Montreal Escorts

No negotiation tolerated in this business?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi everyone

Thank you ladies for posting comments on the subject

I'd made a clarification when I speak of special package I do not speak of special prices!

I have some stories about great hobbyist "deals"

Here ...........................

Have you something for $ 60.? Yeah
I am a good customer! Can I pay you tomorrow?Hum mm, No next week!
If I take 5 girls $ 500 good? For who?
The girl as been here for 2 hours can I ad another hour at $ 100, the girl has fun? Wow bookers makes so much money
The girl gave me a bad service, can she stay longer at little cheaper rate ? Thats it she is not good but you my want to keep her
Half an hour is the costs of one half of one hour? Someone is a math genius !Hum mm

A very funny one

A customer text me to book one of my lovely lady I made him a price of $ 320. for 2 hrs GFE services included , the guy is really satisfied of services and charms of the goddess.
He then asks me though PM a $ 40 discount for hours for 4 to 6 hours Bookings, He explains to convince me that he is a superstar poster on merb.
In guess I am not to to quick on the trigger because I still have no clue of what his a super star a poster on merb? Maybe be a superstar is gifted in the art of negotiating discount for girl company ?
Or a guy that post for more than 5 years with over 5,000 post 10.0000 visit who knows?
Anyway $ 160 off 4 hours or $ 240 over 6 hours it was impossible with a starting price of $ 160 per hour! You pay the girl, you pay the driver, whats left? He said ask girl she likes me, I have to say that I have often heard that one.:lol:

The girls replies, not about to cut $ 40 an hour! I have to say I agree

Good for a discount anecdotes that's it for tonight!

By the way I thank my echo and shadow




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi everyone

The drunk guys .............................

Do you make 15 minutes, I come quickly?
I just want a HJ ca be less expensive?
I just want a BJ, send your worst, is it cheaper?
The girls that you sent yesterday did not come, can you send another one for free? of course
I called yesterday, the booker that was their made me a better price! Yesterday it was me, the customer responds .Well the day before yesterday! It was me too
I know the owner! Oh! Me too!:D
I often call your agency! Well what girl did you take? What?:confused: Thats it what?:lol:

That happens around 7 am I'm at the end of my shift, one of my friend bookers calls me, the customer wants a longer calls with the girl, he negotiated the price with the booker standing beside the girl
Telling the booker that the girl is not so good t, he wants to keep her at rebate and doesn't her to leave , he will not let her go.
I have to go to the room, the guy hides in the bathroom when I arrive.
I explain, that unfortunately negotiating a discount is not a winning combo.:lol:;)




New Member
Jan 19, 2014
How cheap can you get? I hate to point out the obvious, but you gents in Montreal have a good thing going. It's about as inexpensive in Montreal as you're going to find. & some agencies have "Merb specials" where you knock ten bucks off of the price! Not a criticism of you, Booker! I'm just amazed at how cheap some people can be. I wish the women where I am charged Montreal prices! Maybe it's a good thing they don't. Otherwise, I'd never go anywhere :smile:


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
How cheap can you get? I hate to point out the obvious, but you gents in Montreal have a good thing going. It's about as inexpensive in Montreal as you're going to find. & some agencies have "Merb specials" where you knock ten bucks off of the price! Not a criticism of you, Booker! I'm just amazed at how cheap some people can be. I wish the women where I am charged Montreal prices! Maybe it's a good thing they don't. Otherwise, I'd never go anywhere :smile:

Hello gurgeh85

Those are a few of talented negotiators stories I have heard I have spoken too:confused:? When they where looking to hired a Montreal escort while I was on the lines;)




New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I don't doubt that you had to listen to that nonsense. Some guys just don't know a good thing when they see it.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I don't doubt that you had to listen to that nonsense.
And some guys closer then you think ;)
Some guys just don't know a good thing when they see it.
I agree fully

For some it is important to show how of a talented negotiator then are:confused: ,forgetting the respect part ! Oh well
You see of everything in this business





Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
I just texted Elite asking about their best girl for 2 hours and $100 because of my screen name coinciding with the return of baseball to MTL

I will let you know how those negotiations go


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut a tous

Suite .....................................

Je suis un beau gars ?Pourquoi t'appelle une agence alors?
L'autre agence me le fait a ce prix la ?Pourquoi tu m'appelle alors?
Je suis bon au lit ?Ça m'intéresse vraiment de savoir?:confused:;)J'avertie la fille :lol:
Je t'ai référer plusieurs clients ? ok lesquels ? Il me répond quoi? C.est ca quoi ?
La fille habite a cote de chez nous ? Donc?

Il y en a pour toute les gouts et plus :lol:

Au plaisir



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I agree that this is a good thread and it shows many opinons around here about the subject of negotiating with Indy's or Agencies and that most feel it is extremely insulting.

When i was new to this i admit the "good negotiator side" of me came out and I tried it once and as soon as the lady told me it was insulting, i never did it again, in fact i felt really bad after she told me i had insulted her because i love women and never purposely want to insult them, especially in this line of work. Even tho i did not know it would be insulting at first (hey i was new to this and did not think, i am human, afterall) i took it quite hard and was embarrassed after but the important thing was i learnt from it. It is not like buying a car or a piece of furniture, we are talking about human beings and their bodies and more importantly their feelings, completely different spectrums.

In a way i feel like i was rewarded immediately for not stooping to my previous low of insulting by negotiating because soon after I paid full price for one of Montreals most popular and most beautiful SP's at the time and she stayed 2 extra hours and even refused over and over a big tip. I have also been rewarded many many times since. It is good to learn from our mistakes. :thumb:

If a SP is more than you can afford or want to pay, move on, it sure beats insulting them unless you have no conscience. ;)

(btw, as far as this thread, i am speaking about Montreal pertaining to Indy's and Agencies only, not about strippers or other cities/countries)


Sep 4, 2006
My first experience in this hobby was in Morocco. I went to a nightclub and it took me a while to realize what the place was exactly. It was a nightclub, except all the women there were SPs. They would come to meet men, reach an agreement and then take them back to their apartments. There are no advertised prices, the women would size the person up and quote a price that was a reflection of how much she could get out of the guy. In effect, it was an 'initial offer' and negotiation did occur. I did not negotiate myself, and in fact I left the first night alone because I was still thinking it over.

The same thing happens in stores and restaurants where there are no price tags and no prices on the menu. Haven't seen any such place in Canada, but I have seen it a lot when travelling. They just size you up and then see how much money they can get.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I just had a thought...

I like to eat out, but some restaurants are on the pricey side. So, here's my idea. First I'll call the restaurant to book a reservation. Then I'll ask how much a steak is. I'll tell them it's too expensive for my budget and suggest that I will come eat there only if I get a deal. I will go to the restaurant and tell the waiter that Joe down the street sells his steaks for $20 less. I will then suggest that they should discount my steak because I am a frequent reviewer on yelp and can give them a good review. Or better yet, that I am hot and I make the place look good.
I might get a deal, right? Or they might spit on my steak.

People are always negotiating with wireless service providers. This has turned into a negotiating business where clients call and bluntly ask for credits and for deals on their priceplans.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The same thing happens in stores and restaurants where there are no price tags and no prices on the menu. Haven't seen any such place in Canada, but I have seen it a lot when travelling. They just size you up and then see how much money they can get.

I been to stores like this in Canada but they are generally run by immigrants. This is they way they do business. Go to China or India and even the Middle East negotiating is the way to the business otherwise they will rip you off and suck every dime from your pockets. Same are wireless service providers it has turned into a negotiating business. I usually make deals with strippers and negotiate pricing.


Nov 12, 2014
Pour ma part, je ne me considere pas comme un négociateur, Je contacte les agences ou indies, je demande leurs tarifs pour le nombres d'heure que nous desirons avoir et si le prix nous convient, nous organisons une rencontre, point a la ligne, sinon je dit merci et nous passons notres chemins.
Mais lorsque l'agence ou indy me demande combiens je paye ailleurs, je leurs donnent le prix que je paye , un point c tout.
Donc a partir de la si ils ou elles veut negocier avec nous, et bien c'est leurs libre choix, je ne force personnes et il est certain que nous choississons en fonction de nos goût, qualité de la rencontre, la personalite de la demoiselle et ensuite le prix.
Nous ne choississons pas nécessairement la moins cher.
Je pense vraiment que la qualité et ce qu'il y a de PLUS important et jusqu'a présent nous avons été très bien servi parce que nous offront un environnement agreable dans le respect des demoiselles pour les services quelles nous offrent.
I do respect everybody's choice to practice this hobby on their own way, and respect other peoples choice too.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
En tout cas, Lou, tu négocies plutôt habilement tes interventions dans ce fil de discussion! On a beau se le cacher, la négociation est omniprésente dans le travail du sexe: dans les isoloirs, dans les salons de massage et avec les escortes on négocie des prix, des périodes de disponibilités, des "extras", name it. Penser qu'on ne négocie pas, c'est se cacher la tête dans le sable. Tu peux fort bien offrir le prix que tu veux. Si l'autre te répond que ses prix ne sont pas négociables, la discussion se termine là. Insister relèverait toutefois des mauvaises manières. Les filles ont la peau un peu sensible je trouve. Je comprends qu'elles puissent le prendre personnel, se sentir dépréciées, mais elles elles en font quand même un commerce, et comme tous les commerçants elles ajustent leur prix en fonction de la demande. Je ne négocie pas dans les salons de massage. J'entre et dis que je paye un montant que je décide avant, de 110$ à 140$ et je les laisse décider de ce qu'elles offriront à ce prix là. Je trouve par ailleurs que deux heures au double du prix d'une heure, ça n'a aucune rationalité économique pour une agence et encore moins pour une indépendante. Je n'aurais pas gène à offrir un montant moindre, poliment bien entendu. Si la réponse est non, ben voilà, ça se termine là. À moi de prendre le service ou non.


Feb 25, 2012
Melonville, EH
My feeling exactly. If ones finds the rates of a SP beyond what they're willing to pay, then there's lots of other options to consider.

In my experience, for a lady to be really be able to let herself go and truly enjoy herself during an encounter, it is essential that for from the start she can feel that she can trust the client she's going to spend time with. Bargaining to lower her rates is a guaranteed way to prevent that from happening.

Same for an agency; I think most bookers would see this as an ominous sign, and be leery of sending a girl to a client who's willing to dispute one of the most fundamental aspects of the contract.

Yeah, I agree. The price is what it is. Having a girl come to your place and then try to weasel the price is in the same category as girls who put up photos of themselves that are deliberately misleading.

Book the goddess. Love the goddess. That's my motto.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yeah, I agree. The price is what it is. Having a girl come to your place and then try to weasel the price is in the same category as girls who put up photos of themselves that are deliberately misleading.

Book the goddess. Love the goddess. That's my motto.

This is a good point. This has happened to me. I went through with the session a few times and more than once I have ran.

So my note to the agencies is as follows: I agreed to pay X amount of dollars for the girl depicted in the pictures. And furthermore, I agreed to pay X amount of dollars for the girl in the pictures dressed in an equivalent outfit like the pictures and not in a pair of Sweats (as Charmer can attest to).
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