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Ping-Pong is China's national sport: Right or wrong?

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I was aghast the other day when i learned that table tennis, better known as ping-pong, was China's national sport. Until now, i hadn't even considered it as being a sport. I considered it mostly as a hobby or game (like backgammon or checkers). But as a national sport?? Really??? :confused:

I used to love playing ping-pong. My parents bought us a ping-pong table when my sibblings & I were kids and we'd play against one another every day. It was a lot of fun! But never did we ever consider it to be a bonafide sport.

You thoughts please! Have you ever played ping-pong? Do you still play? Do you consider it a sport? If so, should it be considered a country's national sport? For those who disagree, is there a way to get this changed? Personally, i'd be embarrassed if i were a country who's national sport is ping-pong! :rolleyes:


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Apr 29, 2004
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If one is not in peak condition, then one's reflexes and overall performance degrade dramatically after a few games. Those who compete at a high level must maintain a comparable level of fitness to other athletes such as hockey players, runners etc.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I agree that a good ping-pong player must be in peak condition, have great reflexes & be skillful, but he must also have great eyesight.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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My ping pong game went down the toilet once my eyesight deteriorated and I got CSM (retinal fluid disorder). I can't play with my eyeglasses because they fly off, jiggle, get sweated up and distract me.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
My ping pong game went down the toilet once my eyesight deteriorated and I got CSM (retinal fluid disorder). I can't play with my eyeglasses because they fly off, jiggle, get sweated up and distract me.

Same here. And my eyes have gotten worse over the past couple of years. What's CSM about?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Sorry CSR. It is central seruous retinopathy. It is an eye disorder in which blisters of fluid develop near the retina causing blurred vision and inability to read smaller print.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Sorry CSR. It is central seruous retinopathy. It is an eye disorder in which blisters of fluid develop near the retina causing blurred vision and inability to read smaller print.
I'm beginning to wonder if i also don't suffer from this. Is there a cure or treatment?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I'm beginning to wonder if i also don't suffer from this. Is there a cure or treatment?

First of all no treatment is given unless you have the condition. You have to be tested for it. They inject you with an orange dye and then basically do an MRI-like imaging test on your eyeball. When the dye runs through you, the mini-blisters of fluid will become apparent if they are there. Some people get nauseous when the dye is injected. I did not, but I felt a little funny. I think they told me it is 50-50 that I would barf but I didn't.

The mini-blisters of fluid go away on their own with no treatment, but CSR is chronic, meaning as old ones go away, new ones may start. They can treat some of the blisters with laser therapy, but they don't like to do this if the blisters are close to the retina, because you will risk retinal damage. I saw a retinal specialist who recommended that I not do anything.

The CSR problem I had got so bad that I couldn't read restaurant menus, but then it got better.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The CSR problem I had got so bad that I couldn't read restaurant menus, but then it got better.

Reading glasses didn't help??

Eight years ago, i was having dinner one night in Mtl at a restaurant called "Le Latini". As i started to read the menu, i realized that i couldn't read anything!

A few days later, i saw an optometrist & he recommended reading glasses. He told me not to worry, that the problem was common for people my age. So i asked him "my vision can change this dractically from one day to the next?" He nodded. A few months later, i consulted with an ophtalmologist and he told me the same thing.

My current problem has been diagnosed as keratoconjuctivitis. However, it keeps coming back. I'm scheduled to meet with another ophtalmologist in the near future and i'm wondering if he won't find something else.

I read an article on Bono (from U2) the other day and he explained that he has been wearing dark shades since being diagnosed with glaucoma years ago. I learned that people with normal eye pressure may also suffer from glaucoma. Bono started noticing problems at night....his vision was cloudy & he'd see halos around lights.

Pretty tough being a decent ping-pong player when your eyesight is bad! :rolleyes:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The problem is caused by blisters of fluid near the retina which blurs vision and causes floaters. Putting on glasses do not make the problem go away. Time does. And laser treatment in bad cases. See an eye doctor.
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