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Possible curfew?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Months and months of restrictions, yet the cases continue to rise. There is nothing that can be done, including curfews. It's entertaining to think it will, to put it lightly. Nearly a year later, the government is still scrambling and implementing double standard restrictions. The funny thing is that they always seem to have reasoning to justify the rise in cases, and in turn more restrictions. Initially not enough people were social distancing, so the mask mandate came along. Fine. They raved about a 98% percent compliance rating, but also blamed the people for not wearing masks! But I thought the masks were in place for situations where social distancing is not possible? Sure. Then the lockdowns, but the cases kept rising. It must be SCHOOLS! Ok. Shut down the schools and watch the parents suffer. Cases climbed. WE NEED MORE RESTRICTIONS! :rolleyes: And on and on the story goes. They have simply lost peoples commitment and attention. By closing small businesses that were operating responsibly and within their given guidelines (i.e. gyms and coffee shops), they have simply funneled gatherings indoors. And if you think people are not getting together, you are completely delusional. And this will continue to happen until we are given some of our basic freedoms back. The repercussions of these lockdowns will far outweigh any loss of life directly related to Covid. Financial strain on families, business closures, mental health issues, substance abuse, domestic violence, child exploitation. It's terrible, and I sincerely believe it is disgusting where we've let them lead is, and that we're still where we are now. We'll start seeing and feeling these impacts in and around us in the coming year, and will continue to do so for many years to come.
The government just never learns that prohibition never works. Paternalism is a failed concept. See how Prohibition Era worked during the 1920s? Ultra conservative groups and Christian fanatics pushed for a ban on alcohol sales because they considered it a personal sin and said that is created problems such as conflicts and crime. They passed the law and what happened was not what they expected to get. We saw the rise of Organized crime and bootleg gangs. Crimes went up through the roof. What they thought they would get they got the complete opposite. The best most prosperous society is when there is a true free market, when people are given their freedom with minimal government interference. The government is supposed to be a referee not an active player. Government is now playing the role of grandma and we are the kids. It is not their job to protect us. Let the people and businesses decide for themselves. They talk about the healthcare system well the healthcare system was in bad shape for years. There was always over crowding. This is to show you that socialism never works it leads to major inefficiencies and the government is trying to artificially increase population by giving away freebies to bring in mass amount of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers who further put more strain on the healthcare system. We are now paying the price for government mismanagement. Privatization is the best solution. A private system with competition will be motivated to provide the best quality service for the best prices. But government must stay out and stop interfering in the market. Healthcare system in the US has high bills again due to government interference. To conclue they got no idea what they are doing or how to manage this. They turned covid into about politics. Their only option is a lockdown because they really got no idea what to do they are lost. It is my belief that covid is everywhere we all got it. It is like trying to hide from the sun you just cannot hide from it because it is everywhere just as covid is.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Yet SAQs and SQDCs remain open. Ths kids bought bottles of alcohol then were able to have house parties. I am sure half the parties would not have happened if there was no alcohol available.
So now you would be in favor of the return of prohibition? :D
Me I believe keeping selling booze and weed keeps people from cutting each other's throat during crazy times like this.
There is no ideal solution to something like this, but after 10 months people are back to indidualism and nothing else matter. Imagine in 2 years!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
So now you would be in favor of the return of prohibition? :D
Me I believe keeping selling booze and weed keeps people from cutting each other's throat during crazy times like this.
There is no ideal solution to something like this, but after 10 months people are back to indidualism and nothing else matter. Imagine in 2 years!
Nopes was just pointing out at the inconsistency by the government and that SAQs remain open because it is government owned. But they choose to lock people at home rather then close SAQs and I do not buy the people would be at each other throats. I mean they locked people into a curfew and many people will be miserable, go into depression, and yes many will indeed be at each others throats. Like I said the inconsistencies. Collectivism is very wrong.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yet SAQs and SQDCs remain open. Ths kids bought bottles of alcohol then were able to have house parties. I am sure half the parties would not have happened if there was no alcohol available.
Essential services need to be open that is why SP are working also.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Some people speak so loosely. Shut down the schools? At what cost? I would argue the whole economy hinges on schools remaining operational! Who’s going to pay the mortgage or rent, when parents are forced to stay home? Better yet when they ask to work from home, but instead are laid off because accommodations cannot be made. And who’s going to keep that home afloat when $2K a month simple doesn’t cut it? Ah yes, I forgot, keep printing free money. Entitlement. A year later, and we still ask what the government will do for us. Easy to have this opinion when part of a union, working a government job, or carry a position that has easily been transferred over to a “home office”. Closing schools should and always will be a last resort. The impact on children’s mental health is another topic.

87 million cases confirmed a YEAR later, and nearly 8 billion people in the world. We stopped the whole world on a dime, and continue to destroy people’s lives and livelihoods for 1% of the population. The mortality rate has always been low, and continues to drop as time passes. Blame the media for sensationalizing all of this. Ridiculous.

And because of that, you will NEVER have control of the people. No matter how much work you claim we have to do.

We don’t have to agree, but one thing for sure is that people have had enough and will continue to socialize, arrange play dates for their children, travel, and work to provide for their families. And good on them, because I will do the same! It has hard to sell people on “thinking about others”, when those closest to them are suffering. People do what’s right for them and their loved ones.

I agree it is not easy for thousands to cope with this and there are many suffering financially and have lost jobs.
It is harder for people who have lost loved ones to this. You can always make money you cannot bring back a life.
It is not an easy decision to close schools but one that needs to be done.
One thing I hate is when people bring up entitlement continually, it is not entitlement to work hard all your life and have the brains to save so that you don’t rely on government hand outs.
It is entitlement and foolish to expect the government to take care of you and to think they owe you a living.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Tell me one time that prohibition worked? Look up Prohibition Era. And yes lets give up more of our freedom maybe they will give it back to you. I do not think any government should have this much power. They will not let it go this easily. Just to clue you in many young people are going out of the country to a resort to enjoy themselves. At least our incompetent crime minister issues mandatory testings upon return.

Your response to my post is to not really respond. I'll say it again, more directly. Look up New Zealand's strategy. Let me know if it worked.
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Your response to my post is to not really respond. I'll say it again, more directly. Look up New Zealand's strategy. Let me know if it worked.
I think they did a great job , but not one that can easily be replicated... so for that reason I don’t understand why so many of you gents keep bringing it up as a fair comparison with such countries like the US and even Canada , I mean New Zealand does not share such a huge border as we do and I can go on


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
And in regards to the “free” government money. If you think this hasn’t created an unimaginable level of laziness and entitlement, you are mistaken my friend. I speak to different business owners and vendors in an array of industries on a daily basis, and many simply don’t wanna go back to work.
Once the free money runs out, I’m sure most of their points of view will change.
We don’t have to agree, but one thing for sure is that people have had enough and will continue to socialize, arrange play dates for their children, travel, and work to provide for their families. And good on them, because I will do the same! It has hard to sell people on “thinking about others”, when those closest to them are suffering. People do what’s right for them and their loved ones.
Double bullseye
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Your response to my post is to not really respond. I'll say it again, more directly. Look up New Zealand's strategy. Let me know if it worked.
You just do not get it. First New Zealand does not have an incompetent crime minister like Fidel Trudope who failed to ground all international flights and refugees and asylum seekers kept on entering in the thousands. New Zealand shut their borders and did it fast. Also they do not got refugees and immigrants going in and out like in Canada. New Zealand also have much smaller borders and they are in a remote part of the planet and a much smaller population. Larger population = More cases it is simple mathematics. See how in Canada Ontario and Quebec got the highest cases because they got the most population.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005


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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
will continue to socialize, travel, , because I will do the same! It is hard to sell people on “thinking about others”,
Many will continue to socialize, and to travel, and you say "I will do the same"

I understand that this is your case, and it's because of people like you that we're in big trouble.

"Thinking about others", but not me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Fradi, I agree with most of what you’ve said. But let me ask you, do you think that everyone is of the same age, status or stage of their lives?
I am not trying to belittle peoples hardships, but this is not the worst thing people have faced and lived through.
it is not like living through a war, a revolution, or spending decades in prison just for your political beliefs.
People who are bitching because they can’t travel to a sun destination or have to spend their time indoors playing video games while collecting enough money to survive on from the government will get little sympathy from me.
Yes there are lazy people who will stay at home and use the system to its fullest as long as the government will sustain them.
If that is all you want out of life and that is as ambitious someone will be then they deserve that fate.
I feel sorry for the ones that are sick or have handicaps but not for the healthy who cannot get up off their ass to help themselves.

Most of us break some of the rules, I am no exception, I spent the first 4 months only going out for a one hour walk and being a model citizen, but succumbed to seeing my ATF in July who is probably the safest person I could be seeing, I won’t go into details, apart from that I abide by all the other rules.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
When people in this province ( other provinces as well ) start behaving responsibly with regard to social distancing, wearing a mask and refraining from gathering ( 50% got together with friends and /or family over the holiday period ) then there will be no need for curfews or restrictions. I did Zoom with my children and grandchildren over the Christmas period and got together with friends New Years eve via Zoom for a couple of hours to celebrate the hope of a happy 2021. I don't venture out, don't meet friends, family or clients and have restricted myself since the 13th of March. I can honestly say I have done my part and yet I note the complainers who think a 4 week curfew is the end of the world. Start the curfew at 11pm , are you crazy ? People will get together from 6 til 11 and even then will push it. There are two ways to stop this virus, a vaccine or no host. This means NOT having contact with ANYONE for at least 14 days. No host means the virus dies. But no look at the people who travelled over the holidays thinking hey, I'll have a vacation in the sun then come back and life will be normal. They were flying in petri dishes and expected that there would be no danger ? We have yet to see the full impact of those travellers returning home. The number of cases and deaths are rising daily and you are complaining about possible restrictions, I don't get these attitudes.
So we are wearing masks, partial confinement, social distancing, and cases still on the rise.. Same story here, same story Europe. Then some people, like this guy, start bashing and blaming that it is because some people are not respecting the rules. That is BS. The truth is that it will keep rising, as it was, curfew or not. Regarding not respecting the rules, people can still gather in the day before 7pm, come on... If they do not want to follow the guidelines, there is nothing that will make them. These dramatic reactions are tiring and has proven to be fruitless. Wonder how many more failed lockdowns are needed to convince drama people that IT DOES NOT WORK.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
So we are wearing masks, partial confinement, social distancing, and cases still on the rise.. Same story here, same story Europe. Then some people, like this guy, start bashing and blaming that it is because some people are not respecting the rules. That is BS. The truth is that it will keep rising, as it was, curfew or not. Regarding not respecting the rules, people can still gather in the day before 7pm, come on... If they do not want to follow the guidelines, there is nothing that will make them. These dramatic reactions are tiring and has proven to be fruitless. Wonder how many more failed lockdowns are needed to convince drama people that IT DOES NOT WORK.

This is all BS. The only thing that works is this:

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Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
For me this is the one step too far i won't allow. If i want/need to go walk at midnight for whatever reasons, ill go walk at midnight, end of story. I worked too hard to loose weight and i won't put my health in jeopardy for their damn 0.02% mortality virus. What is the reason for this? Its more contagious after 9? If they want to put me on house arrest after 9 pm then put me in jail. Enough with this nonsense. This is madness pure and simple. We are getting the Gestapo back...

Im disgusted by what our province has become. Is it possible to apply as political refugee in another country? Ok last part is a joke but honestly im extremely disgusted at our province for real. I always loved Quebec but not right now.
Not really a good comparison, Mike.
The Gestapo would let you go out at night. ;)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
That may be but people under 50 spread it to people over 50 who end up dying.

Your 0.02% is great for you, tell that to the loved ones of all the people in hospitals and who are dying and the hospital staff who are battling this around the clock and see how much sympathy you will get, yeah I know it doesn’t affect you. It must be tough to stay home watch TV or play video games, I am sure many people in the world wouldn’t mind that kind of unbearable circumstance, not to mention what people during wars revolutions and political confinement had to go through.

I understand young people feeling invincible and even being reckless with their own lives we all did that and sometimes when I look back I am so thankful that my children are much wiser and never drove a car after a night of partying, but this puts way more lives at stake than that.

First, even if i was very irresponsible, wich i am not, i shouldn't be able to give it to 50 years old +. Because THEY should be carefull, THEY should do everything to be sure to not get it. My biggest issue with this thing since the start is that a simple antiviral mask for a mere 300$ will protect peoples completely. The whole argument of "wear the facial diaper to protect others" is so BS. Why am i the one having to wear something extremely uncomfortable to protect YOU? If you fear the virus for whatever reason, either by anxiety or for valid reasons, then buy the freaking REAL MASK that will protect you entirely. If it can filter neurotoxins, pretty sure it can filther viral infection. Or there is always the solution to not go out. Even grocery stores could have special open slots for older folks. That wouldn't feel like it restrain my liberty.

Now to get back on above, i personally do see a FEW peoples. I don't party or attend huge gatherings, but if i want to visit my cousin for a few games i sure will. It would be very unlikely, badluck etc, that i happen to do it while he personally catched covid. My point is i won't stop living entirely, staying on "house arrest", for a flu virus that just happen to be more contagious and a bit more deadly to older folks. At one point we need to accept to live with this virus and keep what can be kept of normal life. Can't have music shows or conventions? Fine... it sucks but its perfectly understandable. But not being able to visit young/healthy family members or friends in small crew in small towns? Gimme a break.

Reality is young folks need some form of social life, and they will do it no matter what. Governement want to blame south travellers and have journalist infiltrate them to show how "reckless" they are blablabla. Look, if they do their quarentine when they come back, its all good, whatever they do down there. Plus maybe if they didn't stole Christmas and put extreme rules then not that much peoples would had fly down to be able to have social life during that time.

You mention how hard it must be to play video games blabla... Look man, i always been a solitary guy. I have only a few friends and family members i see sporadically here. Lots of my friends are gathered around Quebec and i mostly socialize with them online anyway. BUT that 1 or 2 movies i got to see at the theatre, that 1 or 2 restaurant i go to, that 1 or 2 store visit etc every months really help the moral and help making life more fun. For instance yes i could go on ebay and order ANY game i want, ill probably get better price too. But going to a retro store, holding the boxes, choosing what you will buy, FINDING stuff, THATS the fun part. And that one day per week or 2 week i visit a friend and have COUCH video games like back in the days, instead of speaking in a microphone, thats cool too, that help, its human interaction.

What i want to say is the gov should obviously block huge events, festivals, hell even bars i been very open to keeping them close since drunk peoples at 3 am surely mean peoples will be more reckless. But closing everything, and all the absurde measures they put, yes its a form of prohibition and like the guys said before me, it only result in more civile deobidiance.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Interesting post @Halloween Mike. Maybe you don't go crazy socializing during a pandemic (which is good at least), but some do and fuck it up for everybody. That's why the government has to step in and impose restrictions and/or fines. Because if they didn't, some ppl would abuse the system.

I also disagree with ppl travelling during a pandemic (which you seem to approve of, which is nuts). In fact if I were you, I'd be putting a good part of blame on them. They're the ones going (and coming) from various parts and spreading the disease all over the world. I know you don't travel at all ever (even before the pandemic). And most sensible ppl haven't during the pandemic. But because of these selfish individuals (some of them politicians), they've gone and ruined it for everyone else. They're a major reason we're in this predicament now, tbh.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
1) Like i said many times before and im sure you seen it, you really think governement rules will stop peoples that do want to have parties etc doing them? You don't need governement to know 50 peoples in a house is a high possibility of the flu or any other virus passing by. Even more if you start to share drinks, weed blunts or else. Peoples who want to do it will do it no matter what the govs put as restrictions. I think they would be much better making softer rules so peoples do not feel guilty or nervous breaking the current one just because they are outrageously over the top. Its similar as with children, you better use common sense and a trust relationship between you and your kid, like a curfew at 10 or something (for teens in high school) than making them come strickly home after school, not trusting them on anything etc etc. Teens that rebel usually do it because parents are too much on their back.

As for your second point, the virus is everywhere now. I would had agree in March with you but now it does not matter, its not like there is more risk elsewhere. They have to quarentine anyway when they come back + considering Legault took everything for Christmas, i totally understand peoples NEEDING that little moment of happyness, considering its been months of sh!t here and its looking to be many more... I mean i think of last year, it started in March and took a break in May. And its not looking like we will have enough vaccine to make a difference before at least that... April/May, so unlike 2020 we are looking at hellish months between January til May, wich after that like any flu it fade away during summertime. You think stuff will reopen Febuary 8? HAHAHAHA yeah right. Legault and the CAQ are liars, we can't trust them, they say to make efforts blabla for a time butt always extand. If we lucky stores MAY re-open in Febuary or March but forget restaurants, cinema, gyms etc. So yeah to all these peoples that could put this madness behind for 2 weeks or so, good for them...

I extremely hate the term "pandemic" , i call it Covid Madness personally. Because that is what it is. There is tons of way the govs could confine/protect the olds and weak ones without destroying society/business/mental health etc like they do now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Interesting post HM so according to you the government should lock up everyone over 50 and have them in complete hazmat suits if they step outside so that the younger generation can go on enjoying life to the fullest, because after all it is just a flu and it will fade away in the summer time anyway.
You are probably right society doesn’t need people over 50 all they do is fuck up life for the young and healthy.
I hope you continue enjoying life to the fullest you are right wearing a social diaper is too much to ask from our young and it is not up to you to keep anyone safe let the ones who are vulnerable take care of themselves.

btw I am glad you are also giving advice on how parents should act with their children, and how trust should be obtained, just out of curiosity how many do you have.
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