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Petition to decriminalize sex work in Canada!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
SIgned. Your job is decriminalized. The issue as said in the petition and established by the courts is your security. I'd go further personally, it's also your right to earn a living.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
C'est fait, je suis plutôt déçu du nombre de signataires jusqu'à présent( légèrement au dessus de 5K). Il reste encore plus d'un mois, en espérant que ça augmente significativement d'ici le 30 mars.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Si vous avez quelques minutes, voici l'énoncé d'une lettre que je viens d'envoyer à ma député par courriel et que vous pouvez recopier pour l'envoyer à votre député

Sujet: Petition e31132 sur la sécurité des travailleuses du sexe

Bonjour Mme la députée,

j'aimerais attirer votre attention sur la pétition e3132 adressée à la chambre des communes. La cour supérieure de l'Ontario, la cour d'appel de l'Ontario et la cour suprême du Canada ont clairement établi dans les années 2010 que les lois canadiennes enfreignaient le droit à la sécurité des travailleuses du sexe. La réponse des conservateurs de M. Harper a été d'adopter le projet de loi C-36 qui, bien qu'il décriminalise le travail du sexe, continue de porter atteinte à la sécurité de celles qui le pratiquent. Plusieurs études européennes ont démontré que ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler le "modèle nordique" (décriminalisation des travailleuses du sexe combinée à la criminalisation de l'achat de services sexuels) a pour effet de repousser le travail du sexe dans l'invisibilité, ce qui rend les conditions de pratique plus dangereuses et les interventions policières plus difficiles, sans compter qu'il continue de stigmatiser les travailleuses du sexe en les posant comme victimes par définition. Aucune étude à ce jour n'a démontré le contraire.

Il est important de continuer à se battre contre toutes les violences qui frappent les travailleuses du sexe. La politique adoptée par le gouvernement de M. Harper a certes fait diminuer les violences policières à leur égard, mais c'est au prix d'une détérioration de leurs conditions de travail. Je vous invite donc à vous joindre à ceux qui demandent que le gouvernement canadien adopte enfin une politique qui s'adresse vraiment aux problèmes de sécurité des travailleuses du sexe et qui cesse de porter atteinte à leur dignité.

Salutations cordiales.

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New Member
Nov 7, 2020
What could explain that there is so few people from quebec that signed this ? Also. Im a little bit afraid to sign this. Because we have to put our real identity to be able to sign on this petition. And i have no trust in government. I often thinks they could do something after knowing our identities. i dont want them to know who am I or to suspect im a hobbyist. We never know what they could do with those informations. But hey i fully agree with that petition. I hope it will reach a lot of people and make a real change.
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Always Willing Sexbot
May 10, 2013
What could explain that there is so few people from quebec that signed this ? Also. Im a little bit afraid to sign this. Because we have to put our real identity to be able to sign on this petition. And i have no trust in government. I often thinks they could do something after knowing our identities. i dont want them to know who am I or to suspect im a hobbyist. We never know what they could do with those informations. But hey i fully agree with that petition. I hope it will reach a lot of people and make a real change.

Personally, I would be much more concerned with the information available on my phone or the information I gave on this site to be a member than the information the government has about me.

In this country, we live under the rule of law, and the government must abide by the laws, much more than private companies who dictate their own rules. (Check out the Facebook membership an others MAGA requirements, if you don't believe me...).

So, don't worry, you can sign the petition with peace of mind; that's not where you run the risk of getting fucked without even a little kiss in return. I've signed hundreds of them and I don't live in the Gulag yet.

Oops, I almost forgot...

If the petition is not signed by as many Quebecers as you would like, it's because it is presented by an English-speaking third party in Ottawa, Ontario, ROC, and MERB is a predominantly English-speaking site.

And, of course...

I'm sure there are plenty of people in Wesmount who are ready to sign it right away.
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Lack of civility (Rule #20). Questioning the moderation (Rule #12)
[...] former federal Attorney General Reybould wanted something done, but nothing ever came out of it due to our great PM. The only hope is the court challenges in front of ONCA, and BC Supreme Court.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
They should leave it alone. No government will ever want to get involved in this, legalizing prostitution would be political suicide. The religious zealots/conservatives will be against it and so will the woke Liberal/Feminists. Right now it is not being enforced so they should leave it alone. Pushing it any further can push to stricter laws like in the US as we have witnessed. We had the perfect system before the laws surrounding prostitution were illegal not prostitution itself, same model as the United Kingdom.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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You know, the situation we have right now is very Canadian. Purchasing is criminal, but LE is looking the other way most of the time. However, should they find any human trafficking, then they have strong tools to go after them.

Probably right where the politicians want it. Saying it's bad, but then letting it be unless it becomes a problem. Suits the political right(eous), suit the political left.

So I have little hope, unless the tribunals rule the current legislation unconstitutional. That will force politicians to intervene. However, given that our next government is most likely going to be from the right, after 3 liberal government, I would not push right now. Leave this untouched for the moment. We could end up having worst....
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