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Nfl 2018-2019

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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Totally agree with you Valcazar! Just a horrible finish for the Bears! I'm shocked! The Bears were the best team in the NFC down the stretch because they had the best defense...and to go out like that because of an incompetent field goal kicker is a real shame!

I am a firm believer that defense and special teams are the deciding factors in the playoffs...and so far that's been the script!

I hope the Saints beat the crap out of the Philly Cheesesteaks next Sunday!

Sharkman my man ,, i mostly agree with everything you said here.
Bears where playing well down the stretch, I don’t think many teams wanted to face them , let alone in freezing Chicago.
What a crazy and sad way to lose a hard fought game if your a Chicago fan . The poor kicker somehow managed to hit both posts with he’s field goal attempt, but actually what wasn’t evident at that moment was that the ball got slightly tipped and changed the trajectory.
All in all the moral of the story is this is the playoffs,,,, meaning defence , lifting the intensity and like you said special teams trying to really make a difference by being special is what wins these games in the end .One major deciding factor Id add , perhaps the most significant is this ,,, playoff football is all about mistake free football.
It’s one game , there ain’t no series and so there’s no second chances,, you must play your best and limit the errors to the minimum if possible .Having said that if they had been truly dominant in the game that missed field goal whoud not have mattered.They say good teams win but great teams dominate,,, Chicago is a good team but there not an elite team yet .Elite teams tend to win despite the mistakes.

Sharkman I also want the Saints and Drew Bree’s to get passed them . But for that to happen I hope The Saints do not take them lightly . They should show them the proper respect because this Eagles team is dangerous .

Dangerous because Saint Nick Foles has got them believing again.
They where left for dead but down the stretch they have come through , helped along the way from a stumbling Minessota team that chocked pretty bad .
And so for the time being Philadelphia are still the champions and if Nick Foles can still work he’s magic and somehow take them to another Super Bowl then don’t be surprised if there crazy Philadelphia fans propose to erect a statue of him next to Rocky Balboa lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yesssss...the super weekend we were all waiting for.....the best time of the year....and we will have the best vs the best :fat:

Saturday,,, commence fort.....the game many of us will look at....j'espère que Mahomes va continuer à briller et nous éblouir....not easy task vs the stong COLT'S defense.....go CHIEFS GO........8H15......DALLAS---RAMS.....

Sunday....1H05... CHARGERS--PATRIOTS.....BRADY should do it again vs Chargers BUT i will cheer for the Chargers......and at game am waiting for....of course will stongly cheer for Drew....hope his offensive line will hold and do the job....



Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Yes they should be great games , and by next weekend we should know which teams will be going to Atlanta.
You make mention of the Colts defence rightfully so , that’s because they are a more balanced team than the Cheifs .
Also agree with you that the key is the Saints offensive line , if they do there job then I think Drew Bree’s will definitely do he’s.
Will be rooting for the Chargers and of course the Saints .

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I thought the Colts defense was going to give Kansas City more trouble than what actually happened in the game. Heck, the Chiefs defense actually showed up.

It's nice to see Dallas go down. Now, it'd be sweet if the Saints and Patriots get knocked out. We don't have to see that annoying "Feed Me" Zeke Elliot does anymore. If someone can put an end to Michael Thomas flexing those puny biceps after every 1st down, hopefully it's the Eagles-- as long Philly doesn't get their asses handed to them like the first time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Agree with the Patriots BUT not with the if i would like very much though a battle MAHOMES-BRADY next week. We should have 2 good games today...enjoy...and go Saints go.....CHEERS.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
. If someone can put an end to Michael Thomas flexing those puny biceps after every 1st down, hopefully it's the Eagles-- as long Philly doesn't get their asses handed to them like the first time.[/QUOTE]

Hey CF not a big fan of showboating myself . Is Michael Thomas a hot dog ? Hell yes .
Did he have a MONSTER game for the ages,, also a big yes .
So as long as he’s game is bigger than he’s biceps I think we should give him a pass :)

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
That Chargers-Pats game was so dumb. Chargers should have just stayed on the plane eating pretzels. Every time you think the Pats are vulnerable, they show you why they've been good for so long.

I genuinely don't like the Patriots. The only thing I have against the Saints is that my team plays in the same division. So, Haterade means I can't bear to watch Saints win even though they are playing like the team that will win the Super Bowl right now. I can't think of any team remaining that is well-balanced on both sides of the ball as New Orleans is. Next closest is Kansas City if their defense keeps playing like they did against the Colts.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SAINTS 20 EAGLES 14....WOW..The best game of the weekend....horrible start for Drew and Saints in the first quarter...Drew looks nervous with very bad plays BUT ---as often this year---Drew cameback strong and in full control of the game and THE CLOCK in second half....a big big interception with less than 2 min.
to play....and it was time for the Saints to celebrate this great victory.
Sorry CF for your bad Sunday and for Thomas again doing so you will see them again next week.....can't wait.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Decided to put in one last bet in this NFL season and did a 4-game parlay picking KC, Rams, Pats & Philly. I hate the Pats but they've been very good to me over the years when i bet in their favor.

Well it came down to the final game. I needed the Eagles to either win or make it close. When NO made that last interception to ice the game i figured that i hadn't won my parlay since the Saints won by 6 points. I figured they needed to win by 4 points in order for me to lose on my ticket.

But surprise-surprise!!! Just before i was about to throw away my ticket i took a final glance at it & realized that the line was Saints by -8 which meant that i actually won!!!!

That win netted me a cool $3000. It was only my second win of the 2018-19 NFL season and the fact it was going to be my final bet this season made it only sweeter! I love the NFL!!! :D


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Happy for your parlay win !
Now maybe is the time to double down on a future ticket for one of our Canadian teams to win the cup this year.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
Absolutely Doc! Who doesn't love the NFL? Puts hockey and baseball to shame!

Pats vs Chiefs...Pats are a better team and they have a better defense, but the Chiefs have home field advantage where they are so tough to beat...I'm going with the Chiefs!

Rams vs Saints...Unless the Rams can run the ball like they did against the Cowboys there is no way the Rams can depend on Goff to win the game, and home field advantage is huge for the Saints...I'm going with the Saints to play voodoo all over the Rams!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Only one game was exciting to watch out of the four this past weekend. That was the Saints game that was not decided until the last two minutes. The Rams /Cowboys game was decent enough but the Colts /Chieifs and Chargers/ Patriots games where pretty much done by halftime.

In Houston the Colts looked like world beaters then this week they couldn’t even get a first down until the last two minutes of the first half, go figure.The Cheifs proved that they can actually play defence when in Kansas City,,, just hope for there sake that they saved there best game for the Pats.

The Rams figured that running the ball whould be a good idea .And since the Cowboys couldn’t stop the run they where doomed.

If you think the Colts played a bad game then the Chargers where even worse.They looked mentally slow , physically tired or maybe they just didn’t get to eat enough pretzels on the plane . They picked the wrong time to have a bad game and the gameplan itself I think was flawed . They kept playing zone leaving Brady to dink and dunk at will . The playbook was written a long time ago by the Stealers to beat Brady you need to pressure him and make him uncomfortable. Well they didn’t and he put on a clinic,,,, I really hope the Cheifs took notes .

And last the Saints game . Everything that could have gone wrong for the Saints did go wrong in the first quarter.But they showed real mettle and resiliency to win the game . Perhaps a bit lucky in the end with the interception but still very much deserving to move on. And even though I don’t root for the Eagles I still very much admire Foles . Very much low key but still a great leader and quarterback.

The last two games should be great to watch , there both dream matchups .
It’s hard to handicap and predict whose gonna win because there very much evenly matched as the short feild goal lines already indicate.

All four home teams won so if the trend continues we might get Kansas City vs New Orleans . Personally this is my favourite matchup but I have a feeling that we will get at least one upset.

One thing of notice is that the four remaining teams where all from 1 to 4 the top scoring teams in the league this year.
So what it means is that the nfl with its new rule changes did impact the effectiveness of defenses and made good offensive teams even better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
I’m not really a betting person, but I decided to take the plunge this week and bet that the Saints and Chiefs will cover.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I’m not really a betting person, but I decided to take the plunge this week and bet that the Saints and Chiefs will cover.

It’s as good a bet as any I guess so best of luck on your picks ssj3.
For me at least that would be the preferred matchup I’d like to see in the Super Bowl as I’m a fan of both those teams quarterbacks. But then again if your a neutral football fan I reckon you whould be equally content with any outcome as all the remaining teams offer an exciting high flying brand of attacking football.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yessss finally....the super Sunday we were waiting for....go PATRICK go...and go Drew go.....can't wait.....enjoy this super day.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Great matchups
I think where gonna have some really close exciting games
I think the Chiefs albeit close can pull it off
As for my favourites the Saints I think there gonna get a real tough game from the Rams,, I have a bad feeling about this one lol


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No. The Chiefs are in the AFC and the Saints in the NFC.

Ho shoot I mixed up and tought the Saints where the Saints of New england ;) You see I do not know football as I know hockey. (dont roll your eyes doc!) haha



Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Jalimon I know how you feel,, kinda like me with hockey lol ( clueless)
I know where in Montreal mate but today it’s all about Football no hockey
If I wanna see ice I just need to look outside my window
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