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Preface to an Expose

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Apr 16, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
RG, I received the same email. When I wrote back to the slimy creep asking that he remove me from his list, he replied that he would not, that I didn't have to read his rantings if I didn't want to.

I would caution the mods that because of the nature of what is discussed on this board, privacy is of the utmost importance. When we have a loonie running around threatening an "expose" of the industry and invading people's private email boxes, the very future of this board is at risk. I would strongly recommend that you cut out this cancer before it spreads. We've had peace on this board in the absence of SL and his chief sycophant; let's maintain that peace.
Well you got that part right! I second the motion without reservation!
Apr 16, 2005
Climate of mistrust!

Roland said:
Hi RG,
That's a blatent invasion of privacy.
If everyone who received an e-mail checks in here, you will see the pattern.
I didn't get anything, so I doubt it is aimed at the members-at-large.
No question it's a tough one to trace. But as you say patterns will emerge eventually. It is not that it is a major breach for me as I created that e-mail specifically in case of situations like this one springing up. For all intents and purposes it leads nowhere.

What is of greater concern is first, how did he get mine and R's. And second, this whole episode has the potential to create a climate of mistrust and suspicion, not only on merb but with the interrelationships between the membership, affiliated agencies and Indies. We have just discussed SP's and screening practices and the potential for abuse. This is not well done, not well done at all. I'm not sure the membership has yet come to understand the implications and the potential ripple effect to other areas within hobbying. Not well done at all.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Trust SL is not Laughing Too Hard

Trust SL is not laughing too hard at all this speculation, pointless activity and illogical reasoning since it is going a long way towards proving one of his basic claims that the hobby is based on delusion.
Apr 16, 2005

eastender said:
Trust SL is not laughing too hard at all this speculation, pointless activity and illogical reasoning since it is going a long way towards proving one of his basic claims that the hobby is based on delusion.
First off, this would presume that he possesses the intellectual horsepower to grasp this concept. Second this pontificating from on high and titillating with innuendo and thinly veiled indications of what is to come impresses not in the least. Blogs of the sort he is producing are legion on the internet. If he wishes to delude himself with an overinflated sense of self importance – hey, no skin off my ass. But let's understand one thing. Without a ghost writer this guy is not going anywhere. His writing skills are wholly inadequate for the job. As to whether his research amounts to what is required to fill a supermarket news rag let alone some ponderous tome on this subject remains to be seen. The “Mayflower Madame” he isn't.

Now I have seen some of the seamier side of all this and I have no illusions. I have also seen what it can be for anyone who has the will to be positive and make it work for themselves. It's entertainment, period – not an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the human condition. To suggest that I and a large cadre of the membership fail to grasp this simple concept is an insult to the intelligence. Up to now I was content to leave him to his delusions and cadre of sycophants and admirers. But this stunt involves me personally. And I am not impressed.

I believe that meaningful dialogue and generosity of spirit are the prime ingredients to create an atmosphere conducive to promoting a spirit of community on merb and a discourse which is both useful and informative (as long as one keeps it all in perspective). I try to maintain objectivity and I am not one to engage in flaming. I apologize to any here who feel I may have stepped over the line in my comments above. I felt I had to speak out strongly on this subject.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.

SL and I have had exchanges in the past and his possession of the email address that I use only for my participation in this industry is no mystery. That he refuses to remove me from his "expose" e-list, however, is a violation of my privacy.

Violating privacy is nothing new to SL. He even called me at my home one evening nearly two years back, demanding that I meet him at a local restaurant so that he could "expose" the misdeeds of a young friend of mine, a former working girl at that point about 8 months retired, who had broken his heart. Foolishly, I met him, but at about the time he started frothing at the mouth, I got up and left. I'd been fortunate enough to not hear from him again until this latest email appeared in my box.

As for his intellectual horsepower, I'd suggest that he's of average intelligence, but even this is clouded over by delusions of self-importance.
Apr 16, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:

SL and I have had exchanges in the past and his possession of the email address that I use only for my participation in this industry is no mystery. That he refuses to remove me from his "expose" e-list, however, is a violation of my privacy.

Violating privacy is nothing new to SL. He even called me at my home one evening nearly two years back, demanding that I meet him at a local restaurant so that he could "expose" the misdeeds of a young friend of mine, a former working girl at that point about 8 months retired, who had broken his heart. Foolishly, I met him, but at about the time he started frothing at the mouth, I got up and left. I'd been fortunate enough to not hear from him again until this latest email appeared in my box.

As for his intellectual horsepower, I'd suggest that he's of average intelligence, but even this is clouded over by delusions of self-importance.
Well there does seem to be one area where one might say he enjoys a singular level of success. He is pissing some people off with his antics. I am one who would also like to be removed from whatever lists he has managed to get his hands on and keeps records of. He is way out of line on that one. If I want him to have my e-mail address I will give it to him. This high handedness (and high balling I might add) is simply not on.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
StripperLover said:
From schemes designed to separate clients from their money aside from the usual escort business dealings, to message board moderators stealing personal emails from within the privacy of an individual’s home pc, to committee members conspiring to undermine a board,

eastender said:
Trust SL is not laughing too hard at all this speculation, pointless activity and illogical reasoning since it is going a long way towards proving one of his basic claims that the hobby is based on delusion.

Well all,

Considering someone seems to have a very notable place in this expose in one of the more notorious episodes he is being rather glib about this possible publication. However, SL's statement is wrong since there was only one committee member conspiring. It should read "a committee member" and his good friend the chameleon.

rumpleforeskiin said:
SL and I have had exchanges in the past and his possession of the email address that I use only for my participation in this industry is no mystery. That he refuses to remove me from his "expose" e-list, however, is a violation of my privacy.

He solicited me back in the day to ask if I would provide him with some information though we never had any real connection on this board. When I refused he got angry and sent back a terse PM showing his temperament. Very recent activities show he probably hasn't changed.


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I find it hilarious that people who haven't been able to stop taking shots at SL and his expose and haven't stopped mentioning him on the boards for more than two years after he left are suddenly all up in arms at his post and getting an email from him. It seems to me that there are a lot of paranoid people around here.

I got the email too and it was sent to the address that I used when I registered for his Mtlrendezvous group that he used to use to promote the GTs at HDLM in the good old days a couple of years ago. I'm sure that a lot of merbites registered back then and that's probably what he is using to send out his messages. And I doubt that any enforcement agency would really consider one unsolicited email to be harrassment. If you start getting one a day, maybe. Considering the spam I get in my inbox on all my accounts I doubt that anyone would give a damn.

I also don't see how sending an email equates to a violation of privacy. If he published your e-mail address on the web, maybe.

It seems that many people are getting a little too worked up over this. A bit nervous, maybe? Nah, of course not. After all, you all said he didn't really have anything to publish in the first place so what is there to be nervous about?

Apr 16, 2005
Techman said:
I find it hilarious that people who haven't been able to stop taking shots at SL and his expose and haven't stopped mentioning him on the boards for more than two years after he left are suddenly all up in arms at his post and getting an email from him. It seems to me that there are a lot of paranoid people around here.

I got the email too and it was sent to the address that I used when I registered for his Mtlrendezvous group that he used to use to promote the GTs at HDLM in the good old days a couple of years ago. I'm sure that a lot of merbites registered back then and that's probably what he is using to send out his messages. And I doubt that any enforcement agency would really consider one unsolicited email to be harrassment. If you start getting one a day, maybe. Considering the spam I get in my inbox on all my accounts I doubt that anyone would give a damn.

I also don't see how sending an email equates to a violation of privacy. If he published your e-mail address on the web, maybe.

It seems that many people are getting a little too worked up over this. A bit nervous, maybe? Nah, of course not. After all, you all said he didn't really have anything to publish in the first place so what is there to be nervous about?

Okay, I would like to answer this one. Perhaps there is an explanation due. I must confess though you and I have had a nodding acquaintance a time or two at a GT, I don't know SL and can't recall meeting him so I have no idea as to what he may be capable of. But I will mention what set me off.

First off, I am not comfortable with someone who I do not know demonstrating to me that he has been blessed by “Big Brother” with gifts beyond those accorded to us mere mortals. And I am not sure this was simply a case of data mining. Is there a hint of impropriety here? What else is he privy to or can be in the future? Is he sifting every post? Is he one of those who needs to get out of his basement a little more? Now I am not saying that any of this is true. He could be the epitome of ,”hale fellow, well met!” One thing for sure, sending me that e-mail was taking liberties. If he wants to, he can pm me. Lots of room in my mailbox. One thing for sure is that he has succeeded in making me uncomfortable.

Second, the post by EE. I don't know if it is just me but the implication is that SL is laughing at the rest of us, a laugh of superiority. Does EE know something we don't? Do they talk on the phone or pm? Or is it just EE pulling our collective chains?

And third and most important: He has made no effort to defuse the situation by coming on here and reassuring us that he meant no disrespect or invasion of privacy and giving us a credible explanation as to how he managed to get his “mailing” list. To my best recollection, unlike you, I was not a party to his little “group.” Now I may have forgotten making the e-mail address I use available to someone he corresponds with regularly. I am not perfect. More reason to come on and set me straight. If I am in error then don't let me sound off.

Will it affect me negatively? In the final analysis, No! I created that address through a healthy attitude of skepticism concerning the lack of sanctity concerning private information on the internet. Doesn't mean I have to like it though when I find it happening here on merb..


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Techman said:
also don't see how sending an email equates to a violation of privacy.
The problem I have with him is not with the email he sent me, but with his stark refusal thereafter to take me off his e-list when I asked him to.

"I will send this out and if you so choose to not read it, that's a choice as well, as is mine to tell all the facts."
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Apr 16, 2005
My perspective has changed!

Just a comment that I will not be posting further on this thread. I have been contacted by a senior well respected member of the board with assurances that SL's intentions are honourable and that discretion is assured where it is warranted. This member's reputation is such that I feel more comfortable with the situation now. I must say that the situation caught me offguard and rang a few alarm bells. I am not going to get into recriminations here as to how this might have been avoided but I will say that if I seem to have overreacted or have unduly given offense here I do apologize. I hope all will understand my concerns.


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Techman and Eastender,

SL has stated his reason for the expose; The purpose of this Expose is to uncover the myths and truths about the sex industry in Montreal.

I accept that. I was wondering if each of you would feel comfortable suggesting a reason that he wants to do this. It's obviously a lot of work. I've put my mind to that question and haven't really come up with an answer that would explain everything.

I think Techman is likely right about a possible source for addresses... SL had mine in any event and I don't object to him writing me (haven't checked yet, I get so much spam in that account now) but if someone wanted off his list I don't understand why he wouldn't acoomodate that person. When he wanted to be left alone by his friends and separate himself from the boards I certainly honoured his wishes and stopped trying to contact him.
Apr 16, 2005
Roland said:
Thanks a lot, RG. :rolleyes: .You gave us a new riddle...
Sorry Roland it will have to remain a riddle as per the request of the member:)


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Regular Guy said:
Sorry Roland it will have to remain a riddle as per the request of the member:)
Be nice if he told us all. Easy way to get a message out without any responsibility assumed by originator.

Nonetheless my inclination is to have faith in Regular Guy's faith.

(If I had to guess I'd say Techman or Eastender.)
Apr 16, 2005
Dee said:
Be nice if he told us all. Easy way to get a message out without any responsibility assumed by originator.

Nonetheless my inclination is to have faith in Regular Guy's faith.

(If I had to guess I'd say Techman or Eastender.)
:) I was wondering when that would come up. You got me. I made it all up. You have to admit that it did give me a gracious exit. Haven't had any pretend friends since I was a kid. Do you think I'm reverting?:D


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Dee said:
Techman and Eastender,

I was wondering if each of you would feel comfortable suggesting a reason that he wants to do this. It's obviously a lot of work. I've put my mind to that question and haven't really come up with an answer that would explain everything.

I would never think to speak for anyone else as to their reasons for doing anything. All I can say is that I remember SL posting and talking about doing this for as long as I can remember being on the boards. I also remember seeing others try to ridicule him on the boards for years after he left, constantly taking little shots and digs at him knowing very well he wouldn't ever respond.

Well maybe if they had left him alone, let him leave the boards and fade away like so many others have done without any notice, nothing ever would have been released. Maybe there are things he feels everyone else should know about this business. Maybe he just wants to set the record straight. I don't know.

The only thing I know for sure is that he isn't the kind of person to invent things or bullshit. Not everyone may agree with his opinions or his views but those who know him or have known him in the past will agree that he tells it like he sees it.

If anyone doesn't want to read it, then don't read it. I for one am looking forward to it.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Techman said:
The only thing I know for sure is that he isn't the kind of person to invent things or bullshit.
No, he wouldn't invent things or bullshit. That's agreed. The problem is with his vision and his degree of certainty. He's always right; everybody who disagrees with him is always wrong. Everything is black and white and there are no shades of gray. This wouldn't be so bad if we were dealing in fact, but you can rest assured that most of what this diatribe will contain will be opinion.


Sep 4, 2006
Regular Guy said:
Well I am sure this preface or whatever will be some kind of sensation. It would seem I for one (and possibly others) are getting notices on their private e-mails. So for me, there is only one overriding question:

How the hell did he get my private e-mail address in the first place? I simply don't give this one out except where I am sure confidentiality will be respected.

This kind of thing tends to freak one out! First the promise of expose then appearing like that. Expose is one thing but this is downright disconcerting. Just what data bases has he gotten into?

I got the e-mail too. There was one person on the board I gave my e-mail to, but it was a different address than the one I received the e-mail on. The address I got the mail on is the same one I used to register on Merb, the blue board, the Devlish Forums and the Eleganza forums. Of the 4 indies I ever e-mailed, only 2 know I use MERB and only one knows my MERB handle (Internet boards usually don't make it to the conversation). So I am a bit curious as where he got it from, but not as alarmed as others I suppose. I am sure he is no less resourceful than the relative of that slain Nigerian businessman who contacted me the other day.

I don't know if I am looking forward to this expose' or not. I don't have any illusions about what goes on, but I do hope it has actionable information that I can use to avoid trouble. For instance if he mentions which SPs (by their working names, not real names) have offered bbfs, betrayed client confidences, or routinely cancel/delay appointments when their favorite client wants to see them on short notice, then I would know who to avoid. Beyond that, I'm sure it will be some entertaining banter
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Apr 16, 2005
Wait and see!

rollingstone said:
I got the e-mail too. There was one person on the board I gave my e-mail to, but it was a different address than the one I received the e-mail on. The address I got the mail on is the same one I used to register on Merb, the blue board, the Devlish Forums and the Eleganza forums. Of the 4 indies I ever e-mailed, only 2 know I use MERB and only one knows my MERB handle (Internet boards usually don't make it to the conversation). So I am a bit curious as where he got it from, but not as alarmed as others I suppose. I am sure he is no less resourceful than the relative of that slain Nigerian businessman who contacted me the other day.

I don't know if I am looking forward to this expose' or not. I don't have any illusions about what goes on, but I do hope it has actionable information that I can use to avoid trouble. For instance if he mentions which SPs (by their working names, not real names) have offered bbfs, betrayed client confidences, or routinely cancel/delay appointments when their favorite client wants to see them on short notice, then I would know who to avoid. Beyond that, I'm sure it will be some entertaining banter

Well I suppose I am at times by nature a private person, especially with the internet with all of the data mining that is going on. There just seemed to be an element of subterfuge about it. Worse the assurances of discretion to the membership left the impression that there was lots to be discreet about. It just seemed that a climate of fear was being created. And my e-mail had now become part of it. I know the hobby has a dark side to it but there has to be a lot of good stuff too. In any event perhaps I did come on a bit strong. I have taken a wait and see attitude.


Sep 4, 2006

Don't get me wrong, I totally see your point of view. I am a private person too. In the end I would deal with the e-mail as I would with Spam, if you reply to it all you do is confirm it is an active mailing address in use.
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