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Penis size


Nov 12, 2007
They say the brain is the largest sex organ. One would figure the brain would be turned on more by seeing a sizable bit of meat [within reason] than a Vienna sausage.


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
Cloud500 is right ....

For example I have a friend of mine that is a big breast lover ... To interest in a girl she has to have a pair of C .. So I made a test in the metro at the rush hour and from non scientific experience I came to the conclusion that for breast here in Montreal that's it's to have what I would say a girl with an acceptable breast size!

In fact, we just want that because of porn and media ..


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
Well Alyssa Rose I raise my hat to you,You were able to answer a question,many people on this forum insert their little piece of info and then when asked a question ???they disappear and go hide somewhere in a dark corner.

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
Yes 2tuff2quit, i couldnt agree more with you by raising yr hat to Alyssa, so congrats & thks for answering honnestly Alyssa. The reason i asked that question is because i already knew the answer. Let me just precise a lit bit, of course if the guy as an elephant trump no girls is crazy enough to let it insert them. But if it's small and i mean not micro, it will do the job anyway but if it's big it rubs more again'ts her inside sidewalls so it exites more all those nerves of pleasure. But dont get me wrong, too long penis is not good 'cause it hits the end of the tunnel resulting in pain for the lady.And if it's way too thick then it strecth her too much, so pain again. I'd say that techniquely the best would be 6-7 inch long (erect of course) & thick just enought. You can be 7 inch but very thin, not sure it will pleasure her that much.
On the other hand a lot of pleasure themself with inserting a couple of fingers witch is not very long nor thick.
All i'm trying to say is that they (the lady's) will get pleasure in any ways and/or anysizes, BUT the RUSH wont be the same. Let's say for example that a standard penis would be a Cadillac & a big penis would be Ferrari, the cady is very comfortable to drive and has some power But the Ferrari .... The Ferrari will give you a very big RUSH & HIGH.
It's just MHO, maybe i'm wrong, maybe a couple more of lady's could insert there input on the matter.
But i have to agree with Wallseye when he states There's no definite answer to that eternal question!
Again it was just MHO :smile:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You need the right curve.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
The important thing is if you are using what God gave you. No point having a big one if you don't use it. Under 4.5 inch probably is not ideal for a lady and for most girls much over 7-7.5 starts to hurt them.

Great to get the woman's perspective. Wait a sec... :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Cloud500 is right ....

In fact, we just want that because of porn and media ..

Exactly my point. Media has brainwashed us into that bigger is better. Unlike most people I am not a follower. I prefer a woman with small breasts. Shape and feel is more important to me then sheer size. What is the use of a DDD breasts if they look like huge engorged golf balls and feel so hard? Same with a penis. I think that men with a 7in + penis with a large girth must be painful to a lot of women during intercourse? I dunno why they would want that except from what porn movies have suggested to us.

Not to attack Alyssa Roze but just to point out that her statement is very similar to what most other women say. Most want a six foot man with muscles. But what is wrong with a small man? He can also have muscles and nice shape and look good? But he just is not tall which is what media has showed that a man should be tall. Any man that is less then 5'10" and went shopping for clothes will soon realize that there are no tops made for their height. Off the rack clothes market for men 5'10" and over yet 30% of the male population is short. The way I understand this is they are making a statement and indirect suggestion that a man who is not tall is not a man at all who does not deserve any respect. This is to show how powerful American media is at brainwashing people. This is the main reason that Asian males are the least preferred race by women only cuz they are small.

I have known strippers with beautiful breasts go under the knife to get those huge golf balls. They looked so bad. Granted before they were small but they were so beautiful and now it is ugly. I asked this one stripper why she did it and her only answer was that her tits were too small. In my opinion she lacked self confidence and felt inadequate. Why she felt like that is beyond my comprehension except what American media has showed us what a beautiful woman is supposed to look like.

Anyhow the media is basically telling us that bigger is better. Does not matter the quality or look or feel so long as it is large. Personally I think having a large 7in + penis must be nasty and disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

I believe you! That is why I said I was not attacking you. I was simply borrowing your statement. I understand where you are coming from being 5'11". My comments were more directed at those little tiny 5'0" 105 Lbs girls wanting men that are over 6'0" 200 Lbs and see something wrong with a small man.


Nov 12, 2007
My comments were more directed at those little tiny 5'0" 105 Lbs girls wanting men that are over 6'0" 200 Lbs and see something wrong with a small man.

As someone who is 6'2 I think this trend should be encouraged as much as possible. Sadly my lack of looks, charm, wealth and status makes my height and for that matter penis size rather irrelevant.

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
WOW what a topic, that subject stirs a lot of emotions and ideas in everyone.

I'll have to mention Wallseye again when he states There's no definite answer to that eternal question!

BUT i guess the best would be that A LOT of lady's should reply on that thread to answer to that in the MOST HONEST WAY.:nod:

Come on Alyssa tell all the girls you know to come and give there input on the matter :D


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

...between 5"8 and 6"2 is perfect with me:)

That would be ME sweety! I hope you aren't letting my recent conversion to Voodoo scare you off. Want to come over and sacrifice a bucket of Kentucky Fried. Exxxtra crispppyyyyyy. :D

Exactly my point. Media has brainwashed us into that bigger is better. Unlike most people I am not a follower. I prefer a woman with small breasts. Shape and feel is more important to me then sheer size. What is the use of a DDD breasts if they look like huge engorged golf balls and feel so hard? Same with a penis. I think that men with a 7in + penis with a large girth must be painful to a lot of women during intercourse? I dunno why they would want that except from what porn movies have suggested to us.

I'm not so sure from my experience Cloud. I'm sure that your basic point is largely correct, that the porn industry and media are trying to sell us these gross standards. But I think the affects work more on those who are more mentally susceptible. If I was really falling for what porn has been trending to that would be degradation and abuse, that has absolutely no interest for me. I do like huge breasts natural or unnatural, but also tiny ones, and one of my favorite female body types is the 5'1" 105 lbs with sweet As or Bs...not that I also wouldn't like to be stranded in a cabin alone with an Alyssa type...ummmmmmmmmm. :eyebrows:

I had never seen a dirty magazine and certainly not porn by the time I was 14. Yet when some of the girls started sprouting big natural boobs, I and the guys couldn't get over it like a bunch of Pavlovian puppies. It's still the same with women and it's been a constant since puberty regardless of what the media does. But it was never the only characteristic of arousal. Young guys also start to razz each other about who probably has the biggest penis. As I remember the two biggest insults were about being gay and having a pencil dick. There was no porn influence and TV at the time never referred to such things. So some of it seems to be as innate as the natural competition to see who is stronger, faster, smarter, smoother to get the hot babes.

As for what the media and porn tries to sell, I've discovered from seeing SPs that my tastes regarding looks and build have greater range than I thought. Previously I liked slim, fit, larger breasted, and gorgeous. But I while that type is still very arousing, I've found that being with the "media ideal" is far from necessary to have a terrific time, especially when there's a big difference in sensuality and attitude. Porn has also forced me to accept that physically speaking great fitness is not the only thing type that's arousing, Bigger ladies often have a huge effect.

PS: why don't you think there are soooo manyyy size/shape of vibrators in sex shop?;)

I asked in my poll if the size of their lover's penis change avoid the "the size isn't the only thing that matters; he has to know how to use it"...After my question, i added; if a guy has a 4.5" penis or a 8" (so the same quality as a lover...), would they prefer the 4"5 or the bigger one...

Yeah, but which size if vibrator is the best seller and why? Maybe the biggest ones are more often for teasing fun.

I doubt than any lady will say they prefer 4.5" regardless of skill. I would have given them a choice of 5, 6, 7, 8 inches. Your 4.5 is too extreme to make your point.

Now about some help with that chicken sacrifice. ;)

Cheers too Cloud,


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Maybe it is not the organ size but playing in a large cathedral.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I rest my case. A woman who is overweight is the same as a man who is small. But an overweight woman can go to the gym and loose the weight. How is a short man to stretch himself to be taller? So my question is can building muscles balance out a lack of height in a man? Would a 5'7" man be much more appealing if he had well built muscles? What are your thoughts on that?

Another thing I wanted to point out is that a man who is taller also appears to have a much larger penis. Makes sense. Larger body mass equals to a larger penis.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Why would a guy need to be taller than his girl? Why Alyssa it wouldn't make sense being attracted to smaller men? It's the same thing, how we're wired doesn't make sense.

I do not think it is so much to do with attraction. More with how we are wired. Men have traditionally been the protector. So woman want to feel protected and safe so they go for the taller larger man. Small men get left out with nothing.


Jun 9, 2007
A documentary that some of you may find interesting.

Short and Male - a documentary by Howard Goldberg

CTV ran it a couple of years ago. As someone who is both short and small, I found it interesting and helpful. I agree with CLOUD500 that there are evolutionary reasons.


Nov 12, 2007
What I find funny is that if I say I won't date a girl over 120 pounds or will only date a girl with a C cup or more I am a disgusting shallow pig.

If a female sets height limits, or for that matter penis limits that is totally cool.

Likewise guys are slammed for not being open and communicating. But when females play that "You should know what I want" bullshit or when they say they want X and you do X they flip because you should know they actually wanted you to do Y, that is somehow communication.

OTOH if they look like the girls in this video... Another example of female non communication, rather funny.

The longer I live the more I realize. Women are just like men, only without reason and accountability. I am sure one can say something similar about guys, but I don't want to have coitus with their genitals so I don't really notice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You are just one example but all girls I meet have to be with a taller guy. I'm 5'9 so I'm not frustrated in that regards, althought it's not that tall either. I understand certain attraction factors, but I can see beauty in both small and tall women. As for being overweight, this is a good example of how we're wired to like a certain type of body. That being said being overweight doesn't show one to be healthy can caring about their body, as opposed to genitic factor of your height, there's nothing you can do about that.

You nailed it there. But you see being overweight and short is very different. Being overweight changes the shape of a person. You can be short and have a good well built shape. For example I love my women to be slim but she can be tall and also be slim and have the right curves as a shorter girl and also as a taller girl. She can have the same tight waist. Obviously the taller she gets the more proportionally her arms and legs get thicker but can maintain the same attractive shape. I love them tall or short so long as she has a nice shape. Same way a short man can be well built muscular with the six pack. Just that he is short.

You know during the 60's Black people fought to have respect and equality, then the gays did the same, now it time for the short man to gain respect. We need to be recognized. When stores are not selling tops for men shorter then 5'10" there is something really wrong there. Browns in Toronto is the only store in Canada that sells clothes for a man shorter then 5'10". I am 5'7"... I am short but not anywhere a dwarf. Even at your height of 5'9" you fall at the upper range of short. 5'10" and above is the magic number. It all has to do with respect. Short men have no respect in peoples eyes that is why we are ignored like that. . Try it out for yourself. When walking on the sidewalk with lots of people and if you see a tall man heading towards your direction... keep on walking towards him... see who will yield to let the other pass. I bet you it will be the shorter man. That is why women write things like that on dating sites. I have yet to see a man write that his woman has to have waist smaller then 24in or have a minimum D cup breasts.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The longer I live the more I realize. Women are just like men, only without reason and accountability. I am sure one can say something similar about guys, but I don't want to have coitus with their genitals so I don't really notice.

Exactly. I have seen too much and arrived to the same conclusion. Looks is all that matters. Most of the women want a tall man... and remember a tall man appears to have a larger penis and they usually do.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
Yeah, basically, people are shallow. Fair enough when it comes to picking a partner as its a personal preference. I got my teeth straight at the age of 31 and feel great about it but it just reminds me of how shallow this world is.

I had a friend come to visit me from France who is pretty much supermodelicious and on her first day we were crossing the street by my place and a car actually stopped for us at the crosswalk. I'd crossed that crosswalk almost every day for 4 years and nobody had ever stopped for me! What are the odds that the one time I'm with her and cars stop? She was telling me how once she'd pull out a map, all these guys would offer her help and then give her their business cards. Then she was telling me all the random things people were coming up to say to her to start a conversation, like nice sandals, etc. The thing is that there's always people who have it easier than others but if you ever bring it up they'll wholeheartedly deny it and swear they have it as hard as anyone else.
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