I prepared this post in a notepad because i had lots of catching up so excuse the lack of actual quoting...
Fradi : Thats not what i said, i said peoples who take care of elders in CHSLD, the very very old peoples who need cares for everything including baths and changing diapers, the peoples taking care of them should wear the hazmat suit or proper gaz mask. I know it LOOK horrifying at first glance but it would fully protect those elders. You do not catch covid going grocery shopping by the way, mask or not, been proven between March and July 2020. But if older folks want to go do their groceries, they can always wear that special quality mask made specifically for that. Its not forever anyway... right? And flu do not completely go away in the summer either, i had my worst case of flu in my like in the middle of summer a few years ago.
Sene5hos : Everyone is allow mistakes and trials and errors at the beginning of a new thing, but not 10 months on. What they doing now is unnaceptable.
Charmer : The variants will make it anyway, it couldn't be "discovered" soon enough. We will probably make our own variants too. Viruses like that mutate, its normal. As for socializing well you can always arrive early and leave very late. I checked outside for "knowledge" and the first few days police were passing with lights on a lot between 8 and 11, but in the night, gone. And after the first 2-3 days they refuced their presence too. I wouldn't be surprise peoples who wan to socialize will do it anyway and will do sleepovers or whatever. I seen a few peoples mention these tickets are infringing rights and could have a good chance of fighting them in court. Hopefully its true.
Marky : The 0.02% was CIDC numbers (USA)
Oobe : Better protection for elders especially in CHSLD would be a start. As Almostmidaged mentioned, they could had made special programs for older folks and peoples at risk. The reality as of now is that the Quebec health system is such in a bad shape they fear it will be teared down, but in reality if it was in better shape, we could had protected the peoples who had legit risk of dying from it and put MINIMAL restrictions for the rest and right now LOTS of peoples would been naturally immunized. Even if it last just 6 months, thats still 6 months with no worries for that person.
Charmer 2 : I am in my thirties so yeah no "spring chicken" but i am young at heart and had a pretty rough life socially from 18 to 24 or so. I started "living" more in my mid 20s so yeah even in my thirties im still super down to have a spring break "chicken" party LOL. Not now... but in general i mean
Donbush : You i will quote ... "Whoever is not vaccinated by April or May will not be allowed to leave their houses (impossible & illegal to enforce but that’ll panic people into action"
THAT is LUDACRISS and its exactly what we are fighting for NOT to happen. Vaccine shall remain by choice, we are against "covid passports" and other liberty infringing stuff like that but you go even further with the litteral "stay home". Man i wouldn't want you anywhere near a position of power...
Personally i do not want the vaccine, im still fairly young and trust my body if by some ununfortunate event i get it, i know ill fight it naturally and win. And if for some reason i die, then so be it, my time had come, what can i say. But i do not trust their rushed experimental vaccine. Not because i fear there is a microship or crap like that, simply because it was developed very fast and there is already sign of side effects, i prefer to wait a couple years so if there is no long term worst effect and by then it may completely be gone anyway (covid).