Montreal Escorts

No negotiation tolerated in this business?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut a tous

Au gros merci aux demoiselles qui on commenté.

J'aimerais apporté une précision quand je parle de forfait spécial je ne sous entend pas prix spécial !

J'ai quelques anecdotes concernant les demandeurs de "deals"

En voici ...........................

As-tu quelque chose pour $60.?Ouin
Je suis un bon client !Je peu tu te payé demain ?Non la semaine prochaine !:lol:
Si prend 5 filles $500 c'est bon ? Pour qui?
Ça fait 2 heures que la fille est ici peu tu faire la dernière heures a $100 la fille s'amuse ?C'est payant être booker :lol:
La fille ma donne un mauvais service a peu tu rester a moins chère? C'est ca est pas bonne mes tu veut la gardé
Une demi heure ca coute la moitie d'une heures ?Ceux la son fort en math!

Une croustillante

Un client me text pour booker l'une de mes charmante demoiselle je lui fait un prix de $320. pour 2 heures services GFE comprit le gars est enchante du service et du charme de la déesse.
Il me PM ensuite pour me demandé un rabais de $40 de l'heures pour des Bookings de 4 a 6 heures ,Il m'explique pour me convaincre qu'il est un superstar poster sur merb.
En passant je dois pas être trop vite de la gâchette car j'ai toujours pas comprit ces quoi un superstar poster.Peut-être un sur doué de la négociation a rabais ?
Ou un gars qui post depuis plus de 5 ans avec plus de 5,000 post 10,0000 visite enfin je sais pas trop ?:lol:

De toute manière $160 de rabais sur 4 heures ou $240 sur 6 heures c'était impossible avec un prix de depart de $160 l'heures !Tu paye la fille ,Tu paye le chauffeur Il reste quoi? ,Il me dit demande a la fille elle m'aime bien ,je dois dire que je l'ai entendu souvent celle la .

La filles me répond, pas question de coupé $ 40 de l'heure !Je dois dire que je suis d'accord

Bon pour les anecdotes a rabais c'est tout pour ce soir !

En passant je remercie mon écho et ombrage

Au Plaisir



Nov 12, 2014
Très drole ton post booker, je t'assure que ce n'est pas notre cas, le prix entendu avant la rencontre est couler dans le bétons. aucune autre demande farfelu de notre part


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Pour moi y'a certaines filles que j'aimerai voir mais que je ne verrai pas :(...le pourquoi es fort simple...ça vaut pas sont pesant d'or pour MOI!!! (Déjà un sujet répondu...)
SANS aucune dégradation de la gente féminine qui demande ces fort tarif...bien au contraire...ces sont choix et ces sa décision de demander ce qu'elle veut....*moins de client con loolll,moins de personnes a voir etc*....Mais quand MOI je demande a une gente dame de venir me rencontré...le prix es toujours entendu AVANT la rencontre,alors s'il y a une entente entre nous...ces entre nous,si elle m'offre un certain tarif mettons spécial,bien ces sa décision encore la,alors résultat si tu es intéressé par une femme et qu'elle es hors de ta catégorie de prix que tu trouve,bien tu passe a un autre appel malgré la tristesse..

Voila en anglais lollll..Je suis totalement en accord :thumb:

I think you're just asking for trouble by attempting to negotiate for a better rate. Most SPs even list on their websites that their rates are "non-negotiable", and are sometimes even insulted at the mere suggestion.

If a SP offers specials on her own, fine. But I think it's a bad idea trying to bargain yourself a deal. Besides, even if you do manage to get a better rate, how will that affect the quality of service that you'll receive?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut a tous

Les gars saoul .............................

Fait tu des 15 minutes, je viens vite ?
Je veut juste un HJ ca doit être moins chère ?
Je veut juste un BJ ,envoie ta moins bonne ,ca coute moins chère ?
La filles que tu as envoyé hier n'est pas venue , peu tu en envoyé une autre sans frais ? bien sur
J'ai appelé hier le booker qui était m'a fait un meilleur prix ! Hier c'était moi ,Le clients répond avant hier !C'était moi aussi
Je connais le propriétaire!Ah bon !Moi aussi !:lol:
J'appelle souvent chez vous ! Bon quel filles as tu prit ? Quoi ?:confused: C'est ca quoi ?:lol:

Ça ce passe vers 7 a.m je suis en fin de shift un de mes chum booker m'appelle le client veut garde la fille plus longtemps mes il négocie le prix devant la fille
En disant au booker que la fille n'est pas si bonne que ca ,mes il veut la garde ,il veut pas la laisser partir .
Je dois aller a la chambre ,le gars va ce cacher dans la toilette quand j'arrive .
Je lui explique que malheureusement négocié une fille a rabais c'est pas gagnant .

Au Plaisir



Nov 12, 2014
Bonjour Panthere, ca fait un bout qu-on s' est parler. Remarque, je te blâme pas, ca l'air que je suis un lepreux malhonnête.

J'aime ton propos en pssant.
Dire a une fille qu'elle est hors de notre budget n'est pas pour l'insulter, mais les choses sont ce quelles sont.
Apres ca si la fille veut negocier, ces sont choix ultime de le faire ou pas.
Dans le respect de tous bien entendu. Pas d'offres ridicule non plus.
Pour ma part je ne negocie pas vraiment.
Je lui indique combiens les autres nous chargent, ensuite, ELLE me donne son offre et je suis libre d'accepter ou refuser.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I just had a thought...

I like to eat out, but some restaurants are on the pricey side. So, here's my idea. First I'll call the restaurant to book a reservation. Then I'll ask how much a steak is. I'll tell them it's too expensive for my budget and suggest that I will come eat there only if I get a deal. I will go to the restaurant and tell the waiter that Joe down the street sells his steaks for $20 less. I will then suggest that they should discount my steak because I am a frequent reviewer on yelp and can give them a good review. Or better yet, that I am hot and I make the place look good.
I might get a deal, right? Or they might spit on my steak.

If I wanted to haggle over pricing, my rates would be listed as $$$ or best offer. Negotiation is cheap and it makes me feel cheap. It's one thing to politely tell someone you can't afford their services, but to do so with the intention of getting a deal isn't cool. I could list thousands of items that we pay for every day without ever thinking of trying to bargain, why should my services be any different?

Not to say that discounts don't exist - multiple hours, repeat bookings, etc. often will result in more favourable pricing but this should be initiated by the provider, of her own free will.


Nov 12, 2014
I just had a thought...

I like to eat out, but some restaurants are on the pricey side. So, here's my idea. First I'll call the restaurant to book a reservation. Then I'll ask how much a steak is. I'll tell them it's too expensive for my budget and suggest that I will come eat there only if I get a deal. I will go to the restaurant and tell the waiter that Joe down the street sells his steaks for $20 less. I will then suggest that they should discount my steak because I am a frequent reviewer on yelp and can give them a good review. Or better yet, that I am hot and I make the place look good.
I might get a deal, right? Or they might spit on my steak.

If I wanted to haggle over pricing, my rates would be listed as $$$ or best offer. Negotiation is cheap and it makes me feel cheap. It's one thing to politely tell someone you can't afford their services, but to do so with the intention of getting a deal isn't cool. I could list thousands of items that we pay for every day without ever thinking of trying to bargain, why should my services be any different?

Not to say that discounts don't exist - multiple hours, repeat bookings, etc. often will result in more favourable pricing but this should be initiated by the provider, of her own free will.

better than that i will check the menu and if it's too expansive for me i will just respect there price and go somewhere else.
Ne le prends pas mal Tina. Mais je comprends très bien ton point de vue.
Si on veut parler de cheap ass, j'en connais bcp qui vont a Cuba se payer des filles a $20 par jours pour êtres leurs esclave sexuel toutes la semaines.
Quand je paye une fille a environ $180 OU $200 de l'heure, je trouve ca raisonnable.
J'ai une petite business en dehors de mon travail regulier pour payer ces petits extra et oui ca m'insulte de faire un estimer et me faire offrir moins, mais si je refuse, le client vas voir ailleurs.
Dans mon travail regulier je me fait insulter jours après jours en plus de cotoyer des criminels dangereux et subir leurs menaces pour moins que $180 de l'heure. Des gars saoul qui me crache au visage meme après avoir été menotter, donc avec ca viens les risques de toutes les maladies possible. Mais c mon travail.


Sep 4, 2006
I just had a thought...

I like to eat out, but some restaurants are on the pricey side. So, here's my idea. First I'll call the restaurant to book a reservation. Then I'll ask how much a steak is. I'll tell them it's too expensive for my budget and suggest that I will come eat there only if I get a deal. I will go to the restaurant and tell the waiter that Joe down the street sells his steaks for $20 less. I will then suggest that they should discount my steak because I am a frequent reviewer on yelp and can give them a good review. Or better yet, that I am hot and I make the place look good.
I might get a deal, right? Or they might spit on my steak.

If I wanted to haggle over pricing, my rates would be listed as $$$ or best offer. Negotiation is cheap and it makes me feel cheap. It's one thing to politely tell someone you can't afford their services, but to do so with the intention of getting a deal isn't cool. I could list thousands of items that we pay for every day without ever thinking of trying to bargain, why should my services be any different?

Not to say that discounts don't exist - multiple hours, repeat bookings, etc. often will result in more favourable pricing but this should be initiated by the provider, of her own free will.

I don't disagree with anything you said but you make it sound like negotiation has no place in *any* transaction in life. People negotiate for cars, companies negotiate for capital equipment and services and so on.

For most people the financial side of hobby is the most inconvenient and they want to conclude it with a minimum of fuss. Its been nine years and I still grind my teeth when an SP says 'thank you for the gift' or something similar as she grabs the envelope. I could never be comfortable negotiating for this kind of service/experience.

I have never negotiated, but there are a few times I wish I could say something. Like one SP who advertises 3 hours @ $700.00 and a 5 hour dinner date @ $1750.00. There's obviously something wrong there, but if I point it out I am a cheap bastard.

In other instances, where I am making a requesting a booking duration that is not advertised (e.g. overnight, a few days..etc) I come up with a Plan B I know I will enjoy and know the cost for. If I am quoted an unreasonable price, Plan B becomes Plan A.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Bonjour Panthere, ca fait un bout qu-on s' est parler. Remarque, je te blâme pas, ca l'air que je suis un lepreux malhonnête.

J'aime ton propos en pssant.
Dire a une fille qu'elle est hors de notre budget n'est pas pour l'insulter, .

Merci pour le commentaire....Bon Bon je suis tout de même pas Jésus la...les lépreux ces sure que je vais évité mais je te considère pas comme ça du moins a date,arrête moé ça la lolll
Pis je suis pas toujours ici...bon je ment loll...mais je post des des fois je post pas..mais je vais posté dans pas long pour mes tites rencontres coquines que je planifie depuis un bout lolll
Mais pour moi je lui dirai pas au téléphone ferai juste pas l'appellé ou si je découvre le prix pendant une discussion je détournerai la discussion et je la verrai pas ces tout...Car lui dire es comme un peu insultant même si ces exagéré..


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I just had a thought...

I will then suggest that they should discount my steak because I am a frequent reviewer on yelp and can give them a good review. Or better yet, that I am hot and I make the place look good.
I might get a deal, right? Or they might spit on my steak.

Well if you spit in my steak you definitely get a bad review on YELP. LOL!

A lot of providers offer discounts. I remember the Eleganza club. You would call John and say you were from the club and you got 20$ off. Then he took it away one day and some guys asked about it and he got all pissed off. Or there are agencies that offer girl specials of the week or day and birthday rates. I remember MTLGFE did this. And I liked there girls so why not use them and take advantage? It is good marketing and it makes guys try new agencies and potentially make new habits.

I would also say, I will not compromise my TDL for to save 20-40$ at this point. Don't mess with a good thing to save a couple of bucks. This is penny wise and pound foolish.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
A lot of providers offer discounts. I remember the Eleganza club. You would call John and say you were from the club and you got 20$ off. Then he took it away one day and some guys asked about it and he got all pissed off. Or there are agencies that offer girl specials of the week or day and birthday rates.

Absolutely and I too have offered promotions and discounts. The key here is the provider is the one offering the discount.

I don't mean to sound harsh, I just am tired of the following:
- How much for 15 mins?
- How much if I just get a bj?
- I'm young and hot so I should get a deal.
- I'm good at eating pussy so I should get a deal.
- You shouldn't charge that much because you are old!
and my favorite...
- I don't want to pay you for sex but will you date me?

Respect is important...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I don't mean to sound harsh, I just am tired of the following:
- How much if I just get a bj?
- I'm young and hot so I should get a deal.
- I'm good at eating pussy so I should get a deal.
- You shouldn't charge that much because you are old!
and my favorite...
- I don't want to pay you for sex but will you date me?

Respect is important...

I took out the 15 min one but the rest..... they have been asked?


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I just had a thought...

I like to eat out, but some restaurants are on the pricey side. So, here's my idea. First I'll call the restaurant to book a reservation. Then I'll ask how much a steak is. I'll tell them it's too expensive for my budget and suggest that I will come eat there only if I get a deal. I will go to the restaurant and tell the waiter that Joe down the street sells his steaks for $20 less. I will then suggest that they should discount my steak because I am a frequent reviewer on yelp and can give them a good review. Or better yet, that I am hot and I make the place look good.
I might get a deal, right? Or they might spit on my steak.

You've pretty much described what any small business owner has to go through. I sometimes have to point out to potential customers that I'm a "for profit" business. Very good customers will get a deal, but only after they've proven themselves over the long haul.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Absolutely and I too have offered promotions and discounts. The key here is the provider is the one offering the discount.

- I'm young and hot so I should get a deal.
- I'm good at eating pussy so I should get a deal.

Respect is important...

I would think that one of these two might just work on you LOL!


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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A new car is the same whether one pays sticker price or negotiates. If ever it happens that I want 5 minutes of impersonal sex with a street prostitute, I will negotiate the price.

However, an experience with an escort or almost any service can be YMMV. If you succeed in getting a lawyer to reduce the fees, are you willing to take the chance that you will get an inferior performance?

Lily from Montreal

Bargaining is the kiss of death, when someone haggle my standard answer is :''I only bargain up,you are welcome to offer me more...''

If 20 $ makes a difference maybe you cannot afford to meet me? And telling me before we ever meet that ''I will book every week for the next two years,can I get a rebate?'' hum, let's start with one? Mind you those never book for real...

And it is not because it is sex,I get the same offer for my artwork and the answer is the same,no...start giving me contracts and then you'll get favors and freebies but you have to become a favorite for that...

I lost count of the ones ,mostly younger ,who would ask for a free second meeting because :''I had fun when I saw them''...I am not suppose to enjoy a meeting to get paid? really? sigh


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
wen i go to restaurnat, the price is the price. wen i see ladys, the price is the price allso. if i have quesion because of vaguness i will ask quesion but once telled price, i accpt price. exampel restaurant, can i substitute the rice for frys and is it the same price? i wondnt say somethng stupid or outragous like can i substitue rice for lobster at same price.

i allso never say i can get the steak/camera/cellphone at $xx lower a few blocks away. alltho true i would just do it. wen i sell things on kijiji or craigslist and write non-negotiabel, over 75% of peopel negotiate or give low balls. i once sell iphone and iphones for peopel who dont know warranty works by itunes registration date. i got it with carrier discount by signing 3 year contract and selled it for +$50 more then i payed for it used but with 8 months left in apple warranty. peopel tell me they can get it for $50 less brand new with 12 months waranty at rogers/telus/bell/fido, i tell them go get it from them then and sign 3 year contract and leave me alone. i hate peopel who try to negotiate wen price are firm or stated.

if stores offer returns or price match, i will price match or return it. if the store (best buy exampel) asks me why i return it, i just say it is cheaper at bureau en gros. if they dont match price, they will get the return and then sell it as an open box at less price. for me, it doesnt matter since i just drive a few blocks and go to bureau en gros. if you call this negotiate then i negotiate but i dont call it negotiate.

for ladys and agencys i sometimes ask about wether multihours discounts offered if it isnt mention. if they say no, i accept the no and dont question it. however, it has hapen to me that if i have donation to see lady for 3 hours and the rate for 3 hours = 3 x 1 hours, i once saw lady for 1.5 hours took a breether for dinner or lunch or rest and then saw same lady for 1.5 hours later that day. the lady question me why i did this wen i saw her the 2nd time (it was agency), i mension i need time to recouperate and the cost of 3 strate hours is the same as 2 1.5 hours, i take the 2 1.5 hours. i didnt say this but for 3 strate hours, i might get 3-4 sogs but if i see 2 1.5 hours i will generaly get 4-5 sogs due to recouperation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
There are a few times I wish I could say something. Like one SP who advertises 3 hours @ $700.00 and a 5 hour dinner date @ $1750.00. There's obviously something wrong there, but if I point it out I am a cheap bastard.

That's totally different. If the numbers don't make sense, then for sure I'll bring it up. This has happened before...sometimes SPs do make mistakes in their ads, website, etc.

Also, if a SP offers an hourly rate but doesn't mention any prices for multiple hours, I might ask if she offers a different rate when multiple hours are taken. But if it specifically says 2 hrs = XXXX, etc, then its clear what the price is for those amount of hours, and I leave it at that.
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