Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

NHL 2008-09 regular season thread!


New Member
Aug 10, 2007
Hi Sexy Nadia, I have read a couple of your posts before and was impressed by your knowledge. However on this issue with all due respect, I do not know whether you completely watched the game. Toronto badly outplayed Montreal; shots on goal were 13-3 after 1st period, 31-15 after 2nd period and 42-20 in total, and do not bother counting the goal scoring chances and how many times Price got hit by Toronto's players. If you switched the goalies before the start of the game, chances are Toronto would have beaten Montreal by a higher margin of goals.
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New Member
May 8, 2008
mlpcmd said:
With all due respect Sexy Nadia, I do not know whether you completely watched the game. Toronto badly outplayed Montreal. Shots on goal were 13-3 after first period and 31-15 after second period and do not bother to count the goal scoring chances. If you switched the goalies before the start of the game, chances are Toronto would have beaten Montreal by higher margin of goals.

All due respect is appreciated ! ;) ! I like a Gentlemen that's respectful !

I did saw the game in its entirety ! And again, Price did a poor job !
And thats o'k. Its their first lost in regulations on the road this season !

And The Canadiens were always out of position as well !

The Leafs also deserve credit for this one. The Leafs were the first one
on the puck with good forechecking !
The Habs "" D "" looked like a smaller "" d ""



New Member
Aug 10, 2007
Hi again Sexy Nadia, it seems that you replied to the message I "prematurely" posted cos I immediately edited it to explain my point of view a bit better and in a more appropriate way. If you have time you could read it; it is just before your post. BTW, I loved your "d"; it simply summarizes the game! Missing Hamrlik didn't help either.

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New Member
May 8, 2008
mlpcmd said:
Hi again Sexy Nadia ... I loved your "d"; it simply summarizes the game! Missing Hamrlik didn't help either.


Thank you !

The Habs have let in 10 goals in the last 2 games. Lets hope that they will have regrouped before their next game againts The Sens !

Good night MC !


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
You're quick!! It only took you two weeks to come up with a reply to my post. :rolleyes:

Hey Doc if this is the wittiest reply you could come up with, maybe you should have taken a little more time to respond. Then again, as SexyNadya alluded to maybe you're just a guy who does everything quickly!

Oh and congrats on the big win by your Leafs tonight...unless you've already jumped ship again (in which case, condolences on the sad loss by your habs).


New Member
Aug 10, 2007
Price, Higgins & Georges :)

Finally a Great game. Everyone on the team played well.

Go Habs Go!
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New Member
May 8, 2008
Hey Special K !!!

Special K said:
I'm surprised to see the Bruins out to a 4-0 lead 25 minutes into the game tonight. Is this B's team finally for real???

Hi Special K !!!

It was clear that at one point Boston would provide the Canadiens with
The Spanking ! :) !


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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SexyNadya said:
Hi Special K !!!

It was clear that at one point Boston would provide the Canadiens with
The Spanking ! :) !


They've only lost about 11 in a row to them in the regular season.


Jul 19, 2008
Go Habs Go

gohabsgo said:
just means the beginning of another 12-0 streak against Boston!

I hope that the Habs 7-0 wining streak againts Phili tonight will not come to an end. I'm not a fan of Halak.
Laraque needs to pound these fucks.Richards,Downie and who cares if ther smaller.Downie is one of the wost in the league when it comes to cheap shots.



New Member
Aug 10, 2007
Finally a win!

It wasn't pretty and not against a powerhouse but we got the two points and that what counts.

I do not understand RDS 3 stars tonight. 1st and 3rd stars are from the loosing team and Price was not on the 3 star-list even after stopping all 3 penalty shots; he also obtained a pass on Andrei's goal :rolleyes:

Hope to hear good news about Bouillon!

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
WoodyWoody said:
Laraque needs to pound these fucks.Richards,Downie and who cares if ther smaller.

Your hockey knowledge is obviously very poor. George Laraque would get laughed out of the league if he'd ever attack someone like Mike Richards. Laraque will only fight the other team's tough guys, and since he's now 30, the fights will happen less & less. He's simply too tired of that role, which is not common with role-players such as him. Don't you remember what a pussy Dave Semenko had become when he ended his career with the Leafs?

By the way, Steve Downie is no longer with the Flyers organization. He was traded to the Tampa Bay Lightning during the off-season & he's now playing for their farm team, the Norfolk Admirals.

You should realize that Mtl didn't need George Laraque in their lineup in the first place & they wasted $1.5 million in signing him. He's also taking Steve Begin's spot. They won the Eastern Conference Championship, for good sakes!! If Pittsburgh & other teams didn't want him, why did Mtl have to sign him? He's way too slow & he's a liability everytime he gets on the ice. Years ago when he was with the Oilers, he swore he'd never play for Mtl due to the intense media pressure that Quebec-based players suffer when playing for the Habs. Yet, he's now with the team. Why? Nobody wanted him. He's a marginal player at best with eroding fighting skills. He's also fed up of playing that role.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Another problem with the Habs are the under-achievers on the team. The Kostitsyn brothers have combined for a measely 5 goals & 8 assists. Guillaume "Zamboni" Latendresse has 2 goals. Chris Higgins has 4 goals, and if wasn't for his hat trick against Ottawa last week, he'd be stuck at 1 goal. They're paying 37-year old Robert Lang $4 million per season for a lousy 5 goals & 5 assists. He's now on the third-line. You pay $4 million for that bum?? Finally, one of the most popular players on the team, Maxim Lapierre, has 1 point. 1 point??? Yes....and it's a lousy assist!! Oh yeah, Alex Tanguay is being paid $5.375 million. Ouch!!! Did you know their paying Andrei Kostitsyn $3.250 million per year? Roman Hamrlik is getting $5.5 million?

The team has to make a run for the Stanley Cup this year since many players on their current roster will be free agents at the end of the season: Koivu, Kovalev, , Lang, Bouillon, Dandenault, Komisarek, Higgins, Plekanec, Begin, Latendresse, Kostopoulos......

Did you know that they're still paying former Hab Jason Cullimore $633 000?? I can't remember the last time he played for the Habs!!
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New Member
Nov 17, 2008
must make a big move

i have a feeling that montreal will choke this year and a lot of player's will be going expecially Koivu. nothing is really going there way. the line's are not clicking and too many changes in line's are happening and will never end. price is really weak and not concistant nor is halak. gainey really needs to concentrate and bring in a big forward that can make some noise very fast. Laracques should really take the gloves off more often. begin should be stronger on the boards and pull a sean aver infront of the net. latendress should quite playing hockey and start working on a farm. lapierre has some light, but most importantly is our power play. you can't go from 1st to basically last the following year with the same team.:eek:
i think koivu, begin, higgins will go to a big player.


New Member
Nov 2, 2005
There were just 2 or 3 underlying problems the habs had last season that stuck out like a sore thumb. One a great sniper (i.e. Sundin, Lang), or at least someone to help Koivu (i.e. Tanguay), and also a tough guy. George was the best in the business and when we picked him up this city, including me, was so damn pumped up. This aquisition made everyone on the team stronger and 2" taller. don't tell me you weren't thrilled when we got him. We lacked size and toughness and it was manifested in tri-colours when the flyers brutally busted our ass in the playoffs last year. We needed someone to intimidate our opponents, and Laraque is the man. Give him time, man, he's a good player besides a fighter - we saw that in Pittsburgh, and is by no means not a marginal player


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Doc Holliday said:
Your hockey knowledge is obviously very poor. George Laraque would get laughed out of the league if he'd ever attack someone like Mike Richards. Laraque will only fight the other team's tough guys, and since he's now 30, the fights will happen less & less. He's simply too tired of that role, which is not common with role-players such as him. Don't you remember what a pussy Dave Semenko had become when he ended his career with the Leafs?

He doesn't fight much because nobody wants to fight him. It was the same in Pittsburgh, which several Pens fans have confirmed. Plus this is the new NHL, so comparisons with the likes of Semenko are moot. Laraque has to pick his spots, and he doesn't necessarily have to fight. He took care of Chris Neil of the Sens just by having a couple of chats with him on the ice. Plus, he'll still be useful in the playoffs.

The Kostitsyn brothers have combined for a measely 5 goals & 8 assists. Guillaume "Zamboni" Latendresse has 2 goals. Chris Higgins has 4 goals, and if wasn't for his hat trick against Ottawa last week, he'd be stuck at 1 goal. They're paying 37-year old Robert Lang $4 million per season for a lousy 5 goals & 5 assists. He's now on the third-line. You pay $4 million for that bum?? Finally, one of the most popular players on the team, Maxim Lapierre, has 1 point. 1 point??? Yes....and it's a lousy assist!! Oh yeah, Alex Tanguay is being paid $5.375 million. Ouch!!! Did you know their paying Andrei Kostitsyn $3.250 million per year? Roman Hamrlik is getting $5.5 million?

You could make the same argument by picking 4-5 guys on almost every team and come to the same conclusion. The salaries are what they are across the league, that's nothing special to the Habs. And every team has under-achievers.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
HankS said:
There were just 2 or 3 underlying problems the habs had last season that stuck out like a sore thumb. One a great sniper (i.e. Sundin, Lang), or at least someone to help Koivu (i.e. Tanguay), and also a tough guy.
Robert Lang a great sniper??? Say what??? When?? :confused:

His biggest season was in 2000-01 when he scored 32 goals with the Penguins, led by none other than the great Mario Lemieux & Jaromir Jagr. He's averaged only 20 goals for the most part of his career. No sniper. By the way, in one month, this bum will turn 38. Believe it or not, but i've heard from people who've watched some of the practices that even Guillaume Latendresse has beaten him in skating drills. Say what?? Even "Zamboni" Latendresse is faster than he is? Looks like only George Laraque is slower, but then again, i'm not so sure of that. :rolleyes:
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