They are not mentionning chromosomes at all btw. They are literally referring to the ability to produce eggs or ovum. Which happens to a lot of women that identify as women btw. And FYI, the "small reproductive cell" is jizz if you're wondering.
They are not, because in some rare cases, there are chromosomal abnormalities (I.e. women with XY chromosomes, which we usually find in men).
The definition of a women is a human female, and a female is a member of the sex that ovulates. The definition of a man is a human male, and a male is part of the sex than produces sperm. These two definitions are mutually exclusive. This is what this executive order correctly states. Therefore, a transgender woman is not a woman. It is a man who decides to self-identify as a woman. Their self-identification is only consistent with their subjective reality, not measurable facts. Follow the science as they say. Wokism has led us to believe that these two perspectives are equivalent, which they're not, as it goes counter to centuries of human reason (i.e. the truth). Wokism is over. Reason is back.
Remember the above definitions
P.S: the above does not imply that we should deny any fundamental rights to transgender people.