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On the Economics of Hobbying

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Odacova said:
Get away from home for a while, drive some girls around town, and you will see what I mean. You should realise for yourself that you are seeing the best actresses in town, for whatever price they are. Some do not act too well, but many are just plain lying to your face and you will never figure it out because they are so use to it. I know this girl who smokes on average 1.5 pack of cigarettes a day and guess what, too many people on here have talked about her as a non-smoker. Most girls I know, HDH and LDL alike will still meet you during their periods and you will not even notice a thing. They hide, cheat, lie, even the most innocent looking ones, just like most human beings but at a better level.

Wake up! The world of escorting is not all pink and roses...

You don't say?:rolleyes: I am already getting fed up of the whole scene and that is why I am seeing fewer and fewer ladies.

As for ladies meeting you during their periods, it is something that regularly occurs. I found this out from an SP who told me the owners tell them to put a sponge during menstruations.:eek: I guess if you see a lady working full shifts, five or six days a week, for several months, you can bet your ass she is sponging it.

This industry is built on lies. One lie after another. We all lie - SPs and clients alike - to others and even to ourselves. The latter are the worst type of lies.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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General Gonad said:
This industry is built on lies. One lie after another. We all lie - SPs and clients alike - to others and even to ourselves. The latter are the worst type of lies.GG

To me, the notion or belief that an SP will see anyone and candidly open up and truthfully advise of all details of her personal life is at best naive, and at worst sheer stupidity. "Lies", in the context of a 2 hour date which is premised upon the exchange of sex for money, are relevant only to those who naively believe that they are paying for reality as opposed to a fantasy. As far as I am concerned, any lies I have been told by SPs are completely irrelevant because they are there to provide me with sexual gratification, not truths. Everything else by way of conversation and nonsexual entertainment/companionship is understood to be a fantasy and not part of the scope of the reality of our lives.

It never cease to amaze me, however, that even certain long time and veteran hobbyists will repeat things to me that were told to them by SPs, as if they were gospel truths. There is one hobbyist I know who was badly lied to by an SP he considers to be a "friend", and he continues to believe what she told him, even after being confronted with evidence demonstrating the falsity of her statements. Of course, the fact that she lied does not make her a bad person, or a bad SP. She simply did her job, and did it damn fucking well! And he still doesn't get that - and probably never will.

I never take too seriously anything an SP says or does. If you do, it really stops becoming a hobby and advances to something beyond that, something which is reckless and dangerous to your emotional well being. This has already been discussed in other threads. I don't purport to be a mental health specialist or to have any training in the treatment of addictive behaviors, but I know that many of the posters here are in this for more than instant sexual gratification and are looking for a "relationship substitute". That is, the SP serves as the splenda to the significant other's sugar. And it's these guys who are looking for truth where none is to be found. As David Duchovny once said, "the truth is out there." But it is not to be found within the context of this hobby.

Keep it shallow and get real, guys.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
As David Duchovny once said, "the truth is out there." But it is not to be found within the context of this hobby.

Keep it shallow and get real, guys.

Very wise advice from our most senior hobbyist!



New Member
Jun 30, 2005
General Gonad said:
This industry is built on lies. One lie after another. We all lie - SPs and clients alike - to others and even to ourselves. The latter are the worst type of lies.

I find myself on the other end of the spectrum and tend to be more honest than not with any girls I see, which isn't very often now for personal reasons. It does not make the girl herself honest just because I am but I've found at least one gem who, although may not be fully honest with me, is very open and I can't explain it but I appreciate it a lot and I miss it when the feeling isn't present, which is quite often the case with a lot of women whether SP or not. Women contradict themselves constantly and it drives me nuts so when I find a girl who I can truly feel (and mostly know) is being rarely genuine (at least with me), I want to have her around as often as I can, whether SP or not. I feel sad when such a girl is a SP because no matter what it is not likely to go beyond that and life feels more lonely.

I think my words may sound a bit of wishful thinking to some but just so there is no misunderstanding, I am close to the age of many of the most popular escorts, I'm not married, no committed SO and a lifestyle which at the moment limits me from meeting enough new women to have something meaningful. Of course then it puts me in the position to try to find the best in whoever I see, else a feeling of emptiness to it all becomes overwhelming.


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Jun 19, 2003
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EagerBeaver said:
To me, the notion or belief that an SP will see anyone and candidly open up and truthfully advise of all details of her personal life is at best naive, and at worst sheer stupidity. "Lies", in the context of a 2 hour date which is premised upon the exchange of sex for money, are relevant only to those who naively believe that they are paying for reality as opposed to a fantasy. As far as I am concerned, any lies I have been told by SPs are completely irrelevant because they are there to provide me with sexual gratification, not truths. Everything else by way of conversation and nonsexual entertainment/companionship is understood to be a fantasy and not part of the scope of the reality of our lives.

It never cease to amaze me, however, that even certain long time and veteran hobbyists will repeat things to me that were told to them by SPs, as if they were gospel truths. There is one hobbyist I know who was badly lied to by an SP he considers to be a "friend", and he continues to believe what she told him, even after being confronted with evidence demonstrating the falsity of her statements. Of course, the fact that she lied does not make her a bad person, or a bad SP. She simply did her job, and did it damn fucking well! And he still doesn't get that - and probably never will.

I never take too seriously anything an SP says or does. If you do, it really stops becoming a hobby and advances to something beyond that, something which is reckless and dangerous to your emotional well being. This has already been discussed in other threads. I don't purport to be a mental health specialist or to have any training in the treatment of addictive behaviors, but I know that many of the posters here are in this for more than instant sexual gratification and are looking for a "relationship substitute". That is, the SP serves as the splenda to the significant other's sugar. And it's these guys who are looking for truth where none is to be found. As David Duchovny once said, "the truth is out there." But it is not to be found within the context of this hobby.

Keep it shallow and get real, guys.

The job of a LDL is to provide you with sexual gratification, period. If you are looking to get more out of a LDL it is totaly irrational.

The job of a HDH is to provide you with sexual gratification and romance and fantasy and companionship and affection.

That it's real or not, who cares, but you end up paying for what it is you want. Different prices for different kind of satisfactions. There are millions of lonely people out there who do want to be romanced for a whole night at any cost.

BTW, some SP do develop real friendship with clients, not everyone is totaly rotten, but the winning formula in this kind of job is to make the clients fall in lust and in love so they keep coming back. Not many LDL (in comparison of the amount of working girls) do achieve that.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
martinl68 said:
My own limit is 80$ 30min. - 120$ 1h. I can't justify to spend much more for an SP. My income is much more limited than some other people on this board. That's also why MERB is so invaluable for me, I cannot afford a lot of bad meeting. I'm limiting myself to max 2 or 3 meetings a month. And a 30 minutes session is usually OK for me.

And like a lot of men, I have difficulties with the fact of paying to get sex. But I also know that it's the easiest way to get it without loosing a lot of time or energy. And it's also the safest way to get it when you're engaged.


I suspect you are a little younger than me and this could explain why you prefer 30 minute sessions and have a limited budget. When I was in university, I rarely went to massage places or hired escorts. The finances simply did not permit this luxury and to be honest, I preferred hunting for hotties in clubs.

Well, the older you get, your income rises and you do get lazier. Long gone are the good old club days where I would chase any hottie in a tight skirt showing off her cleavage. Now it's like, yawn, "...hi who is available...ok bring her over at that time."

martinl68 said:
I come from a country where the usual incall price was more like 140 - 200$ instead of 80 - 120$ here. And I remember each time how bad I felt to spend that much money for so little.

Because even at 120/h it's an expensive hobby. Do you know anything else that cost that much for just 1h ? And how often do you afford it?
If the prices go up, I will simply quit this hobby and will get back to the good old right hand or I'll try to find an amateur independant for cheap (I already found this in the past, 50$ FS greek included!).

An older, wiser man once told me that his best girlfriend ever was still attached to his right shoulder!:D:D:D



Oct 12, 2004
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martinl68]My own limit is 80$ 30min. - 120$ 1h. I can't justify to spend much more for an SP. My income is much more limited than some other people on this board. That's also why MERB is so invaluable for me, I cannot afford a lot of bad meeting. I'm limiting myself to max 2 or 3 meetings a month. And a 30 minutes session is usually OK for me.


No merbites want to waste time or money in this hobby. For some hobbyists, you can add "don't waste emotions" to the list. You are not alone. As GG sez, as you get older, you get lazier and appreciate the convenience of selecting your "date" :rolleyes:
If your money is limited, then increase your odds of success by researching the board. That is the whole point of MERB:p (except for some who like to exchange restaurants, recipes, whatever here!)


Hiya. My name's Lily and I'm new to the board. Well, not really, I've been lurking for about three years.. anyway, this string caught my eye and I thought I'd respond because economics are sort of a hobby of mine.

"I decided to start a thread that discusses the economics of hobbying. In particular, I wanted to discuss the economic forces that support this business. The way I see it, the law of supply and demand still dictates the rates that agencies and indies charge. But what we do not understand is how these forces interact to change the rates throughout time."

Yes, good point. Supply and demand. The fact is, Canada is going through a very good economic period. Ten years ago the average person had to beg and scrape for a job here in Montreal. Engineers with 10 years of experience made 10 bucks an hour, if that. But now I can find a job making $40k relatively easily, even if I only achieve basic-receptionist status, a cool easy 40k and two weeks paid vacation, plus medical and dental, often enough. Sex workers make about $50k a year, no medical, no dental, we take many chances with our health, our safety, our mental wellbeing, and our personal relationships. And, yes, a lot of sex workers have serious drug problems (which is just escapism), and that costs quite a lot too, if you've got the habit. For many women it's becoming easier to be a receptionist than it is to be a prostitute anymore. So, the supply is dwindling. So is the demand from <b>U.S.</b> markets, but international demand is growing, especially in Canada, and particularly in Montreal.

"From the looks of things, we are heading into a mild to moderate recession in the U.S. and subsequently Canada. Interest rates have risen a lot from historically low levels and it's starting to impact the housing and condo market. It will also impact home equity withdrawals and consumption, which will be negative for the whole economy."

I would have to disagree with this point, however. The economies of Canada and the United States <i>are not synonymous</i>. The U.S. is in a recession as we speak, but Canada is not and will not be heading into a recession any time soon. Why? Because the U.S. is no longer Canada's most important trading partner. China is swiftly taking the U.S.'s place, and they are a billions-person-market. China's got lots of people, and subsequently a larger economy than the United States could ever dream to have. In order for the United States to compete with population of China they would either have to start procreating like absolute MAD, or they'd have to let BILLIONS of immigrants into the U.S.. Canada already emigrates a large number of Asians (and many other nationalities). We're doing a'ight.

Secondly, Canadian interest rates have only risen slightly, in conjunction with GST recently being lowered from 7% to 6%. A whole point down. Not bad, gotta give it to Harper. Also of note, tourism to Canada over the past few years has skyrocketed. I've seen more tourists in the streets of Montreal this summer than I've seen in over ten years. Also, we were the first city to hold the Outgames, which also boosted out tourism enormously this summer. This boosted Montreal's sex work industry across the board.

"Now, what would you expect in this type of environment? You would expect the supply of SPs to increase and the demand for SPs to decrease. That's what the economics textbooks tell you."

Maybe this applies for U.S. sex workers, because of their current economy.. but then again, if the United States became cheaper to visit, and if people from other parts of the world were less afraid to visit (frankly), the U.S. tourism market would also boom, which would create jobs for many. When I was a kid I didn't see the United States are such a bad place to go but over the years, yeah, I don't like to travel to the (southern) states because I find the people plain ol' mean. Hopefully the U.S. will be able to pull themselves out of their recession before it gets out of hand.

"But it isn't that simple. Some hobbyists are richer than others and they'll continue paying HDH rates no matter what. But if LDL ladies offer similar or even better service at lower rates, then why bother with HDH?"

True. Why bother with HDH? Unless your company is paying the tab. Most wealthy honnyists write it off as a business expense and will stick to a major HDH firm because they have easy ePayment methods (they can be set up as a monthly vendor on the company books). Hobbyists with more moderate lifestyles generally can't write escorts off on their expense reports, unless they're senior executives.

"I only bring this up because the McMansion market (houses over $1 million) in the U.S. is dying quickly but lower priced houses are still selling well. I also think that HDH agencies are charging outrageous sums for what they're actually offering. For me, I get very weary of paying more than $400 for a 2 hour encounter, especially when it's an indy that takes it all. Think about it for a second: does a neurosurgeon make $200 an hour clear in Quebec? Maybe but I doubt it. As much as I love being with someone, my threshold is $500 for a 2 hour encounter and I have even asked myself if that is worth it too."

As for McMansion, they're like McDonald's.. just the flavour of the month. They have marketed themselves as a flavour of the month, and so they are. Now they have to start marketing themselves as a legacy rather than an impulse buy and then they'll get the steady clientbase rather than the flash client base.

I would agree that most HDH agencies are overpriced at $500 for two hours, unless, like I said, they're <i>real</i> quality. Personally, show me a sex worker who's gorgeous, highly intelligent and articulate, who has excellent taste and class, who is positive and encouraging and compassionate, a sex worker with a <i>soul</i>, and I'd pay top dollar for their services. That individual is worth the cost. A woman (or a man) who puts everything of themselves into their work, and does good work, is worth more than the person who does the bare minimum, and produces bad work.

"The winds of fortune are shifting and I believe we are going to get a lot more supply and a lot less demand for SPs. In this type of environment, it's hard to see rates going up and the high end agencies and indies will need to rely on their regular clients to survive."

You're right, the winds of fortune <i>are</i> changing. I've noticed some swift changes in the global sex industry at large. Prostitutes are becoming more socially acceptable, and so is sex is in general. Fifty years ago no one in the right mind would talk about, say, polyamoury or swinging at the dinner table, especially in front of their kids. But now people are talking about sex, having sex, having multiple partners, being with multiple genders, it's all out in the open, even in Christian circles. I recently heard about a Christian sexual health class being taught at a church.. can't cite it, I heard it on the news. In any case, sex has gone mainstream.

Nice to meet you all!

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
LilyRose said:
Hiya. My name's Lily and I'm new to the board. Well, not really, I've been lurking for about three years.. anyway, this string caught my eye and I thought I'd respond because economics are sort of a hobby of mine.

Wow, welcome to the board! How come I have a feeling that we've met before?;)



Apr 5, 2004
San Francisco
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Kaempferrand said:
Shit I wouldn't pay Lyla Karina's amount either.

I will not join the debate ... just wanted to share. I had the pleasure of spending the 3 most perfect days of my life with Lyla in an amazing lakeside luxury resort in Mont Tremblant earlier this month. For me, it is difficult to be rational about money when what you are experiencing transcends sex and you question when, if ever, you will experience something like it again.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Good thing it's just a hobby

LilyRose said:
Hiya. My name's Lily and I'm new to the board. Well, not really, I've been lurking for about three years.. anyway, this string caught my eye and I thought I'd respond because economics are sort of a hobby of mine.

...The U.S. is in a recession as we speak, but Canada is not and will not be heading into a recession any time soon. Why? Because the U.S. is no longer Canada's most important trading partner...

Lily, welcome to MERB...good thing economics is just your "hobby," and not your profession :D , because both of those statements are false. The U.S. is not in a recession (U.S. GDP has been growing steadily since 2002) and the U.S. and Canada are still each other's largest and most important trading partners.

Two-way trade between Canada and the United States has more than doubled in value since the signing of the NAFTA in 1994. We are each other's largest trading partner, with US$1.2 billion in trade now crossing the Canada-US border every single day. An important part of the bilateral trade is energy. Canada is the largest supplier of oil, natural gas and electricity to the United States.*

*Canadian Embassy - Washington DC

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
CaptRenault said:
Lily, welcome to MERB...good thing economics is just your "hobby," and not your profession :D , because both of those statements are false. The U.S. is not in a recession (U.S. GDP has been growing steadily since 2002) and the U.S. and Canada are still each other's largest and most important trading partners.


Lily wasn't that way off. I agree with you that the US economy is not officially in a recession but the lagged effects of increased interest rates are only now working their way into the real economy. The softening of the US housing market has everyone on edge, especially the Fed. If it is only temporary weakness, then it will be a mild slowdown but if it is more pronounced, watch out, the repurcussions will be enormous in the US, Canada and the rest of the world.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
transcending sex?

Ben_Dover11 said:
I will not join the debate ... just wanted to share. I had the pleasure of spending the 3 most perfect days of my life with Lyla in an amazing lakeside luxury resort in Mont Tremblant earlier this month. For me, it is difficult to be rational about money when what you are experiencing transcends sex and you question when, if ever, you will experience something like it again.


I am glad you had a great time with Lyla but this business of "transcending sex" is a little worrisome. I now realize more than ever that these are financial transactions between adults that need to respect certain boundaries. If you allow yourself to believe otherwise, you're setting yourself up for a huge disappointment.

Think about it, don't you owe yourself the opportunity to meet someone special that you can share your life with? Someone who unconditionally loves you? This is where "transcending sex" has actual meaning.

While it is nice to spend quality time with an amazing SP, at the end of the day, she isn't doing it for free. There are always ulterior motives behind their behavior but I will admit some SPs are better than others at concealing these motives.

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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003

A period of general economic decline; specifically, a decline in GDP for two or more consecutive quarters.

U.S. GDP since 2001

The U.S. economy, by any definition, is not in a recession. In fact, over the last 4-5 years, the U.S. has had one of the best growth rates among developed countries. Canada has also had a strongly growing economy during that time.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
A mistress is out of the question

Roland said:
I don't get it.:confused:
If in a marriage of conveniance , why see a SP and deal with a fantasy relationship and not go the Mistress route ?
At least that way real affection and passion may be shared.. even if it costs the same.
If you get caught at either way the marriage will end on both cases....this will happen anyway if our needs aren't satisfied.........


On top of financial involvement, a mistress involves emotional investment, which I reserve for my wife and only her. As for my sexual needs, no they are not being met to my satisfaction so I enjoy this hobby from time to time fully cognizant that it might be a way for me to divert my attention from my sexual problems with my wife.

There is no panacea. All relationships require a lot of effort. There is no script to follow but often you realize things on your own.;)


P.S. At the end of the day, we see SPs for different reasons. Some like to chat a little more than others but sex is definetely on all our minds. For me, sex starts with a discussion but I am through looking for encounters that "transcend sex." This will be reserved for a special person in my life, not an SP.


New Member
Dec 12, 2005
My Mantra once again

I've had girlfriends by the score, one wife (still do) several mistresses, and SP's and MP's around the world. I'm an official sexy senior citizen or dirty old man however you choose to look at it. Been there; done that and got a bunch of T-shirts. Some posters have hit it on the nose. It's not about money it's about value. Thank goodness there are ladies who provide value in all price ranges so every one gets their own deals. Not all of us want to pay the HDH prices and we don't have to, as to those of us to whom money is not a problem, the term high price is relative. Case in point, look at all the different values of casino chips. Is a person who can afford $1000 per hand of blackjack dumber than a guy who plays $5? I think not, just a matter of difference in incomes and priority in spending them. Bigger salary = more disposable income. So to close, please remember Nacho's mantra: If it flies, floats or fucks - it's cheaper to lease. cheers all


Oct 12, 2004
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Cheaper to lease

If it flies, floats or fucks - it's cheaper to lease


Is that your original quote? Good stuff.
Besides being a D.O.M. (dirty old man), are you the new Merb Economist? :)
So, which is more expensive in the long run, a wife or a mistress? :confused:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
To LilyRose

Hello LilyRose,

Your comparison between the US economy and the Chinese is interesting. But I don't think you are giving an accurate picture of the present, though in the moderately distant future you will be correct. China is becoming much more influential in Canada as I saw on a documentary very recently. But despite all the US problems, and there are many significant ones, the average Chinese simply does not have the purchase power to compare to Americans or any other "1st world economy" at this time. Yes, the Americans have a plethora of tough issues to deal with. But when I see that Chinese people have to cooperate collectively among the greater family, beyond the nuclear family unit just to buy one reasonably priced car for all, then they clearly have not come anywhere near the buying potential you are alluding to individually. If the example of the car purchase is an acccurate indiation of the true nature of the Chinese economy, then China may still be an economic "paper tiger" for now no matter how much they may have impact in the future.

Though the governments control of the assets of 1.2 billion people has given China a great collective power, to be like China the US does not need "to start procreating like absolute MAD". To be like China the US government would have to seize American wages. However getting rid of the idiot Bush and his economic and international policies that put the US in its' current economic condition would be a great start toward improvement.

Welcome to the boards.


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New Member
Dec 12, 2005
BobKnob said:

So, which is more expensive in the long run, a wife or a mistress? :confused:

Depends on your outlook and if money is the quantifier. Value wise a mistress can be more expensive short term but worth the money. (Don't keep a mistress long term or it can be worse than a second wife, or so I'm told.) A wife long term on a dollar per day or dollar per lay basis is way more expensive. The drain on your mental health if she is a pain in the ass is even far more costly. How much value or cost do you put on stress? Then how much is the value/per dollar for that pretty SP or MP that helps you relieve that stress? I'm not an economist, but I know what I like and know what I can realistically afford. Then I look for the most bang for the buck. (so to speak) That's why MERB is such a valuable tool.


Nov 21, 2004

What is offered for free is dangerous - it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for. By paying your own way you stay clear of gratitude, guilt, and deceit. It is also often wise to pay the full price - there is no cutting corners with excellence. Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating, for generosity is a sign and a magnet for power.

What is offered for free or at bargain rates often comes with a psychological price tag - complicated feelings of obligation, compromises with quality, the insecurity those compromises bring, etc. The powerful learn early to protect their most valuable resource: independence and room to maneuver. By paying the full price, they keep themselves free to dangerous entanglements and worries.

So who ever said that the best things in life are free are truly fooling themselves and others. Talk about the blind leading the blind.
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