Tips for performance:
-Eat well. No processed shit. Lots of fruits/veggies. Cut out refined grains, processed sugar, fried food, seed oils.
- vitiman d/k and zinc for testorone production. Also boron
- Arginine/citriliine for NO production. Watermelon is high in citriluline!
- I would do research mechanism for how viagra works. It inhibits a biochemical process that results in blood leaving your dick. In other words, it only helps you maitain your wood once you get it. Quercitin is a natural version of viagra/cialis in that it has a similar action.
-Take natural supplements before you take pharmacueticals. Do your research before taking. Tongkat ali, awshagnada, gingsing, macca, are examples known to increase male libido. You can find pills with combinations of these at health food stores. "Green lumber" is example you can buy online
- lose belly fat and exercise to increase testosterone, decrease estrogen, improve blood flow
- get sunlight - needed for vitiman d and help replenish dopamine
- STOP JERKING OFF TO PORN. This is a hyperstimulous that burns out dopamine receptors in your brain. Then when with a real woman, she cant give you the same arousal that you get from porn. Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction is a real thing. There is long thread about this in the lounge, and plenty you can read online and on youtube about PIED and "dopamine reset". Good news - this is reversible if you stop watching porn. You may need to do no fap for 30 to 90 days.
- breathing excersices. Stress and cortisol is a boner killer. Before you go to see a women, mentally clear your mind of your day, do breathing excersices to lower cortisol
- get good sleep regularily. Needed for stress recovery, testosterone production, growth hormone production (which happens mainly when you sleep).
- My personal nightly smoothie: fruit, raw honey, vit c, quercitin, cacao, zinc, magnesium, theonine, boron, greens+ powder, ground chia seed, maca. Variations based around these.
Things that are good for your overall health are also good for your sexual health and vice versa. Coincidence?
All this is more work than popping a pill, but you will be better off in the long term.
Better to avoid any pharmacueticals if you dont need them. Remember - the pharmacuetical industry thrives on covering up symptoms, not fixing root causes. Once you start taking them, you may get dependent on them as a crutch.
Also these ED drugs (like most drugs) lose effectiveness after a few years (no one ever tells you this) and you may have to keep increasing dosage. So if you ever do actually need it as an older man, it may not work for you the same.
Save the pharmacueticals for when you actually need them - their interest is to keep you coming back, not actually help you solve root causes and improve as a man.