it would seem that many are obsolete.

If anyone would be willing to point me in the right direction about how it works here, or a basic FAQ list I would greatly appreciate it or Do's and Don't s, I would be forever grateful. Perhaps even happy to offer a beer (or more) in exchange, if that is even possible.

Also, I don't speak a word of French. I see most articles are in English. Is it safe to think that most girls speak English?

Best regards,


Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Its pretty straight forward stuff..
1st rule of thumb in assuring the most successful chances at a great encounter is: see a merb advertiser before any other source of advertisement, that goes for independants and agencys. Merb advertisers are scrutinized and judged on authenticity of photos. (And to the last of my knowledge, merb doesnt allow known 'bait and switch' providers to advertise here even if they pay the advertisement fees)
On the main page you can find the advertisers section for independants and agencys.
(Small ad sites have tons of gems amongst the hundreds of ads..but you will quickly learn that the vast majority of ads on ad sites such as 123, bp, hump etc are fake pictures and bullshit descriptions....stay clear unless you are a gambler with disposable income)

The sections here on merb are very well defined and very clear in the titles.
Reviews are a huge help in terms of looks and possible options in a girls service. Just remember to give back and contribute in review form, leaching is the death of sharing communitys.

This is the first step:

This is the main index of sections:

Besides that you might want to be a tad bit more precise in what help you need? This site is ultra user friendly and everything is at the tip of a finger.
I hope this was helpful in any way.. looking forward to read your reviews.


New Member
Mar 28, 2017
Thank you for responding.

I guess you're right. I am not clear in my question. I did take a closer look at the advertisers and have to agree that its probably the best starting point, especially if they are vetted by the community.

I'm guessing its just like any other online forum where it can seem a tad intimidating for a newcomver. There are so many articles to read through... it really is overwhelming. I wish there were pictures for each post to know which articles would be of interest to me as the names mean nothing to me. I guess I'll just have to look at availabilities and look up the reviews one by one.

I tried using the search to find girls based on criterias but seems the search is limited to more than 3 letters. Is there a way around that?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Salut ElToro! (with a handle like that you may put some pressure on you if you tell the girl you are a Toro haha)

What helps is focus first on very few agency or site like Indycompanion (that is how I started), or just a few indy.

If you focus on 1 or 2 high quality agency then only read the review of that agency. And watch out about reviews. When I first gave a lot of attention to review I noticed that Gaby liked ebonies and latina or exotic style girl. That is how I first only saw girls he saw :) Then I focused my attention on other merbiste like Cobra, Cloudsurf, som more and especially SSJ. All were excellent source of info guiding me to many terrific girl. What also help is that since I can only do incall I only focus on incall agency, eliminating many, much easier. And much easier to get good answer by PM as I can really pinpoint just a few girl. Also when I see a girl suggested by someone, let's say SSJ, I can say to her "Hey it's SSJ that sent me to see you but do not expect to have 3 orgasm like he would do to you ok?" haha

Experience and good exchange here will lead to good encounters, not just review. How we act with the girl plays of lot for having good chemistry.



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Merci Jalimon for all the kind words ;) El toro, I was once a newbie as well and had to scour around merb to piece together all the info I needed. It just takes a little bit of time and’ll realize how easy it is after just a little while.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
I agree with the advice to stick to merb advertisers whether it be agency or indy. I think what you should do is just start looking at the websites for girls whose pictures really push your buttons and then search for the review thread on that girl. When you find a girl who looks like your type and who has reviews that sound like she is a good match for what you want to experience, just take the plunge and book her. Since you are here full time, you don't have the pressure of making your first experience perfect. Also, prices in montreal are probably less than wherever you are coming from.

Once you see a handful of girls, you will get a sense of how to interpret the details of the reviews to your own needs and wants. You shouldn't be concerned about not speaking french. I don't speak a word of it. There are some girls who do have a tough time with english, but I have yet to meet one who can't speak at all. When she wraps her arms around you and puts her tongue in your mouth, you won't give a shit about her grammar.

I would say, don't over think it. There are so many great girls - both agency and indy- who provide great service at a great price and the depth of reviews is so significant that you should just jump in. You won't hit a home run every single time, but the chances of having an awful experience with a merb girl is nearly zero. You have just move to paradise - I envy you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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You're pretty safe with English and most (not all ) of the providers speak english or at the very least are able to communicate.
MERB advertisers are a safe bet for success but don't be afraid to venture away from MERB. There are independents who I have met who are amazing, it's really hit and miss but can be rewarding and is fun.
Don't be afraid to walk away from an SP if they aren't as advertised, you may still be horny, but you will at the very least not feel like you were scammed.
Be sure to give back ! Post reviews of your experiences and links to where you found them (A link to a web site can be posted IF you are writing a review.
Do your homework here if you are going to see an Independent !


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
One big advice I got to mention because there seems to be a sucker every week falling into the same trap then posting cry baby rants... Avoid Backpage and all those other websites. Most of the ads are scams... Most are posting fake pictures and using phone app numbers. The ones that are not are usually providing below average service and have below average looks. On top of that there are many who will extort you at knifepoint and threaten violence. Some are ghetto thugs who are posting the ads you go and a couple of thugs ambush you. So best to avoid those. As the other posters said stick to Merb agencies and Merb Indys. See a lady you like search for her name to see if you can find any reviews on her.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Avoid Backpage and all those other websites. Most of the ads are scams... Most are posting fake pictures and using phone app numbers. The ones that are not are usually providing below average service and have below average looks. On top of that there are many who will extort you at knifepoint and threaten violence. Some are ghetto thugs who are posting the ads you go and a couple of thugs ambush you. So best to avoid those.

Slack the kool aid Cloud! Ok BP is pretty bad but I did get epic session with other indy web add sites. Takes a bit of experience I admit. So yes best to avoid as a newbie (dont do like me!). But hey I used those a lot (still do) and with a bit of know how never got stabbed, at least not that I know! ;)



Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
I agree with Jalimon and Cloud. For someone new, completely avoid BP, etc as you will get screwed if you don't know how to properly look for the right ads. 90% of my encounters are from backpage and annonce123 and I have never been screwed once. Maybe it will happen one day but so far so good. I make it look easy but to be honest it's not... I spend a lot of time looking for reviews, looking up their pics, finding other sites they post on, seeing how they react to my texts, how they are on the phone, see how often they post and many other tricks to help me filter out the trash vs the good ones. I personally believe that it's thanks to people like Jalimon and Uncle Bob and many others who often TOFTT by seeing those rare Indies that we get to get a piece of the cake too. I also feel that we should not hate on those who rant about having a bad experience because thanks to them we save time and money as well. I understand that it could potentially encourage girls to post fake ads also... so it's kinda a double edge sword I guess.

Bref, for someone who is impatient, who isn't very computer savvy, who doesn't take the time to do proper research, BP, annonce123, intime will eat you alive. But if you're patient, experienced and know how to filter out the trash, you should be able to get by fairly easily.

My 2 cents.

LBA out!


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...I was able to meet a lovely lady thanks to this site.

Now that I am here for the next few years, I think I will have fun reading all the amazing articles here in hopes of having many better experiences.

...If anyone would be willing to point me in the right direction about how it works here, or a basic FAQ list I would greatly appreciate it or Do's and Don't s, I would be forever grateful.

Here's my advice:

When you're a newbie on MERB and you announce that you have already met "a lovely lady thanks to the site," the first thing you should do is write a review.

There is no set format for reviews. Some guys write blunt reviews with detailed descriptions of intimate acts and numerical ratings of a girl's looks, attitude and service. Others provide more discreet, respectful descriptions of their encounters without going into too much detail.

You should read some reviews and decide on a style of reviewing that you're comfortable with. Either way, contributing a few reviews is the best way to gain acceptance on MERB.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Some good advice here. When I was new to the Montreal scene in 2002, MERB did not exist at that time but was created shortly thereafter. I relied on the advice of then veteran posters which included Cool Amadeus, Doc Holliday, Cloudsurf and a few others who are no longer regular posters. The advice to me then was the same as it is now, stick to well reviewed and reliable agencies, avoid known bait and switch operations and unreviewed operatives. If you take a look at agency website pics and read corresponding reviews you can probably create a working list of SPs you want to see. There are about a half dozen really good agencies who consistently get stellar reviews, and if you operate outside that realm it's a risk. Some guys like the challenge and adventure of discovering new gems and are willing to assume those risks, but it's mostly the local hobbyists who are not tourists in Montreal for a long weekend and have to make the most of limited time and limited opportunities. I always go to Montreal with at least 3 plans, A, B and C, and if they are all scuttled I usually wing it and take a chance with a lady from the well reviewed agencies. Usually I will backchannel with trusted senior members before pulling the trigger, if I can't find any meaningful information on a particular SP. Do not be afraid to use PM and ask questions if you dead end with your research but do try and do the research as most senior members will help you out if they know you have tried to get answers elsewhere. Good luck.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
ho by the way Newbie regarding french no worries dude. Tell you what, learn this by heart and say it to the girl you will meet.

Trust me you will won her over!

"Salut belle pétasse!
Tu m'as l'air un peu conne mais je vais te sauter quand même.
Tu es chanceuse ma cochonne. Ha et mon nom sur merb est SSJ"

There you go my friend :)



Mar 13, 2017
I'm still waiting for someone to post an academia-style review, complete with quotes and a bibliography :eyebrows:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
... this actually made me laugh. the bromance is strong between you two.

Haha yes it is. We have done a few kinky stuff that will stay with me fore ever! (not with each other yeark! haha)

Crazy to think he is my guide to see the best girl here despite the fact that he lives in the states!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Many already gave several excellent advices.

I would maybe add:

- Hygiene is VERY important. You will get better milage if you learn how to be perfectly clean.
You think you are? Chances are that you're not... I thought myself I was super clean but during the last 10 years I've learn I was not and evolved in how to clean myself.
Better cleaning of the tip, especially when you're uncut. I also shave my parts since few years which is the best move I did...
Many SP tells me how clients get out of the shower and still stink badly.
Many tells me, how some guys (Some are popular merbists) should use a whole bottle of mouth wash before kissing.

- Respect of Booking: Cancellation from the client part is a plague these days. especially for prebooking. Should you have to cancel, try your best to cancel early, not at the last minute.

One big advice I got to mention because there seems to be a sucker every week falling into the same trap then posting cry baby rants...
Cloud500, STOP insulting people. Your attitude is very wrong and does not encourage people to share.
These people that get a bad experience on BP are not suckers, or cry babies... At least they shared so other merbists don't fall in the scam. We should be thankfull.
They might be newbies too. We can politely guide them how to avoid these bad experiences... No need to be rude or show your exasperation by insulting them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Now that’s back the Uncle Bob I met back in August! So polite and respectful ;) You added some good tips!


Feb 22, 2004
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Rarely I'll help anyone that ask question that are already answered here. I feel that you are a genuine nice guy. Here's my advice.
Do the search, it's part of the fun and anticipation before the meeting so why not make it last longer than the actual meeting itself. You'll see on the long run that moments before that door open it's a rush!!!

I suggest you to follow EagerBeaver and UncleBob advices for the first year or so depending on the frequency of your hunt.
Then when you know what is really available on the market and you want to hunt on uncommon ground go to annonce123, humpchies, annonceintime and backpage. You need to invest time and money before really meeting a raw gem on these website... so it's not for tourist visiting Montreal for a weekend.

Unclebob is so right about hygiene. Even if you took a shower 30 minutes before the meeting, just get in that bathroom and do a 2 minutes cleanse anyway to have that impression of out of the shower for the girl. They really appreciate the gesture and will give you more in return for a two minutes shower trust me.

Happy hunting in the best city.
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