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Poor Performance with sp inspires weight loss


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Aug 16, 2003
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Just to expand on what EGB has posted: The BMI is the ratio of fat in your body weight. An accurate calculation takes specialized equipment. Some weight scales send an electric field through your body and calculate the BMI to a workable degree of accuracy.

Charts such as that in the link are estimates assuming some standardized bone and muscle standards. They can be highly inaccurate in individual cases. For example, the chart says my BMI is 28.5 (ugh) when my scale calculates it at 22 which agrees with other experience. In 3 weeks the chart says I'll be 26.8 when I know I'll be 19.x (yea).

So don't get freaked out by such charts and their attached interpretations.
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Feb 24, 2004
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Quick update on my progress so far, eating well going to the gym 5 days a week (in past two weeks). Last night before work out I weighed in at 289lbs, 44lbs in two months an two days. For me to grasp what I have shed from my body, I picked up large plate and that is just about what I have lost. Once again thank you all, and speak to you in two weeks.



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Feb 24, 2004
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Weighed myself Thursday May 19th, I weighed 286lbs only lost three pounds in almost two weeks. I am not discouraged though, I guess just hitting a plateau. It was bound to happen, so I decided not to step on the scale for a while. I will go back to the scale June 8th (Three months since I started). I do feel great, and I hope anyone thinking of starting up their own regime of workouts follow through. I am getting so many compliments from people who have seen me from the begining. I have become one of the go to guys at Sunday touch football, I am faster, lighter and stronger. Needless to say I feel great. When I started I was wearing size 44 pants (and they were very tight). I am now wearing size 40 and they are becoming loose, I have gone down fout belt holes.

My workouts have remained the same (60 min of treadmill), but I am going to start hitting the weights as well. The real football is right around the corner. I have also realized I am incapable of working-out with-out music. Last week I got to the gym all dressed up, got on the treadmill, started it up and pressed play on my cd walkman...the batteries were dead. I lasted two minutes on the treadmill with-out music. Could not do it, stopped the treamill packed my gym bag and Since then I carry a few extra batteries in my gym bag. I was also becoming tired of my work-out cd's so I made a new one. I am going to share my selections I put on my cd for the work-out, have a good laugh. 1. The Prodigy--Smack my bitch up, 2. Salt 'n' Peppa--Push it, 3. LL Cool J--Mamma said knock you out, 4. Young MC--Bust a move, 5. Heavy D--We got our own thing, 6. Laura Branigan--Self Control, 7. Patti Smith--The Warrior, 8. Baltimora--Tarzan Boy, 9. Culture Club--I'll tumble for you, 10. Gypsy Kings--Bamboleo, 11. Gypsy Kings--Jobi joba, 12. Pet Shop Boys--Domino Dancing, 13. Pet Shop Boys--Oppertunities, 14. Wang Chung--Everybody have fun tonight, 15. New Order--Bizarre Love Triangle, 16. New Order--Shellshock, 17. Kenny Loggins--Footloose. If you can not laugh at me then who can you laugh at. lol

Hope to see everyone tonight


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Jun 2, 2003
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Remember, light weights help build muscle faster (if you're coming back from an extended period of inactivity or if you're a newcomer) than heavy weights. And the process of building muscle also burns fat. Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat so, later on, you'll notice a decrease in pants size, an increase in shirt size, and a slight increase in weight.

My story:
15 years ago...pants size 38, jacket size 42, weight 250

After (mostly) aerobic exercise only for 3 years....pants size 36, jacket size 42, weight 185-190

After switching of combined weight/aerobic excercise (+ fire dept. training)...pants size 36, jacket size 45, weight 205-208.

Of course, YMMV

Keep up the good work and keep on posting progress.


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
Stay motivated!

Hello Ripley,
You are on the right track don’t give up. That said, let me give ya more advices as you go and towards the path of good health.

It’s good that you have avoided your two litres of Coke, yet they have thought of you and Diet Cola is only 3 calories so don’t miss out in case you have a sudden urge of thirst or Coke.

Juice is as bad as Coke in terms of calories. Sure, you do avoid it daytime but when it comes down to loosing weight any calories count. People think that juice is great, it is because of vitamins content, and I cannot deny that. But where it is flawed is the sugar content, way too much. All people must take multi-vitamins supplements. A Centrum will give you what you need in juices. In case you don’t think it’s enough, take vitamin C.

Your performance on the treadmill is awesome. A little improvement is to change your cardio routine as your body will soon adapt and try to do less and less work – and surely you will hit a plateau. One day, do elliptical, another, bike, another, rowing machine. You will not be as good at first, but hey, we’re you that good on the treadmill at first?

Water retention or not, people should weight progress first thing in the morning, after their morning pee – not masturbation, pee. That’s the most precise. And in your case, since you train often and gradually, pass by Fitness Depot and get a scale with fat percentage. This will tell you your weight but also fat composition. Like mentioned by Medic_565, you will also gain muscles, so the scale will not tell you the whole truth, plus, your scale won’t be adjusted by some bozo at the gym.

Do you know what is the most fattening dish at Taco Bell? It’s the salad. Yup, with the dressing and bad fat, mostly from trans fatty acids. Avoid that on the menu.

Do a simple search on the net: “6 meals weight loss”. Theirs is a research where for the same foods and calorie, eaten over 6 meals promote weight loss. So eat the same amount but often. That means eat less at each main 3 meals that you usually have and have 3 extras. How do you get time to make the 3 extras? See below.

When you start loosing the weight, you skin will sag and you will see what’s called post-pregnancy scar. To help your skin, ante your protein intake. You see them in all fitness shops all over the place where you see that Arnold looking in da store and talk to yu and tell yu that this peotein is bezt for yu. Well it’s true, it helps your skin and best of all help you gain muscle mass (thus loose more fat) and look good. Oh and best of all, in your case, guess where most of your protein is? Yup, your sperm. So have more protein body, you’ll look good.

Start weight training. Your cardio is at a good shape and ready to take more exercise. Don’t be scare. A tiny dude will lift more than you at first, don’t give up. Hypnotise yourself to this phrase: “Muscles will make you burn fat in your sleep”. But don’t be stupid and do like the bozo lifting here and there without proper form. Ask help if you need to but life it right, with proper form and slowly. It will hurt and always hurt. It’s your body telling you to put just that muscle to rest for a few days and retrain it later.

There’s so much more that I can say but this post has to end. I believe you can make it and have so much more advices to give…

You owe me a beer, dude. Actually, a low-carb beer.


Dr. Torpedo

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Dec 8, 2003
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Congratulations Ripley. As a weight fan who has hit the iron for 14 years, I welcome you to the call of the iron. Personally, I like benches, squats, and cleans.

EagerBeaver, that's bullshit. I am a lawyer too, a PI litigator who runs a lawfirm with 2 other partners and an associate. I work about 14 hours a day, and I do the late night jail run on a regular basis. I still manage to find time to work out hard; my custom suits have a 10 inch drop. Granted, no longer can I have the 2 hour work outs, like back when I was in uniform or in law school, but there is certainly time. Even on days when you only have 20 minutes to work out, you can do a few supersets. The "I don't have time" excuse is just a way to legitimate one's lack of exercise.

It's true you must make time. For example, sometimes, I will have lunch and work out at the same time. Or I will tell a client to work out with me as part of our meeting (great way to introduce the client to something novel and healty, while also gaining favor with the gym owners/manager who has access to a large client base). Or you might print out some of those Lexis or westlaw manuals/cases and read them while on the treadmill or while resting in between sets. Who says research must be done sitting down?

I recently had a friend, who was also a JD,MBA, die of a heart attack. He was 360-80 pounds. I could never get him to work out. The guy always swore that he didn't have time, but strangely always found time to go to strip clubs, read the wh*re boards, or see a hooker.

Everyone, DOWN AND GIVE ME 100!


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Feb 24, 2004
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Sorry for neglecting my own thread should have posted an update last week. My last weigh in was June 8th, a complete 3 months and the verdict was 276lbs. A grand total of 57 pounds since the beginning, not too shabby EH! One more big thank you to every-one.

Dr. Torpedo, you were right about calling out EagerBeaver, just a little more tact might be more helpfull. If something is important to you, you make it a priority. Like I have said before, I went the longest time knowing I needed to go to the gym. I made every excuse in the world not to follow through. I was the king of procrastination, in the morning I would wake up, say to myself I am definitely going to the gym today. After a long day at work I would go home and say to myself..."I will go tomorrow, definitely tomorrow". Thus the vicious circle, until an accumulation of being digusted with myself, breaking a sweat at the drop of a hat and that fateful encounter with an sp. That was my final straw, and then it clicked. I just hope EagerBeaver and others find their own final straw and the light pops on. Please use this thread to any-one taking the plunge, the encouragement is really helpful.

As for pumping iron, I am only working upper-body, biceps, triceps, pec's, trap's and abb's. My wrists and forearms do not need any work if you know what I mean. I have been single so long I could give Popeye a run for the money. My lower body needs no work at all, I have always had strong legs. All the treadmill work is more then enough for my legs. About two weeks ago I put four plates on each side of the bar (free-weight) and was able to squat it with-out much difficulty. The bar digging into my shoulder was the toughest part even with a towel wrapped around it. Dr. Torpedo I like the bench as well (free-weight), but my friend who comes to work-out with me (once in a blue moon) tells me it is not good for my shoulders. He does a single dumbbell in each hand. I gave it a try, but it felt too awkward so I went back to the bench. Is what he said true?

Not planning on going on the scale for a few more weeks. So until then or before, take care all.


Dr. Torpedo

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Dec 8, 2003
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The bench press is only bad for the shoulders if you do it incorrectly. Many people do it inccorectly, so that it places lots of stress on the shulders.

The improper way is to flare your elbows out to 90 degrees. This press puts a tremendous amount of pressure on your sohulders, but many people do it this way because it comes naturally.

The key to a proper and safe bench press is to tuck your elbows into a 45 degree angle from the trunk of your body, which is how prefssionals and competitors bench. Then push with your lats, chest, and triceps (do not push with your lower back, butt, or shoulders).

Rhythm is also key. You must descend in a controlled manner. But then when you reach your chest, remembering not to bounce it off, explode off your chest and lift it off AS FAST AS POSSIBLE (like you're trying to get off some fat chick who is sitting on your face). The caveat, of course, is that you should have enough weight so that you can't lift it off faster than you brought it down. Scientifically, this is the best lifting speed, and best for building muscle.

Keep it up and see you in the gym soon, Arnold.
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A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
Bumbbell and barbell

I strongly advised first time weight lifters to have a coach present, not because you feel like you look silly the first time around or that they don’t give you the right program but proper technique is everything.
That said on your bench press, barbell or dumbbells is still free weight and both are good in terms of training. Barbell put stress on your shoulders as some beginners lowers the bar to touch the chest, as they should stop at a 90 degrees angle (chest muscle) but the fact is that I do lower to the chest as I want that stress – so as some advanced lifters do to. Dumbbells is harder as you lift less weights than you would for a barbell because you don’t have the combined power and you need more coordination with dumbbells. Another advantage with dumbbell is that you work your full chest.
Lastly, all legs look good and you think you don’t need to train them as they work on the treadmill. Remember I said you burn fat as you build muscles? Well legs burn way more than your arms can. Start with specific leg muscles like leg presses and leg extensions, after a few weeks, with a trainer present do squats. That will burn your legs! And they will burn your fat.
You cannot spot reduce fat, so if you want to see muscles on your arms, you would have to do the same for your legs as fat burns down, you have muscles popping out.
Keep on going dude!


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
Weight loss, weight loss, weight loss!

Weight loss, weight loss, weight loss. Studies came out over and over that in order to maximize weight loss, you have to change and maintain a good diet. It’s the calorie deficit diet as they call it.
A study has shown over and over that there is weight loss is more substantial when the group is subjected to a calorie deficit diet than simply exercise. Exercise has been proven to maintain the weight when combined with proper diet. The last group that does exercise alone has lost little or insignificant weight loss.
So in other words, do count your calories and you will find out over and over that you eat more than needed. And I can also assume that you are not yet on the 6 meals diet! It takes work to loose weight, plus don’t expect to loose it over a short period when you have in fact gained it all over the years.
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