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ozempic (semaglutide) is not the holy grail


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
After being around the block a few times with this drug and seeing a guy at my job who lost on it but now regain and more even while still being on the drug for diabetes i can honestly tell you that sadly it will stop working. The time you are on its amazing no appetite whatsoever but I would stay around the 3 month mark it just stop working, even at a higher dosage.

The good thing is that before starting semaglutide i already had a plan in place, fasting is amazing (get one of those free apps for your phone so you can time your fast), even if i am off semaglutide i am still losing weight and feeling great.

Could i have done it without pretty sure i could have. But since i had access to it i wanted to give it a try.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Good to hear you are still on track and succeeding in your goals. I looked forward to your stories of how your determination is doing well for you. Admittedly, it is an encouragement to me to keep going when I hear others are doing well and approaching at their goals.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Good to hear you are still on track and succeeding in your goals. I looked forward to your stories of how your determination is doing well for you. Admittedly, it is an encouragement to me to keep going when I hear others are doing well and approaching at their goals.
You got this, its hard but you can do it too, semaglutide is a patch, and from the looks of it that stop working I have 2 collogues at work that are diabetic so ozempic is paid by the insurance, but after the 1y mark stop losing and regain weight, but there diet is filled with junk food.

Honest its the small changes you make that will allow you to achieve your goals, eating smart pop corn, instead of a bag of chips, dark chocolate instead of a chocolate bar, etc. Make sure to get a complete blood test for thyroid function etc to make sure there is no hormone imbalance, the rest is pretty much a good diet plan fiber lots of quality protein etc.

I spoke to an older bodybuilder and change my training as well, and its fantastique I now do 4 sets for bigger body parts chest, back legs, and 2 sets of smaller ones delts triceps biceps, I try to reach failure but those short program are intense and do what they are suppose to do.

I also have a HIIT 10 minutes cardio boxing done twice per week, the rest is all diet. Its hard yes but it can be done.
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