I actually like the camera and photography, thanks for assuming and the cute little hint that I’m ugly lmao!! Perv with a camera is definitely a thing and many, many, many escorts would agree with me. That’s why we generally pick our photographers very carefully and are wary of amateurs who specifically seek us as opposed to us seeking them.
Never said you were ugly Julia, I have no idea, never met you and did not mean it to insult you. Some people are just more camera shy and some other actually like to be seen, even by pervs.
The thing that bothers me however is assuming that all beginner photographers who want to do boudoir or nude photography are pervs... That's a bit of a shortcut and something we all struggle with when we start doing photography. Probably you'll agree that saying that all escorts are victims of human trafficking and should be saved is a simplification and it's likely getting on your nerves. Likewise thinking all male photographers doing boudoir are pervs is a cliché, no pun intended... (or actually... why not! fully intended then!).
To make a good photo, you have somehow to like your subject. If you photograph a salad and you hate veggies, difficult to make them look tasty! Showcasing what is beautiful about your subject in a way where the viewer will perceive it as much as you do is also the challenge in photography. I've done a photography exhibition about people with disabilities, for example: you have to showcase what is uniquely beautiful about each of them to make it shine in the photo. I'm not saying people with disabilities are not beautiful, but they frequently do not fit the fashion magazines-type criteria for beauty.
Any photographer taking a picture of you has to be somewhat interested in you as a subject, otherwise the result is pretty lame. Call this excitation, perversion, eroticism, or whatever, but that's a fact. Otherwise, you get a mechanical tasteless photo. So, what's the difference between a perv and a photographer? Maybe one is less experienced and the other more jaded? As long as they will not assault you or harass you, let's be clear that this is unacceptable.
Who cares really if the person pressing the trigger on the camera has a little thrill, the bottom line is: is this a good photo!
That being said, this is about Detfolk wanting to do a boudoir photo-shoot and I wish him patience and also good luck.