The government just never learns that prohibition never works. Paternalism is a failed concept. See how Prohibition Era worked during the 1920s? Ultra conservative groups and Christian fanatics pushed for a ban on alcohol sales because they considered it a personal sin and said that is created problems such as conflicts and crime. They passed the law and what happened was not what they expected to get. We saw the rise of Organized crime and bootleg gangs. Crimes went up through the roof. What they thought they would get they got the complete opposite. The best most prosperous society is when there is a true free market, when people are given their freedom with minimal government interference. The government is supposed to be a referee not an active player. Government is now playing the role of grandma and we are the kids. It is not their job to protect us. Let the people and businesses decide for themselves. They talk about the healthcare system well the healthcare system was in bad shape for years. There was always over crowding. This is to show you that socialism never works it leads to major inefficiencies and the government is trying to artificially increase population by giving away freebies to bring in mass amount of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers who further put more strain on the healthcare system. We are now paying the price for government mismanagement. Privatization is the best solution. A private system with competition will be motivated to provide the best quality service for the best prices. But government must stay out and stop interfering in the market. Healthcare system in the US has high bills again due to government interference. To conclue they got no idea what they are doing or how to manage this. They turned covid into about politics. Their only option is a lockdown because they really got no idea what to do they are lost. It is my belief that covid is everywhere we all got it. It is like trying to hide from the sun you just cannot hide from it because it is everywhere just as covid is.Months and months of restrictions, yet the cases continue to rise. There is nothing that can be done, including curfews. It's entertaining to think it will, to put it lightly. Nearly a year later, the government is still scrambling and implementing double standard restrictions. The funny thing is that they always seem to have reasoning to justify the rise in cases, and in turn more restrictions. Initially not enough people were social distancing, so the mask mandate came along. Fine. They raved about a 98% percent compliance rating, but also blamed the people for not wearing masks! But I thought the masks were in place for situations where social distancing is not possible? Sure. Then the lockdowns, but the cases kept rising. It must be SCHOOLS! Ok. Shut down the schools and watch the parents suffer. Cases climbed. WE NEED MORE RESTRICTIONS!And on and on the story goes. They have simply lost peoples commitment and attention. By closing small businesses that were operating responsibly and within their given guidelines (i.e. gyms and coffee shops), they have simply funneled gatherings indoors. And if you think people are not getting together, you are completely delusional. And this will continue to happen until we are given some of our basic freedoms back. The repercussions of these lockdowns will far outweigh any loss of life directly related to Covid. Financial strain on families, business closures, mental health issues, substance abuse, domestic violence, child exploitation. It's terrible, and I sincerely believe it is disgusting where we've let them lead is, and that we're still where we are now. We'll start seeing and feeling these impacts in and around us in the coming year, and will continue to do so for many years to come.
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