There is already talk that its gonna be extended. No surprise there. The thing is..
If things get better, they say its cause of it and we should extend it to get even better
If things get worst, its that we didn't "follow enough" and we need even more restrictions
Either way we are screw...
I been kinda lucky that my local store is still selling "non essential" products, no idea why, but i bough a movie not that long ago, an xbox gift card today. Its a convenient store so its not like they have tons of stuff anyway but at least i can get "something". Wich remind me, my Xbox controller is on its last mile , got the walmart waranty, so can i go exchange it or it count as "non essential" and my purchase waranty do not apply? Guess ill have to call.
Im just so sick of everything. Im sick of stores being closed (i could use a little visit in a retro game store to change my mind), im sick of curfew (thanksfully im living daytime currently, but it will eventually switch to night and ill be stuck inside) , i had planned to go in Montreal Febuary but obviously i post-poned it to March, will i even be able to do in March? But more than anything im sick of the lies of the medias. There was Martineau on TV at Denis Levesque today mentioning younger folks care less cause its no big deal for them but they could give it to other older. What if they just don't meet older folks? You don't spread covid at the grocery store... Maybe they do not work with a ton of peoples, maybe they do not see their extended older family. But the funniest part is right after they had the mayor of sept-iles mentionig there was like no cases at all for multiple days and yet they live in the red, he demand that rules change by regions.
Thats one thing that was quickly abandoned.. they turned everything to red and thats it.
They say we are "close to the finish line" or the last miles. NO WE ARE NOT !! LOL. If we lucky the virus will fade in summertime like it did last year (unless those more contagious variants get here) and MAYBE, just MAYBE, we shouldn't had it return in force in fall if vaccination work as good as they say (i doubt it will). But we are litteraly screwed til May at least. Thats still 4 to 5 months... half of what we did already. I won't call it the last miles... Add all the distress, mental health taking a hit, financial bankrupcy etc accumulated so far, and those 5 months will feel just as long as the first 10. Its like when i was in school, first period was fast, second a little longer because i couldn't wait til diner break, but man the afternoon felt long... especially the last period.
Sorry but had to vent a bit.